ERLOG 2019-06-08

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00:34:14 Devastator: hmm.
00:35:02 Devastator: Double!King the game, eh?
00:37:23 Devastator: seems ok.
00:46:10 Piecewise_: The basic concept is there but I need to figure out the framework. If it should just be perplexicon pvp or something else
00:46:59 Devastator: Hmm.
00:47:03 Devastator: maybe thunderdome style.
00:47:08 Devastator: or musical chairs.
00:47:18 Devastator: each turn a space disappears.
00:48:18 Devastator: Maybe call Crown of Nothing Crown of Void.
00:52:06 Piecewise_: Hmm
01:43:48 ER has joined #einsteinianroulette
03:20:59 Devastator: doubleking the game.
03:21:21 ER: aye?
03:31:55 Piecewise_: eye
03:55:00 ER: cool looking party there
03:56:24 Devastator: someone needs magic items.
04:06:24 Devastator: like all of them.
04:17:07 Piecewise_: Those characters are looking increasingly like Steven Universe fan drawings
04:17:28 ER: if you say so
04:18:29 Piecewise_: I think its the one in the hat to the right
04:19:11 Piecewise_: huh... I think its also the body type
04:19:25 Piecewise_: hasn't the main character gotten more stocky?
04:19:34 Devastator: quite a bit.
04:19:38 Devastator: apparently she found a grow word.
04:20:02 Piecewise_: like it looks like she lost a foot of height in exchange for 40 lbs
04:20:23 Devastator: That's the giant hands and feet.
04:20:53 Piecewise_: Why does she have pot head eyes?
04:21:10 Piecewise_: all of them look very sleepy
04:22:20 Devastator: I think she's taller too. Wasn't she a lot smaller than the angel?
04:22:58 Piecewise_: Looking back a few pages, did she also become a lesbian? Wait is it lesbian if you're with a demon? Do demons have genders?
04:23:13 ER: yes-ish
04:23:16 Devastator: It was obligatory, for the most part.
04:23:28 Piecewise_: Obligatory Lesbians?
04:23:44 Devastator: No cute guys in that universe.
04:23:45 Piecewise_: I'm really feeling that Tumblr Steven universe fan character vibe~
04:24:15 Devastator: so it's either be celibate, fuck someone ugly, or become a lesbian. ;-p
04:24:42 Piecewise_: I mean...didn't she have a boyfriend or something at the start of this?
04:25:01 ER: yeah, she's trying to save him
04:25:15 ER: for the past... whole plot
04:25:23 Devastator: Two plus years.
04:25:35 Piecewise_: I feel things may have gotten slightly off track somewhere around the demon lesbianism
04:25:43 Piecewise_: which is a fun phrase
04:28:41 Devastator: I do wish the strange outfit is because those are the things that get the best bonuses.
04:28:51 Devastator: that's the best reason for silly looking mismatched outfits, IMO.
04:29:06 Piecewise_: Heh
04:29:30 Piecewise_: Yeah this stupid hat made of roadkill looks terrible but....+3 to strength so....
04:30:10 Devastator: Yeah.
04:30:21 Devastator: oh, PW, what's that box 'o painting guardian, anyway?
04:30:57 ER: what, you bought it from me without asking what it is?
04:31:52 Devastator: Ok.
04:31:56 Devastator: What do you know about it?
04:32:23 Piecewise_: which box is this?
04:33:53 Devastator: the box of painting guardian.
04:33:59 Devastator: Egan shoved it in there apparently.
04:34:26 Piecewise_: I'll have to look at the post, I'm not sure
04:35:15 Piecewise_: might take a sec, forum as it is
04:36:51 Devastator: ok.
04:37:20 ER: noble looking guy, I think in plate armor.
04:37:56 ER: Drained its mana until it became too floppy to be a threat, then stuffed it in a box.
04:38:50 Devastator: so did it just attack you silently?
04:39:02 ER: ?
04:40:18 Devastator: how did the painting attack you?
04:41:03 ER: wizard animated it.
04:42:12 Devastator: ahh.
04:43:40 Devastator: and it started hostile, hmm.
04:44:52 Piecewise_: ah that
04:45:04 Piecewise_: see he has a painting guardian sword
04:45:10 Piecewise_: and a jewelry box
04:45:21 Piecewise_: so I was confused what you were referencing
04:48:54 Devastator: I'd love the jewelry, but I'll have to buy some of my own. ;-p
04:50:20 Piecewise_: All you got is a floppy man
04:50:26 Piecewise_: well
04:50:30 Piecewise_: animate painting man
04:52:30 Devastator: ok.
04:52:39 Devastator: I'll chat with man IC sometime then.
04:52:42 Devastator: can probably do something.
04:55:20 Devastator: maybe see if I can install him into something else if he agrees to not be hostile.
04:55:26 Piecewise_ has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
05:27:02 Devastator: still worth 10g even if all I do is kill it by sucking the last few points of mana out of it.
05:38:59 Devastator: and I might be able to steal the armour like you did the sword. ;-p
08:31:23 ER has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
12:30:17 Piecewise_ has joined #einsteinianroulette
12:31:02 er has joined #einsteinianroulette
12:31:28 er:
12:32:41 er: I know nothing about this thing except a few things which aren't enough to warrant having an opinion, but it's shiny.
12:34:01 er: I call things shiny when I have a positive opinion that's not based on anything smart.
12:34:42 er: Because sometimes I see a shiny and my brain says "shiny!"
12:35:07 er: Anyway, shiny aspects of this:
12:35:40 er: Fromsoft RPG. George RR Martin. Logo.
12:37:01 er: That's it nothing else to go on because it was a leak and not a proper announcement but I'd say it points in a shiny direction overall.
12:37:22 er: Okay bye.
12:37:26 er has quit [Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( )]
13:41:14 Piecewise_: The GRRM involvement actually makes me nervous
13:41:52 Piecewise_: because Souls has always been about epic stories told through vagueness and interpretation
13:42:24 Piecewise_: and GRRM is about talking excessively about tax policies
13:42:32 Piecewise_: Dunno how it will mesh
13:48:15 ER has joined #einsteinianroulette
13:51:03 ER: no fucking clue, but I'd like to see!
13:52:53 ER: I mean yeah Hidetaka Miyazaki and George R. R. Martin tell stories very differently but that must just mean that together they Voltron into something crazy-cool, right?
13:53:25 ER: I mean, given that they've apparently been able to work together so far.
13:54:33 ER: If they really hated each other's guts they probably wouldn't have gotten far enough to announce a game at E3.
13:55:06 ER: Which admittedly hasn't actually happened yet, but uh, it apparently is going to!
13:58:46 ER: Also hoping that this means they make an RPG that's not just another Demon's Souls.
14:51:45 ER:
14:52:23 ER: listening to the SH2 soundtrack while writing up a new game.
16:57:19 Piecewise_: True
16:57:56 Piecewise_: I just hope they're not trying to capitalize on GRRM's fame or anything. Bandai-Namco has done stuff like that before.
17:00:35 ER:
17:00:56 ER: there's what I'm working on, not done with it yet. If you want to look at it.
17:01:27 ER: Mostly would wonder if you think the setting sounds interesting.
18:21:51 ER has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
20:36:19 Piecewise_: Hmm
20:37:55 Piecewise_: There was a system called "Don't Rest your head" in which the players were all people who had gone without sleep for so long that they started seeing waking nightmares and the world of dream and reality started merging
20:38:40 Piecewise_: Only "Awakened" noticed it though.
20:43:29 Piecewise_: Seems similar to the idea in that game
23:47:06 MidJag_ has joined #einsteinianroulette
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