24-10-2022 00:50:08 -!- ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net has joined #einsteinianroulette 24-10-2022 02:45:43 -!- syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty has joined #einsteinianroulette 24-10-2022 02:48:07 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: allo. 24-10-2022 02:49:18 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: allo 24-10-2022 03:06:13 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: I should do extinction. 24-10-2022 03:08:04 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: :3 24-10-2022 03:21:16 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: `roll 1d10 24-10-2022 03:21:16 < GameServ!gameserv@services.darkmyst.org: Devastator rolled 1d10: 10 24-10-2022 03:21:20 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: ooh, tree saved. 24-10-2022 03:25:33 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: `roll 8d6 24-10-2022 03:25:33 < GameServ!gameserv@services.darkmyst.org: Devastator rolled 8d6: 3 6 3 5 5 5 4 3 24-10-2022 03:25:52 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: Alice, Willis, Alice, Sessha, Sessha, Sessha, Alice, Alice. 24-10-2022 03:30:36 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: `roll 4d8 24-10-2022 03:30:37 < GameServ!gameserv@services.darkmyst.org: Devastator rolled 4d8: 6 2 4 6 24-10-2022 03:30:53 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: 7 damage. 24-10-2022 03:30:58 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: `roll 1d8+1 24-10-2022 03:30:59 < GameServ!gameserv@services.darkmyst.org: Devastator rolled 1d8: 4 24-10-2022 03:31:01 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: 0 damage 24-10-2022 03:31:05 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: `roll 3d8 24-10-2022 03:31:05 < GameServ!gameserv@services.darkmyst.org: Devastator rolled 3d8: 5 7 4 24-10-2022 03:31:58 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: That's 1. 24-10-2022 03:32:48 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: `roll 1d12 24-10-2022 03:32:48 < GameServ!gameserv@services.darkmyst.org: Devastator rolled 1d12: 5 24-10-2022 03:32:58 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: `roll 3d6 24-10-2022 03:32:58 < GameServ!gameserv@services.darkmyst.org: Devastator rolled 3d6: 3 6 6 24-10-2022 03:33:09 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: Alice, Willis, Willis. 24-10-2022 03:33:17 -!- syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty has quit [Read error: No route to host] 24-10-2022 03:33:28 -!- sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty has joined #einsteinianroulette 24-10-2022 03:33:29 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: `roll 4d10+6 24-10-2022 03:33:29 < GameServ!gameserv@services.darkmyst.org: Devastator rolled 4d10: 2 5 2 8 24-10-2022 03:33:43 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: okay, that's 15. 24-10-2022 03:34:01 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: Alice takes 11, Willis takes 9+9 for 18. 24-10-2022 03:37:42 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: and posted. 24-10-2022 04:11:39 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: Good question, ER 24-10-2022 04:12:05 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: not sure how it's resistances work but cold and zap was recommended 24-10-2022 04:12:17 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: I think you're rjght 24-10-2022 04:12:37 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: it seems to be tanking pretty well, maybe we should drink mana and ABSOLUTE ZERO! it 24-10-2022 04:12:42 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: "I think you want to use cold or lightning against it. It looks old, so it's cold and not fire." 24-10-2022 04:12:43 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: Nah 24-10-2022 04:12:53 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: Resistances are triple, +50%, 0, 2/3 taken, 1/3 taken, 0, -100%. 24-10-2022 04:13:11 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: second zero is 'immune' 24-10-2022 04:13:30 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: It doesn't deal that much damage, outside possible skills 24-10-2022 04:13:38 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: And we have a LOT of healing. 24-10-2022 04:14:24 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: We can just keep hitting it with more focus 24-10-2022 04:14:42 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: Pity we can't use counter though 24-10-2022 04:15:01 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: It'd do bonus damage, yeah. 24-10-2022 04:36:04 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: This new firefox Windows update makes private tabs have black coloring (before they were same as normal windows), and also makes private tabs occupy a different tile on the taskbar. 24-10-2022 04:36:41 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: I'm not sure how to feel about it. 24-10-2022 04:36:56 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: ...Which probably means it's an improvement. If it were actually worse or neutral, I'd immediately hate it for changing things. 24-10-2022 04:38:23 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: they changed it so it's bad 24-10-2022 04:40:58 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: baaaad. 24-10-2022 04:47:11 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: Huh, neat. Macrophages in salamanders are required for them to regenerate limbs. 24-10-2022 04:47:50 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: MJ says that depicting macrophages as omnidisciplinary maids is really just the best metaphore he can think of 24-10-2022 04:51:41 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: indeed. 24-10-2022 04:53:05 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: that show is good at metaphors. 24-10-2022 05:00:38 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: bleb 24-10-2022 05:01:17 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: blob blob blob. 24-10-2022 05:01:32 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: uhhh hugs 24-10-2022 05:01:36 < * ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net hugs Devastator 24-10-2022 05:01:57 < * Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net pats ER 24-10-2022 05:23:05 -!- sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty has quit [Read error: No route to host] 24-10-2022 05:23:23 -!- sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty has joined #einsteinianroulette 24-10-2022 06:08:43 -!- ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 24-10-2022 06:13:02 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: Comparing Alice's abilities, mace seems very strong. 24-10-2022 06:13:14 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: oh? 24-10-2022 06:13:59 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: Lance gives her a bonus + on attacks, a 5+ exhaust attack, and a free hitgroup 24-10-2022 06:14:36 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: Which is good, yes. It's our strongest hitgroup outside Willis/Dragonbreath, which are both expensive. 24-10-2022 06:17:02 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: The exhaust attack, drill charge, is decent too. It's very hard hitting, but only usable every third turn. It's good if she's more focusing on magic--and importantly, does NOT need to use SoV. So Lance works well when she's being a healer and we're not in a desperate situation. 24-10-2022 06:20:13 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: Mace OTOH has a good debuff attack, which synergizes with the rest of the party much of the time. We don't have any focus casters. Smash!, the 4+ tiring singlehit is weaker than drill charge, which is 5+, but it has only one turn of cooldown. And she can also use brilliant smash, which seems like a useful thing to have in our back pocket. Absolute defense ignore? That sounds *very* nice. 24-10-2022 06:21:00 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: I question why drill charge is exhausting in the first place 24-10-2022 06:21:42 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: It's identical to the standard power attack everyone can get, but is tiring for twice as long. 24-10-2022 06:22:00 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: It just is. 24-10-2022 06:23:27 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: I'd expect to be able to get an exhausting mace move which does the same damage as drill charge, honestly 24-10-2022 06:23:57 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: Well, gotta remember skills. 24-10-2022 06:24:35 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: Was actually just about to write down skill training ideas, heh 24-10-2022 06:29:33 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: When fighting adventurers like the four swords, hitgroup hits all four, right? 24-10-2022 06:31:51 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: Yes. 24-10-2022 06:32:07 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: Do note, if you play split up shenanigans I'll do the same. 24-10-2022 06:33:20 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: Was actually thinking that something like Trence's double slash could be nice on Sessha. But the enemy we want to prep for is 4S, and spreading poison to four people is much more valuable than doubling on one. Probably. I assume we'll have some way to counter Spar. 24-10-2022 06:34:23 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: That'll be your job to figure out. 24-10-2022 06:34:36 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: although it's strongly, strongly recommended to figure out how her sword works first. 24-10-2022 06:35:00 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: Yes yes we'll visit the plot city 24-10-2022 06:35:09 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: After we launch the satellite 24-10-2022 06:35:27 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: Aye. 24-10-2022 06:35:27 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: Grab a dragon or two if it's convenient, training, then plot city. 24-10-2022 06:35:35 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: got most of the list worked out for Irony. 24-10-2022 06:35:46 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: Also, the end of act III location -isn't- Valterre. 24-10-2022 06:36:16 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: I'd... expect it to be Perilous 24-10-2022 06:37:32 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: That's the end of act IV location. 24-10-2022 06:38:30 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: Oh. Hum. 24-10-2022 06:38:45 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: So there's a location we can hit which just force-ends Act III? 24-10-2022 06:40:57 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: Indeed. 24-10-2022 06:40:59 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: you'll know it. 24-10-2022 06:41:24 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: It's predictable, if you know enough about my source materials. ;-p 24-10-2022 06:41:39 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: Also, unrelated, thinking about advancement investments. More skills and such. There's the appealling thought of finding Willis a +19 mana cap accessory, and haste boots, then having him spam Meteor Strike! twice every turn. While someone constantly pours mana potions down his throat. 24-10-2022 06:41:50 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: It's silly and not a practical or wise idea 24-10-2022 06:42:05 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: But dual wield machine-gunning meteors, come on 24-10-2022 06:42:08 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: Willis would be so happy 24-10-2022 06:42:13 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: Yes he would. 24-10-2022 06:42:17 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: +19, though.. 24-10-2022 06:42:22 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: what'd I quote for the mana bonuses? 24-10-2022 06:42:32 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: I think there was a +15 one as the high end. 24-10-2022 06:42:44 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: Expensive plus quest 24-10-2022 06:43:07 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: Oh hell 24-10-2022 06:43:13 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: No, it WAS a +20 24-10-2022 06:43:23 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: 3 upgrades + quest 24-10-2022 06:43:51 < * sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty thinks 24-10-2022 06:44:29 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: Still not high enough to triple cast anything 24-10-2022 06:44:38 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: even if you double up? 24-10-2022 06:45:02 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: Uhh, hadn't considered that. That sounds foolish honestly. 24-10-2022 06:45:04 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: But... 24-10-2022 06:45:10 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: 77 mana 24-10-2022 06:45:54 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: Triple casts of AZ/Fireworks, then. Double of Tsunami or Meteor. 24-10-2022 06:46:46 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: That's an expected cost of 6 upgrades and two quests, which I'd expect to mean 10 or 12 upgrades if we didn't do quests 24-10-2022 06:47:01 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: Plus you need to find someone. 24-10-2022 06:47:06 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: It'd honestly really justify making Willis a staff user though. 24-10-2022 06:47:14 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: +5s aren't bad. 24-10-2022 06:47:20 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: specific high-end accessories are. 24-10-2022 06:47:22 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: +6s are. 24-10-2022 06:48:09 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: Three AZs costs 66, which would leave him with 11 mana. Enough for a heal or utility spell, which I'd like to give him on principle. 24-10-2022 06:48:54 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: He's pretty bad at healing, so expect a higher cost than the other people. 24-10-2022 06:49:07 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: Ah 24-10-2022 06:49:37 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: Can we find out the costs *without* learning? Or do we only know once he's done? 24-10-2022 06:51:45 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: For spells? 24-10-2022 06:51:49 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: no, gotta learn them. 24-10-2022 06:52:04 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: Trence can do healing. 24-10-2022 06:52:09 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: Well then, I guess we'll buy a basic heal for both of them. 24-10-2022 06:52:19 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: Just having the option is simply too strong 24-10-2022 06:52:47 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: "X is going to die if not healed! But our healer *also* has this really useful thing they could do..." 24-10-2022 06:53:05 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: If it only costs one upgrade, I think it's just prudent 24-10-2022 06:53:41 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: Funny, last time, when we had only one healer, I said the exact opposite. 24-10-2022 06:54:26 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: I need to start writing down dragon form bonuses 24-10-2022 06:55:16 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: You want the list right now? 24-10-2022 06:55:49 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: I would. PM it? 24-10-2022 06:55:58 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: That way it's searchable on any device 24-10-2022 06:56:03 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: Forum PM I mean 24-10-2022 06:56:09 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: aight. 24-10-2022 06:56:13 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: New conversation! 24-10-2022 06:57:54 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: I also just want to put magic on Trence once we can be free with money, so we can see how it works out with magic dragon. When we get that. 24-10-2022 06:59:25 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: Questionable what element to choose for magic. I'm halfway between going with something we have no elemental attack for on anyone else or on dragon, or specifically doing water because Willis' water attack is hitall and we'll never get another water spell for him. 24-10-2022 07:00:01 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: Depending on how long we wander, I'd expect to fill out the elemental dragon list, as well as Willis' spell selection. 24-10-2022 07:02:23 -!- syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty has joined #einsteinianroulette 24-10-2022 07:02:24 -!- sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 24-10-2022 07:03:45 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: ...I should change my first post in the thread to an information repository/questlog 24-10-2022 07:04:28 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: A significant question in the future will be who should have hasteboots, and who should have battle aura. 24-10-2022 07:04:56 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: Trence seems like a likely choice for haste boots. Dragon form is very good. 24-10-2022 07:05:48 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: Battle aura is harder. 24-10-2022 07:06:14 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: Willis has been great with it, since it has let us avoid upgrading his weapons, saving money. 24-10-2022 07:06:36 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: Sent. 24-10-2022 07:07:30 -!- sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty has joined #einsteinianroulette 24-10-2022 07:07:30 -!- syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 24-10-2022 07:07:32 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: If you have a good repositiory, I'd be glad to link it in the OP. 24-10-2022 07:07:33 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: Sent. 24-10-2022 07:09:00 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: But once we actually have enough cash to have everyone at +5, and train people to have more disciplines, it's more debatable. Willis has A LOT of power, and that goes up a lot with mana potion spam. In a high stakes fight, him and Trence are top tier. 24-10-2022 07:09:01 -!- sy is now known as syv 24-10-2022 07:09:50 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: And importantly, alpha striking at the start of a fight is just strong. If it's a fight where we both want to alpha strike and BA, him having BA hurts a bit. 24-10-2022 07:10:09 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: Trence is just brutal. 24-10-2022 07:10:13 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: While putting it on Alice doesn't hurt her role much. A healer/tank can lose a turn. 24-10-2022 07:10:41 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: The biggest reason against putting it on Alice is Willis having meditation for dragonbreath combos. 24-10-2022 07:12:03 < syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: We could also give Alice buff spells, which would give her a real turn one role. Giving her, say, ArmorOne, and Sessha BA, would let us stack armor and magic resist rapidly. 24-10-2022 07:12:34 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: not Armourall? 24-10-2022 07:12:34 -!- syv!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 24-10-2022 07:12:36 -!- sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty has joined #einsteinianroulette 24-10-2022 07:12:41 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: not Armourall? 24-10-2022 07:12:53 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: Fucking internet seriously come on 24-10-2022 07:13:07 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: Armorall is +1 armor, armorone is +2 and cheaper 24-10-2022 07:13:31 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: yeah, but you're talking turn economy, right? 24-10-2022 07:13:38 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: Battle Aura is a waste of turn economy. 24-10-2022 07:13:49 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: It's really, really not 24-10-2022 07:14:06 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: In any battle that matters we'll use mana potions 24-10-2022 07:14:13 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: takes away from first-strike power. 24-10-2022 07:14:15 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: but yes. 24-10-2022 07:14:30 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: Sessha and Alice have very little first strike power 24-10-2022 07:14:50 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: Backstab is a good turn 2 hit, and Drill charge is decent 24-10-2022 07:15:17 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: But I don't think either really compares to the hitall spells in a serious fight 24-10-2022 07:15:23 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: Maybe against, like, Arngrim 24-10-2022 07:15:42 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: Arngrim, the Mountain Hammer. 24-10-2022 07:15:58 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: Arngrim *classes*, really 24-10-2022 07:15:59 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: Maybe Dorren will have triple res up. 24-10-2022 07:16:07 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: immune to fire is immune to fire. 24-10-2022 07:16:17 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: True, true... 24-10-2022 07:16:18 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: Hrm 24-10-2022 07:16:22 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: Though, gaaaah 24-10-2022 07:16:24 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: >.< 24-10-2022 07:16:25 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: Remember, one of his hats is always having different gear, and last time he went for physical stuff. 24-10-2022 07:16:42 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: I'm not going to be afraid to hit you with an immunity. 24-10-2022 07:16:56 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: You've had them yourselves. 24-10-2022 07:17:01 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: "An" immunity, especially from Dorren, would be easy to overcome 24-10-2022 07:17:21 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: Willis and Trence both have a huge elemental arsenal already 24-10-2022 07:17:26 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: that's metaphorical. 24-10-2022 07:17:33 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: but yes, you're gonna have stuff. 24-10-2022 07:17:40 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: More a question of before 4S stuff 24-10-2022 07:17:41 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: ..but it's a turn to scan crystal. 24-10-2022 07:17:47 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: It's hard to think about this >.< 24-10-2022 07:18:17 < sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: On one hand I know it's probably wisest to think about 4S as our priority for our builds 24-10-2022 07:18:46 -!- syvarris!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty has joined #einsteinianroulette 24-10-2022 07:18:46 -!- sy!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 24-10-2022 07:19:32 < syvarris!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: But I also know we're gonna prep for them more, and I don't have solid ideas of what really to *do* 24-10-2022 07:19:36 < syvarris!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: Beyond damage spiking 24-10-2022 07:19:45 < syvarris!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: We never got a look at Spar, unfortunately. 24-10-2022 07:19:58 < syvarris!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: Should've hunted her just for that 24-10-2022 07:20:05 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: It was an option, yes. 24-10-2022 07:20:08 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: Spar's brutal. 24-10-2022 07:20:16 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: eh, I think you're due a question. 24-10-2022 07:20:26 < syvarris!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: I think I voted to avoid her specifically because of instakill sword 24-10-2022 07:20:35 < syvarris!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: In character, that's extremely reasonable 24-10-2022 07:20:35 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: Yeah. 24-10-2022 07:20:41 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: instakill sword is bad 24-10-2022 07:20:45 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: bad manners. 24-10-2022 07:21:09 < syvarris!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: OOC, if we lost the fight we'd get a restart, and we'd get to see how Spar fights. Probably get a specialized ally team with free death ward and such. 24-10-2022 07:21:44 < syvarris!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: Also, it's just fucking hard to really specifically counter them. 24-10-2022 07:21:52 < syvarris!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: Dorren's entire hat is being able to do anything 24-10-2022 07:22:08 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: Only magic. 24-10-2022 07:22:11 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: and not a ton of damage. 24-10-2022 07:22:23 < syvarris!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: Carina's hat is both a ton of flexibility from that damn cloak, along with huge spike damage. 24-10-2022 07:22:45 < syvarris!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: Arngrim is a healer tank with manadrain, and something else IIRC. 24-10-2022 07:22:55 < syvarris!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: Spar I just don't know, beyond also being huge spike 24-10-2022 07:23:41 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: You do have a question. 24-10-2022 07:24:18 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: You also have a top-flight assassin. 24-10-2022 07:24:46 < syvarris!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: The most useful question would be "What spells exactly will Dorren use during the most important Four Swords team battle, and what are their effects?" 24-10-2022 07:24:57 < syvarris!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: But that's just spoiling it 24-10-2022 07:25:11 < syvarris!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: Hrm. 24-10-2022 07:25:33 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: Yeah, that's a bit beyond that. 24-10-2022 07:25:37 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: I haven't decided, personally. 24-10-2022 07:25:43 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: I have some solid ideas. 24-10-2022 07:25:46 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: and I know what his stunt is. 24-10-2022 07:25:49 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: but that's a bit too far. 24-10-2022 07:25:59 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: you want a spoiler on how Spar fights, that's fine, you can find that out later. 24-10-2022 07:26:07 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: but I don't have Dorren's spell list for the final battle. 24-10-2022 07:26:20 < syvarris!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: Spar and Dorren are the important ones to shut down. Spar, I have no idea how to do that. Stuns? Debuff resist would be expected. Debuff piercing/removal is something we could pursue, and I already know that. 24-10-2022 07:27:05 < syvarris!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: Dorren, having both physical and elemental spike damage, I think. And probably some kind of buffclear effect. 24-10-2022 07:28:48 < syvarris!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: Carina sucks, but isn't a priority, and I don't have a better idea for her than buff up and kill her with attrition. Which isn't really doable before we kill Spar, who dgaf about your buffs, and Dorren, who will absolutely beat us in a buff race. 24-10-2022 07:29:38 < syvarris!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: I'm confident we can reasonably beat Carina and Arngrim alone in a straight fight without any complex strategies, given full gear. 24-10-2022 07:29:57 < syvarris!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: Thougn there's the terrifying thought of them using revive items on Dorren and Spar. 24-10-2022 07:30:28 < syvarris!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: ... 24-10-2022 07:30:45 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: Do note, their overall HP will be lower due to hitting 12th level. 24-10-2022 07:31:09 < syvarris!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: Harry+.  One enemy will attack Alice Nepenthe next round.  Will take minor counterattack damage. + 24-10-2022 07:31:31 < syvarris!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: If used on a mage, does that prevent the mage from casting, because they must hit? 24-10-2022 07:31:39 < syvarris!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: Or does it only trigger if they'd use an attack? 24-10-2022 07:31:51 < syvarris!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: I feel like I asked this before 24-10-2022 07:32:33 < syvarris!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty: The answer should be no, because disabling Dorren because Alice just spams Harry would be silly. 24-10-2022 07:33:52 -!- syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net has joined #einsteinianroulette 24-10-2022 07:33:58 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Cellular now 24-10-2022 07:34:25 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Also I forgot healing potions are a thing ._. 24-10-2022 07:34:35 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: That's why I felt healing spells were useless 24-10-2022 07:34:45 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: On Trence and Willis 24-10-2022 07:35:41 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: If used on a mage they must hit Alice. 24-10-2022 07:35:44 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: but they can use a spell. 24-10-2022 07:35:48 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Especially if basic potions get restocked for free, it's literally only a waste of cash. 24-10-2022 07:36:00 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: ....Honestly, that still sounds like a Dorren counter. 24-10-2022 07:36:09 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Huh. 24-10-2022 07:36:13 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: Yeah, his best spells are the non blasty ones. 24-10-2022 07:36:21 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: but it's a better Arngrim counter, really. 24-10-2022 07:36:27 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: he doesn't hit hard. 24-10-2022 07:36:37 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Hasted Alice O-O 24-10-2022 07:36:42 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Harry isn't tiring 24-10-2022 07:36:50 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: No, it's been trained up. 24-10-2022 07:37:16 -!- syvarris!GreatWyrmG@129.222.qi.ty has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 24-10-2022 07:37:28 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Does Harry only work against one of two actions if an enemy is hasted? 24-10-2022 07:37:35 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: Yes. 24-10-2022 07:37:46 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: Although if you use it twice, I'll let it apply twice. 24-10-2022 07:37:52 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: And I assume hasted double harry--yes, thank you. 24-10-2022 07:39:20 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: I'm sure we've done this before, but does: 24-10-2022 07:39:26 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Willis: Battle Aura 24-10-2022 07:39:31 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Sessha: haste willis 24-10-2022 07:39:46 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Sessha (haste boots): stun spar 24-10-2022 07:39:54 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Trence double action, Alice double action 24-10-2022 07:39:57 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Work? 24-10-2022 07:40:04 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Like, that's a valid opening round? 24-10-2022 07:40:04 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: You don't have a haste spell, I believe. 24-10-2022 07:40:20 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Haste potion, but we could buy a spell if we wanted, eh 24-10-2022 07:40:31 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: and no, I think all haste abilities have applied for the next turn. 24-10-2022 07:40:46 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Okay, that's more significant then. 24-10-2022 07:40:47 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: I might have messed that up a bit with some bossfights. 24-10-2022 07:40:55 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: but I think haste should only apply next turn. 24-10-2022 07:41:00 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: It's a reasonable rule, yeah 24-10-2022 07:41:12 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: Do note, Dorren has a haste spell. 24-10-2022 07:41:21 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: Because of course he does. 24-10-2022 07:41:21 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Yeah, he used it on us, didn't he? 24-10-2022 07:41:24 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: Yup. 24-10-2022 07:41:35 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: That's why I asked about harry and haste :v 24-10-2022 07:41:50 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Hasted Alice harrying both arngrim and dorren is ALSO really good. 24-10-2022 07:42:07 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: The concern there is that Dorren can't have more actions than her. 24-10-2022 07:42:20 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: And he could first-round haste himself. 24-10-2022 07:42:28 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Or open the battle with haste 24-10-2022 07:42:39 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Or fuck, have Carina haste him 24-10-2022 07:42:43 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: Or have some haste-related bullshit. 24-10-2022 07:42:47 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Yes 24-10-2022 07:42:54 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: What do you think he was doing with those pair of cannon? 24-10-2022 07:43:05 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: You told me how it worked 24-10-2022 07:43:09 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: ahh, yeah. 24-10-2022 07:43:11 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: He quad hasted them IIRC 24-10-2022 07:43:21 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: That actually took his entire mana pool to do that. 24-10-2022 07:43:22 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: And you promised to not have him do that in the final 4S fight 24-10-2022 07:43:29 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: Yeah. 24-10-2022 07:43:39 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: do note that hasting multiple people one at a time might happen. 24-10-2022 07:43:50 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Yes 24-10-2022 07:43:53 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: I just won't have him double-haste Spar somehow and get four hits. 24-10-2022 07:44:29 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Hence why I'm suddenly so obsessed with ENSURING Alice has enough actions to full hsrry him from round 1 no matter what 24-10-2022 07:44:54 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: I don't recall Arngrim's moveset so well 24-10-2022 07:45:03 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: I should look it up again... 24-10-2022 07:45:42 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: Red = Sonic Blast, chance of stun, smallish wind damage to all. 24-10-2022 07:45:44 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: White = Reflector, bounces next attack back at sender, bounces reduced amounts of all following attacks back, special abilities go through. Counts as a shield. 24-10-2022 07:45:45 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: Gray = Moonbolt. Drains ~20 mana from the target. Causes tiredness if not enough mana is present. 24-10-2022 07:45:52 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: His weapon always ignores armour but does very low damage. 24-10-2022 07:46:06 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Ahhh, sonic blast 24-10-2022 07:46:09 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Stun hurts 24-10-2022 07:46:22 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Moonbolt hurts a bit too, but I expect to spam mana potions in that fight. 24-10-2022 07:46:38 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Was it cyclical, or did he have access to all of them at all times? 24-10-2022 07:47:04 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: Free choice, like they were an infinite supply of consumables. 24-10-2022 07:47:17 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: He has a couple of healing options, a couple of buff spells, and Black Tentacles which is an area entanglement spell. 24-10-2022 07:47:24 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: he also had a haste spell, but I'm retconning that away. 24-10-2022 07:47:35 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Oh 24-10-2022 07:47:38 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Well thank you 24-10-2022 07:47:47 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: I'll replace it with something else. 24-10-2022 07:47:55 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Item use is generally scary and can fuck up any plan, too >.> 24-10-2022 07:48:15 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Potions are really just mercenary Dorren 24-10-2022 07:48:32 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Next time we meet him we should taunt him with that 24-10-2022 07:48:42 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: "Beyond your stupid ring, you're just a cheap supply of potion effects" 24-10-2022 07:48:45 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: Do note.. 24-10-2022 07:48:51 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: he will have some blocking abilities. 24-10-2022 07:48:56 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: you fought him basically solo. 24-10-2022 07:49:04 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: he'll have some cover abilities for his buddies. 24-10-2022 07:49:12 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Yeah, I was wondering about that. He's too ignorable otherwise. 24-10-2022 07:49:17 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: Yeah. 24-10-2022 07:49:28 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: it's too obvious for Sessha to miss that, particularly since you ran into people with similar abilities. 24-10-2022 07:49:28 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Basic plan now goes 24-10-2022 07:49:32 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: Also, he'll be on his mount. 24-10-2022 07:49:43 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Step one: Somehow don't die to Spar, and continue not dying 24-10-2022 07:49:52 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Step two: disable Dorren with Harry 24-10-2022 07:50:00 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Step three: kill Dorren 24-10-2022 07:50:07 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Step four: ??? 24-10-2022 07:50:15 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Step five: Win 24-10-2022 07:51:13 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: "You're just a cheap supply of potion effects" 24-10-2022 07:51:26 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: It's good, but the man can cast hitgroup Void spells. 24-10-2022 07:51:33 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: Those don't come in potions. 24-10-2022 07:52:25 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: hmm. 24-10-2022 07:52:31 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: maybe you should see if you can do any summon options. 24-10-2022 07:52:39 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: and don't forget Alice needs some divine help. 24-10-2022 07:53:04 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Eh? 24-10-2022 07:53:09 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Alice needs divine help? 24-10-2022 07:53:38 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Summons are a very good idea I had not considered. 24-10-2022 07:54:00 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Perfect for Alice, she has a lot of mana and no good opener. 24-10-2022 07:54:51 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: Yeah, she kinda needs a patron god before you land on the island. 24-10-2022 07:54:55 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: otherwise there will be some smitery. 24-10-2022 07:55:04 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Oh. 24-10-2022 07:55:08 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Well that makes sense. 24-10-2022 07:55:17 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: That's somewhat more possible against people who have left the service of a god than it is for normal people. 24-10-2022 07:55:36 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: Normal people, it's basically 'don't fuck with altars' 24-10-2022 07:55:57 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Will the god we choose have any particular effect on her abilities? 24-10-2022 07:56:29 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Or can Trence make her just do random stupid stuff and get favor from that one chaos god? 24-10-2022 07:56:53 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: Yeah, you can expect a new ability. 24-10-2022 07:56:56 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: or a bonus. 24-10-2022 07:57:04 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: Chaos god isn't actually a chaos god. 24-10-2022 07:57:08 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: you just don't know what that god is. 24-10-2022 07:57:16 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: Mighta told you once. 24-10-2022 07:59:09 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Would Willis be *good at* summoning a giant monster? 24-10-2022 08:00:14 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Hrm. 24-10-2022 08:00:23 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Hasted Willis... 24-10-2022 08:01:20 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: The fact that we'll want to haste the whole party for 4S does give more reason to give him battle aura. 24-10-2022 08:01:53 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: Mmm, I don't think I gave assessments for summons. 24-10-2022 08:01:59 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: Mage summons are a bit different. 24-10-2022 08:02:02 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: You didn't 24-10-2022 08:02:24 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: He'd have to learn a gate-type spell or get something together like Carina has. 24-10-2022 08:02:27 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: I think I went over it in thread. 24-10-2022 08:02:49 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: I'm gonna say no, he doesn't have the blaster mage discounts he has, but he'll still have the power. 24-10-2022 08:02:56 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: so you should be able to get something together. 24-10-2022 08:03:04 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: the power doesn't really go away. It's cost that varies. 24-10-2022 08:04:34 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Sessha and Alice have any known unusual compatibilty? 24-10-2022 08:05:26 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: Sessh is good for debuffs, ok for healing, very bad for direct offensive spells. 24-10-2022 08:05:35 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: For summons specifically I mean 24-10-2022 08:06:21 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: sorry. 24-10-2022 08:06:27 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: Sessh is good for healing too. 24-10-2022 08:06:52 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: Haven't decided. Doubt they'll be partciularly good, but they don't have Willis's super MP issues. 24-10-2022 08:11:25 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Alice would seem reasonable to have compat, aside from the fact she doesn't know any summons 24-10-2022 08:11:34 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Paladin and all 24-10-2022 08:12:31 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: Not all paladins do summons. 24-10-2022 08:12:36 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: some of them don't even do magic. 24-10-2022 08:12:38 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: some do all magic. 24-10-2022 08:12:38 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Could also see Sessha having surprising aptitude, and having never used it because summons aren't a good tool for assassins 24-10-2022 08:12:53 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: summons can be great assassin tools. 24-10-2022 08:13:04 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: "Why is Bahamut inside my bedroom?" 24-10-2022 08:13:12 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: As a distraction, sure. 24-10-2022 08:13:25 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: For damage... they're not very controllable? 24-10-2022 08:13:29 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: nah, can be a good way to smuggle in extra firepower. 24-10-2022 08:13:42 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: I am assuming summons do not obey orders and are just a monster that's on your side 24-10-2022 08:13:57 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: Ahh, yeah, but there's gates where you don't really know what you'll be getting. 24-10-2022 08:14:03 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: and there's Carina's thing where you generally do know. 24-10-2022 08:14:16 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: Nah, the smart ones can follow orders. 24-10-2022 08:14:31 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: Most don't, but there's enough exceptions that you can deal with it. 24-10-2022 08:14:39 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: and there's accessories that do that too. 24-10-2022 08:16:22 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Hrm. 24-10-2022 08:16:30 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: We get to choose our +6 items, right? 24-10-2022 08:16:50 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: So if we wanted Willis to have a crossbow/staff, we could get him a +6 24-10-2022 08:16:57 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: Ahh, yeah, you could manage that. 24-10-2022 08:17:04 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: do note, +6 will take travel, quest, and money. 24-10-2022 08:17:17 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: unless you luck out in a very dangerous area. 24-10-2022 08:17:18 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Yes. 24-10-2022 08:17:29 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: I figure we might get one for Trence, maybe Willis. 24-10-2022 08:17:44 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Getting one for Trence just seems prudent. 24-10-2022 08:17:48 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: The only issue with Trence is you won't get to see it in combat. ;-p 24-10-2022 08:17:55 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: "Rawr!" ;-p 24-10-2022 08:17:58 < syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net: Still buffs his claws! 24-10-2022 08:25:49 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: Still counts even when they aren't visible, yes. 24-10-2022 09:09:51 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: `roll 1d12 24-10-2022 09:09:51 < GameServ!gameserv@services.darkmyst.org: Devastator rolled 1d12: 11 24-10-2022 09:10:00 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: oop. 24-10-2022 09:10:04 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: `roll 1d12 24-10-2022 09:10:04 < GameServ!gameserv@services.darkmyst.org: Devastator rolled 1d12: 12 24-10-2022 09:10:08 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: and double oop. 24-10-2022 09:10:12 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: `roll 1d12 24-10-2022 09:10:12 < GameServ!gameserv@services.darkmyst.org: Devastator rolled 1d12: 1 24-10-2022 09:10:16 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: hah. 24-10-2022 09:10:24 < Devastator!chatzilla@nvyg-1h8mj6ql3fsaddle0jud16c93.ipv3.telus.net: the drama dice have returned. 24-10-2022 13:11:46 -!- syv!GreatWyrmG@dibplq-568-579-047-41.mycingular.net has quit [Quit: Thanks, Musk. -.-] 24-10-2022 21:29:02 -!- Stopped log service 24-10-2022 21:29:32 -!- Started log service 24-10-2022 21:29:53 -!- parisbre56[Away]!parisbre56@cbz333887945062.access.hol.gr has joined #einsteinianroulette 24-10-2022 21:29:53 -!- Topic for #einsteinianroulette: Fleshorrors dream of feline BASS 24-10-2022 21:29:53 -!- Topic set by syv [Saturday 22 May 2021, 04:44:55]