04-01-2023 00:15:55 -!- ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net has joined #einsteinianroulette 04-01-2023 04:50:04 -!- MJ!mj@68.91.zxq.uli has joined #einsteinianroulette 04-01-2023 04:50:27 < MJ!mj@68.91.zxq.uli: lo 04-01-2023 04:53:00 < MJ!mj@68.91.zxq.uli: devastator and ER 04-01-2023 04:53:40 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: hey 04-01-2023 04:53:44 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: I feel 04-01-2023 04:53:55 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: hollow? 04-01-2023 04:54:12 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: I should probably rest soon to try to get through it 04-01-2023 04:54:27 < MJ!mj@68.91.zxq.uli: Typically helps 04-01-2023 04:54:28 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: because I have things I can do but I just. don't want to 04-01-2023 04:54:31 < MJ!mj@68.91.zxq.uli: And hello. 04-01-2023 04:54:36 < MJ!mj@68.91.zxq.uli: Yeah. I get that 04-01-2023 04:54:42 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: so I wind up 04-01-2023 04:54:45 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: sitting here 04-01-2023 04:54:48 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: doing nothing 04-01-2023 04:55:30 < MJ!mj@68.91.zxq.uli: Yeah 04-01-2023 05:08:38 < MJ!mj@68.91.zxq.uli: Well I mean I would suggest trying to go to bed 04-01-2023 05:08:42 < MJ!mj@68.91.zxq.uli: Typically helps me' 04-01-2023 05:18:43 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: bleb 04-01-2023 05:18:47 < * ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net hugs mj 04-01-2023 05:19:07 < * MJ!mj@68.91.zxq.uli hugs ER 04-01-2023 05:22:12 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: 'lo 04-01-2023 05:22:21 < MJ!mj@68.91.zxq.uli: hiya dev 04-01-2023 05:24:12 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: maybe talking to friends will help as well 04-01-2023 05:24:21 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: doah. 04-01-2023 05:25:28 < MJ!mj@68.91.zxq.uli: TYpically does. 04-01-2023 05:25:31 < MJ!mj@68.91.zxq.uli: either that or sleep 04-01-2023 05:25:56 < MJ!mj@68.91.zxq.uli: I've learned like two things in med school, and that is sleep is important, and the krebs cycle for about the 30th time. 04-01-2023 05:27:34 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: What is the krebs cycle again? 04-01-2023 05:28:14 < MJ!mj@68.91.zxq.uli: it's a metabolic cycle that is how the mitochandria generate ATP. 04-01-2023 05:28:40 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: r/whoose 04-01-2023 05:28:41 < MJ!mj@68.91.zxq.uli: It's annoying to learn but you never really use it day to day so you always half forget it 04-01-2023 05:28:43 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: r/whoosh 04-01-2023 05:28:50 < MJ!mj@68.91.zxq.uli: Ah 04-01-2023 05:28:55 < MJ!mj@68.91.zxq.uli: Yes 04-01-2023 05:29:05 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: I learned "mitochondria make ADP into ATP" 04-01-2023 05:29:12 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: and I feel this was sufficient! 04-01-2023 05:29:36 < MJ!mj@68.91.zxq.uli: I mean that's a better understanding of biology then most americans honestly 04-01-2023 05:29:40 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: More seriously, can it go down to monophosphate? 04-01-2023 05:30:26 < MJ!mj@68.91.zxq.uli: I belivie it can? But fuck if I rember what you actually do with it. 04-01-2023 05:30:51 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: chuck a glucose into that bad boy and then it turns little ADP things into energy-bearing versions for smaller bursts of energy than using a *whole glucose molecule* :p 04-01-2023 05:30:55 < MJ!mj@68.91.zxq.uli: Wait..I'm dumb 04-01-2023 05:30:59 < MJ!mj@68.91.zxq.uli: It's part of RNA 04-01-2023 05:34:26 < MJ!mj@68.91.zxq.uli: I mean you can also just end up with adenosine which is just a part of DNA 04-01-2023 05:36:50 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: so are phosphates. 04-01-2023 05:36:55 < MJ!mj@68.91.zxq.uli: Also yes 04-01-2023 05:37:30 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: bought some chinese tonight. 04-01-2023 05:37:43 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: too many chemicals, us organisms really gotta simplify 04-01-2023 05:37:43 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: also, gah. 04-01-2023 05:37:52 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: did you see the ninered video, MJ? 04-01-2023 05:37:57 < MJ!mj@68.91.zxq.uli: ninered? 04-01-2023 05:38:01 < MJ!mj@68.91.zxq.uli: Uhhh 04-01-2023 05:38:05 < MJ!mj@68.91.zxq.uli: Maybe? 04-01-2023 05:38:09 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: The guy with the home lab youtube channel. 04-01-2023 05:38:15 < MJ!mj@68.91.zxq.uli: Oh yeah 04-01-2023 05:38:22 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmAG8-V_WQY 04-01-2023 05:38:23 < MJ!mj@68.91.zxq.uli: I've seen the the thumbnail 04-01-2023 05:39:49 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: He's making thioacetone. 04-01-2023 05:41:57 < MJ!mj@68.91.zxq.uli: neat 04-01-2023 05:42:49 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: ah, nile 04-01-2023 05:44:10 < MJ!mj@68.91.zxq.uli: I've seen the grape soda one 04-01-2023 05:45:26 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: yeah, he's reallly good 04-01-2023 05:49:23 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: https://youtu.be/IaCZcdWk1DU 04-01-2023 05:49:41 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: good for the "chemist attempts normal cooking" value :p 04-01-2023 05:53:01 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: yeah 04-01-2023 05:54:41 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: well 04-01-2023 05:54:44 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: before watching. 04-01-2023 05:54:47 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: it's NileBlue. 04-01-2023 05:54:51 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: so a hammer will be involved. 04-01-2023 05:54:54 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: or a giant wrench. 04-01-2023 05:56:20 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: hammer! 04-01-2023 05:57:04 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: and two minutes in, a hammer. 04-01-2023 05:59:04 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: have to open these fruits. what tool will I use for that? 04-01-2023 05:59:08 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: a blunt hammer! 04-01-2023 06:12:34 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: "THey might not have been roasted properly." 04-01-2023 06:22:01 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: beaaans 04-01-2023 06:33:04 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: ended up ok 04-01-2023 06:33:13 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: as Derek Lowe says.. 04-01-2023 06:33:33 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: never trust a chemist who can't cook. 04-01-2023 06:34:47 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: hehe 04-01-2023 06:40:05 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: apparently the tempering part is the hard part and he did fairly well at it for not knowing what he was doing? 04-01-2023 06:40:37 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: also like how he just gets cocoa butter from a packet at some point 04-01-2023 06:44:49 -!- syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv has joined #einsteinianroulette 04-01-2023 06:45:01 < * syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv yawns 04-01-2023 06:45:07 < MJ!mj@68.91.zxq.uli: hiya yawns 04-01-2023 06:45:11 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Hey, we have an MJ 04-01-2023 06:45:13 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Hi 04-01-2023 06:45:27 < MJ!mj@68.91.zxq.uli: Yeah I'm about to go bed soon though 04-01-2023 06:45:37 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Understandable, it is late 04-01-2023 06:46:39 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: How are you aside from sleepiness? 04-01-2023 06:47:14 < MJ!mj@68.91.zxq.uli: tired and stressed, trying to get a paper/letter written for my reaserch 04-01-2023 06:47:28 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: hey 04-01-2023 06:47:33 < * ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net hugs syv 04-01-2023 06:48:14 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: ah, writing while tired is difficult v.v 04-01-2023 06:50:08 < MJ!mj@68.91.zxq.uli: yeah 04-01-2023 06:52:17 < * syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv hugs ER 04-01-2023 06:52:24 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Yes, very familiar with that myself. 04-01-2023 06:52:35 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: yo 04-01-2023 06:52:53 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Technical writing for school sounds extra annoying 04-01-2023 06:53:12 < MJ!mj@68.91.zxq.uli: It's 1238 words and I need to add all the citations 04-01-2023 06:53:59 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: mmm 04-01-2023 06:54:45 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Writing out citations always annoyed me 04-01-2023 06:55:16 < MJ!mj@68.91.zxq.uli: I've actuallly got a program for it so it's not too bad 04-01-2023 06:55:21 < MJ!mj@68.91.zxq.uli: Zotero is a god send 04-01-2023 06:55:26 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Ooo, that's nice 04-01-2023 06:55:36 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: I did it all by hand in collegr 04-01-2023 06:57:00 < MJ!mj@68.91.zxq.uli: That would suck 04-01-2023 06:57:05 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: ow 04-01-2023 07:02:10 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: I haven't written a paper with citations since high school. 04-01-2023 07:03:41 < MJ!mj@68.91.zxq.uli: This would be easier if I didn't suck at writing, but I really really suck at writing. Oh well, Soon I'll be doing the actual experiment, which is much less writing. 04-01-2023 07:03:55 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: yay! 04-01-2023 07:04:41 < MJ!mj@68.91.zxq.uli: Just a lot of surgery. 04-01-2023 07:07:28 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Hehehe 04-01-2023 07:07:50 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: "Man, I look forward to doing surgery. That's way easier than writing." 04-01-2023 07:07:57 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: You truly are a doctor, MJ. 04-01-2023 07:09:50 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: the mad doctors are the ones who can write as well 04-01-2023 07:10:31 < MJ!mj@68.91.zxq.uli: Yes, those are the ones who are truelly mad 04-01-2023 07:11:23 < MJ!mj@68.91.zxq.uli: I also slightly singed my hair being dumb with a grill, so I look even more mad sciency then usual. 04-01-2023 07:14:56 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: any electrocutions? 04-01-2023 07:15:14 < MJ!mj@68.91.zxq.uli: Nah, my hair just naturally stands on end 04-01-2023 07:17:25 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: also, posted for smak, sy 04-01-2023 07:17:42 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: does that ping give me enough information to teleport precisely? 04-01-2023 07:39:48 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: No 04-01-2023 07:39:54 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: It's just direction 04-01-2023 07:42:10 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: great, I need to make a different action then~ 04-01-2023 07:42:12 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: later 04-01-2023 07:47:03 < MJ!mj@68.91.zxq.uli: Ah, finnally done with citations. Probably need to add more, but I can look at them tommorow 04-01-2023 07:48:29 < MJ!mj@68.91.zxq.uli: Goodnight gents 04-01-2023 07:48:44 -!- MJ!mj@68.91.zxq.uli has quit [] 04-01-2023 08:09:18 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Goodnight 04-01-2023 08:09:50 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Your action is actually the last, then. 04-01-2023 08:10:06 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Hm, Egan, would Emine have any weapons' caches anywhere? 04-01-2023 08:10:11 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Aside from her cabin? 04-01-2023 08:11:11 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: probably all concentrated there. 04-01-2023 08:11:32 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: maybe smaller cashes far away but not on the mountain 04-01-2023 08:12:05 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: because she CAN just teleport to the cabin and stasis stuff quick before teleporting away :p 04-01-2023 08:12:46 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: though she's also a paranoid teenager so maybe she forgot some stuff in places? 04-01-2023 08:14:59 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Reasonable. Alright. 04-01-2023 08:15:21 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Gonna say she did leave some rocket launchers around, and isn't sure where. 04-01-2023 08:20:28 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: Wizard.jpg 04-01-2023 08:27:49 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: not accurate, I can't make them :p 04-01-2023 08:28:36 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: "I wish I could manifest whatever weapon I wished with my magic." 04-01-2023 08:44:23 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: *starts with TM4* 04-01-2023 08:46:04 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: going TM4 with a power drill 04-01-2023 08:46:21 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: making so many heavy machines covered in orange plastic 04-01-2023 08:47:09 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: summoning a functional mech with autocannons all built from distorted drill parts 04-01-2023 08:50:00 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: heh. 04-01-2023 08:53:01 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: This is the drill that will pierce the heavens! 04-01-2023 08:54:49 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: how much soul to summon a galaxy sized mech syv 04-01-2023 08:56:10 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: all of it. ;-p 04-01-2023 09:19:57 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Hmm. 04-01-2023 09:26:18 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Complex to calculate. 04-01-2023 09:26:52 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: It's 36 stages higher than finale. 04-01-2023 09:27:03 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: In terms of how much soul that is... 04-01-2023 09:27:40 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: My calculator stops giving me bigger numbers after 5.22194440E+208 souls. 04-01-2023 09:28:48 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Though this is pricing it as a level 3 equanimity power, which significantly overcosts it. 04-01-2023 09:29:16 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Buuut the aforementioned soul count is only ten stages above finale, not 36. 04-01-2023 09:35:03 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: To Wolfram Alpha 04-01-2023 09:38:57 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: No, wolfram alpha is just frozen after asking. 04-01-2023 09:40:44 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: well, there's ways to estimate. 04-01-2023 09:40:49 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: what's the formula per iteration? 04-01-2023 09:41:27 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Wouldn't you like to know 04-01-2023 09:41:44 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: eh. 04-01-2023 09:41:59 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: I'll take it to assume 'the pile of human souls would be larger than the mecha.' 04-01-2023 09:42:00 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Ahh, figured out how to calculate it. 04-01-2023 09:42:06 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: yay. 04-01-2023 09:42:51 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: 10^(4388448202517) souls 04-01-2023 09:43:07 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: A good chunk fewer if they're innocents 04-01-2023 09:49:48 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: Yup, that's larger than the mecha. 04-01-2023 09:52:06 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: That's more souls than there are atoms in the universe. 04-01-2023 09:52:18 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: 10^(101) dalmations are larger than the universe. 04-01-2023 09:53:46 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: I'll be subbing that cost for the limitless fuel of the indefaugable human spirit thanks 04-01-2023 09:56:14 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: If I were to *actually* make usable soul tiers above finale, I'd probably ditch the diminishing returns of larger mana costs, and make them exponentially better instead. In which case it'd cost a soul ten times as powerful as normal. 04-01-2023 10:19:12 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: stable soul tiers above Finale.. 04-01-2023 10:19:16 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: dang. 04-01-2023 10:19:25 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: not sure you can store extra soul outside of the two ranks. 04-01-2023 10:21:04 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: "outside of the two ranks"? 04-01-2023 10:24:32 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: Yeah, the innocence power that gives you two additional ranks. 04-01-2023 10:25:17 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: presumably bunnycats can ;p 04-01-2023 10:25:44 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: which DO seem to exist in smak 04-01-2023 10:25:44 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: mmm. 04-01-2023 10:25:52 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: need to snort iqquid bunnycat. 04-01-2023 10:25:56 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: and in refine as well 04-01-2023 10:26:43 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: what tier is it to keep the sun shining another year 04-01-2023 10:31:55 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Determination gives you +3 ranks. I was originally going to let you get another rank for sacrificing a witch soul, but lorewise it doesn't really make sense and mechanically it's negative, IMO. 04-01-2023 10:32:30 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: yeah. 04-01-2023 10:32:34 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: That said, when you use a grief seed in PS, you're grafting a surviving part of that witch's soul onto your own, which canonically does make you more powerful. 04-01-2023 10:32:40 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: I figured that would only happen if someone was a sole survivor or something. 04-01-2023 10:33:00 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: So, say you can summon gurren lagann after thirty ninety grief seeds or something. 04-01-2023 10:33:05 < * syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv thinks 04-01-2023 10:33:16 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Actually, that lines up fairly well with my estimate of bacon eggs dogs? 04-01-2023 10:33:59 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Though bacon eggs dogs is supposed to be more like a meduka "nope the rules of reality are different now", which should be simpler than straight up creating mass equal to the galaxy from nothing. 04-01-2023 10:34:26 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: well mass is just fluctuations, after all. ;-p 04-01-2023 10:34:33 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: but sure. 04-01-2023 10:34:33 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Egan, it's cheap multiple times a day for the most efficient sun fuel. 04-01-2023 10:34:38 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: one is probably necessary for the other to function really 04-01-2023 10:35:14 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: More, the current rules of the universe require a cost in exchange for the mass, and it'd be easier to just rewrite those rules than to actually pay the full cost. 04-01-2023 10:35:52 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: simply rewrite the rules of the universe to have a more optimistic writer 04-01-2023 10:36:15 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: That one's not so expensive. 04-01-2023 10:36:21 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: no more gut punches just progressively larger mecha 04-01-2023 10:36:24 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: An innocent could do it for less than one soul stage. 04-01-2023 10:36:33 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Just need a pistol and some well-place teleports. 04-01-2023 10:36:39 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: level 0 wish? 04-01-2023 10:36:53 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Sure, yeah. 04-01-2023 10:37:00 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: A wish could fix Musk easy. 04-01-2023 10:37:13 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Hell, a love could fix him for free, if she got access to him. 04-01-2023 10:37:30 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: is there anywhere a love can't get access to? 04-01-2023 10:37:46 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Given enough time, probably not. 04-01-2023 10:38:27 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: of course that applies to any class of MG. 04-01-2023 10:38:41 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: just talk your way in 04-01-2023 10:38:52 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: You do have to be pretty close to do that though, so no talking someone into giving you a meeting with Musk through a microphone. 04-01-2023 10:39:04 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: You'd have to find the right people in person. 04-01-2023 10:39:30 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Though with ElonJet, that's probably still reasonable to achieve. 04-01-2023 10:39:50 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Or just head to Twitter HQ, I think he does appear there sometimes. 04-01-2023 10:41:36 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: yeah, I think most MGs could get in wherever they pleased, with sufficient time. 04-01-2023 10:43:29 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: and then 04-01-2023 10:43:31 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: https://xkcd.com/671/ 04-01-2023 10:52:04 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: indeed. 04-01-2023 10:52:58 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: also.. 04-01-2023 10:53:00 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: https://xkcd.com/673/ 04-01-2023 10:53:11 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: several cheaps a day to keep the sun running is amazing. 04-01-2023 10:53:40 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: n owonder MG power is enough to fuel galactic civilizations. 04-01-2023 10:56:27 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: he didn't say "several" 04-01-2023 10:56:33 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: he said "multiple" :p 04-01-2023 10:56:56 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0P_KYnp0jMQ 04-01-2023 10:59:41 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: catte 04-01-2023 11:01:00 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: mow. 04-01-2023 11:01:41 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Yeah, it might be fifty cheaps or something even more absurd, I dunno. 04-01-2023 11:02:05 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: If I gave it the same equivalent cost as the kinetic energy of manabolts, then you'd soul out in a day. 04-01-2023 11:02:20 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: In a second, really. 04-01-2023 11:02:25 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: ooh yeah. 04-01-2023 11:02:44 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: that said, thanks to my what-if book, it shows me that sunstuff is less hot than people stuff. 04-01-2023 11:02:47 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: there's just more sunstuff. 04-01-2023 11:02:57 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Just saying that the *stage* needed would be much more expensive if cast at once than if spread into many many individual spells 04-01-2023 11:03:08 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: a cup of suns core is as hot as a cup of lizard. 04-01-2023 11:03:16 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: ...Eh? 04-01-2023 11:03:17 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: in terms of energy produced. 04-01-2023 11:03:21 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Ah. 04-01-2023 11:03:30 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: there are just many, many cups of sun core. 04-01-2023 11:04:27 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Yeah, and then there's that. If we, say, compared it to the cost of whatever the upper end of mimicry would be to generate a certain amount of mass of whatever is most energetically efficient, you probably get a much more efficient conversion rate between soul and sunlife. 04-01-2023 11:05:13 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Mimicry is a specialized class-limited dark souls ability. And is still much more general than "power the sun". 04-01-2023 11:05:24 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: also you'd have to eat sun. 04-01-2023 11:06:08 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Just get a love to shield you, and an innocent to teleport you all there and back. 04-01-2023 11:06:31 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: Doesn't that just aplit it? 04-01-2023 11:06:38 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: ...It's worrying that "eat part of the sun" is actually entirely reasonable and not even difficult to do in this setting. 04-01-2023 11:07:00 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: I don't know what you're asking, Dev. 04-01-2023 11:07:19 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: There's a limited amount of "sun" you could eat. 04-01-2023 11:07:30 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: ahh yeah, shield. 04-01-2023 11:07:33 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: So you'd just mimic a small scoop of it. 04-01-2023 11:07:43 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: not sure that would let you touch it to mimic it, but maybe. 04-01-2023 11:08:44 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Yeah, that'd be the question. 04-01-2023 11:09:19 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: Mimicry might go through the shield. 04-01-2023 11:09:38 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: TK might let you mimicry at a range, it does confer touch, but if you open a hole in the shield to let TK through that would instabake your gems? 04-01-2023 11:09:39 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: shield should protect you from the surface of the sun for a second or two. 04-01-2023 11:10:16 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: it's deadly, but 3k degrees isn't that outrageous from a heat standpoint. 04-01-2023 11:10:36 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: and it'd lock in atmosphere. 04-01-2023 11:10:54 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: If you had a pure as the fourth member it'd definitely be possible. 04-01-2023 11:10:58 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: the difficulty is getting the mimicry to do it. 04-01-2023 11:11:07 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: the pocket dimension thing? 04-01-2023 11:11:10 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: yeah, that'd work. 04-01-2023 11:11:13 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: be a good plan, actually. 04-01-2023 11:11:18 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Actually, don't need the love then. 04-01-2023 11:11:21 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: if you wanted to get a sunbolt for a weapon or something. 04-01-2023 11:11:32 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: 'immune to environmental effects' 04-01-2023 11:11:39 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: Making that word do work. 04-01-2023 11:12:14 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Innocent casts timestop, drags the curiousity and pure along, pure casts ruler's rune, uses that to protect from the sun and scoop out + contain a part of the sun. Curio mimics it. 04-01-2023 11:12:19 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: don't shield, just max painless or convol 04-01-2023 11:12:34 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: explicit immunity to damage stopping you 04-01-2023 11:12:46 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: you could also throw an offspring into the sun. 04-01-2023 11:13:19 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: timestop teleport stasis a bit of the surface of the sun 04-01-2023 11:13:32 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: there are a lot of ways to do it, yeah. 04-01-2023 11:13:37 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: ...Actually, no, could do it with the innocent alone. Timestop, teleport to the sun, shove a bit of it into L3 stasis, teleport back. Then the innocent just pulls out the sunscoop for the curiousity when they get back. 04-01-2023 11:13:53 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Painless doesn't give soul gem immunity to damage. 04-01-2023 11:14:16 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Don't believe convalesence does either. 04-01-2023 11:14:19 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: yeah, a sun encounter would kill the painless fast. 04-01-2023 11:14:33 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: They just make the body functionally not care about wounds. 04-01-2023 11:14:51 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: hmm all the more reason to hoard some pocketsun to toss at people 04-01-2023 11:14:54 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Thooough if your gem is in your stomach, convalesence might regen your body faster than the heat can eat through it. 04-01-2023 11:15:00 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: Convalescence 3 wouldn't? 04-01-2023 11:15:09 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: I'd say it could manage to get the job done. 04-01-2023 11:15:20 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: ahh, yeah, but not if your gem is out there. 04-01-2023 11:15:35 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: yeah, convalescence 3 on alida might do it. 04-01-2023 11:15:57 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: but theoretically she wouldn't need starstuff. Just wait long enough to grow that big. ;-p 04-01-2023 11:16:28 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: I guess wound link works as well. Just need a love back on the planet to take the immolation damage. 04-01-2023 11:16:37 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: too bad I didn't think of primarilly arming myself with sun shards in smak 04-01-2023 11:16:46 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: mmm. 04-01-2023 11:16:48 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: There's a lot of ways to eat the stars in this game, huh. 04-01-2023 11:16:51 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: creative could go over. 04-01-2023 11:17:00 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: mimic something that'll stand up to the sun for a moment or two. 04-01-2023 11:17:03 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: then teleport back. 04-01-2023 11:17:04 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: who needs outburst grenades when I can just yeet that at people 04-01-2023 11:17:17 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: I do admit, starstuff on tap would be a damn fine weapon. 04-01-2023 11:17:24 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Did you have stasis 3? 04-01-2023 11:17:37 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: I'll totally just give that to you now if you did. 04-01-2023 11:17:48 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: nope! 04-01-2023 11:17:51 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Damn 04-01-2023 11:17:58 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: Figured I wouldn't need it :p 04-01-2023 11:17:59 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: I don't think you can lift the sun anyway. ;-p 04-01-2023 11:18:21 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: going to celestial bodies is teleport 2 and not 3 isn't it 04-01-2023 11:18:26 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: I'm very dissapointed you said creative forms wouldn't stack with stasis. 04-01-2023 11:18:26 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Teleport into a solar plume and grab a glob! 04-01-2023 11:18:31 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: it'd be really nice to drop anvils on people. 04-01-2023 11:18:36 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: because you're not personally familiar with the surface 04-01-2023 11:18:50 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: It'd be really nice to drop tanks on people, Dev. 04-01-2023 11:19:00 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: No, you can see the sun. 04-01-2023 11:19:04 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: I figure anvil lifting would be easier than tank lifting. 04-01-2023 11:19:04 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Moderate cost ;P 04-01-2023 11:19:10 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: I can see the stars sy 04-01-2023 11:19:19 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Yes 04-01-2023 11:19:20 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: so less time spent finding an anvil and making a form to lift one. 04-01-2023 11:19:23 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: huh. 04-01-2023 11:19:28 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: so you can teleport to any star? 04-01-2023 11:19:35 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: someone totally should have done that in game. 04-01-2023 11:19:35 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Probably not, tbh 04-01-2023 11:19:47 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: "I can teleport to the moon?" 04-01-2023 11:19:50 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: Cool! 04-01-2023 11:19:51 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: But I'd find it fun to let you eat a star, so I'd allow that. 04-01-2023 11:20:00 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Sol, I mean 04-01-2023 11:20:04 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Not alpha centauri 04-01-2023 11:20:15 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Though... now you're making me curious. 04-01-2023 11:20:22 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: IS3 purity with teleport. 04-01-2023 11:20:27 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: totally should have lived on the moon. 04-01-2023 11:20:28 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Lore wise I guess there's nothing wrong with a magical girl teleporting through space. 04-01-2023 11:20:33 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: just to be able to do that. 04-01-2023 11:20:38 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: too bad the refuge can only have one door open at a time, no way to YOUR PRECIOUS MOON people 04-01-2023 11:20:41 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: And game wise... it doesn't really hurt anything. 04-01-2023 11:20:51 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: besides just grabbing them and teleporting I guess 04-01-2023 11:20:53 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Yeah, you can go to space, but there's no real benefit to that? 04-01-2023 11:21:09 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: Moonbase would be too cool to not do. 04-01-2023 11:21:19 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: So maybe I would just let innocents teleport into space if they want. 04-01-2023 11:21:28 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: syv. 04-01-2023 11:21:31 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: the worry is getting back. 04-01-2023 11:21:38 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: What worry? 04-01-2023 11:21:40 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: break into an exoplanet observatory, make them tell you which star most likely has earthlike planets 04-01-2023 11:21:50 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: and leave this hellhole behind you 04-01-2023 11:22:15 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: no witches in space. 04-01-2023 11:22:31 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: You sure about that? 04-01-2023 11:22:52 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: just find some alien sobs you can MGify 04-01-2023 11:23:00 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: and wait for them to fall 04-01-2023 11:23:20 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: yeah, I'm pretty sure. 04-01-2023 11:23:26 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: you won't find a witch in space. 04-01-2023 11:23:28 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: space is too big. 04-01-2023 11:23:45 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: maybe the void is her? 04-01-2023 11:23:50 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Bold of you to assume big means anything to a witch 04-01-2023 11:23:55 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Or space, for that matter. 04-01-2023 11:25:23 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Witches are not spacially locked. They functionally choose where they want to manifest. And manifestation isn't really limited spacially. It's only limited conceptually, IE in that choice. 04-01-2023 11:25:32 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: Alida's really hoping big matters to a witch. ;-p 04-01-2023 11:25:40 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: but huh. 04-01-2023 11:25:47 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: If there's magical girls in space, there's really no reason there can't be witches in space. 04-01-2023 11:26:07 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: They just wouldn't have a reason to go there, unless they wanted specifically to go to you, which is conceivable. 04-01-2023 11:26:21 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: After all, Pumsy would probably visit you in space eventually. 04-01-2023 11:27:24 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: ... 04-01-2023 11:27:27 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: would he complain about it? 04-01-2023 11:27:43 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Def 04-01-2023 11:28:09 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: what happens if I toss my soul gem into the event horizon 04-01-2023 11:28:22 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: It gets ripped apart, like anything else. 04-01-2023 11:28:33 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: what happens if I teleport PAST the event horizon 04-01-2023 11:28:48 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: I'm sorry, can you see past the event horizon? 04-01-2023 11:29:27 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: You can, actually. 04-01-2023 11:29:39 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: ...From outside? 04-01-2023 11:29:41 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Explain. 04-01-2023 11:29:49 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: You see stuff falling into the black hole. 04-01-2023 11:29:59 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: the part where you can't see anything is well inside where the event horizon actually is. 04-01-2023 11:30:00 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Ahhhhh 04-01-2023 11:30:16 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: it's already gone, but it isn't immediately apparent when you cross it. 04-01-2023 11:30:50 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Hrm. 04-01-2023 11:31:30 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: https://jila.colorado.edu/~ajsh/insidebh/schw.html 04-01-2023 11:31:37 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: No, the event horizon is where the escape velocity is beyond the speed of light, so while there's things just beyond it you can *barely* see, shouldn't it be 100% impossible to see things just past? 04-01-2023 11:31:41 < * syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv checks the link 04-01-2023 11:35:20 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: very much depends on your path into the black hole. 04-01-2023 11:36:02 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: I don't get it 04-01-2023 11:36:34 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: I thought that the even horizon was the point at which something traveling exactly at c cannot gain more distance from the black hole. 04-01-2023 11:36:46 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: yes 04-01-2023 11:37:13 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: But it's also the point where all paths lead towards the black hole. 04-01-2023 11:37:24 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: There are some paths that take more time between the radius and the singularity. 04-01-2023 11:37:33 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: so you can 'catch up' to light depending on how you fall. 04-01-2023 11:40:22 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: That said.. 04-01-2023 11:40:28 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: there are much better renditions of that these days. 04-01-2023 11:40:32 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: I should find one of those. 04-01-2023 11:42:50 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Ahhhhh 04-01-2023 11:43:24 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: That's not seeing below you though, so much as falling past something, yeah? 04-01-2023 11:43:45 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: it looks like you're seeing below you. 04-01-2023 11:44:01 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: At most, I guess you could... "see something below you as it used to be when it was above you"? 04-01-2023 11:46:04 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: yeah. 04-01-2023 11:46:09 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: but it's all dependant on your path. 04-01-2023 11:46:24 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: if you fall directly into a black hole, the event horizon is the point where the universe you can see shrinks to a point. 04-01-2023 11:46:36 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: if you fall with momentum different things happen. 04-01-2023 11:48:32 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Well, I guess I don't need to know this to answer ER's question, anyway. 04-01-2023 11:48:49 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: If you teleport into a black hole you die. 04-01-2023 11:49:24 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Your soul still becomes a witch outside of it though. 04-01-2023 11:50:00 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: okay but I bring a human with me and someone on earth cast convol 3 on her 04-01-2023 11:52:29 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: actually, teleportation is the only way something can escape from inside the event horizon of the black hole. 04-01-2023 11:52:38 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: convoled wards OP becaue no weak point 04-01-2023 11:52:54 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: just need to give them good weapons 04-01-2023 11:55:51 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: "I wish I could eat black holes" 04-01-2023 11:58:43 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Damn, Convalesencing wards is a fantastic idea. A perfect use of the power. 04-01-2023 11:59:00 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: I wish I had deliberately designed it for that idea. 04-01-2023 11:59:25 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Define eat, Dev. 04-01-2023 12:02:18 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: For pumsy? as a MG? Uhh.. 04-01-2023 12:02:35 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: BTW, ER, if you send a new action before you sleep I'll update SMAK tonight. 04-01-2023 12:02:50 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: nah, I don't know what to do 04-01-2023 12:03:56 < Devastator!chatzilla@ocmi-2l7uu3mi9zgchl68ju44lcpov.ipv0.telus.net: "Put in my belly" 04-01-2023 12:04:09 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: hmmm 04-01-2023 12:04:20 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: oh yeah I have just mobility 1 >.> 04-01-2023 12:07:20 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: ugg 04-01-2023 12:07:24 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: I feel 04-01-2023 12:07:39 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: pent up anger but not really directed at anything 04-01-2023 12:16:09 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Punch a pillow. 04-01-2023 12:16:30 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: The ideal is a proper punching bag, but a pillow works alright. 04-01-2023 12:17:40 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Alright, that action works. 04-01-2023 12:17:42 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Thank you 04-01-2023 12:18:39 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: realized that I have cursed cre and talented inn so... attempting to use inn to hide by making use of the environment? :p 04-01-2023 12:19:09 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: using the mundane around me *nodding* 04-01-2023 12:19:23 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv: Sure, that's reasonable. 04-01-2023 12:23:52 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: nice 04-01-2023 13:08:10 -!- ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 04-01-2023 16:08:26 -!- syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.ljq.pqv has quit [Quit: Thanks, Musk. -.-] 04-01-2023 22:35:07 -!- Stopped log service 04-01-2023 22:35:37 -!- Started log service 04-01-2023 22:35:43 -!- parisbre56[Away]!parisbre56@shl571402172397.access.hol.gr has joined #einsteinianroulette 04-01-2023 22:35:43 -!- Topic for #einsteinianroulette: Fleshorrors dream of feline BASS 04-01-2023 22:35:43 -!- Topic set by syv [Saturday 22 May 2021, 04:44:55]