18-04-2022 01:17:10 < ER!smuxi@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: oh yeah, revenant 18-04-2022 01:18:48 < Devastator!chatzilla@vlen-7v7oi8oh7yf4vridea3i6e3b0.ipv0.telus.net: ooh 18-04-2022 01:19:39 < Devastator!chatzilla@vlen-7v7oi8oh7yf4vridea3i6e3b0.ipv0.telus.net: I'm taking the title, btw. 18-04-2022 01:19:47 < Devastator!chatzilla@vlen-7v7oi8oh7yf4vridea3i6e3b0.ipv0.telus.net: hopefully it's more than just something on paper. ;-p 18-04-2022 01:32:18 < ER!smuxi@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: yeah 18-04-2022 01:32:41 < ER!smuxi@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: hope you're not too annoyed by getting no sold by powerful entities 18-04-2022 01:33:05 < ER!smuxi@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: I kinda justified it with the roll you ended up getting, but it's what I wanted to do anyways :p 18-04-2022 01:35:22 < Devastator!chatzilla@vlen-7v7oi8oh7yf4vridea3i6e3b0.ipv0.telus.net: hmm? 18-04-2022 01:39:03 < ER!smuxi@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: bah, drama dice making me do extra work :p 18-04-2022 01:56:47 < Devastator!chatzilla@vlen-7v7oi8oh7yf4vridea3i6e3b0.ipv0.telus.net: getting no sold by powerful beings is how bird got here. Twice. ;-p 18-04-2022 01:59:42 < Devastator!chatzilla@vlen-7v7oi8oh7yf4vridea3i6e3b0.ipv0.telus.net: and welp. 18-04-2022 02:03:39 < ER!smuxi@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: see it? 18-04-2022 02:04:25 < Devastator!chatzilla@vlen-7v7oi8oh7yf4vridea3i6e3b0.ipv0.telus.net: not yet. 18-04-2022 02:04:30 < Devastator!chatzilla@vlen-7v7oi8oh7yf4vridea3i6e3b0.ipv0.telus.net: just general drama dice welp. 18-04-2022 02:04:35 < Devastator!chatzilla@vlen-7v7oi8oh7yf4vridea3i6e3b0.ipv0.telus.net: it's up, gonna read. 18-04-2022 02:05:20 < Devastator!chatzilla@vlen-7v7oi8oh7yf4vridea3i6e3b0.ipv0.telus.net: 24 hours of inane bird brain chatter it is! 18-04-2022 02:08:44 < Devastator!chatzilla@vlen-7v7oi8oh7yf4vridea3i6e3b0.ipv0.telus.net: ..so what does Fae Authority skill cover? 18-04-2022 02:11:20 < ER!smuxi@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: broad magic school type skill, Fae have authority over deals, lesser Fae, and any nature which isn't controlled by something else or sufficiently powerful to be independant 18-04-2022 02:11:59 < Devastator!chatzilla@vlen-7v7oi8oh7yf4vridea3i6e3b0.ipv0.telus.net: ooh, that does seem fun. 18-04-2022 02:12:03 < ER!smuxi@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: since it's not really a kind of wizardly magic mortals can learn, its rolls are less likely to be manipulation based. you'd also lose it if you stopped being fae 18-04-2022 02:12:22 < Devastator!chatzilla@vlen-7v7oi8oh7yf4vridea3i6e3b0.ipv0.telus.net: mmm, so I need to keep the title. 18-04-2022 02:13:16 < Devastator!chatzilla@vlen-7v7oi8oh7yf4vridea3i6e3b0.ipv0.telus.net: Can I rank it up if I get a level? 18-04-2022 02:16:04 < ER!smuxi@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: hmm 18-04-2022 02:16:15 < ER!smuxi@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: might be a special circumstance only type 18-04-2022 02:16:33 < ER!smuxi@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: otherwise I might feel compelled to let you keep the levels you bought :p 18-04-2022 02:18:04 < Devastator!chatzilla@vlen-7v7oi8oh7yf4vridea3i6e3b0.ipv0.telus.net: that makes sense. 18-04-2022 02:49:28 -!- MJ!MJ@131.204.hvh.npz has joined #einsteinianroulette 18-04-2022 02:49:28 -!- MJ!MJ@131.204.hvh.npz has quit [Client Quit] 18-04-2022 02:56:53 < ER!smuxi@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: awoo 18-04-2022 03:09:41 < Devastator!chatzilla@vlen-7v7oi8oh7yf4vridea3i6e3b0.ipv0.telus.net: awoo 18-04-2022 03:27:10 < ER!smuxi@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: always paranoid that my writing isn't clear enough and nobody *actually* understands what's supposed to be happening >.> 18-04-2022 03:34:55 < Devastator!chatzilla@vlen-7v7oi8oh7yf4vridea3i6e3b0.ipv0.telus.net: the wasps are the bablefish? 18-04-2022 03:39:24 -!- MidJag!smuxi@131.204.hvh.npz has joined #einsteinianroulette 18-04-2022 03:39:27 < MidJag!smuxi@131.204.hvh.npz: lo 18-04-2022 03:41:34 < Devastator!chatzilla@vlen-7v7oi8oh7yf4vridea3i6e3b0.ipv0.telus.net: 'lo 18-04-2022 03:41:55 < MidJag!smuxi@131.204.hvh.npz: how're you? 18-04-2022 03:42:14 < Devastator!chatzilla@vlen-7v7oi8oh7yf4vridea3i6e3b0.ipv0.telus.net: Okay. 18-04-2022 03:42:21 < MidJag!smuxi@131.204.hvh.npz: I see 18-04-2022 03:42:35 < MidJag!smuxi@131.204.hvh.npz: There a now pictures of the sunken ship 18-04-2022 03:42:47 < Devastator!chatzilla@vlen-7v7oi8oh7yf4vridea3i6e3b0.ipv0.telus.net: Yeah, saw them. 18-04-2022 03:51:15 < ER!smuxi@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: were there aquatic farmers towing it away using tractors? 18-04-2022 03:52:56 < MidJag!smuxi@131.204.hvh.npz: Presumbably, they're still retrofiting the tractors for scuba gear 18-04-2022 03:54:31 < Devastator!chatzilla@vlen-7v7oi8oh7yf4vridea3i6e3b0.ipv0.telus.net: looks like it got hit, caught fire, and sunk the next day. 18-04-2022 03:56:57 < MidJag!smuxi@131.204.hvh.npz: Would make sense. 18-04-2022 03:59:12 < ER!smuxi@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: ships sink slowly for some reason 18-04-2022 03:59:18 < ER!smuxi@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: seems like bad design to me 18-04-2022 03:59:28 < ER!smuxi@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: would be a lot more satisfying if they sunk fast! 18-04-2022 04:04:27 < ER!smuxi@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: bleb 18-04-2022 04:04:32 < ER!smuxi@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: how are you MJ 18-04-2022 04:06:09 < MidJag!smuxi@131.204.hvh.npz: Not bad, slept in for a long time. 18-04-2022 04:06:19 < MidJag!smuxi@131.204.hvh.npz: So I've actualy gotten decent sleep for once. 18-04-2022 04:12:54 < Devastator!chatzilla@vlen-7v7oi8oh7yf4vridea3i6e3b0.ipv0.telus.net: huh. 18-04-2022 04:13:21 < MidJag!smuxi@131.204.hvh.npz: what? 18-04-2022 04:14:38 < ER!smuxi@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: huh. 18-04-2022 04:22:57 < Devastator!chatzilla@vlen-7v7oi8oh7yf4vridea3i6e3b0.ipv0.telus.net: yes, I said huh. 18-04-2022 04:23:28 < MidJag!smuxi@131.204.hvh.npz: I mean huh is typically followed by some statment of somekind. 18-04-2022 04:26:07 < Devastator!chatzilla@vlen-7v7oi8oh7yf4vridea3i6e3b0.ipv0.telus.net: ahh 18-04-2022 04:44:25 < Devastator!chatzilla@vlen-7v7oi8oh7yf4vridea3i6e3b0.ipv0.telus.net: anyway, more game? 18-04-2022 04:47:06 < MidJag!smuxi@131.204.hvh.npz: I really need to wake up early tommorow so unfortunetly not. 18-04-2022 04:47:36 < MidJag!smuxi@131.204.hvh.npz: Monday I'll probably be able to watch a bit. 18-04-2022 04:47:40 < Devastator!chatzilla@vlen-7v7oi8oh7yf4vridea3i6e3b0.ipv0.telus.net: aww. 18-04-2022 04:47:42 < Devastator!chatzilla@vlen-7v7oi8oh7yf4vridea3i6e3b0.ipv0.telus.net: but ok. 18-04-2022 04:48:40 < MidJag!smuxi@131.204.hvh.npz: Yeah, gotta do lab things tommorow. 18-04-2022 04:49:05 < MidJag!smuxi@131.204.hvh.npz: Gotta get some DNA isolated and then stick it in some bacteria 18-04-2022 04:50:06 < Devastator!chatzilla@vlen-7v7oi8oh7yf4vridea3i6e3b0.ipv0.telus.net: are you messing with things MAN WAS NOT MEANT TO KNOW? 18-04-2022 04:51:02 < MidJag!smuxi@131.204.hvh.npz: Of course, what else do you do in reaserch? 18-04-2022 04:51:32 < MidJag!smuxi@131.204.hvh.npz: If man was meant to konw things we'd already know the things :P 18-04-2022 04:51:39 < Devastator!chatzilla@vlen-7v7oi8oh7yf4vridea3i6e3b0.ipv0.telus.net: heh 18-04-2022 05:26:35 < ER!smuxi@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: having emotions can be inconvenient 18-04-2022 05:26:54 < ER!smuxi@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: I should go to sleep but I want to see if syv appears because I like to talk to him 18-04-2022 05:37:55 < MidJag!smuxi@131.204.hvh.npz: I shall be going to bed soonish. 18-04-2022 05:38:20 < MidJag!smuxi@131.204.hvh.npz: If that influences your decision in anyway ER 18-04-2022 05:57:43 -!- ER!smuxi@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18-04-2022 06:02:15 < MidJag!smuxi@131.204.hvh.npz: goodnight all 18-04-2022 06:02:35 -!- MidJag!smuxi@131.204.hvh.npz has quit [] 18-04-2022 16:31:43 -!- ER!smuxi@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com has joined #einsteinianroulette 18-04-2022 19:42:58 < ER!smuxi@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: well, that's one way to get a kno levelup 18-04-2022 20:31:52 -!- ER!smuxi@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18-04-2022 21:09:45 -!- ER!smuxi@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com has joined #einsteinianroulette 18-04-2022 21:25:56 -!- Stopped log service 18-04-2022 21:26:26 -!- Started log service 18-04-2022 21:26:33 -!- parisbre56[Away]!parisbre56@tea264021517150.access.hol.gr has joined #einsteinianroulette 18-04-2022 21:26:33 -!- Topic for #einsteinianroulette: Fleshorrors dream of feline BASS 18-04-2022 21:26:33 -!- Topic set by syv [Saturday 22 May 2021, 04:44:55]