27-09-2022 02:34:24 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: hey Devastator 27-09-2022 03:21:02 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: heyo. 27-09-2022 03:21:04 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: hey ER. 27-09-2022 03:21:30 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: hey 27-09-2022 03:21:39 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: anything up? 27-09-2022 03:24:40 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: sy appeared at the same time you did :p 27-09-2022 03:24:55 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: I send him some cat pictures earlier, one mo 27-09-2022 03:25:01 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: yay, kitties. 27-09-2022 03:25:18 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/442743762574245888/1024120082651164812/20220926_204211.jpg 27-09-2022 03:25:28 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/442743762574245888/1024120083255132281/20220926_204546.jpg 27-09-2022 03:25:35 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/442743762574245888/1024143521223024721/20220926_215349.jpg 27-09-2022 03:27:17 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: yay, catpix. 27-09-2022 03:30:27 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: cat 27-09-2022 03:31:12 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: caaat 27-09-2022 03:31:15 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: and yes. 27-09-2022 03:31:27 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: xkcd promitytocat.jpg 27-09-2022 03:34:53 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: cat cat 27-09-2022 03:35:32 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: dang fallacy making me wanna start magical girl RTDs :v 27-09-2022 03:36:13 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: bug sy. 27-09-2022 03:36:15 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: maybe we'll get another one. 27-09-2022 03:36:51 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: well, sy is in hurricane range 27-09-2022 03:37:07 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: so bugging to start forum RPs may have to wait 27-09-2022 03:37:43 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: ahh, hurricane tonight? 27-09-2022 03:42:53 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: Haven't been keeping track, but soon 27-09-2022 03:45:59 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: https://www.reddit.com/r/Catculations/comments/xog0d5/itll_be_fine/ 27-09-2022 03:52:33 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: cat 27-09-2022 04:11:27 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: https://xkcd.com/231/ 27-09-2022 04:18:54 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: caaaaatee 27-09-2022 04:19:13 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: meow meow meow meow 27-09-2022 04:19:57 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: nya nya nya 27-09-2022 04:28:01 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: maybe I should run cat the rpg. 27-09-2022 04:28:53 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: you want cat the RPG, ER? 27-09-2022 04:29:18 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: I'd rather be birb ;p 27-09-2022 04:29:25 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: seriously? could do that. 27-09-2022 04:49:55 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: https://www.reddit.com/r/WhatsWrongWithYourCat/comments/x573f8/if_i_sits/ 27-09-2022 05:00:46 -!- Guest61255!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp has joined #einsteinianroulette 27-09-2022 05:00:56 < Guest61255!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: mrr 27-09-2022 05:01:01 < Guest61255!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: What 27-09-2022 05:01:08 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: hello guest! 27-09-2022 05:01:22 < Guest61255!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: Hrllo 27-09-2022 05:01:24 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: enjoy our hospitality here at ER irc 27-09-2022 05:01:26 < Guest61255!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: ...? 27-09-2022 05:01:37 -!- Guest61255 is now known as syv 27-09-2022 05:02:09 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: hm 27-09-2022 05:02:46 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: hm hm! 27-09-2022 05:02:53 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: there I think this is working 27-09-2022 05:03:02 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: hi ER 27-09-2022 05:03:21 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: hi 27-09-2022 05:03:25 -!- sy!GreatWyrmG@98.97.xro.txp has joined #einsteinianroulette 27-09-2022 05:03:42 < sy!GreatWyrmG@98.97.xro.txp: Just gonna leave androIRC open to see how well it stays connected 27-09-2022 05:03:59 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: aaaa I told it to use the other notification sound 27-09-2022 05:04:15 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: been slain by hurricane yet? 27-09-2022 05:04:22 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: nah 27-09-2022 05:04:29 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: Shouldn't get bad until tomorrow 27-09-2022 05:05:40 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: heyo. 27-09-2022 05:05:42 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: Confusingly, this app makes a notif sound whenever I switch to another app. 27-09-2022 05:06:27 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: But, this is awesome, the lingering notif to say "you're in the server" has the last messages in the channel visible *in the notif* 27-09-2022 05:07:15 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: I can even type and send messages through the notif. Which is what I'm doing right now. It actually works better than typing normally, in landscape mode 27-09-2022 05:07:28 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: heyo. 27-09-2022 05:07:49 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: Also it beeps for every single tag, not just the first one, which is blessed 27-09-2022 05:08:07 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: hey, nifty. 27-09-2022 05:09:02 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: The beeping whenever I switch off messes with me though 27-09-2022 05:14:13 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: beep beep 27-09-2022 05:14:18 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: I'm excited for MG game :< 27-09-2022 05:14:24 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: Hello ER 27-09-2022 05:14:26 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: hmm 27-09-2022 05:14:30 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: when do you sleep? 27-09-2022 05:14:38 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: I'm going to not consider the possibility that I could not get in 27-09-2022 05:14:58 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: Same. ^-^ 27-09-2022 05:15:05 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: hmm, maybe in a few hours 27-09-2022 05:15:18 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: hmm. 27-09-2022 05:15:22 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: ...Oh dear. Lenglon is joining. 27-09-2022 05:15:48 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: yeah, dem odds they be slimmin' 27-09-2022 05:16:01 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: ...I wish that I had the authority over my mind to just declare that the current project is writing 27-09-2022 05:16:49 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: Well, there's always a waitlist 27-09-2022 05:16:50 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: If you update something I"ll do a spamgame about an animal. 27-09-2022 05:17:16 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: Game *sounds* like it's somewhat dangerous. And a couple of the builds randos have made look quite vulnerable. 27-09-2022 05:17:18 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: that's nine once leng posts a sheet I think 27-09-2022 05:17:24 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: so still better than even! :v 27-09-2022 05:17:37 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: specifically referenced a no-kill game, though. 27-09-2022 05:17:54 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: also referenced x-com :p 27-09-2022 05:17:57 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: And *also* referenced Perplexicon. 27-09-2022 05:18:26 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: how many peeps actually died in perplexicon? 27-09-2022 05:19:02 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: many to GARSTORPIT 27-09-2022 05:19:34 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: fewer once defensive methods picked up, and many fewer in the more open area 27-09-2022 05:20:18 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: though I do think there were some casualties and stuff just from experimentation and exploration in part 2 27-09-2022 05:20:18 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: A lot actually 27-09-2022 05:20:24 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: IIRC I died twice 27-09-2022 05:20:36 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: And I wasn't even in the PvP arena segmemt 27-09-2022 05:20:51 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: And yes, just experimenting was dangerous. 27-09-2022 05:21:29 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: "I'll put a tattoo of Summon Distortion Aura on my chest!" 27-09-2022 05:21:56 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: *amputates legs, arms, and head* 27-09-2022 05:22:27 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: Honestly it'd be criminal to make Perplexicon so safe you can't suicide by casting a suicide spell 27-09-2022 05:23:28 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: Reaoh is gonna be like that, isn't it >.< 27-09-2022 05:23:54 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: And if he copies OG Perplexicon rules, control 1 should be fairly reliable self-maiming. I could understand not doing that, though. 27-09-2022 05:24:17 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: "gold" 27-09-2022 05:24:29 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: "[Potency 1]" 27-09-2022 05:24:57 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: "Your arm is now made of solid gold. Solid nonliving gold. You're still attached to it, have fun with your new arm anchor." 27-09-2022 05:25:05 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: "How do I fix this?" 27-09-2022 05:25:10 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: "Let someone kill you." 27-09-2022 05:25:41 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: sell the massive mound of gold for a top of the line prosthetic 27-09-2022 05:26:33 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: Mmm, yeah. 27-09-2022 05:26:37 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: But yes, there's a reason I made a char with +1 control, specifically described her experiment arm as injured and distinct from the rest of her body, and was resistant to negative phys stats 27-09-2022 05:27:06 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: I doubt Fallacy will do FULL Perplexicon, but I don't know, and I hate gambling. 27-09-2022 05:28:42 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: I do like that he separated spell strength and control. It's a very good balancing mechanic to Perplexicon magic. 27-09-2022 05:29:14 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: Though I think with the game's domain-based magic, it might be bad for low-control players. 27-09-2022 05:30:01 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: I think any stat being low is bad news potentially :v 27-09-2022 05:30:07 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: well balanced selection 27-09-2022 05:30:10 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: Yes. Agreed. 27-09-2022 05:30:33 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: all 1s might not be distinctive enough, though. 27-09-2022 05:30:35 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: mmm. 27-09-2022 05:30:53 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: I am mildly annoyed at the idea I can't make a distinctive character with a boring statline. ;-p 27-09-2022 05:31:05 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: Just meant that low power can be worked around... if you know the right words. "Spawn fire on that enemy" isn't really likely to self harm even if you mess up. 27-09-2022 05:31:22 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: But if you have low control? Good luck figuring out your words. 27-09-2022 05:31:52 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: This game has a shitty char sheet, Dev. "Describe your clothes, describe your stats. 27-09-2022 05:32:11 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: I'm fine with costumes for MGs, really. 27-09-2022 05:32:17 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: oh hey RC sent me pics. 27-09-2022 05:32:21 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: went hiking near Vancouver. 27-09-2022 05:32:23 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: BC pics? 27-09-2022 05:32:26 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: Yeah. 27-09-2022 05:32:43 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/926152133538103336/1024191204180643900/unknown.png 27-09-2022 05:32:50 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: Tjis app has an annoying feature where it scrolls to the top of the channel whenever I type 27-09-2022 05:32:53 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/926152133538103336/1024191231917572156/unknown.png 27-09-2022 05:32:54 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: Ignorance's Witch: "It would appear that we both possess the word 'Jirinivan'. Would you kindly speak it, over there, while I watch?" 27-09-2022 05:33:05 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/926152133538103336/1024191259172163605/unknown.png 27-09-2022 05:33:16 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/926152133538103336/1024191300104368159/unknown.png 27-09-2022 05:33:45 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: that's near Lake Garibaldi and Panorama Ridge, so a 30k hike. 27-09-2022 05:33:55 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: you can't fool me, those are renders 27-09-2022 05:34:08 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: real life has way more decicuous trees 27-09-2022 05:34:15 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: Absolutely beautiful 27-09-2022 05:34:21 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: Indeed. 27-09-2022 05:34:25 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: And no, it actually looks like that 27-09-2022 05:34:43 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: BC is just gorgeous. 27-09-2022 05:35:25 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: ...Oh man, I can use the IRC notif thing to check different channels too. I can send PMs without having to even open the app. 27-09-2022 05:35:54 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: AND I CAN START NEW PMS IN IT! 27-09-2022 05:36:24 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: You couldn't? Dang. 27-09-2022 05:36:29 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: It honestly is actually kinda better to use than either androIRC or the full IRC app 27-09-2022 05:36:40 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: sounds like just the thing, then. 27-09-2022 05:36:55 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: Nah, I can start PMs in the fullscreen app, it's just surprising that the functionality is fully maintained 27-09-2022 05:37:49 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: ahh, that's good. 27-09-2022 05:38:09 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: and no, sorry, ER, but BC is so pretty it looks fake. 27-09-2022 05:38:50 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: Hmmm. 27-09-2022 05:39:01 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: Testing something 27-09-2022 05:39:02 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: not as pretty as here. which is dense enough that it's be really hard to fake ;p 27-09-2022 05:39:06 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: Hmmmmm 27-09-2022 05:39:24 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: The forced scrollback only occurs in landscape mode 27-09-2022 05:39:36 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: Well, good to know. 27-09-2022 05:40:53 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: alright, NOW gonna listen to / watch the Hunter The Parenting thing 27-09-2022 05:40:58 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: kk. 27-09-2022 05:41:01 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: don't forget, offer's open. 27-09-2022 05:41:07 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: update somethign I start spamanimal game. 27-09-2022 05:41:52 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: oh 27-09-2022 05:42:01 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: I was gonna ask if you wanted to play vagante v.v 27-09-2022 05:42:48 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: I'm up for one in a bit. 27-09-2022 05:43:09 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: ER? 27-09-2022 05:43:17 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: oblu 27-09-2022 05:43:38 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: ....Is that a yes? 27-09-2022 05:44:28 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: that's me suddenly wanting to flee and get into bed at the prospect of social interaction 27-09-2022 05:45:59 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: Aw v.v 27-09-2022 05:48:06 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: ...I would like to watch made in abyss with you tho 27-09-2022 05:48:21 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: Ah, with dubs? 27-09-2022 05:48:24 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: Need torrent 27-09-2022 05:48:33 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: GIVE ME HORSEGOAT 27-09-2022 05:49:10 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: I think he's putting it on googledrive or sumfing again. 27-09-2022 05:49:48 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: why with dubs? 27-09-2022 05:50:36 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: Last night Dev mentioned that Dubs wanted to watch MiA as a group. 27-09-2022 05:50:46 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: You brought it up now. 27-09-2022 05:51:45 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: didn't they already watch part of it 27-09-2022 05:51:46 < sy!GreatWyrmG@98.97.xro.txp: Why is AndroIRC working only now that I found a replacement? 27-09-2022 05:51:51 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: I haven't seen any v.v 27-09-2022 05:52:00 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: the rest of that season finished, apparently. 27-09-2022 05:52:01 < sy!GreatWyrmG@98.97.xro.txp: ....Oh, not the first season? 27-09-2022 05:52:03 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: spite 27-09-2022 05:52:24 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: It's good though 27-09-2022 05:52:58 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: ...Damn it did you really not watch the first season with us??? 27-09-2022 05:53:22 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: I haven't seen any of the new stuff 27-09-2022 05:53:33 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: I thought that dev and PW saw some of it or something 27-09-2022 05:53:40 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: The movie? 27-09-2022 05:53:51 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: I watched the movie with you :p 27-09-2022 05:54:00 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: OKAY 27-09-2022 05:54:10 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: Brain IS functioning, thank gpd 27-09-2022 05:54:19 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: where is my phone 27-09-2022 05:55:08 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: in your hand presumably 27-09-2022 05:55:39 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: No, no, I mean my other phone 27-09-2022 05:55:50 < syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp: This one has no SIM, it's more of a PDA 27-09-2022 05:59:40 -!- syv!syvarris@98.97.xro.txp has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 27-09-2022 05:59:40 -!- sy!GreatWyrmG@98.97.xro.txp has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 27-09-2022 06:00:24 -!- sy!GreatWyrmG@98.97.xro.txp has joined #einsteinianroulette 27-09-2022 06:00:27 < sy!GreatWyrmG@98.97.xro.txp: Hrm. 27-09-2022 06:03:14 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: mhr 27-09-2022 06:05:24 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: mmm 27-09-2022 06:21:43 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: hunter the parenting is a good show 27-09-2022 06:21:52 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: that it is. 27-09-2022 06:58:24 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: sleepy 27-09-2022 07:19:08 -!- sy!GreatWyrmG@98.97.xro.txp has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 27-09-2022 07:24:19 -!- sy!GreatWyrmG@98.97.zhj.kmn has joined #einsteinianroulette 27-09-2022 07:28:43 < * ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net hugs sy 27-09-2022 07:32:25 < sy!GreatWyrmG@98.97.zhj.kmn: Ohhhh 27-09-2022 07:32:28 < sy!GreatWyrmG@98.97.zhj.kmn: Fuck 27-09-2022 07:32:54 < sy!GreatWyrmG@98.97.zhj.kmn: Well that's why you both went silent, the other one doesn't say in chat that it was disconnected 27-09-2022 07:33:50 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: well then 27-09-2022 07:35:37 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: hmm. 27-09-2022 07:35:47 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: no, I was silent because I'm reading something and waiting. 27-09-2022 07:37:36 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: ER needs sleep 27-09-2022 07:38:19 < * ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net grumbles about Fal's game not starting for another three days 27-09-2022 07:38:42 < sy!GreatWyrmG@98.97.zhj.kmn: Another *three*? 27-09-2022 07:39:12 < sy!GreatWyrmG@98.97.zhj.kmn: Nah you misread 27-09-2022 07:39:16 < sy!GreatWyrmG@98.97.zhj.kmn: He said Tuesday 27-09-2022 07:39:28 < sy!GreatWyrmG@98.97.zhj.kmn: So in the moring 27-09-2022 07:39:57 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: oh yeah, that's a different day than tuesday 27-09-2022 07:40:04 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: so today. right now 27-09-2022 07:40:33 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: presumably after leng posts >.> 27-09-2022 07:42:04 -!- ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 27-09-2022 08:11:56 -!- sy!GreatWyrmG@98.97.zhj.kmn has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 27-09-2022 08:12:40 -!- sy!GreatWyrmG@98.97.jjt.q has joined #einsteinianroulette 27-09-2022 08:12:49 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: dropped again. 27-09-2022 08:13:17 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: doesn't seem to be letting me rejoin this time. Showing your game location as blank. 27-09-2022 08:14:07 < sy!GreatWyrmG@98.97.jjt.q: Ah well 27-09-2022 08:14:13 < sy!GreatWyrmG@98.97.jjt.q: Maybe it's my net 27-09-2022 08:14:34 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: yeah, but we haven't had problems with that normally. 27-09-2022 08:14:57 < sy!GreatWyrmG@98.97.jjt.q: ...Often we play while I'm at work. 27-09-2022 08:15:18 < sy!GreatWyrmG@98.97.jjt.q: ...Also hurricane. Though I don't think the weather is bad right now. 27-09-2022 08:15:30 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: also florida. 27-09-2022 08:15:46 < sy!GreatWyrmG@98.97.jjt.q: Invited to lobvy 27-09-2022 09:13:20 -!- Stopped log service 27-09-2022 09:13:51 -!- Started log service 27-09-2022 09:13:58 -!- parisbre56[Away]!parisbre56@62.74.ki.jwp has joined #einsteinianroulette 27-09-2022 09:13:58 -!- Topic for #einsteinianroulette: Fleshorrors dream of feline BASS 27-09-2022 09:13:58 -!- Topic set by syv [Saturday 22 May 2021, 04:44:55] 27-09-2022 10:11:13 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: well, we maybe sorta won. 27-09-2022 10:18:17 < sy!GreatWyrmG@98.97.jjt.q: Yeah. 27-09-2022 10:18:35 < sy!GreatWyrmG@98.97.jjt.q: I think it's just an achievement bug 27-09-2022 10:18:45 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: glorious achievement. 27-09-2022 10:18:45 -!- sy!GreatWyrmG@98.97.jjt.q has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 27-09-2022 10:18:52 -!- sy!GreatWyrmG@98.97.jjt.q has joined #einsteinianroulette 27-09-2022 10:19:41 < sy!GreatWyrmG@98.97.jjt.q: :) 27-09-2022 10:19:48 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: :-) 27-09-2022 10:20:27 < sy!GreatWyrmG@98.97.jjt.q: We didn't get credit for the behemoth, when we 100% did him fairly. 27-09-2022 10:20:52 < sy!GreatWyrmG@98.97.jjt.q: Also, I think if you have lots of +vit gear, dying and reviving is cheaper in terms of health 27-09-2022 10:21:09 < sy!GreatWyrmG@98.97.jjt.q: Towards the end I had like +8 vit or something absurd. 27-09-2022 10:21:46 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: I think it's the same price, you just had a bigger healthbar. 27-09-2022 10:22:09 < sy!GreatWyrmG@98.97.jjt.q: Skeleton unequips items, you revive with 1 HP, get healed for 40. Equip your +8 vit items, you have 121 HP. 27-09-2022 10:22:35 < sy!GreatWyrmG@98.97.jjt.q: Go to bonfire with 10/140, get healed for 40 HP. You have 50 HP. 27-09-2022 10:23:24 < sy!GreatWyrmG@98.97.jjt.q: When I died in the skylands I was at almost full health when I came back. 27-09-2022 10:23:45 < sy!GreatWyrmG@98.97.jjt.q: When I died after behemoth, I drank a regen and still had about half. 27-09-2022 10:23:50 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: ahh yes. 27-09-2022 10:23:54 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: same cost to revive you, though. 27-09-2022 10:24:07 < sy!GreatWyrmG@98.97.jjt.q: Yup 27-09-2022 10:24:22 < sy!GreatWyrmG@98.97.jjt.q: And 20 of your HP was worth more than 70 of mine 27-09-2022 10:25:21 -!- syvarris!GreatWyrmG@98.97.jjt.q has joined #einsteinianroulette 27-09-2022 10:25:21 -!- sy!GreatWyrmG@98.97.jjt.q has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 27-09-2022 10:26:05 < syvarris!GreatWyrmG@98.97.jjt.q: ??? 27-09-2022 10:26:35 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: was it really? 27-09-2022 10:27:06 < syvarris!GreatWyrmG@98.97.jjt.q: On this run yeah 27-09-2022 10:27:23 < syvarris!GreatWyrmG@98.97.jjt.q: I went all in on the familiars 27-09-2022 10:28:05 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: I meant your hitpoints were lost much more rarely. 27-09-2022 10:28:06 < syvarris!GreatWyrmG@98.97.jjt.q: The other IRC really does not know what to do about disconnects 27-09-2022 10:28:22 < syvarris!GreatWyrmG@98.97.jjt.q: I was also staying far behind and going much slower. 27-09-2022 10:28:32 < syvarris!GreatWyrmG@98.97.jjt.q: You fought more battles, lost more HP. 27-09-2022 10:29:32 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: yeah, hence yours were more valuable. 27-09-2022 10:29:42 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: you spent yours more dearly. 27-09-2022 10:31:07 -!- sy!GreatWyrmG@98.97.jjt.q has joined #einsteinianroulette 27-09-2022 10:31:07 -!- syvarris!GreatWyrmG@98.97.jjt.q has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 27-09-2022 10:31:44 < sy!GreatWyrmG@98.97.jjt.q: :\ 27-09-2022 10:32:48 -!- Guest4542!syvarris@wuzqik-944-450-462-49.mycingular.net has joined #einsteinianroulette 27-09-2022 10:32:53 < Guest4542!syvarris@wuzqik-944-450-462-49.mycingular.net: a 27-09-2022 10:33:03 < Guest4542!syvarris@wuzqik-944-450-462-49.mycingular.net: a 27-09-2022 10:33:07 < Guest4542!syvarris@wuzqik-944-450-462-49.mycingular.net: sigh 27-09-2022 10:33:32 -!- Guest4542 is now known as syv 27-09-2022 10:33:57 < syv!syvarris@wuzqik-944-450-462-49.mycingular.net: I do not understand why this works so unreliably in this app. 27-09-2022 10:34:11 < syv!syvarris@wuzqik-944-450-462-49.mycingular.net: This one is on cellular, so hopefully less Starlinky. 27-09-2022 10:35:42 < syv!syvarris@wuzqik-944-450-462-49.mycingular.net: also, an odd thing this app does, since I'm not TOLD when I leave a channel, the channel stays "visible" and I can still send messages when disconnected. With no issue. 27-09-2022 10:35:53 < syv!syvarris@wuzqik-944-450-462-49.mycingular.net: They just go nowhere. 27-09-2022 10:39:41 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: hmm. 27-09-2022 10:50:50 < syv!syvarris@wuzqik-944-450-462-49.mycingular.net: This makes nine character submissions. v.v 27-09-2022 10:51:31 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: yup. Means I've got 1/6 odds of getting in. 27-09-2022 10:51:33 < syv!syvarris@wuzqik-944-450-462-49.mycingular.net: Certainly more than three really good choices, and then two in six of the others get a chance. 27-09-2022 10:51:42 < syv!syvarris@wuzqik-944-450-462-49.mycingular.net: Uh. 27-09-2022 10:51:45 < syv!syvarris@wuzqik-944-450-462-49.mycingular.net: 1/6? 27-09-2022 10:52:19 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: oh whoops. 27-09-2022 10:52:21 < Devastator!chatzilla@ywaf-3k6sq0zi0zbspc20ppv3h9921.ipv2.telus.net: yeah, 2/6 27-09-2022 11:01:10 -!- syv!syvarris@wuzqik-944-450-462-49.mycingular.net has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 27-09-2022 11:01:37 < sy!GreatWyrmG@98.97.jjt.q: Hm? 27-09-2022 11:02:05 < sy!GreatWyrmG@98.97.jjt.q: So in this case starlink was *more* reliable. 27-09-2022 11:03:49 -!- syv!syvarris@wuzqik-944-450-462-49.mycingular.net has joined #einsteinianroulette 27-09-2022 11:03:57 < syv!syvarris@wuzqik-944-450-462-49.mycingular.net: a 27-09-2022 11:04:26 < syv!syvarris@wuzqik-944-450-462-49.mycingular.net: yeah not showing joins and quits despite it being set to do so is awful 27-09-2022 11:07:10 -!- syv!syvarris@wuzqik-944-450-462-49.mycingular.net has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 27-09-2022 11:18:32 -!- syv!GreatWyrmG@98.97.jjt.q has joined #einsteinianroulette 27-09-2022 11:18:33 -!- sy!GreatWyrmG@98.97.jjt.q has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 27-09-2022 11:19:08 < syv!GreatWyrmG@98.97.jjt.q: Mm 27-09-2022 11:28:10 -!- sy!GreatWyrmG@98.97.jjt.q has joined #einsteinianroulette 27-09-2022 11:28:11 -!- syv!GreatWyrmG@98.97.jjt.q has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 27-09-2022 12:27:56 -!- sy!GreatWyrmG@98.97.jjt.q has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 27-09-2022 12:29:27 -!- sy!GreatWyrmG@98.97.jjt.q has joined #einsteinianroulette 27-09-2022 12:33:16 -!- sy!GreatWyrmG@98.97.jjt.q has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 27-09-2022 12:36:25 -!- sy!GreatWyrmG@98.97.jjt.q has joined #einsteinianroulette 27-09-2022 12:40:20 < sy!GreatWyrmG@98.97.jjt.q: INDEED 27-09-2022 12:40:25 -!- sy!GreatWyrmG@98.97.jjt.q has quit [Client Quit] 27-09-2022 18:15:50 -!- ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net has joined #einsteinianroulette 27-09-2022 18:18:47 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: ...right, I'm'a estimate five entries are in the "good" category, and equal chance of being chosen by GM among those 27-09-2022 18:18:58 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: so 3/5 27-09-2022 18:19:34 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: plus a random 2/7 of being in the remaining category 27-09-2022 18:20:56 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: and 3/5 + 2/7 is around 88 percent? 27-09-2022 18:21:02 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: damn, did I do that right? 27-09-2022 18:21:26 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: no wait, 2/6 not 2/7 27-09-2022 18:21:52 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: at least the 2/6 is guaranteed, the 5 in 3/5 is impresise and optimistic 27-09-2022 18:22:02 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: too many good sheets v.v 27-09-2022 18:26:12 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: yeah yeah, think that's super wrong 27-09-2022 18:26:19 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: do I multiply? 27-09-2022 18:26:37 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: my high school probability skills appear to have disappeared, oh dear 27-09-2022 18:31:04 < ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net: alright, rethought my math for 26% of not getting in 27-09-2022 21:10:09 -!- ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 27-09-2022 23:28:22 -!- ER!smuxi@559-025-147-15.lightspeed.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net has joined #einsteinianroulette