06-10-2020 00:41:29 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: I'm watching a streamer and he brought up the idea of Dark Souls, but you're on a skateboard 06-10-2020 00:41:36 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: which sounds good to me 06-10-2020 00:43:01 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Streets of Rage IV. 06-10-2020 01:11:38 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: mice. 06-10-2020 01:13:23 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Mice! 06-10-2020 01:13:30 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: I don't know if the players understand how dangerous mice are. 06-10-2020 01:13:36 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: also, updated. 06-10-2020 01:13:59 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: I bet syv does :P 06-10-2020 01:14:26 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: they sure do seem intent on using melee weapons against flying cavalry 06-10-2020 01:14:49 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Looks like a bad move shooting the priests like that. 06-10-2020 01:15:16 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: mmh, yeah. Maybe I should have gone for two normal attacks against them rather than the AoE 06-10-2020 01:15:45 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: well, you'd have dropped one of them. 06-10-2020 01:17:58 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: trence uses potion, willis shoots a priest. 06-10-2020 01:18:28 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: hopefully we kill a mage and reduce the damage we take, and willis can heal next turn 06-10-2020 01:23:13 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Gonna wait for some votes in this one, most likely. 06-10-2020 01:23:19 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: rough fight. 06-10-2020 01:24:33 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: yeahh 06-10-2020 01:32:38 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Ahh, the mindless +1s start rolling in. 06-10-2020 01:32:45 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: ;-p 06-10-2020 01:33:20 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: I think that me an IO are the only ones who do any thinking at all in combat, and IO ususally agrees with me if I get in first 06-10-2020 01:34:01 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Yeah. 06-10-2020 01:34:13 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Plus one! ;-p 06-10-2020 01:36:55 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: pasta organ 06-10-2020 01:44:33 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: yes. 06-10-2020 01:44:41 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: been waiting for one of those to show up from the loot tables. 06-10-2020 01:47:36 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: what's it do 06-10-2020 01:50:19 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Pasta stuff. 06-10-2020 01:52:24 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: is it tasty? 06-10-2020 01:59:41 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: It's blue. 06-10-2020 01:59:54 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: vote blue 06-10-2020 02:43:40 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Burger time. 06-10-2020 02:43:50 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: borgar 06-10-2020 02:44:03 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Trying out a new recipie. 06-10-2020 02:44:11 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: recipe, sorry. 06-10-2020 02:44:17 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: this one's too unhealthy to eat often. 06-10-2020 02:44:34 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: ha, health 06-10-2020 02:44:49 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: a hollow, and rediculous notion 06-10-2020 02:45:37 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Mmm, not bad. 06-10-2020 02:45:41 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: not quite enough spice. 06-10-2020 02:45:51 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: yeah 06-10-2020 02:45:56 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: good rule for cooking 06-10-2020 02:46:03 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: MORE SPICE ;P 06-10-2020 02:46:26 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: mm, no, more spice in that bite. 06-10-2020 02:46:29 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: need to mix better. 06-10-2020 02:46:51 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Yeah, this is good. 06-10-2020 02:47:07 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: mixing things is fun 06-10-2020 03:32:47 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: mmm. 06-10-2020 03:32:49 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: two down. 06-10-2020 03:34:23 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Kyrgyzstan is having a popular revolt against its russian puppet leader. That's two in two months. 06-10-2020 03:34:59 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: welp 06-10-2020 03:35:00 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: sorry, three months since Belarus. 06-10-2020 03:35:17 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: looks like they're winning. Took their presidential palace and parliament buildings today. 06-10-2020 03:37:57 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Belarus is an ongoing standoff, but the country is basically non-functional, which means they'll win when Bolisaro runs out of money or the security forces give up. 06-10-2020 03:38:42 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: war, huh, what is it good for 06-10-2020 03:40:04 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Well, Kyrgyzstan might not be having much of one. Looks like the president escaped, but he made a public statement that he wants the faked election results voided, and they put the state TV offices out of order, and freed a bunch of political prisoners. 06-10-2020 03:40:24 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: so.. doesn't look like he has enough forces to keep himself on the throne. 06-10-2020 03:41:19 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: hmm 06-10-2020 03:42:06 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Putin cares a lot more about Belarus, but.. I don't know. He might actually be starting to run short of money. 06-10-2020 03:43:22 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: or Kyrgyzstan caught him by surprise. 06-10-2020 04:51:00 -!- syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg has joined #einsteinianroulette 06-10-2020 04:52:00 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: heya syv. 06-10-2020 04:52:31 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: heya dev. 06-10-2020 04:53:02 < * ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com stands in a dark corner, motionless 06-10-2020 04:53:39 < * syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg headpats ER 06-10-2020 04:54:04 < * ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com melts and reforms into an anime catgirl 06-10-2020 04:54:35 -!- MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz has joined #einsteinianroulette 06-10-2020 04:54:54 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: lo 06-10-2020 04:55:01 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: who goes there! 06-10-2020 04:55:25 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: tis I. A Jaguar of the night 06-10-2020 04:57:56 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: hiya syv 06-10-2020 04:58:04 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Hello. 06-10-2020 04:58:10 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: howre you? 06-10-2020 04:58:26 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Meh. Tired. 06-10-2020 04:59:09 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: god, not working feels great 06-10-2020 05:03:20 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Heh. 06-10-2020 05:03:30 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: I remember when you said that working felt great. 06-10-2020 05:03:39 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: I suppose it's whatever you aren't doing that feels great. 06-10-2020 05:04:01 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: Thats pretty much the human condition 06-10-2020 05:06:54 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: nope, I feel great right now 06-10-2020 05:06:58 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: not working 06-10-2020 05:07:41 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: Fair 06-10-2020 05:09:42 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Thanks for the k-com orders. 06-10-2020 05:10:06 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: "Trade with literally every organizatoin" should be a hoot. ;-p 06-10-2020 05:10:48 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: mmm, B max.. 06-10-2020 05:10:55 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: fuck, sorry. 06-10-2020 05:11:28 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: ???? 06-10-2020 05:12:41 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: shouldn't have said what you were doing. 06-10-2020 05:13:00 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: ??????? 06-10-2020 05:13:10 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 06-10-2020 05:13:15 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: anime!?!?!? 06-10-2020 05:13:24 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Yes, I'd like anime. 06-10-2020 05:15:38 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: Ah damnit I actually need to be up for mt 8AM. Night gents. 06-10-2020 05:15:41 -!- MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz has left #einsteinianroulette 06-10-2020 05:16:18 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Well that was wholly expected. 06-10-2020 05:16:31 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Yes, the drive-by feline. 06-10-2020 05:18:23 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: may he get his rest 06-10-2020 05:18:47 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Also, Trence is up shit creek at the moment, syv. 06-10-2020 05:18:52 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: too many porkers. 06-10-2020 05:19:11 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: so Devastator, is it a PP with syv and dev night or a GG with syv night? 06-10-2020 05:19:26 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Yeah, I can watch a couple. 06-10-2020 05:19:32 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: don't want to stay up too late, but sure. 06-10-2020 05:19:47 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: ^-^ 06-10-2020 05:19:50 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: https://youtu.be/ud1FtCqOPsE 06-10-2020 05:19:52 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: What ep are we on? 06-10-2020 05:20:07 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: 17 iirc 06-10-2020 05:20:23 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: I remember noting that we had 6 left 06-10-2020 05:20:35 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: with no idea of what was going to happen. 06-10-2020 05:20:45 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Yes, 17. 06-10-2020 05:20:56 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: This one is ready 06-10-2020 05:21:17 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Ready. 06-10-2020 05:21:26 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: I bet makasari or whoever will escape. 06-10-2020 05:21:38 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: ugh, need a name for him. 06-10-2020 05:21:50 < * Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net is bad at names. 06-10-2020 05:21:56 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: I was just calling him his name 06-10-2020 05:22:02 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: which I don't currently remember 06-10-2020 05:22:09 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Psychoboy? 06-10-2020 05:22:16 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: feel free to use BAD GUY 06-10-2020 05:22:20 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Heh. 06-10-2020 05:22:24 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: ready 06-10-2020 05:22:27 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Magic man? 06-10-2020 05:22:32 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Okay 06-10-2020 05:22:34 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: 5 06-10-2020 05:22:36 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: 4 06-10-2020 05:22:37 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: 3 06-10-2020 05:22:39 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: 2 06-10-2020 05:22:40 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: 1 06-10-2020 05:22:42 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: 0 06-10-2020 05:22:51 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Ciiity 06-10-2020 05:22:52 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: MECH 06-10-2020 05:22:54 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Mech! 06-10-2020 05:23:06 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: future japan has mechs! 06-10-2020 05:23:12 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Ofc 06-10-2020 05:23:15 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Trenchcoat Glasses. 06-10-2020 05:23:27 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: also, old cop has robo-arm. 06-10-2020 05:23:49 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Ugh, theme music too loud. 06-10-2020 05:23:50 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: so edgy boi was abducted by the chief? 06-10-2020 05:23:57 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: NOT LOUD ENUFF 06-10-2020 05:24:20 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Nah, Kagaree is ded 06-10-2020 05:24:34 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: ded? 06-10-2020 05:24:36 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Yeah, he got shot by the chief. 06-10-2020 05:24:39 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: the lone guy. 06-10-2020 05:24:50 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: no, that was the stunner 06-10-2020 05:24:52 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: yeah, though, I bet Makahira will escape. 06-10-2020 05:24:56 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: the hackerman was killed 06-10-2020 05:24:58 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: chief used a murderbeam. 06-10-2020 05:25:01 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: on the cop. 06-10-2020 05:25:05 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: well, the enforcer. 06-10-2020 05:25:18 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: the gun said stunner, I though 06-10-2020 05:25:27 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: (ER) no, that was the stunner 06-10-2020 05:25:27 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: No, she overrode it and made it into the murder version. 06-10-2020 05:25:31 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Yeah, but then it went glitchy and expanded into the vaporize thing. 06-10-2020 05:25:42 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: obv chief has an override. 06-10-2020 05:25:47 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: It was a good sequence, rewatch it after this ep. 06-10-2020 05:26:44 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: makishima! 06-10-2020 05:26:56 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Myamoto. 06-10-2020 05:28:04 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Man, they'd be pretty degraded if they can't manage one trial. 06-10-2020 05:28:09 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Nyamoto 06-10-2020 05:29:17 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: EVIL 06-10-2020 05:31:23 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: she's touma? 06-10-2020 05:31:26 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: ?????????????? 06-10-2020 05:32:00 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Apparently. 06-10-2020 05:32:03 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: and a robot. 06-10-2020 05:32:09 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: also one that had some fast repairs. 06-10-2020 05:32:10 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: I don't remember who Touma is... 06-10-2020 05:32:19 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Makashima's Friend. 06-10-2020 05:32:52 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: welp 06-10-2020 05:32:53 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: mmm. 06-10-2020 05:32:55 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: so hivemind. 06-10-2020 05:32:59 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: so syv's right 06-10-2020 05:33:05 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: ~~~ 06-10-2020 05:33:34 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: so society is run by a network of asymptomatic criminals 06-10-2020 05:33:44 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Do people have nothing to do in this city? 06-10-2020 05:34:02 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: touma is the one who murdered kou's friend 06-10-2020 05:34:25 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: you kept the video? 06-10-2020 05:34:30 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: brains! 06-10-2020 05:34:37 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: brains in cubes! 06-10-2020 05:34:38 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Yup 06-10-2020 05:34:43 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Slime. 06-10-2020 05:34:51 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: so yeah, steve with claw machines. 06-10-2020 05:35:30 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: "only nation on earth ruled by law" 06-10-2020 05:35:39 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: and, naturally, there's no law. 06-10-2020 05:35:46 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Always seems to work that way, doesn't it? 06-10-2020 05:37:05 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Yep, they're sociopaths. 06-10-2020 05:37:11 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Mmm, so sociopaths only. 06-10-2020 05:37:14 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: wonderful. 06-10-2020 05:38:29 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: frikking authoriarians 06-10-2020 05:38:32 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Mmm, still not as good as episode 10.. 06-10-2020 05:38:36 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: and yeah, pretty much. 06-10-2020 05:38:45 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Makashima's gonna be able to out-think them, isn't he? 06-10-2020 05:38:51 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Yes. 06-10-2020 05:39:02 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: he's goint to rebel 06-10-2020 05:39:12 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: well that might be a plot twist. 06-10-2020 05:41:02 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: BOOKED 06-10-2020 05:41:11 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Weaksauce cyborg, heh. 06-10-2020 05:42:57 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Parachute: Optional. 06-10-2020 05:43:03 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: So. 06-10-2020 05:43:12 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: heck yes 06-10-2020 05:43:13 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: I think Urobutcher and I like a lot of the same things. 06-10-2020 05:43:18 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Yeah, you pretty much had it there. 06-10-2020 05:43:34 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: dammit Steve 06-10-2020 05:43:58 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Fuck Steve. 06-10-2020 05:44:00 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: More than that, this is probably pretty much exactly how I'd write this plot. 06-10-2020 05:44:02 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: still willing to see it out, though. 06-10-2020 05:44:23 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Stinger? 06-10-2020 05:44:26 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Yep 06-10-2020 05:44:47 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Joyboy hallucination. 06-10-2020 05:44:55 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Joyboy 06-10-2020 05:44:59 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: 's good. 06-10-2020 05:45:02 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: I feel like a status quo ending to this wouldn't be satisfying, but there's more seasons... 06-10-2020 05:45:09 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: well, he's got the non-bishi hair.. 06-10-2020 05:45:15 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: that's how anime shows tough guys. 06-10-2020 05:45:48 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: on mo 06-10-2020 05:45:49 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Now go back and watch the end of 16 06-10-2020 05:46:03 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: 20:20 06-10-2020 05:50:31 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: eh, I didn't memorize the gun shapes 06-10-2020 05:50:36 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: is that really lethal? 06-10-2020 05:50:46 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: That's the disintegrator. 06-10-2020 05:51:16 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: using the disintegrator in that room seems like a terrible idea 06-10-2020 05:52:05 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: more? 06-10-2020 05:52:14 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: sure. 06-10-2020 05:52:40 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: ready 06-10-2020 05:53:13 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: ready 06-10-2020 05:54:09 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: 5 06-10-2020 05:54:10 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: 4 06-10-2020 05:54:12 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: 3 06-10-2020 05:54:13 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: 2 06-10-2020 05:54:14 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: 1 06-10-2020 05:54:16 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: 0 06-10-2020 05:54:23 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: ...I wonder why the chief-cyborg was damaged, other than to show us she's a cyborg 06-10-2020 05:54:41 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: because she got shot? 06-10-2020 05:55:00 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: there she is 06-10-2020 05:55:14 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: They need more people puppets. 06-10-2020 05:55:20 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: I remember reading a story about a bodyswapper like that. 06-10-2020 05:55:21 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: so I guess she's not so much evil as not actually a someone 06-10-2020 05:55:37 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Caused a real plot issue when she ran out of bodies. 06-10-2020 05:56:00 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: had to be very careful for a couple in-universe years. 06-10-2020 05:56:35 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: if your brain is ever in danger you're doing it wrong ;P 06-10-2020 05:56:56 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: It wasn't that way, it was "If I die this time, I can't come back for years." 06-10-2020 05:58:18 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: I think the overmind should probably consider just killing the guy 06-10-2020 05:58:26 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: he's cly dangerous 06-10-2020 05:59:09 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: ..do you even know what protective duty is? 06-10-2020 06:00:27 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: gross 06-10-2020 06:00:36 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: it's fine if the can is empty. 06-10-2020 06:01:00 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Actually seems like a good idea. 06-10-2020 06:01:08 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Nice container for it. 06-10-2020 06:02:44 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: I think if he kills Makishima, Sibil will kill him back 06-10-2020 06:03:01 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: If the sybil system is actually based on people interpreting others, why would they not mark anyone getting into their safe building as dangerous and needing to be stopped? 06-10-2020 06:03:30 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Didn't they just do that? 06-10-2020 06:03:50 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: the chief overriding the gun was that happening. 06-10-2020 06:04:32 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: They let them in when Joyboy and Hackerman led the six rangers in. 06-10-2020 06:05:09 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: The door might not have been working after hackerman went through. 06-10-2020 06:05:50 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: ..are those guys from division 2? 06-10-2020 06:06:13 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Hah, so that's the workaround. 06-10-2020 06:06:58 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: I can totally believe this loophole. 06-10-2020 06:06:59 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: so glasses dude is smart after all 06-10-2020 06:07:26 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Chief isn't that dumb. 06-10-2020 06:07:30 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: this is too important. 06-10-2020 06:08:40 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: mmm. 06-10-2020 06:09:25 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: That's like a huge mistake. 06-10-2020 06:09:43 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Aww 06-10-2020 06:09:47 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: Sibil are dumb 06-10-2020 06:09:51 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: don't show them you can do that. 06-10-2020 06:09:55 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: and yeah. 06-10-2020 06:10:20 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Is that the second time she's shot him? 06-10-2020 06:10:26 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Yes. 06-10-2020 06:10:26 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: yup 06-10-2020 06:12:25 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: hmm. 06-10-2020 06:12:33 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: I thought he'd just be put on leave and run away. 06-10-2020 06:13:23 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: "My partner got killed by the last gun." 06-10-2020 06:13:25 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: Sibil loves Makishima and hates Kougami, which is cly the wrong choice 06-10-2020 06:13:41 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Kougami's comprehensable. 06-10-2020 06:13:44 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: so.. yeah. 06-10-2020 06:14:11 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Mmm. 06-10-2020 06:14:15 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: need to move laundry. 06-10-2020 06:14:17 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: be back. 06-10-2020 06:14:22 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: aw yeah, we cyberpunk now! 06-10-2020 06:15:53 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: ;-; 06-10-2020 06:16:43 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: T^T 06-10-2020 06:17:13 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Cyberpunk the RTD. 06-10-2020 06:17:22 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Watch the ED, Dev. 06-10-2020 06:17:32 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: HOW ARE THERE FOUR MORE EPISODES?1 06-10-2020 06:18:05 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: rome wasn't sacked in a day 06-10-2020 06:18:11 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: so old guy gave him a gun? 06-10-2020 06:18:18 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: "Filler" ;-p 06-10-2020 06:18:20 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: anything else? 06-10-2020 06:18:44 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: yeah, understandable. 06-10-2020 06:18:47 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: although the 06-10-2020 06:18:52 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: ~baka was amusing. 06-10-2020 06:19:14 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: one more. 06-10-2020 06:19:15 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Are we keeping on tonight? 06-10-2020 06:19:18 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: that'll leave it at 3 to go. 06-10-2020 06:19:18 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Okay! 06-10-2020 06:19:37 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Ready 06-10-2020 06:19:41 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: `rr 06-10-2020 06:19:46 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: ready, sir 06-10-2020 06:19:48 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: `cg 06-10-2020 06:19:52 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Nice shoe 06-10-2020 06:19:54 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: 5 06-10-2020 06:19:55 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: 4 06-10-2020 06:19:57 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: 3 06-10-2020 06:19:58 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: 2 06-10-2020 06:19:59 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: 1 06-10-2020 06:20:00 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: 0 06-10-2020 06:20:04 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: also casings 06-10-2020 06:20:16 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Reload drills. 06-10-2020 06:20:23 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: seems pretty fast. 06-10-2020 06:20:32 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Oh yes. 06-10-2020 06:20:33 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: he has to do those, using a magic gun for so long 06-10-2020 06:20:50 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Poor Japan, their police still get revolvers. 06-10-2020 06:21:01 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: really? 06-10-2020 06:21:07 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Might be better if that was the case in more places.. 06-10-2020 06:21:12 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Last I read. 06-10-2020 06:21:25 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Which admittedly was a couple years ago. 06-10-2020 06:22:06 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: note that in this ideal future utopia, people still smoke indoors 06-10-2020 06:22:28 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Mmm. 06-10-2020 06:23:01 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Only latent criminals. 06-10-2020 06:23:33 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Not much to lose there. 06-10-2020 06:23:41 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: CGI! 06-10-2020 06:24:20 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: do we have a name for ponytail? 06-10-2020 06:24:40 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: she's quiet enough to not need one :P 06-10-2020 06:24:55 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Rocker girl? 06-10-2020 06:25:00 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Latent lesbian? 06-10-2020 06:25:25 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Not really latant. She was screwing the operations officer in episode 1. 06-10-2020 06:26:13 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: "Is this going to turn into nookie? I'm not really into her.." 06-10-2020 06:27:06 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Hahaha 06-10-2020 06:27:11 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: how a collective of sociopaths judges, you of course 06-10-2020 06:28:19 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: "No rulers" 06-10-2020 06:30:04 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Not a bad interpretation. 06-10-2020 06:36:45 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: "But I have no idea where all these frog images came into it." 06-10-2020 06:37:27 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Ehehehehe 06-10-2020 06:37:29 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: diversity is important 06-10-2020 06:37:33 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: These people are morons. 06-10-2020 06:37:50 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Yeah, he was listing journalists and "social critics" 06-10-2020 06:38:02 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: gotta have journos. 06-10-2020 06:38:17 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: My first thought was "edgy teens and dissatisfied bums" 06-10-2020 06:38:18 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: And I'd be sad in a world where ther isn't an Angry Video Game Nerd. ;-p 06-10-2020 06:38:28 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Yeah, some of that. 06-10-2020 06:38:35 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: I'm sure there's one or two for the actually smart people. 06-10-2020 06:38:39 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: You'll get some journalists, but also a lot of idiots. 06-10-2020 06:38:54 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: been to one or two of them myself in the past.. 06-10-2020 06:40:36 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: that means it'll be cute cop to kill him 06-10-2020 06:40:52 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Makashima will escape on a boat. 06-10-2020 06:40:59 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Season 2, the rest of the world. 06-10-2020 06:41:21 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: !!! 06-10-2020 06:41:32 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: mmm. 06-10-2020 06:41:39 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Hum. Did they realize she's a sociopath too? 06-10-2020 06:41:48 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: perhaps 06-10-2020 06:42:12 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: only pictures of her for the first part of the song 06-10-2020 06:42:23 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: She's no sociopath. 06-10-2020 06:42:43 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: She can be measured too, remember. 06-10-2020 06:42:56 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Maybe they need someone. Everyone else is not available. 06-10-2020 06:43:07 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: I'd bet she's "asymptomatic" 06-10-2020 06:43:14 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: She's never had a non-clear hue. 06-10-2020 06:43:16 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Nah, she's been measured all the time. 06-10-2020 06:43:21 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: and she just had oen. 06-10-2020 06:43:24 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: "Pale lavender" 06-10-2020 06:43:34 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: She's been talking about how she never goes up, even when shes going through shit. 06-10-2020 06:43:42 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Makashimi could be measured 06-10-2020 06:43:43 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Yeah, but that's not quite true. 06-10-2020 06:43:47 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: It's just thw he never went up. 06-10-2020 06:43:48 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: makishima can be mesaured. he just never measures high. just like cutecop 06-10-2020 06:43:59 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Makashimi's measurement from one moment to the next was widely variable. 06-10-2020 06:44:11 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Nah, it just kept going down. 06-10-2020 06:44:16 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Yeah, which isn't right. 06-10-2020 06:44:34 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: cutecop didn't have that, and when she was put through that brainscan procedure she went up too. 06-10-2020 06:44:46 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Nah, it's just really low and really resiliant, but not immesurable. 06-10-2020 06:44:48 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: by only a little 06-10-2020 06:45:16 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: 16:54 48.5 06-10-2020 06:45:59 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: 17:24, Makashima cuts girl, 32 06-10-2020 06:47:40 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: 18:44 "haha you're useless~!" "Under 20" 06-10-2020 06:47:51 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: 18.3 specifically 06-10-2020 06:49:29 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: 19:55 "Regret helplessness, and feel despair" *slashes neck* "Crime coefficient: 0" 06-10-2020 06:49:58 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: more like 06-10-2020 06:50:08 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: regret not aiming with both hands 06-10-2020 06:50:19 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: TRY HOLDING WITH BOTH HANDS 06-10-2020 06:50:24 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: look for cutecop readings. 06-10-2020 06:50:30 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: we know about Makashima's results. 06-10-2020 06:50:42 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: shooting a bigass rifle one handed, while looking down the sights of a pistol you're holding with your other hand 06-10-2020 06:50:52 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Oh, first Joyboy reading is at 14:01, 79.2 06-10-2020 06:51:19 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: cutecop got a reading when they were after the first helmet guy 06-10-2020 06:51:23 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: 20 something 06-10-2020 06:51:49 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: I know she was in the 30s at another time. 06-10-2020 06:52:09 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: One of the google suggestions when googling her crime coefficient is "Is Akane criminally asymptomatic?" 06-10-2020 06:52:29 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Well they're morons. 06-10-2020 06:52:31 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: No, no she isn't. 06-10-2020 06:52:50 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Hehe. 06-10-2020 06:52:53 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: is tho 06-10-2020 06:53:15 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: No. 06-10-2020 06:53:20 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: syv, spoil yourself to settle our petty disargeement! 06-10-2020 06:53:36 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Basically, we don't have proof she isn't. And she *does* fit the bill. She talks about being confused that her pass is always clear, even when she's feeling horrible. 06-10-2020 06:53:44 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: What she doesn't have is obvious sociopathy. 06-10-2020 06:54:01 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Yeah we have proof. 06-10-2020 06:54:02 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: That being said, sociopathy isn't really quite so simple. 06-10-2020 06:54:06 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: The chief would know. 06-10-2020 06:54:19 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: and the chief hasn't shoved her brain into a box yet. 06-10-2020 06:54:33 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Nah. How do they read sociopaths? By people murdering when their coefficients are still low. 06-10-2020 06:54:42 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: And they *did* just offer her knowledge. 06-10-2020 06:54:54 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Recall, JoyBoy has known he was different since being a *child*. 06-10-2020 06:55:03 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: But they're only offering him the job now. 06-10-2020 06:55:14 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: He's passed through many scans, actively abused it even/ 06-10-2020 06:55:24 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: they explained the asymptomatic people as being folks with a non-normal outlook on life 06-10-2020 06:55:25 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: If they knew just from scans, they'd have nabbed him far sooner. 06-10-2020 06:55:55 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: It's still dumb. 06-10-2020 06:56:22 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Hehehehe. 06-10-2020 06:56:29 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: You're arguing that the explanation is that the scans are worthless on her, using evidence from the same scans. 06-10-2020 06:56:30 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: It's what I'd write. 06-10-2020 06:56:39 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Well yeah. 06-10-2020 06:56:58 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: That's the definition of "criminally asymptomatic" in this world. 06-10-2020 06:58:10 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: I'm saying you have nothing to base said assertion on, while I have the fact that she's working as a cop. 06-10-2020 06:58:29 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: True, this is a guess, and there's reasons not to believe it. 06-10-2020 06:58:43 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Mostly, I want it to be true. But I'd guess it's wrong. 06-10-2020 06:58:57 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: So far all criminal symptotes have been traditional sociopaths. 06-10-2020 06:59:07 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Serial killers. 06-10-2020 06:59:40 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: but also serial killers who weren't 06-10-2020 07:00:33 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: One of the fun fascinating things about sociopathy, though, is that it's estimated to be waaaay more common than serial killers. Which, really, makes sense; if sociopathy is simply having no empathy, why would they all kill people? Most would just be dicks that still don't murder people, 'cause murder is dumb. 06-10-2020 07:01:16 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Most also have *some* kind of moral system and beliefs about how the world works, even if it's insane to other people and not based on empathy. 06-10-2020 07:01:56 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: It's not hard to conceive of a law-abiding sociopath who's basically lucked into a more traditional moral system and behaves as a saint because that's just how they've ended up thinking. 06-10-2020 07:02:43 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: We have watched Ghostbusters, right? 06-10-2020 07:02:49 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: If *I* were writing a psychological thriller about sociopaths, I would absolutely have a character like this who gets a lot of analysis, and is shown as a different path for the same disorder. 06-10-2020 07:03:12 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: I wouldn't write said char like Cutecop, but I'd put it in. 06-10-2020 07:03:27 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: She doesn't quite fit, she's acted very empathic and caring. 06-10-2020 07:04:04 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: But I *want* her to be this char, and am starting to think she might be meant that way, with more willingness to bend the definition of sociopathy so that she's... well, cute and friendly. 06-10-2020 07:04:26 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: ...but I don't think criminally asymptomatic are supposed to be sociopaths anyways 06-10-2020 07:04:42 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: The show is called psycho-pass 06-10-2020 07:04:48 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: they're described as people who have a non-standard view 06-10-2020 07:04:56 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Psychopath = sociopath. 06-10-2020 07:05:10 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: who cannot be judged by sybil because sybil doesn't understand them, basically 06-10-2020 07:05:14 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: And all the asymptotes we've seen have been *textbook* sociopaths. 06-10-2020 07:05:23 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: we've met two 06-10-2020 07:05:29 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: But sibyl is made entirely from them. 06-10-2020 07:05:32 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: and one of them only breifly 06-10-2020 07:05:36 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Three. 06-10-2020 07:05:59 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Makashimi, Kouma, and whoever was in the body when it tried to make Incompicop murder Ko. 06-10-2020 07:06:24 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: She was in too deep a crisis about her friend to be a sociopath. 06-10-2020 07:07:10 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: By the traditional definition, yes. 06-10-2020 07:07:31 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: But if the point of her character is analyzing a different view of it, that would kinda be the *point*. 06-10-2020 07:10:30 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: That sounds a lot like saying she's a sociopath, except she doesn't express any of the traits of a sociopath. 06-10-2020 07:10:41 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: :3 06-10-2020 07:10:58 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Yeah. 06-10-2020 07:11:05 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: "Hey, this is my dog." 06-10-2020 07:11:08 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: which is why she's asymptomatic which isn't the same thing dammit 06-10-2020 07:11:09 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: "That's an Iguana." 06-10-2020 07:11:22 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: "No, it's just an iguana-shaped dog." 06-10-2020 07:11:32 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Awww 06-10-2020 07:11:35 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: I did my best. 06-10-2020 07:11:50 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Makashima also said his hue had *always* been only the purest white. 06-10-2020 07:12:03 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Cutecop's hue gets colored all kinds of things. 06-10-2020 07:12:31 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Hue is psycho-pass, Crime-coefficient is different. CC goes up if you're holding a weapon, for instance. 06-10-2020 07:12:32 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: maybe she just hasn't learned to control it yet 06-10-2020 07:13:16 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: I think they said that hue is what can be measured by machines, but CC needs the human touch 06-10-2020 07:13:44 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: ...That sounds like the reverse of my understanding. 06-10-2020 07:13:47 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: IE, machines can figure out if you're upset, you need people to say if you're guilty 06-10-2020 07:14:14 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Yeah, that was said explicitly, syv. 06-10-2020 07:14:19 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: In that case, Makashima would've had to have been lying. 06-10-2020 07:14:21 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: hue is machine-readable. 06-10-2020 07:14:31 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Nah. 06-10-2020 07:14:41 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: if he's not human-readable he's probably not machine-readable either. 06-10-2020 07:14:49 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: that might just default to clear for some reason. 06-10-2020 07:15:58 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: criminally asymptomatic aer actually the brains of sectiod implanted into humans by the aliens, but they and everyone else don't know and it will never come up 06-10-2020 07:16:13 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Pff 06-10-2020 07:16:22 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Nah, Sectoid heads are too big. 06-10-2020 07:16:37 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Also if that were true, Sibyl would have psychic powers. 06-10-2020 07:16:46 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: they're shorter than humans, so their heads might be around the same size 06-10-2020 07:17:03 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: there are hybrids in Apoc. 06-10-2020 07:17:11 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: and probably some of the newer games. 06-10-2020 07:17:27 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: XCOM 2 does have hybrids, yes. 06-10-2020 07:17:34 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: :3 06-10-2020 07:17:46 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: yeah, there's a playable hybrid in chiimera squad too 06-10-2020 07:18:23 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: ...I guess there's playable hybrids in x2, too 06-10-2020 07:19:18 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: unlike Apoc, the hybrids aren't really psychic types, though 06-10-2020 07:19:42 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: I remember psionics being awful in apoc. 06-10-2020 07:20:07 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Wasn't the god strat in apoc just teleporters and explosives? 06-10-2020 07:20:17 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: and robots! 06-10-2020 07:20:22 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Weren't explosives kind've always the god strat, really? 06-10-2020 07:20:37 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: robots with autocannons 06-10-2020 07:20:45 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Not really. There were a few different options, IIRC. 06-10-2020 07:22:21 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: toxigun clip C was pretty much an answer to everything. 06-10-2020 07:24:37 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: I kinda like the concept of the upgrade from plasma, which was top-tier in the original, is guns which shoot poison specialized to kill whatever it is you're killing 06-10-2020 07:25:32 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: I just discovered that when my phone's camera is in selfie mode, it still has a flash. 06-10-2020 07:25:57 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Which it does by shifting brightness to maximum, and whiting out the entire screen. 06-10-2020 07:26:23 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: I discovered this by trying to take a picture of Kevin, who was in my lap, in this pitch dark room. 06-10-2020 07:26:55 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: And my reaction to this discovery scared him away, so I didn't even get a cat picture out of it. :( 06-10-2020 07:26:58 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: rip syv's photoreceptors 06-10-2020 07:27:06 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: aww 06-10-2020 07:27:11 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Kevin is the fraidy-cat, right? 06-10-2020 07:27:21 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: (and yeah, I want a pic of the fluffikins.) 06-10-2020 07:29:10 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Yes 06-10-2020 07:29:30 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: hmm 06-10-2020 07:29:38 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: just wanted to say fraidy-cat. 06-10-2020 07:30:22 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: mice have guns, but... probably something equivalent to a pistol round would be a bigass cannon to them. 06-10-2020 07:31:01 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: and a gun small enough for one to carry would probably not hurt uch 06-10-2020 07:31:32 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: I think our 22 LR would be basically a 30mm for them. 06-10-2020 07:31:45 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: So not mouse-portable, but could be crew-served. 06-10-2020 07:32:09 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: 22 is prolly pretty comparable to an intermediate or rifle caliber, for a cat. 06-10-2020 07:32:37 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Not necessarily lethal on a body shot, but will be if it got close to anything important. 06-10-2020 07:32:45 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYFY_Ecm2SY 06-10-2020 07:32:49 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Yeah, 22 is probably a 5.56 to a cat. 06-10-2020 07:33:31 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: So what would essentially be an AMR for a mouse would be more or less a pistol round for a cat. 06-10-2020 07:34:27 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: I also thought about how effective a formation would really be against something the size of an ogre, relatively. 06-10-2020 07:34:43 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Pikes. 06-10-2020 07:34:51 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Pikes are amazing. 06-10-2020 07:34:53 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: miniature cannons are just :D 06-10-2020 07:35:21 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: Yeah, but stick-cat can probably outrange a mouse-pike 06-10-2020 07:35:31 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: and sweep them all at once 06-10-2020 07:37:02 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: mice would probably wreck shop with a .22 crew-operated machinegun, but I don't think their tech is there yet 06-10-2020 07:37:21 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: toy cannon! 06-10-2020 07:38:59 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: fortunately there's probably not much data on how likely cats are to survive various different bullet calibers 06-10-2020 07:40:05 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: None I'd care to look for. 06-10-2020 07:40:15 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Racoon data, maybe. 06-10-2020 07:40:24 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: more likely 06-10-2020 07:40:36 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: or a muskrat. 06-10-2020 07:41:13 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: though I'm unsure how comparable a cat is to another mammal of the same size in terms of durability 06-10-2020 07:41:32 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: for firearms? Probably comparable. 06-10-2020 07:41:44 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: >(Devastator) None I'd care to look for. 06-10-2020 07:41:44 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Weak! 06-10-2020 07:42:48 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: (ER) mice would probably wreck shop with a .22 crew-operated machinegun, but I don't think their tech is there yet 06-10-2020 07:42:48 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: I am now visualizing a bunch of mice swarming over a rabbit-pulled carriage, that just has an American-180 atop it, mounted on a swivel. 06-10-2020 07:43:37 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: ..I don't want to search for pictures of people shooting cats, syv. 06-10-2020 07:43:44 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: call me weak if you want. 06-10-2020 07:44:04 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: I once played the demo of an RPG where you play as a mouse, and he wields a swiss army knife in the same way as one would a giant anime sword 06-10-2020 07:44:50 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Anyways. I've never shot a cat. My father's shot a few. 22 to the head is very lethal. No skull deflection. Just going on what I've seen with other animals, a jaw hit or something would probably be survivable (much like an intermediate shot to a human). Any shot to the main skull would be lethal due to overpressure. 06-10-2020 07:45:01 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Shot to the torso failed to kill, once, according to him. 06-10-2020 07:45:57 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Q44cbwnjHnU/maxresdefault.jpg 06-10-2020 07:47:41 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: A cat with a big stick probably *would* wreck mouse legionaries. 06-10-2020 07:47:43 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: dun dun dun dun duuun dun dun duun dun. 06-10-2020 07:47:54 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Maybe mice infantry would want a lot of highly mobile archers. 06-10-2020 07:48:16 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Shoot the eyes. 06-10-2020 07:48:23 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: Or... grappling hooks and giant blades to strike the weak point! :D 06-10-2020 07:48:41 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Though maybe mice simply don't have real infantry? 06-10-2020 07:48:56 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Or if they do, they're specialized anti-mouse infantry? 06-10-2020 07:49:05 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Prolly with shortswords for tunnel fighting. 06-10-2020 07:49:31 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Do mice even have metalworking? I think cats were still tribal, without metalwork. 06-10-2020 07:49:56 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: (ER) Or... grappling hooks and giant blades to strike the weak point! :D 06-10-2020 07:49:56 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Fuck it, AoT mice sound amazing. 06-10-2020 07:50:13 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Mice spec ops have magical ODM, yes please. 06-10-2020 07:50:30 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: I might go with pike lesionaires backed up by an AoT monster-slayer 06-10-2020 07:50:59 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: I figured mice had metalworking. Maybe magic-aided 06-10-2020 07:51:19 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/546439502609121292/753893317896437811/Kevin_and_Hansel.jpg 06-10-2020 07:51:28 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: There's your picture, Dev. Old one. 06-10-2020 07:51:36 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: cats only think to make technology which *is* magic, mice use magic to build technology 06-10-2020 07:52:22 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: The way I saw it, mice had little reason to fight each other. They're united. 06-10-2020 07:52:43 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: I feel like they'd have dystopian police. 06-10-2020 07:52:52 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Which would be basically militarized. 06-10-2020 07:52:59 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: yay 06-10-2020 07:53:00 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: yeah, but police use different methods from an army 06-10-2020 07:53:16 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Also, their government seems to be essentially military atits core? 06-10-2020 07:53:31 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: shortswords are fine. Probably won't see any of them in SC, tho 06-10-2020 07:59:14 -!- Started log service 06-10-2020 07:59:24 -!- parisbre56[Away]!parisbre56@krf924538320460.access.hol.gr has joined #einsteinianroulette 06-10-2020 07:59:24 -!- Topic for #einsteinianroulette: Fleshorrors dream of feline BASS 06-10-2020 07:59:24 -!- Topic set by syv [Tuesday 29 September 2020, 08:56:47] 06-10-2020 08:02:52 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: though if there's good guys here, it's clearly the gigantic devourers, because fuck authoriatarians ;P 06-10-2020 08:03:11 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: They also purr 06-10-2020 08:03:18 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Purring is fucking *amazing* 06-10-2020 08:03:40 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: heh 06-10-2020 08:03:45 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: yeah, that's how they manage to regenerate 1 strike per turn 06-10-2020 08:03:50 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: just purr! 06-10-2020 08:04:07 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Hah. 06-10-2020 08:08:45 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Hamburger patties are basically just fat meat cookies 06-10-2020 08:09:18 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: hmm, yeah 06-10-2020 08:09:21 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: I need more of those 06-10-2020 08:11:14 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: I feel like it's pretty in character for cat mages that radio is toting around a huge gun seemingly designed for the hands of a much larger creature 06-10-2020 08:15:21 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: "Someday, I will be BIG, and this will be PERFECT!" 06-10-2020 08:15:36 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Hah. 06-10-2020 08:15:49 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: I'm sure any agressive small cat would like to be a big cat. 06-10-2020 08:18:50 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: big cat's where the action's at 06-10-2020 08:45:26 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: outside of the small cats who think they ARE big cats. 06-10-2020 08:45:53 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: Those are the ones you gotta watch out for 06-10-2020 08:46:07 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: they have the volume of a small cat, but the mass of a large one 06-10-2020 08:56:09 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: https://youtu.be/UiWjCDgg7GE 06-10-2020 09:02:37 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Uh 06-10-2020 09:02:39 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Damn 06-10-2020 09:09:52 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: hmm 06-10-2020 09:11:09 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: the society in psycho-pass has like 130 rulers, and 12 police officers, of which like 4 are actually trustworthy 06-10-2020 09:14:21 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: ...Aaahahahahahahaha 06-10-2020 09:14:40 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: Really that's just for *this* city... but yes. 06-10-2020 09:15:06 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: I still say there's probably beat cops that resolve much more minor things. Traffic tickets and such. 06-10-2020 09:15:13 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: These guys are just the SWAT. 06-10-2020 09:15:27 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: I think the "beat cops" of this world are those drones 06-10-2020 09:15:58 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: In which case the 130 rulers are also the true police force. 06-10-2020 09:16:34 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: hmm, yeah 06-10-2020 09:17:56 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: it does place the cid in a strange spot of "tiny force, has pretty much the monopoly on force, NOT trusted with any secrets or the ability to override the system" 06-10-2020 09:18:59 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: a specialized organ. Well, I don't really see why they couldn't manage to have a thing like that, but keep them loyal rather than ignorant 06-10-2020 09:19:07 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: wouldn't make as good a story :P 06-10-2020 09:20:27 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: I guess now their plan is to inform Cutecop without absorbing her, because she's pretty loyal to law and order 06-10-2020 09:20:42 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: They're too exposed to the realities and flaws of the system. 06-10-2020 09:21:09 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: I think she'll be used as a pawn to clean the current system up, and they'll replace the whole group soonish. 06-10-2020 09:24:03 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: maybe everybody will die, cutecop will be eaten by steve, and a copy of her body will be the new chief in future seasons starring a whole new cast ;p 06-10-2020 09:36:01 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: That would be phenomenal, but she's on the cover for later seasons. 06-10-2020 09:36:07 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg: So protagboy will die. 06-10-2020 09:36:55 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: F 06-10-2020 10:07:59 -!- syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 06-10-2020 10:08:18 -!- sy!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg has joined #einsteinianroulette 06-10-2020 10:08:55 -!- sy!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 06-10-2020 10:08:59 -!- sy!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg has joined #einsteinianroulette 06-10-2020 10:19:20 -!- ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 06-10-2020 10:52:43 -!- sy!GreatWyrmG@72.168.rzn.zg has quit [Quit: FuckAT&T] 06-10-2020 17:48:51 -!- Piecewise_!Piecewise@73-23-70-892.lsv2.qwest.net has joined #einsteinianroulette 06-10-2020 17:49:50 -!- Piecewise__!Piecewise@73-23-70-892.lsv2.qwest.net has joined #einsteinianroulette 06-10-2020 17:51:51 -!- Piecewise!Piecewise@73-23-70-892.lsv2.qwest.net has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 06-10-2020 17:52:28 -!- Piecewise!Piecewise@73-23-70-892.lsv2.qwest.net has joined #einsteinianroulette 06-10-2020 17:53:01 -!- Piecewise_!Piecewise@73-23-70-892.lsv2.qwest.net has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 06-10-2020 17:54:16 -!- Piecewise__!Piecewise@73-23-70-892.lsv2.qwest.net has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 06-10-2020 20:22:15 -!- ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com has joined #einsteinianroulette 06-10-2020 22:33:18 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: rolled "how well the battle is going" 06-10-2020 22:33:23 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: got an 18 06-10-2020 22:33:29 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: so I guess you win 06-10-2020 22:36:37 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: T 06-10-2020 22:36:45 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: the glory of catkind is forever 06-10-2020 23:34:20 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: meowkind. 06-10-2020 23:36:45 -!- andrew!andrew@2a02:c7f:320d:quih:iolu:hzo:hglh:xjog has joined #einsteinianroulette 06-10-2020 23:36:55 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Hello. 06-10-2020 23:37:02 < andrew!andrew@2a02:c7f:320d:quih:iolu:hzo:hglh:xjog: hello 06-10-2020 23:37:06 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: whoooooooo 06-10-2020 23:37:16 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: hi :3 06-10-2020 23:37:49 < andrew!andrew@2a02:c7f:320d:quih:iolu:hzo:hglh:xjog: whats happening hows you guys 06-10-2020 23:37:49 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: We got a mystery here! Bay12 user? 06-10-2020 23:38:10 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: Ok. 06-10-2020 23:38:16 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: got a new vid to watch, then updating my game. 06-10-2020 23:38:19 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_QuIbJHz7o 06-10-2020 23:38:43 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: I'm doing okay 06-10-2020 23:39:36 < Devastator!chatzilla@k525-535-09-21.bchsia.telus.net: that's good. 06-10-2020 23:44:16 -!- andrew!andrew@2a02:c7f:320d:quih:iolu:hzo:hglh:xjog has left #einsteinianroulette [Leaving]