26-04-2023 00:26:40 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: armor greater than damage always negates the damage 26-04-2023 00:26:53 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: but if pierce is greater than armor, the damage is not reduced at all 26-04-2023 00:26:59 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: pierce is all or nothing 26-04-2023 00:27:44 < Devastator!chatzilla@m8484h17e1m37z6g1.ca.shawcable.net: Oh, neat. 26-04-2023 00:28:05 < Devastator!chatzilla@m8484h17e1m37z6g1.ca.shawcable.net: well, hopefully I can talk the crowd into taking more strength eventually. ;-p 26-04-2023 03:39:12 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: ahh, ross's game dungeon is good 26-04-2023 03:58:45 < Devastator!chatzilla@m8484h17e1m37z6g1.ca.shawcable.net: New one? 26-04-2023 03:59:53 < Devastator!chatzilla@m8484h17e1m37z6g1.ca.shawcable.net: What bizarre obscuirity did he find this time? 26-04-2023 04:00:19 < Devastator!chatzilla@m8484h17e1m37z6g1.ca.shawcable.net: Oh man! 26-04-2023 04:00:22 < Devastator!chatzilla@m8484h17e1m37z6g1.ca.shawcable.net: New Freeman's Mind! 26-04-2023 04:09:20 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: not new, just a couple I hadn't already seen 26-04-2023 04:09:35 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: and yes, freeman's mind 26-04-2023 04:09:52 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: watched his phantasmagoria 2 video 26-04-2023 04:10:39 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: there was a bit where the main character was running from zombies and ross complements the acting, saying that that's how he tends to react in that situation too 26-04-2023 04:10:50 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: so more evidence that he is just freeman 26-04-2023 04:11:51 < Devastator!chatzilla@m8484h17e1m37z6g1.ca.shawcable.net: I think someone else had that idea and told him. 26-04-2023 04:17:32 < Devastator!chatzilla@m8484h17e1m37z6g1.ca.shawcable.net: I really tthink it might be the most quotable show in the interwebs. 26-04-2023 04:30:02 -!- syv!GreatWyrmG@155-004-684-709.biz.spectrum.com has joined #einsteinianroulette 26-04-2023 04:37:13 < syv!GreatWyrmG@155-004-684-709.biz.spectrum.com: Piecewise when 26-04-2023 04:39:33 < Devastator!chatzilla@m8484h17e1m37z6g1.ca.shawcable.net: No iddr. 26-04-2023 04:39:35 < Devastator!chatzilla@m8484h17e1m37z6g1.ca.shawcable.net: heya syv. 26-04-2023 04:40:49 < Devastator!chatzilla@m8484h17e1m37z6g1.ca.shawcable.net: New Freeman's Mind! 26-04-2023 04:41:19 < syv!GreatWyrmG@155-004-684-709.biz.spectrum.com: cool 26-04-2023 04:41:23 < syv!GreatWyrmG@155-004-684-709.biz.spectrum.com: May watch it sometime 26-04-2023 04:45:21 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: oh hai 26-04-2023 04:47:06 < syv!GreatWyrmG@155-004-684-709.biz.spectrum.com: hello 26-04-2023 04:50:23 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: how u 26-04-2023 04:53:03 < syv!GreatWyrmG@155-004-684-709.biz.spectrum.com: terrible 26-04-2023 04:53:37 < syv!GreatWyrmG@155-004-684-709.biz.spectrum.com: I slept three hours 26-04-2023 04:54:17 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: pat pat 26-04-2023 04:55:12 < syv!GreatWyrmG@155-004-684-709.biz.spectrum.com: v.v 26-04-2023 04:55:51 < syv!GreatWyrmG@155-004-684-709.biz.spectrum.com: When I write dates, I write them in the format MM-DD-YY. Which is objectively worse than day first, but whatever. 26-04-2023 04:56:12 < syv!GreatWyrmG@155-004-684-709.biz.spectrum.com: Everyone else in the office I work at writes them as MM/DD/YY. Slashes instead of dashes. 26-04-2023 04:56:52 < syv!GreatWyrmG@155-004-684-709.biz.spectrum.com: We write every shift into a logbook. And occasionally, for whatever reason, whoever takes the shift after me will switch to dashes for just that shift. 26-04-2023 04:57:10 < syv!GreatWyrmG@155-004-684-709.biz.spectrum.com: I've seen it happen that the streak goes for three or four shifts 26-04-2023 04:57:17 < syv!GreatWyrmG@155-004-684-709.biz.spectrum.com: But it always reverts back to slashes 26-04-2023 05:06:29 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: I'm not very good at remembering months so I'll write them out... 26-04-2023 05:19:27 < Devastator!chatzilla@m8484h17e1m37z6g1.ca.shawcable.net: hmm. 26-04-2023 05:44:13 < syv!GreatWyrmG@155-004-684-709.biz.spectrum.com: https://youtu.be/nuau_lZ0Imc 26-04-2023 05:44:18 < syv!GreatWyrmG@155-004-684-709.biz.spectrum.com: This looks absolutely amazing 26-04-2023 05:44:25 < syv!GreatWyrmG@155-004-684-709.biz.spectrum.com: (Visual spoilers for elden ring) 26-04-2023 05:52:14 < Devastator!chatzilla@m8484h17e1m37z6g1.ca.shawcable.net: also, more Awuna, syv. 26-04-2023 06:29:27 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: boop 26-04-2023 06:33:43 < syv!GreatWyrmG@155-004-684-709.biz.spectrum.com: beep 26-04-2023 06:36:08 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: "this game resonates with me. Like you know how, theoretically, if you're exposed to a powerful enough resonant frequency, your head will explode? Well, that's not really what I'm talking about." 26-04-2023 06:38:49 < Devastator!chatzilla@m8484h17e1m37z6g1.ca.shawcable.net: Ahh, Ross's Game Dungeon. 26-04-2023 06:39:27 < Devastator!chatzilla@m8484h17e1m37z6g1.ca.shawcable.net: That man has more creativity than should fit in one brain. 26-04-2023 07:02:49 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: writing is magic idk 26-04-2023 07:03:14 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: somehow the human brain is capable of coming up with really great and non obvious turns of phrase 26-04-2023 07:04:09 < syv!GreatWyrmG@155-004-684-709.biz.spectrum.com: It is 26-04-2023 07:05:36 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: when I go back and read stuff I wrote long ago I keep being confused how I even came up with the stuff 26-04-2023 07:06:16 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: which is strange because usually artists of all sorts see only the flaws in their work. Maybe I'm just happily stagnant and egotistical 26-04-2023 07:24:31 -!- ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 26-04-2023 07:26:22 < syv!GreatWyrmG@155-004-684-709.biz.spectrum.com: It helps to have years of time between making and seeing your art. 26-04-2023 07:26:42 < syv!GreatWyrmG@155-004-684-709.biz.spectrum.com: The flaws are evident when it's relatively fresh, because you *know* what's there. 26-04-2023 07:26:59 < syv!GreatWyrmG@155-004-684-709.biz.spectrum.com: If you've forgotten, it's judged more fairly, the errors less apparent. 26-04-2023 07:31:53 < Devastator!chatzilla@m8484h17e1m37z6g1.ca.shawcable.net: Nifty. 26-04-2023 08:39:28 -!- Stopped log service 26-04-2023 08:39:59 -!- Started log service 26-04-2023 08:40:19 -!- parisbre56[Away]!parisbre56@zvi888388840417.access.hol.gr has joined #einsteinianroulette 26-04-2023 08:40:19 -!- Topic for #einsteinianroulette: Fleshorrors dream of feline BASS 26-04-2023 08:40:19 -!- Topic set by syv [Saturday 22 May 2021, 04:44:55] 26-04-2023 11:50:00 -!- syv!GreatWyrmG@155-004-684-709.biz.spectrum.com has quit [Quit: Thanks, Musk. -.-] 26-04-2023 21:33:50 -!- ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net has joined #einsteinianroulette 26-04-2023 23:53:57 -!- ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]