03-07-2022 00:30:33 -!- ER!smuxi@280-740-804-910.res.spectrum.com has joined #einsteinianroulette 03-07-2022 00:32:10 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: ???? 03-07-2022 00:35:50 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: and yes, that's some inventory. 03-07-2022 00:37:45 < ER!smuxi@280-740-804-910.res.spectrum.com: icon-cherylwhat 03-07-2022 00:40:18 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: not sure what you meant by cloistered paladin. 03-07-2022 00:40:53 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: you mean an unaligned one? You don't lose the class for like years unless you change a bunch of skills and such quickly. 03-07-2022 00:44:35 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: ahh, cenobite paladin. 03-07-2022 00:44:47 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: anyway, must go do the foodmouth thing. 03-07-2022 00:44:49 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: be back later. 03-07-2022 02:07:41 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: mmm. 03-07-2022 02:07:42 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: hey ER. 03-07-2022 06:57:10 < * ER!smuxi@280-740-804-910.res.spectrum.com shakes head 03-07-2022 06:57:28 < ER!smuxi@280-740-804-910.res.spectrum.com: reached the point of being too tired to make the decision to go to bed, yay 03-07-2022 06:57:37 < ER!smuxi@280-740-804-910.res.spectrum.com: I'm... gonna go do that now 03-07-2022 06:57:55 -!- ER!smuxi@280-740-804-910.res.spectrum.com has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 03-07-2022 07:03:35 -!- syv!GreatWyrmG@274-623-716-223.biz.spectrum.com has joined #einsteinianroulette 03-07-2022 07:04:15 < syv!GreatWyrmG@274-623-716-223.biz.spectrum.com: I forgor to log on here 03-07-2022 07:04:25 < syv!GreatWyrmG@274-623-716-223.biz.spectrum.com: I've been arguing with an idiot 03-07-2022 07:04:38 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: oh? 03-07-2022 07:04:41 < syv!GreatWyrmG@274-623-716-223.biz.spectrum.com: Trying to get her to give up ownership of the racing server. 03-07-2022 07:04:55 < syv!GreatWyrmG@274-623-716-223.biz.spectrum.com: Sparked because she didn't want to implement rules, including: 03-07-2022 07:05:03 < syv!GreatWyrmG@274-623-716-223.biz.spectrum.com: Ban people who repeatedly engage in hate speech 03-07-2022 07:05:22 < syv!GreatWyrmG@274-623-716-223.biz.spectrum.com: Ban people who knowingly flirt with minors 03-07-2022 07:05:39 < syv!GreatWyrmG@274-623-716-223.biz.spectrum.com: Ban people who ask for or otherwise have or talk about child porn 03-07-2022 07:05:50 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: Mmm. 03-07-2022 07:06:39 < syv!GreatWyrmG@274-623-716-223.biz.spectrum.com: Mostly though, I hate her arguing that we shouldn't ban anyone, even if the entire community votes for it, because she knows better than the community. 03-07-2022 07:06:57 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: That's just dumb as fuck. 03-07-2022 07:07:03 < syv!GreatWyrmG@274-623-716-223.biz.spectrum.com: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/546439502609121292/993049147726889142/Screenshot_20220703-030243.jpg 03-07-2022 07:07:10 < syv!GreatWyrmG@274-623-716-223.biz.spectrum.com: THIS is dumb as fuck 03-07-2022 07:10:13 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: Yeah, that's pretty dumb. 03-07-2022 07:10:28 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: particularly since she's arguing for mob rule by saying 'anyone can do anything. 03-07-2022 07:10:42 < syv!GreatWyrmG@274-623-716-223.biz.spectrum.com: Yeah. 03-07-2022 07:11:07 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: Reminds me of Metz. 03-07-2022 07:11:14 < syv!GreatWyrmG@274-623-716-223.biz.spectrum.com: Metz? 03-07-2022 07:11:23 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: guy who eventually got permabanned from allegiance, after flirting with it for like fifteen years. 03-07-2022 07:11:37 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: was the proud fourth person to ever actually get permabanned. 03-07-2022 07:12:39 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: Man, though, we had a great ban enforcement system in Allegiance. Had obvious rules with standardized punishments. 03-07-2022 07:12:50 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: had an appeal group. 03-07-2022 07:12:59 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: and the times were determined by how many times you've done that in the past. 03-07-2022 07:13:36 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: You couldn't get permabanned except by basically a unaminous vote of like seven people, but at the same time, you'd know exactly how long you were banned for if you got banned for a lesser violation. 03-07-2022 07:13:44 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: different game, though. Needed differen rules for teamwork. 03-07-2022 07:13:58 < syv!GreatWyrmG@274-623-716-223.biz.spectrum.com: That would be nice. 03-07-2022 07:14:20 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: Yeah, I mean, when you write the rules down they are no longer arbritrary anymore. 03-07-2022 07:14:26 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: and you can know what is okay and what isn't. 03-07-2022 07:14:37 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: and it doesn't need to be permanent if you don't want it to be. 03-07-2022 07:15:02 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: like literally the first three people permabanned were done so because they litearlly used destructive game hacks to try and kill the game as a whole. 03-07-2022 07:15:29 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: The only person who was banned for being a shitweasel took him like fifteen years. 03-07-2022 07:15:57 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: having regular rules can mean very permissive rules. 03-07-2022 07:16:05 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: they don't have to be very tight rules. 03-07-2022 07:17:39 < syv!GreatWyrmG@274-623-716-223.biz.spectrum.com: Currently the only bannable offenses are that, and using @everyone to tag the entire server 03-07-2022 07:17:50 < syv!GreatWyrmG@274-623-716-223.biz.spectrum.com: That being destructive game hacks 03-07-2022 07:18:20 < syv!GreatWyrmG@274-623-716-223.biz.spectrum.com: Oh, and spamming. 03-07-2022 07:18:27 < syv!GreatWyrmG@274-623-716-223.biz.spectrum.com: It's stupid. 03-07-2022 07:18:50 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: yeah, gah. 03-07-2022 07:19:39 < syv!GreatWyrmG@274-623-716-223.biz.spectrum.com: Heh 03-07-2022 07:19:56 < syv!GreatWyrmG@274-623-716-223.biz.spectrum.com: Now she is arguing it's fine for adult men to flirt with teenage girls 03-07-2022 07:20:17 < syv!GreatWyrmG@274-623-716-223.biz.spectrum.com: "im looking around in the TOS, Community Guidelines, and US Law, and im not really finding anything right now...." 03-07-2022 07:20:29 < syv!GreatWyrmG@274-623-716-223.biz.spectrum.com: On the topic of the "ban flirting with minors" 03-07-2022 07:21:26 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: There are child pornography statues. 03-07-2022 07:25:07 < syv!GreatWyrmG@274-623-716-223.biz.spectrum.com: Yeah, I gave her one. 03-07-2022 07:25:33 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: although you're probably okay due to that section that all the free speechers want repealed. 03-07-2022 07:25:34 < syv!GreatWyrmG@274-623-716-223.biz.spectrum.com: It's really not necessary. 03-07-2022 07:25:39 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: and yeah. 03-07-2022 07:26:08 < syv!GreatWyrmG@274-623-716-223.biz.spectrum.com: I've mostly been trying to get her to just say stupid anime villain stuff, because she conceded if a bunch of people threaten to leave then she'll step down. 03-07-2022 07:26:25 < syv!GreatWyrmG@274-623-716-223.biz.spectrum.com: Hence bringing up hong kong, as one of her close friends is a _hong konger_ 03-07-2022 07:26:33 < syv!GreatWyrmG@274-623-716-223.biz.spectrum.com: Who recently *moved to Taiwan*. 03-07-2022 07:26:51 < syv!GreatWyrmG@274-623-716-223.biz.spectrum.com: No sense of self preservation. 03-07-2022 07:29:04 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: welp. 03-07-2022 07:29:09 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: that does explain that. 03-07-2022 07:29:21 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: as normally I wouldn't bother mentioning geopolitics for a race server. 03-07-2022 07:29:30 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: sent you a Quest update. 03-07-2022 07:39:18 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: Ugh, Zultan, I'll cover that later in Extinction. It's time to move things on now. ;-p 03-07-2022 07:42:56 < syv!GreatWyrmG@274-623-716-223.biz.spectrum.com: Alright 03-07-2022 08:10:41 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: yeah, gotta get it moving. 03-07-2022 08:10:50 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: next update is port silver, and then the arrival in the update after that. 03-07-2022 08:11:06 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: should be one short update and then one long update, and there's your next quest. 03-07-2022 11:55:41 -!- syv!GreatWyrmG@274-623-716-223.biz.spectrum.com has quit [Quit: Thanks, Musk. -.-] 03-07-2022 16:52:45 -!- ER!smuxi@280-740-804-910.res.spectrum.com has joined #einsteinianroulette 03-07-2022 18:16:45 -!- Stopped log service 03-07-2022 18:17:15 -!- Started log service 03-07-2022 18:17:29 -!- parisbre56[Away]!parisbre56@bul921751705281.access.hol.gr has joined #einsteinianroulette 03-07-2022 18:17:29 -!- Topic for #einsteinianroulette: Fleshorrors dream of feline BASS 03-07-2022 18:17:29 -!- Topic set by syv [Saturday 22 May 2021, 04:44:55] 03-07-2022 19:23:38 < ER!smuxi@280-740-804-910.res.spectrum.com: hi Devastator 03-07-2022 19:23:43 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: Hi. 03-07-2022 19:24:00 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: the only issue with acid booze is that the orks might ork it into actual booze. 03-07-2022 19:24:07 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: of course, then they'll be all drunk and still in the wrong place. 03-07-2022 19:25:44 < ER!smuxi@280-740-804-910.res.spectrum.com: yes 03-07-2022 19:25:44 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: also the tools presumably pre-date the tunnel. 03-07-2022 19:26:08 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: !roll 1d12 03-07-2022 19:26:18 < ER!smuxi@280-740-804-910.res.spectrum.com: I'm not sure if they can really waagh that stuff into being harmless, but they might waagh it into being also intoxicating 03-07-2022 19:26:22 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: 'roll 1d12 03-07-2022 19:26:39 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: I think it depends on how many orks they are. I don't think they will, really. 03-07-2022 19:27:17 < ER!smuxi@280-740-804-910.res.spectrum.com: especially because 'ork booze' probably isn't very memetically entangled with 'safe to drink' in the first place ;p 03-07-2022 19:27:19 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: `roll 1d12 03-07-2022 19:27:19 < GameServ!gameserv@services.darkmyst.org: Devastator rolled 1d12: 6 03-07-2022 19:27:27 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: yeah. 03-07-2022 19:27:39 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: well, you don't make a proper grappling hook, but you think you can make it work with the tools anyway. 03-07-2022 19:28:01 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: you get a +3 bonus to the next climbing check, and then a +1 from then on due to the extension cord. 03-07-2022 20:20:33 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: yeah. Sounds like a good idea, though. Lets do the acid thing, then set the fort on fire, and then go through and kick ass. 03-07-2022 20:44:50 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: mmm. 03-07-2022 20:44:55 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: GM might make you roll will to deceive. 03-07-2022 21:50:42 -!- ER!smuxi@280-740-804-910.res.spectrum.com has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 03-07-2022 21:53:25 -!- ER!smuxi@280-740-804-910.res.spectrum.com has joined #einsteinianroulette 03-07-2022 23:25:46 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: hmm, Rogue Trader. 03-07-2022 23:26:12 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: I tried to make a char for a game once, but I had no idea what you're actually supposed to do in RT. 03-07-2022 23:26:23 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: that game died before the second turn. 03-07-2022 23:30:10 < ER!smuxi@280-740-804-910.res.spectrum.com: it is kinda expansive because you're the dudes who have no direct superiors, he ability to actually fly anywhere you want, and have the only real objective to make da money 03-07-2022 23:30:47 < ER!smuxi@280-740-804-910.res.spectrum.com: in other games you get like, missions. in RT you can just buy a basalisk lol 03-07-2022 23:32:12 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: Yeah. 03-07-2022 23:32:24 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: I also bought a basilisk and I think it messed things up with the GM a bit. 03-07-2022 23:32:38 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: "Well, I'd like something in between personal weapons and ship guns." 03-07-2022 23:33:54 < ER!smuxi@280-740-804-910.res.spectrum.com: since when did we need to do anything between "shoot the baddie" and "nuke it from orbit"? ;p 03-07-2022 23:34:32 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: Yeah. 03-07-2022 23:34:43 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: I don't know what we were supposed to do, but there was certainly going to be some dirtside work. 03-07-2022 23:36:50 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: also it was amusing because I think by RAW the gun couldn't miss by more than its destruction radius. 03-07-2022 23:37:07 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: mostly because that character wasn't trying to make untrained command checks with 20-ish base fellowship. 03-07-2022 23:37:50 < ER!smuxi@280-740-804-910.res.spectrum.com: imperials make big booms 03-07-2022 23:57:47 < Devastator!chatzilla@mtut-4h0rt2fu1xxfjadxr61g6bb71.ipv4.telus.net: indeed.