14-06-2023 01:49:58 -!- MJ!mj@75.188.wnq.si has joined #einsteinianroulette 14-06-2023 01:50:00 < MJ!mj@75.188.wnq.si: lo 14-06-2023 01:50:40 < MJ!mj@75.188.wnq.si: syv Devastator ER 14-06-2023 01:50:47 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: hio 14-06-2023 01:51:10 < MJ!mj@75.188.wnq.si: hiya ER, how're you? 14-06-2023 01:59:25 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: hmm 14-06-2023 02:04:30 < MJ!mj@75.188.wnq.si: Did you know that you can sweat blood? 14-06-2023 02:05:51 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: no 14-06-2023 02:05:54 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: that sounds 14-06-2023 02:05:57 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: unnerving? 14-06-2023 02:06:45 < MJ!mj@75.188.wnq.si: Yeah, it's pretty harmless, but yes 14-06-2023 02:09:53 < Devastator!chatzilla@aank-7p2hz8wc7szi5qfimbi8ifzkm.ipv0.telus.net: 'lo 14-06-2023 02:09:59 < Devastator!chatzilla@aank-7p2hz8wc7szi5qfimbi8ifzkm.ipv0.telus.net: Heya MJ. 14-06-2023 02:10:03 < Devastator!chatzilla@aank-7p2hz8wc7szi5qfimbi8ifzkm.ipv0.telus.net: "It's harmless." 14-06-2023 02:10:12 < MJ!mj@75.188.wnq.si: hiya dev 14-06-2023 02:11:31 < Devastator!chatzilla@aank-7p2hz8wc7szi5qfimbi8ifzkm.ipv0.telus.net: exept for the blooding coming down your armpits. 14-06-2023 02:11:46 < MJ!mj@75.188.wnq.si: Heh 14-06-2023 02:11:53 < MJ!mj@75.188.wnq.si: You don't loose much blood 14-06-2023 02:11:57 < MJ!mj@75.188.wnq.si: You've got plenty. 14-06-2023 02:12:19 < Devastator!chatzilla@aank-7p2hz8wc7szi5qfimbi8ifzkm.ipv0.telus.net: That's a refreshing outlook to it. 14-06-2023 02:12:24 < Devastator!chatzilla@aank-7p2hz8wc7szi5qfimbi8ifzkm.ipv0.telus.net: Also, mailed your jerky. 14-06-2023 02:13:08 < MJ!mj@75.188.wnq.si: Whats cool is that it's essentially your sympathetic nervous system, fight or flight, getting so over activated that it so dialates some vessels that they leak into sweat glands, you see it mostly in cases of extreme fear or anxeity. 14-06-2023 02:15:09 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.tkx.pug: Hello 14-06-2023 02:16:20 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.tkx.pug: Does that mean your veins are basically squeezing so hard they leak? 14-06-2023 02:16:34 < Devastator!chatzilla@aank-7p2hz8wc7szi5qfimbi8ifzkm.ipv0.telus.net: Hello syv. 14-06-2023 02:16:38 < Devastator!chatzilla@aank-7p2hz8wc7szi5qfimbi8ifzkm.ipv0.telus.net: sent yours too. 14-06-2023 02:16:38 < MJ!mj@75.188.wnq.si: Other way around, arteries are so dialated they leak 14-06-2023 02:16:41 < Devastator!chatzilla@aank-7p2hz8wc7szi5qfimbi8ifzkm.ipv0.telus.net: hope it gets through. 14-06-2023 02:16:59 < MJ!mj@75.188.wnq.si: At leas that's the theory 14-06-2023 02:17:06 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: huh 14-06-2023 02:17:07 < MJ!mj@75.188.wnq.si: It's not a super well understood phenonomanon 14-06-2023 02:17:10 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: don't like that! 14-06-2023 02:17:13 < Devastator!chatzilla@aank-7p2hz8wc7szi5qfimbi8ifzkm.ipv0.telus.net: I suspect it would be pretty immoral to run experiments. 14-06-2023 02:17:29 < MJ!mj@75.188.wnq.si: Yes 14-06-2023 02:17:55 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.tkx.pug: I look forward to it, Dev! 14-06-2023 02:17:56 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: just gotta hook up with some horror VR game developers for playtesting :p 14-06-2023 02:19:32 < MJ!mj@75.188.wnq.si: If there is one thing I love about Canda is that you guys named your national day, Canada day, which I love as a name 14-06-2023 02:20:06 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.tkx.pug: You could always call July 4 America day 14-06-2023 02:20:18 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.tkx.pug: Though I guess it's not quite the same 14-06-2023 02:20:31 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.tkx.pug: "States day" doesn't have the same ring 14-06-2023 02:21:46 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.tkx.pug: ER, on the topic of stopping gamedev, you haven't considered two things. 14-06-2023 02:21:56 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.tkx.pug: 1: I am not very good at making wise decisions 14-06-2023 02:22:08 < Devastator!chatzilla@aank-7p2hz8wc7szi5qfimbi8ifzkm.ipv0.telus.net: Well, it stood to reason, MJ. 14-06-2023 02:22:17 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.tkx.pug: 2: I mostly really want to avoid *group* projects, where I mututally rely on other people 14-06-2023 02:22:20 < Devastator!chatzilla@aank-7p2hz8wc7szi5qfimbi8ifzkm.ipv0.telus.net: It was "Dominion Day" 14-06-2023 02:22:24 < Devastator!chatzilla@aank-7p2hz8wc7szi5qfimbi8ifzkm.ipv0.telus.net: and then we weren't a dominion anymore. 14-06-2023 02:22:41 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.tkx.pug: Damn, Dominion Day sounds terrifying 14-06-2023 02:22:42 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: I can't argue with wanting to add musket spam to things though, syv 14-06-2023 02:22:49 < Devastator!chatzilla@aank-7p2hz8wc7szi5qfimbi8ifzkm.ipv0.telus.net: Yes. 14-06-2023 02:22:52 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: I'm a sucker for musket spam 14-06-2023 02:23:00 < MJ!mj@75.188.wnq.si: Yeah Domnion day just sounds sinister 14-06-2023 02:23:08 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.tkx.pug: Yeah I'll definitely code that in Spiderman, I think 14-06-2023 02:23:37 < Devastator!chatzilla@aank-7p2hz8wc7szi5qfimbi8ifzkm.ipv0.telus.net: And we couldn't name it independance day because that didn't happen on one particular day. 14-06-2023 02:23:48 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.tkx.pug: I had a guy make me an AK-47 model out of simple geometry so I could spawn it in dynamically. So I'll add that in too, make it functional. 14-06-2023 02:24:15 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.tkx.pug: Though he seems to have made an AKS-74U instead. 14-06-2023 02:24:29 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.tkx.pug: Not that it's a problem 14-06-2023 02:25:43 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: "I asked for an AK-47 but you gave me an AKS-74U! Incompetent! You're fired!" 14-06-2023 02:26:22 < MJ!mj@75.188.wnq.si: Syv I think you've slowly just become project manager 14-06-2023 02:26:49 < Devastator!chatzilla@aank-7p2hz8wc7szi5qfimbi8ifzkm.ipv0.telus.net: It's a better choice anyway for teenage girls? 14-06-2023 02:27:13 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.tkx.pug: You think I'm not? :v 14-06-2023 02:27:44 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.tkx.pug: I'm arguably the second in command in terms of actually dealing with people 14-06-2023 02:28:05 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.tkx.pug: I'm not sure, Dev. 14-06-2023 02:28:32 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.tkx.pug: Tempted to say yes, because it's just lighter and shorter. Much easier to hold and wield. But it kicks like a bastard. 14-06-2023 02:28:44 < Devastator!chatzilla@aank-7p2hz8wc7szi5qfimbi8ifzkm.ipv0.telus.net: Well, that's correlated. 14-06-2023 02:28:51 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: PS total conversion mod for spidahman when 14-06-2023 02:28:55 < Devastator!chatzilla@aank-7p2hz8wc7szi5qfimbi8ifzkm.ipv0.telus.net: and these teenagers have superstrength. 14-06-2023 02:29:08 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.tkx.pug: Well, any 74 variant is definitely better for a teenager than a 47, so yeah. It's better. 14-06-2023 02:29:24 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.tkx.pug: PS total conversion never 14-06-2023 02:29:41 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.tkx.pug: Simply doesn't work, unfortunately 14-06-2023 02:32:00 < Devastator!chatzilla@aank-7p2hz8wc7szi5qfimbi8ifzkm.ipv0.telus.net: dwarves? 14-06-2023 02:32:10 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: oh well, guess you'll have to develop the PS game from scratch 14-06-2023 02:33:19 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.tkx.pug: I already did develop PS from scratch~ 14-06-2023 02:34:04 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.tkx.pug: I'd be up for dwarves 14-06-2023 02:34:24 < MJ!mj@75.188.wnq.si: I can play a round or two sure 14-06-2023 02:35:00 < Devastator!chatzilla@aank-7p2hz8wc7szi5qfimbi8ifzkm.ipv0.telus.net: schweet. 14-06-2023 02:35:43 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.tkx.pug: ER? 14-06-2023 02:35:51 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: not tonight 14-06-2023 02:35:56 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.tkx.pug: Ah, okay 14-06-2023 02:41:29 < Devastator!chatzilla@aank-7p2hz8wc7szi5qfimbi8ifzkm.ipv0.telus.net: camo uniforms for sports teams should be banned. 14-06-2023 02:41:31 < Devastator!chatzilla@aank-7p2hz8wc7szi5qfimbi8ifzkm.ipv0.telus.net: gah. 14-06-2023 02:41:36 < Devastator!chatzilla@aank-7p2hz8wc7szi5qfimbi8ifzkm.ipv0.telus.net: no, they're just bad. 14-06-2023 02:41:57 < MJ!mj@75.188.wnq.si: My copmps updating 14-06-2023 02:42:06 < Devastator!chatzilla@aank-7p2hz8wc7szi5qfimbi8ifzkm.ipv0.telus.net: cops updating? 14-06-2023 02:42:08 < Devastator!chatzilla@aank-7p2hz8wc7szi5qfimbi8ifzkm.ipv0.telus.net: watch out. 14-06-2023 02:42:10 < MJ!mj@75.188.wnq.si: Heh 14-06-2023 02:42:28 < MJ!mj@75.188.wnq.si: Dev have you ever seen the Boise state saftey disguise himself on their field? 14-06-2023 02:42:40 < MJ!mj@75.188.wnq.si: It's the funniest thing I have ever seen in football. 14-06-2023 02:43:32 < Devastator!chatzilla@aank-7p2hz8wc7szi5qfimbi8ifzkm.ipv0.telus.net: I have seen that clip, actually. 14-06-2023 02:43:39 < Devastator!chatzilla@aank-7p2hz8wc7szi5qfimbi8ifzkm.ipv0.telus.net: it worked, didn't it? 14-06-2023 02:44:10 < MJ!mj@75.188.wnq.si: It did indeed 14-06-2023 03:25:06 -!- sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.tkx.pug has joined #einsteinianroulette 14-06-2023 03:25:06 -!- syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.tkx.pug has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14-06-2023 03:35:34 -!- ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14-06-2023 03:44:12 -!- sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.tkx.pug has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14-06-2023 04:19:21 -!- sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.tkx.pug has joined #einsteinianroulette 14-06-2023 04:37:32 -!- sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.tkx.pug has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 14-06-2023 04:38:42 -!- sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ous.ms has joined #einsteinianroulette 14-06-2023 04:52:21 < Devastator!chatzilla@aank-7p2hz8wc7szi5qfimbi8ifzkm.ipv0.telus.net: mmm. 14-06-2023 04:52:27 < Devastator!chatzilla@aank-7p2hz8wc7szi5qfimbi8ifzkm.ipv0.telus.net: anyway, hope the jerky reaches you ok. 14-06-2023 04:53:12 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ous.ms: Indeed 14-06-2023 04:53:42 -!- sy is now known as syv 14-06-2023 04:57:29 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ous.ms: But yeah, I think if China had the ability to take Taiwan in the first place--very much in question, or course--and didn't then have it blockaded by the US (and didn't have a major US counteroffensive), those also being questionable scenarios at best, they would have the ability to occupy and police it. They'd need to upscale their military, shift a lot of their income away from domestic matters, and have a very bloody and painful occupation. 14-06-2023 04:58:24 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ous.ms: I think the main things preventing that are not wanting to engage the US, and the awful cost/benefit of the proposal. 14-06-2023 04:59:19 -!- MJ!mj@75.188.wnq.si has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14-06-2023 04:59:49 < Devastator!chatzilla@aank-7p2hz8wc7szi5qfimbi8ifzkm.ipv0.telus.net: i don't think they can come up with 2 million men worth of officers. The entire Xinjiang effort is something like 250k, and if they could do more, they would have done more. 14-06-2023 05:00:05 < Devastator!chatzilla@aank-7p2hz8wc7szi5qfimbi8ifzkm.ipv0.telus.net: The US is also part of it, yes. 14-06-2023 05:03:19 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ous.ms: I don't agree. Checked, and China's military spending is 1.7% GDP. US is 3.7%. And I think both could go much higher if it were prioritized. China's authoritarian, especially. If military were a priority, they could spend more on it, but it's just not worthwhile. 14-06-2023 05:03:52 < Devastator!chatzilla@aank-7p2hz8wc7szi5qfimbi8ifzkm.ipv0.telus.net: I think their leadership knows that, syv. 14-06-2023 05:04:37 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ous.ms: Yeah. They don't think taking Taiwan is practical in the near term. If at all. 14-06-2023 05:05:28 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ous.ms: If your argument is that the current situation implies they aren't planning on it (unless they're very stupid, which is possible), I'd agree. 14-06-2023 05:05:43 < Devastator!chatzilla@aank-7p2hz8wc7szi5qfimbi8ifzkm.ipv0.telus.net: I'm pretty sure they're planning it. 14-06-2023 05:06:29 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ous.ms: Then I'm lost as to what your argument is :P 14-06-2023 05:06:42 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ous.ms: Unless you mean "planning for it a decade from now" or something like that 14-06-2023 05:07:13 < Devastator!chatzilla@aank-7p2hz8wc7szi5qfimbi8ifzkm.ipv0.telus.net: They're planning it but they haven't decided to execute it or not. 14-06-2023 05:07:29 < Devastator!chatzilla@aank-7p2hz8wc7szi5qfimbi8ifzkm.ipv0.telus.net: and they know their officer limitations which is why their army is only 2-ish million. 14-06-2023 05:07:34 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ous.ms: Ahh 14-06-2023 05:09:15 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ous.ms: IMO, the hard part currently would be figuring out how to take over and hold the island. Which, to my perhaps biased mind, is more a question of beating the US military than of policing Taiwan. 14-06-2023 05:10:12 < Devastator!chatzilla@aank-7p2hz8wc7szi5qfimbi8ifzkm.ipv0.telus.net: I don't know. 14-06-2023 05:10:23 < Devastator!chatzilla@aank-7p2hz8wc7szi5qfimbi8ifzkm.ipv0.telus.net: The taiwanese really, really REALLY don't want to be ruled from Beijing. 14-06-2023 05:20:28 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ous.ms: ...Only occurs to me now, but I bet Chinese leadership doesn't realize that. 14-06-2023 05:20:45 < Devastator!chatzilla@aank-7p2hz8wc7szi5qfimbi8ifzkm.ipv0.telus.net: They tried a significant influence campaign which failed. 14-06-2023 05:20:56 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ous.ms: Military numbers, they may or may not have a good grasp of that. But those are relatively easy. 14-06-2023 05:21:26 < Devastator!chatzilla@aank-7p2hz8wc7szi5qfimbi8ifzkm.ipv0.telus.net: Russia not knowing that about Ukraine, yeah, I'd totally agree with that. 14-06-2023 05:21:47 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ous.ms: Understanding how much people who are kinda like you *don't* want you as a ruler? That is a topic where authoritarians are very, very weak. 14-06-2023 05:23:38 < Devastator!chatzilla@aank-7p2hz8wc7szi5qfimbi8ifzkm.ipv0.telus.net: Oh, new website I gotta remember about. 14-06-2023 05:23:40 < Devastator!chatzilla@aank-7p2hz8wc7szi5qfimbi8ifzkm.ipv0.telus.net: https://www.whitehouse.gov/invest/ 14-06-2023 05:37:28 < Devastator!chatzilla@aank-7p2hz8wc7szi5qfimbi8ifzkm.ipv0.telus.net: Also really good Tom Scott episode. 14-06-2023 05:37:35 < Devastator!chatzilla@aank-7p2hz8wc7szi5qfimbi8ifzkm.ipv0.telus.net: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMlHDnbEIDA 14-06-2023 11:11:25 -!- syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ous.ms has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14-06-2023 11:56:12 -!- ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net has joined #einsteinianroulette 14-06-2023 12:18:24 -!- syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ous.ms has joined #einsteinianroulette 14-06-2023 12:35:18 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ous.ms: Looking at a list of countries' military spending, and noticed Ukraine apparently spent *thirty-four* percent of its yearly GDP on the military, in 2022. Russia was "only" at 4.1%. According to SIPRI. 14-06-2023 12:35:27 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ous.ms: I guess that's what an existential war looks like. 14-06-2023 12:49:05 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: yes 14-06-2023 13:20:44 -!- ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14-06-2023 13:21:54 -!- Stopped log service 14-06-2023 13:22:24 -!- Started log service 14-06-2023 13:22:41 -!- parisbre56[Away]!parisbre56@zvi888388840417.access.hol.gr has joined #einsteinianroulette 14-06-2023 13:22:41 -!- Topic for #einsteinianroulette: Fleshorrors dream of feline BASS 14-06-2023 13:22:41 -!- Topic set by syv [Saturday 22 May 2021, 04:44:55] 14-06-2023 13:59:20 -!- MJ!mj@132.235.gx.hit has joined #einsteinianroulette 14-06-2023 14:03:36 -!- MJ!mj@132.235.gx.hit has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14-06-2023 14:03:51 -!- MJ!mj@132.235.gx.hit has joined #einsteinianroulette 14-06-2023 14:05:21 -!- MJ!mj@132.235.gx.hit has quit [Client Quit] 14-06-2023 17:15:07 -!- ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net has joined #einsteinianroulette 14-06-2023 17:32:25 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: <3 14-06-2023 18:52:48 -!- Disconnected from server... 14-06-2023 18:52:55 -!- Connected to server... 14-06-2023 18:52:56 -!- parisbre56[Away]!parisbre56@vnx426707233545.access.hol.gr has joined #einsteinianroulette 14-06-2023 18:52:56 -!- Topic for #einsteinianroulette: Fleshorrors dream of feline BASS 14-06-2023 18:52:56 -!- Topic set by syv [Saturday 22 May 2021, 04:44:55] 14-06-2023 22:40:13 -!- syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ous.ms has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14-06-2023 22:42:59 -!- syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ous.ms has joined #einsteinianroulette 14-06-2023 22:47:04 < Devastator!chatzilla@aank-7p2hz8wc7szi5qfimbi8ifzkm.ipv0.telus.net: hello syv. 14-06-2023 23:41:57 -!- ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net has joined #einsteinianroulette 14-06-2023 23:50:16 -!- MJ!mj@75.188.wnq.si has joined #einsteinianroulette 14-06-2023 23:50:22 < MJ!mj@75.188.wnq.si: lo 14-06-2023 23:50:27 < MJ!mj@75.188.wnq.si: syv devastator ER 14-06-2023 23:50:40 < Devastator!chatzilla@aank-7p2hz8wc7szi5qfimbi8ifzkm.ipv0.telus.net: heya. 14-06-2023 23:50:44 < MJ!mj@75.188.wnq.si: hiya dev 14-06-2023 23:51:09 < MJ!mj@75.188.wnq.si: Nothing in my experiment worked, so I'm irritated. 14-06-2023 23:52:22 < Devastator!chatzilla@aank-7p2hz8wc7szi5qfimbi8ifzkm.ipv0.telus.net: aww. 14-06-2023 23:52:24 < Devastator!chatzilla@aank-7p2hz8wc7szi5qfimbi8ifzkm.ipv0.telus.net: that sucks. 14-06-2023 23:52:32 < MJ!mj@75.188.wnq.si: Yeah, I dunno what's going on. 14-06-2023 23:52:54 < Devastator!chatzilla@aank-7p2hz8wc7szi5qfimbi8ifzkm.ipv0.telus.net: in better news, your jerky made it to Richmond. 14-06-2023 23:53:14 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: oof 14-06-2023 23:53:17 < MJ!mj@75.188.wnq.si: Oh nice 14-06-2023 23:53:24 < Devastator!chatzilla@aank-7p2hz8wc7szi5qfimbi8ifzkm.ipv0.telus.net: No, not the one in Virginia. ;-p 14-06-2023 23:53:28 < MJ!mj@75.188.wnq.si: Ah 14-06-2023 23:53:28 < Devastator!chatzilla@aank-7p2hz8wc7szi5qfimbi8ifzkm.ipv0.telus.net: the one in BC. 14-06-2023 23:53:30 < MJ!mj@75.188.wnq.si: Ah 14-06-2023 23:53:39 < MJ!mj@75.188.wnq.si: I was like wow that was fast 14-06-2023 23:55:11 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: nyoom