21-01-2021 01:12:39 -!- ChanServ!chanserv@services.darkmyst.org has quit [*.net *.split] 21-01-2021 01:12:39 -!- Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net has quit [*.net *.split] 21-01-2021 01:12:39 -!- Piecewise!Piecewise@957-810-052-976.res.spectrum.com has quit [*.net *.split] 21-01-2021 01:17:41 -!- Piecewise!Piecewise@957-810-052-976.res.spectrum.com has joined #einsteinianroulette 21-01-2021 01:17:41 -!- Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net has joined #einsteinianroulette 21-01-2021 01:17:41 -!- ChanServ!chanserv@services.darkmyst.org has joined #einsteinianroulette 21-01-2021 01:17:41 -!- mode/#einsteinianroulette [+o ChanServ] by prometheus.no.eu.darkmyst.org 21-01-2021 04:17:23 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: Welp. 21-01-2021 04:17:25 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: car got stolen. 21-01-2021 04:48:22 -!- syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com has joined #einsteinianroulette 21-01-2021 04:49:01 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: Your car got stolen? 21-01-2021 04:49:09 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: Well fuck. 21-01-2021 04:50:49 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: Yeah. 21-01-2021 04:50:55 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: Annoying after having the work done. 21-01-2021 04:51:07 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: but eh, means I'll miss a few days shopping, or the cops will turn it up. 21-01-2021 04:51:09 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: or both. 21-01-2021 04:51:41 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: ...Cheap car? 21-01-2021 04:51:55 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: Hrm. How does insurance work with a stolen vehicle? 21-01-2021 04:51:57 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: Not that cheap, but yes. 21-01-2021 04:52:07 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: Not sure! I'll be getting some money. 21-01-2021 04:54:14 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: :( 21-01-2021 04:56:27 < * Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net shrugs. 21-01-2021 04:56:32 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: Was planning on buying somethign new this year. 21-01-2021 04:56:43 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: maybe in a month or so. 21-01-2021 04:56:54 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: actually have enough money for something new for once. 21-01-2021 04:59:34 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: New car? 21-01-2021 04:59:44 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: Anything you're thinking of? 21-01-2021 05:01:29 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: I'm not really a car guy. 21-01-2021 05:01:38 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: although I'd love it if I can get my hands on a standard shift. 21-01-2021 05:02:28 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: Heh. That doesn't surprise me. I broadly prefer standards as well. 21-01-2021 05:02:46 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: never would have been stolen if it was one. 21-01-2021 05:02:52 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: Though that's seemed to get more and more like a premium feature. :( 21-01-2021 05:03:41 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: So it goes, then. 21-01-2021 05:27:43 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: talking with Empiricist about Extinction, atm. 21-01-2021 05:27:52 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: he doesn't know what trence is yet, and has an amazing theory. 21-01-2021 05:28:10 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: he thinks Trence is whatever type of undead you get when someone dies while petrified. 21-01-2021 05:28:14 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: and is then 'cured' 21-01-2021 05:29:59 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: Oh, that's clever! 21-01-2021 05:30:28 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: I think that's kinda obviously wrong, Trence has no undead traits, but it's a creative idea. 21-01-2021 05:35:33 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: it is, three years of being alive has shown that. 21-01-2021 05:38:33 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: but it is a neat idea. 21-01-2021 07:54:31 -!- MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz has joined #einsteinianroulette 21-01-2021 07:54:34 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: lo 21-01-2021 07:56:11 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: heya MJ. 21-01-2021 07:56:15 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: hiya dev 21-01-2021 07:56:17 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: hiya syv 21-01-2021 07:56:34 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: so you like the nations in testgame? 21-01-2021 07:56:38 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: I do indeed. 21-01-2021 07:57:17 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: I get a vague feeling of like 80's-90's Russia in the first one which I like. 21-01-2021 07:57:35 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: 70s, baby! 21-01-2021 07:58:00 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: 70's? Things seem to cheery for 70's Russia~ 21-01-2021 07:58:34 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: loya MJ 21-01-2021 07:58:39 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: Hiya syv 21-01-2021 07:58:47 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: how ye be? 21-01-2021 07:58:49 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: Loya mj 21-01-2021 07:58:49 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: Breznev didn't hang on as long. 21-01-2021 07:58:50 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: Tired. 21-01-2021 07:58:57 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: Brezhnev, sorry. 21-01-2021 07:59:08 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: Ah 21-01-2021 07:59:29 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: so imagine if he died and the next gen got started ten years earlier. 21-01-2021 07:59:56 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: I could see that. 21-01-2021 08:00:08 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: yeah. 21-01-2021 08:00:17 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: Oh I watched a movie called the Death of Stalin recentlly, it's like a semi historical black comedy set in the immediate aftermath of Stalins death. 21-01-2021 08:00:18 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: before they ran out of steam or got horribly behind. 21-01-2021 08:00:26 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: heard it's funny. 21-01-2021 08:00:33 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: It's hilarious honestlly 21-01-2021 08:00:44 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: It's incrediblly dark, but it's still funny as hell. 21-01-2021 08:00:57 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: Would be a good movie night I think. 21-01-2021 08:01:01 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: mmm. 21-01-2021 08:01:05 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: yeah, maybe next weekend? 21-01-2021 08:01:07 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: later? 21-01-2021 08:01:23 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: For once in my life I can make damn near anytime work. 21-01-2021 08:01:30 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: So sure. 21-01-2021 08:01:40 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: But I see. 21-01-2021 08:01:59 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: And is the second one 60's America or modern America?~ 21-01-2021 08:02:10 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: 70s. 21-01-2021 08:02:16 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: the civil rights era didn't end right away. 21-01-2021 08:02:48 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: Ah. 21-01-2021 08:02:56 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: Rereading it 70's does make sense. 21-01-2021 08:03:12 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: I have no idea which south seas would be. 21-01-2021 08:03:23 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: None. 21-01-2021 08:03:33 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: Generic feudal fantasy setting. 21-01-2021 08:03:35 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: there's some changes. South Seas is something else. 21-01-2021 08:03:40 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: and it's not feudal, really. 21-01-2021 08:03:58 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: it's a bit of south america, a bit of taiwan, a bit of this and that. 21-01-2021 08:04:02 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: Ah 21-01-2021 08:04:26 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: the last on is basically Sweden/Central Africa. ;-p 21-01-2021 08:04:26 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: And Berghan is like Israel Pakistan and India mushed togehter? 21-01-2021 08:04:31 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: Heh 21-01-2021 08:04:32 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: or switzerland/central africa. 21-01-2021 08:04:46 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: I like it. 21-01-2021 08:05:02 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: well, thanks. 21-01-2021 08:05:09 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: I'm grinding a bit away on the second update atm. 21-01-2021 08:05:14 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: Ah cool 21-01-2021 08:05:18 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: since there's only one post in extinction, going to let that simmer. 21-01-2021 08:05:22 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: will work on k-com this weekend. 21-01-2021 08:06:19 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: Cool. 21-01-2021 08:06:53 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: the bad thing is that you guys now have to pick what skills skillmonkey has. 21-01-2021 08:07:05 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: and you get a bunch because you went for max skillcount. 21-01-2021 08:07:25 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: Mmm. 21-01-2021 08:08:14 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: pick five, one must have something to do with music. 21-01-2021 08:09:57 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: Don't make me turn this guy into a Russian Punck Rock star. 21-01-2021 08:10:34 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: to be honest, I'm not sure why I added that restriction. 21-01-2021 08:10:41 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: but it's been kicking around for a while. 21-01-2021 08:10:46 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: so I'm sticking with it. 21-01-2021 08:12:03 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: Fair enough 21-01-2021 08:13:05 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: I downloaded a free "game" that purports to train you to be better at shooters, called "AimLab". 21-01-2021 08:13:16 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: Like FPS's? 21-01-2021 08:13:26 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: I was hoping for a bunch of gun variety to shoot at things mindlessly in. 21-01-2021 08:13:27 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: So is it just a generic FPS? 21-01-2021 08:13:30 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: FPS and TPS. 21-01-2021 08:13:34 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: Intresting 21-01-2021 08:13:39 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: So what is it? 21-01-2021 08:14:02 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: Nah, it's basically just got a bunch of minute-long training modes, and tracks how you do in each with a bunch of metrics. And reports how you change over time, and where you're weak. 21-01-2021 08:14:21 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: Very obvious beta, but seems pretty solid for its claims. 21-01-2021 08:14:28 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: Neat. 21-01-2021 08:15:14 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: And as for the dude, Guitar, driving, shooting, construction, explosives. 21-01-2021 08:15:27 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: I want Macgyver punk rocker. 21-01-2021 08:15:31 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: According to it, I actually *am* unusually accurate. Usually get within the top 25 percentile. But am also fairly meh at everything else, especially speed. 21-01-2021 08:15:38 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: hmm. 21-01-2021 08:15:46 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: wonder how I'd do. 21-01-2021 08:15:47 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: I'm sure I'd be absolute shit. 21-01-2021 08:15:51 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: It's free. 21-01-2021 08:15:57 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: linky? 21-01-2021 08:15:59 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: Got a llink? 21-01-2021 08:16:05 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: Steam, "aimlab" 21-01-2021 08:17:33 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: Is there a movment shooter version? 21-01-2021 08:17:44 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: Where you're moving and shooting? 21-01-2021 08:17:59 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: Yes. 21-01-2021 08:18:07 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: Hmm 21-01-2021 08:18:08 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: Intresting 21-01-2021 08:18:09 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: Most of it's just sitting in place and shooting, though. 21-01-2021 08:18:50 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: Hmm, I send this to my brother he's oddly competive about games and shooters and rocket league in particular. 21-01-2021 08:19:44 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: Sent. 21-01-2021 08:19:48 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: this one's pretty barren. 21-01-2021 08:20:33 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: I bet I'll do awful in everything except speed. 21-01-2021 08:20:36 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: particularly bad in aim. 21-01-2021 08:21:07 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: I'm sure I'll fail the attention capactity part. 21-01-2021 08:21:14 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: Isn't rocket league... cars? 21-01-2021 08:21:15 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: oh, did you get a chance to try out descent? 21-01-2021 08:21:19 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: Yes. 21-01-2021 08:21:24 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: it's car soccer. 21-01-2021 08:21:26 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: Alright. 21-01-2021 08:21:27 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: and rockets. 21-01-2021 08:21:30 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: thoughts? 21-01-2021 08:21:37 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: And not yet, I have no idea how to install DOS box 21-01-2021 08:22:38 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: mmm. 21-01-2021 08:23:13 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: well it's not that hard. You just open it up and type some commands. 21-01-2021 08:23:16 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: can walk you through that. 21-01-2021 08:23:27 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: Tommorow night, need to go to bed soon. 21-01-2021 08:23:34 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: ok 21-01-2021 08:24:28 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: https://lparchive.org/Disco-Elysium/Update%2018/76-076.jpg 21-01-2021 08:25:12 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: Disco Elysium strikes me as game I would either despise playing or love playing. 21-01-2021 08:25:59 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: not downloading right, hmm. 21-01-2021 08:27:38 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: you might like it, it's about a PC with deep mental issues. 21-01-2021 08:28:22 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: I keep meaning to get around to playing Night in the Woods, I feel like if I like that I'd like Disco. 21-01-2021 08:29:13 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: There we go 21-01-2021 08:31:03 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: Ah yes, that's how to lower my accuracy and raise everything else. 21-01-2021 08:31:10 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: Use the full auto recoilless gun. 21-01-2021 08:31:14 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: heh 21-01-2021 08:31:14 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: Of course. 21-01-2021 08:31:46 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: hah 21-01-2021 08:31:48 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: it'll work. 21-01-2021 08:31:53 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: lower accuracy, indeed. 21-01-2021 08:33:55 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: Hrm. 21-01-2021 08:34:27 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: 100% accuracy, 100% headshots, 50% TTK. 21-01-2021 08:41:30 -!- ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com has joined #einsteinianroulette 21-01-2021 08:41:39 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: boop 21-01-2021 08:41:43 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: boop. 21-01-2021 08:41:44 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: hiya ER 21-01-2021 08:41:58 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: wow, everybody's here 21-01-2021 08:42:03 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: hey syv 21-01-2021 08:42:11 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: I shortlly will not be. 21-01-2021 08:42:40 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: hey egan 21-01-2021 08:42:56 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: <3 21-01-2021 08:43:31 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: Actually, I've always wondered this, how did you decide on your user name egan? 21-01-2021 08:43:36 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: ..I guess same quesiton dev. 21-01-2021 08:44:14 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: It was the name I was using about six months before I signed up here. 21-01-2021 08:44:18 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: my user name is my name 21-01-2021 08:44:28 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: Why were you using that name? 21-01-2021 08:44:41 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: I was too young to be clever or consider if I didn't want to use my real name 21-01-2021 08:45:23 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: It was between two other names I used. 21-01-2021 08:45:30 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: no reason in particular. 21-01-2021 08:46:03 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: I see. mine was just it's my old XBOX live gamer tag, and at the time I thought Jaguars were really cool and thought the midnight was a good way to refrence an unsual variant of jaguars. 21-01-2021 08:47:33 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: aww 21-01-2021 08:47:58 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: I can't pick singing because it's has to be something we do with our hands 21-01-2021 08:48:29 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: Yeah, my brothers also had an animal themed name, my twins was like wolf something, and my little brothers was like bear something. 21-01-2021 08:48:41 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: ...which actually fits their personalities pretty well actually. 21-01-2021 08:48:46 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: Singing is ok. 21-01-2021 08:48:54 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: I just did the hands for other things. 21-01-2021 08:48:59 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: The politician went with a bear...? 21-01-2021 08:49:01 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: but singing is totally okay if you want to go with that. 21-01-2021 08:49:06 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: Yes. 21-01-2021 08:49:39 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: I mean he's taller than I am. 21-01-2021 08:50:04 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: And is just loud when he wants to be. 21-01-2021 08:51:54 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: I guess I'm the exception to the theme, Jaguars are very stealthy, I'm not at all stealthy. 21-01-2021 08:52:12 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: stealthy big man. 21-01-2021 08:52:43 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: Yes. My twin is very stealthy when he wants to be, but he's a bit shorter then I am. 21-01-2021 08:53:11 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: okay, got aimlab, lets see how bad it goes. 21-01-2021 08:53:35 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: Neat. 21-01-2021 08:56:15 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: 94 accuracy, 30 score 36 kill total, 37 targets, 35 ttk, 36 kills/second. 21-01-2021 08:57:32 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: ...36 kills/second? 21-01-2021 08:57:38 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: ;P 21-01-2021 08:58:19 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: I'd believe it 21-01-2021 08:58:27 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: dev has the killer instinct 21-01-2021 08:58:31 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: Honestlly it's Dev, I'll belive it. 21-01-2021 09:00:24 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: Alright, welp, I'm going to bed. 21-01-2021 09:00:26 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: Night gnets 21-01-2021 09:00:29 -!- MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz has left #einsteinianroulette 21-01-2021 09:08:14 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: nah, percentage. 21-01-2021 09:08:16 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: okay, tutorial done. 21-01-2021 09:08:39 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: I have no clue how their scores are calculated, some definitely seem to be bull. 21-01-2021 09:08:51 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: 30% flicking, 44% tracking, 41% speed, 37% precision, 49% preception, and 38% cognition. 21-01-2021 09:08:52 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: and yes. 21-01-2021 09:08:56 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: they are bull. 21-01-2021 09:09:07 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: but it did accurately gauge me as a shit FPS player. 21-01-2021 09:09:08 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: which I am. 21-01-2021 09:09:54 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: 35/38/33/42/75/45 for me. Though that hasn't changed since I finished the tutorial, so prolly just about meaningless. 21-01-2021 09:11:22 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: Heh, almost worse across the board than me. 21-01-2021 09:11:28 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: for me, sorry. 21-01-2021 09:12:22 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: You're much better at tracking and speed. 21-01-2021 09:12:38 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: however much 6 and 9 % mean. 21-01-2021 09:12:42 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: and you have four categories. 21-01-2021 09:13:03 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: Though the former I could've easily said, I pretty much always play shooters doing flick and catch shots, not tracking shots. 21-01-2021 09:13:49 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: I have no idea what the 75% perception is supposed to mean. Same for cognition. Those don't really seem like things this game would really test. 21-01-2021 09:15:25 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: hey, wanna watch something? 21-01-2021 09:15:53 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: maybe. 21-01-2021 09:16:54 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: No. 21-01-2021 09:17:03 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: probably not right now, though. 21-01-2021 09:19:12 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: damn 21-01-2021 09:19:47 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: now what will i do? read one of the thing sy sent me? :thinking: 21-01-2021 09:20:44 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: Yeah. 21-01-2021 09:20:46 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: Do that. 21-01-2021 09:20:50 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: The last one. 21-01-2021 10:02:34 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: okay, poverty seemingly appeals. 21-01-2021 10:02:35 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: mmm. 21-01-2021 10:03:12 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: I would like to be a smooth gangsta please 21-01-2021 10:19:02 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: "because, as has grown increasingly clear about the nature of the universe, everything is actually always very stupid." 21-01-2021 10:34:13 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: mmm. 21-01-2021 10:34:31 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: man, one of the big reasons for a test game is I'd love to see your takes on a possible character. 21-01-2021 10:34:34 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: these skill lists are good. 21-01-2021 10:34:47 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: I'll have to add more skills to non-skill choices for the real game, just for the creativity. 21-01-2021 10:39:20 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: I did pick All Was As One because it sounded the most like omniscience / sixth sense. looks like it's linked to adaptability, which is interesting 21-01-2021 10:39:45 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: guess we'll have a high animation speed, huh? 21-01-2021 10:40:20 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: It expands the number of skills you can learn rather dramatically. 21-01-2021 10:40:22 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: Have you even played DaS 2? 21-01-2021 10:40:41 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: DS2 was my first from game! 21-01-2021 10:41:01 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: if you want to move fast, should have chosen speed. 21-01-2021 10:41:09 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: ;-p 21-01-2021 10:41:18 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: not according to DS2 21-01-2021 10:41:45 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: It's depressing that some of the best ideas for Dark Souls were in 2. 21-01-2021 10:42:00 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: But because so much of the game was done badly, they dropped it all. 21-01-2021 10:42:00 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: in dark souls land, your agility is based on your endurance and whatever adaptatation is supposed to mean 21-01-2021 10:42:20 < Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net: but yeah, I'll probably make the base two skills because of this. 21-01-2021 10:42:38 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: yes sy, when we make our soulslike, we'll make sure to use some DS2 ideas ;p 21-01-2021 10:42:50 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: Our soulslike battle royale? 21-01-2021 10:42:54 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: yes 21-01-2021 10:43:33 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: which is totally something we're capable of making 21-01-2021 10:44:20 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: and also attracting a large enough playerbase that it's playable as intended, hmm 21-01-2021 10:45:53 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: "Soulslike Battle Royale: The Visual Novel" 21-01-2021 10:46:04 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: That's something we're capable of making. :P 21-01-2021 10:46:29 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: the last bit sort of invalidates the first two parts 21-01-2021 10:46:46 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: unless we're actually making a MUD 21-01-2021 10:47:27 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: If by "sort of" you mean "completely and totally", yes. 21-01-2021 10:48:07 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: well 21-01-2021 10:49:09 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: "battle royale" is a videogame genre now with certain gameplay expectations, but those games were based off of noninteractive stories about tossing a bunch of people into an arena and letting em sort it out 21-01-2021 10:49:34 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: and soulslike could possibly refer to a certain style of storytelling and worldbuilding 21-01-2021 10:58:11 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: which is to say that we should make a visual novel that's a ripoff of the hunger games except with enviromental storytelling and item descriptions and everybody laughs at you before dying in the end 21-01-2021 11:00:38 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: Hmmmm. 21-01-2021 11:00:44 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: Harem battle royale? 21-01-2021 11:01:03 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: Something may be wrong with me, my brain is saying that's a good idea. 21-01-2021 11:01:18 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: I feel that way regularly 21-01-2021 11:02:30 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: Visual novel where all the other characters are in an arena and have to kill each other, you bounce around and help/hinder them, having to figure out a way to keep your favorite alive. 21-01-2021 11:02:38 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: If you really fuck up someone murders you. 21-01-2021 11:02:44 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: Or if you even kinda fuck up. 21-01-2021 11:02:52 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: With a nice big YOU DIED on screen. 21-01-2021 11:08:21 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: hope I'm not being *too* mean to "Knightwing" 21-01-2021 11:09:14 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: since I don't care for lying, my options were "ghost" or "criticize" :v 21-01-2021 11:31:53 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: Did Knightwing post his char somewhere? 21-01-2021 11:32:05 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: yeah 21-01-2021 11:32:11 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: Ahh, I see. 21-01-2021 11:32:24 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: Back on the first page! 21-01-2021 11:32:26 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: was before we started 21-01-2021 11:32:42 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: Yeaaah, I remember this. 21-01-2021 11:33:09 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: Newb. 21-01-2021 11:33:38 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: 1: too edgy. 2: game is about revenants, not vampires. 3: 8600 years is too long, and doesn't make sense with the given backstory either 21-01-2021 11:34:25 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: 4: Ridiculously unbalanced powergaming attempt. 5: Uninteresting character with no good story to tell. 21-01-2021 11:34:46 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: I very much doubt that person could survive 7800 years ;p 21-01-2021 11:35:54 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: mm, didn't even really notice the powergaming aspect 21-01-2021 11:36:58 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: if I did let him in for some unknowable reason, he would inevitably still be weaker than my NPC villain ;p 21-01-2021 12:14:17 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: I have to take security training every year about defending against foreign espionage. Which is very idiotic, not least because every part of my job exists *only because* it uses an international standard known to every country. 21-01-2021 12:14:50 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: They like to talk about how rival countries want to steal US economic technology and information to modernize their own economies. 21-01-2021 12:15:02 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: I have a hard time believing that's actually a bad thing. 21-01-2021 12:15:17 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: heh 21-01-2021 12:36:06 -!- Stopped log service 21-01-2021 12:36:37 -!- Started log service 21-01-2021 12:36:45 -!- parisbre56[Away]!parisbre56@yte690263534014.access.hol.gr has joined #einsteinianroulette 21-01-2021 12:36:45 -!- Topic for #einsteinianroulette: Fleshorrors dream of feline BASS 21-01-2021 12:36:45 -!- Topic set by syv [Tuesday 29 September 2020, 08:56:47] 21-01-2021 12:44:19 < syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com: Goood night 21-01-2021 12:44:21 -!- syv!GreatWyrmG@794-221-764-269.biz.spectrum.com has quit [Quit: FuckAT&T] 21-01-2021 16:15:26 -!- Devastator_!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net has joined #einsteinianroulette 21-01-2021 16:17:11 -!- Devastator!chatzilla@lwfu-1j8vw6qq2xuswvy25btdfsyrx.ipv8.telus.net has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 21-01-2021 16:17:24 -!- Devastator_ is now known as Devastator 21-01-2021 18:45:55 -!- ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds]