25-04-2020 00:19:57 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: Also, here's how eagles swim. 25-04-2020 00:20:02 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: http://youtu.be/5lkyPfGYBf8 25-04-2020 00:23:04 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: eagles are badass 25-04-2020 00:23:32 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: Yeah. 25-04-2020 00:23:36 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: also do the breaststroke. 25-04-2020 00:24:16 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: might be even more ideal hunters than felids :P 25-04-2020 00:25:02 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: they're like cats that fly. 25-04-2020 00:25:04 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: ;-p 25-04-2020 01:44:45 -!- Devastator_!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net has joined #einsteinianroulette 25-04-2020 01:44:46 -!- Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 25-04-2020 01:44:47 -!- Devastator_ is now known as Devastator 25-04-2020 01:56:45 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: and that's why griffons are terrifying 25-04-2020 01:59:57 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: chirp 25-04-2020 02:00:47 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: griffon tries to meow, fails. 25-04-2020 02:00:50 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: chirp? 25-04-2020 02:01:10 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: hwap 25-04-2020 02:08:17 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: got M:TW 25-04-2020 02:08:29 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: thinking of streaming it. 25-04-2020 02:08:59 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: what's that? 25-04-2020 02:09:18 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: The second game in the total war series. 25-04-2020 02:11:44 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: going to poke irony. 25-04-2020 02:20:40 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: also came before certain AI quirks such as them always suiciding as much as possible, and unlimited time battles. 25-04-2020 02:21:20 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: does it have vampires 25-04-2020 02:22:20 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: afraid not. 25-04-2020 02:22:24 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: does have jedi knights. 25-04-2020 02:22:43 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: how about wizards? griffons? 25-04-2020 02:23:43 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: nope. Grenardiers and inquisitors, yeah. 25-04-2020 02:24:26 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: lizard people? dinosaurs? magical rat nukes? 25-04-2020 02:25:09 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: nope. ;-p 25-04-2020 02:36:39 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: eh, and I'll play it vanilla, which is probably worse for the AI than the mod I had once. 25-04-2020 03:40:57 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: gods I love raspberries 25-04-2020 03:41:56 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: mmm. 25-04-2020 03:55:05 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: "Quite how he had managed to get hit by a rifle bullet while in command of an ironclad, you ask?" 25-04-2020 04:13:54 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJDNkVDGM_s 25-04-2020 04:21:19 -!- Piecewise!Piecewise@97-298-06-4.lsv2.qwest.net has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 25-04-2020 04:37:21 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: mmm. 25-04-2020 04:37:28 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: welp, I want to get started, but no idea what faction to play. 25-04-2020 04:45:27 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: probably either Sicily or the Aragonese. 25-04-2020 04:53:37 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: which means either aragonese for the special unit or sicily for mostly-pointless boats. ;-p 25-04-2020 04:54:24 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: bote 25-04-2020 04:58:23 -!- syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg has joined #einsteinianroulette 25-04-2020 05:10:00 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: hi 25-04-2020 05:10:05 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: hello 25-04-2020 05:16:08 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Hello, Eggo 25-04-2020 05:16:28 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: eggu 25-04-2020 05:16:29 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: hello. 25-04-2020 05:16:39 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: looks like some odd crashes first time I do some stuff, then it sorts it out for next go. 25-04-2020 05:19:01 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: heya syv, ER. 25-04-2020 05:21:25 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: heya dev, ER. 25-04-2020 05:22:01 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: heya syv, dev 25-04-2020 05:22:40 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: got a question? 25-04-2020 05:26:49 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Meh. 25-04-2020 05:27:12 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: np. 25-04-2020 05:27:27 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Hey, ER, should I ask about how exotic materials affect things, how mad science works, or how kaiju stats work? 25-04-2020 05:27:43 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: yes 25-04-2020 05:27:45 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Alternatively--Dev, do you have any favorites there? 25-04-2020 05:27:56 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: masterworks, all. you can't go wrong 25-04-2020 05:28:38 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: Yeah, they're fine, although the exotic material one might be surprisingly simple. 25-04-2020 05:29:17 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: but.. maybe not, hmm, it's not that simple. 25-04-2020 05:29:21 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: any of them is fine. 25-04-2020 05:30:03 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: You've called it an exponent, when exponents don't seem quite to match the system. I'd think they're straight advantage, except that's more *reverse* exponential benefit. 25-04-2020 05:30:53 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Annoying thing is that I think I understand all three of things well enough strategically that a question would be unlikely to change my behavior in any way. 25-04-2020 05:31:13 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: A question could reveal that I'm incorrect, but I can't know where I'm incorrect. 25-04-2020 05:31:44 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: And none of them seem directly valuable enough to prioritize a correction. Perhaps Kaiju stats, but I'm also most confident in that one not being helpful. 25-04-2020 05:32:04 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: I've considered asking about the kaiju adaption process too, but I also just don't really have interest in it. 25-04-2020 05:36:50 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: mm.m 25-04-2020 05:41:45 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: Yeah, they're all fine. Want me to just pick one of the three? 25-04-2020 05:42:48 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: If I can't figure something out, yes. 25-04-2020 05:42:55 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: ok. 25-04-2020 05:49:00 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: okay, looks like kaiju stats then. 25-04-2020 05:49:12 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: -.- 25-04-2020 05:49:23 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: I'm currently leaning adaption process. 25-04-2020 05:49:30 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Think it might be interesting? 25-04-2020 05:49:40 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: I'm not sure what you're asking about adaptation process. 25-04-2020 05:50:28 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: How it works, I suppose. 25-04-2020 05:50:35 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: how what works? 25-04-2020 05:50:41 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: I know nothing about it, so it's hard to frame a good question. -.- 25-04-2020 05:50:56 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: I don't know what you are referring to with 'kaiju adaptation process' 25-04-2020 05:50:58 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Kaiju. Their design changes in adaption to how we deal with them, yes? 25-04-2020 05:51:02 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: Ahh. 25-04-2020 05:51:08 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: That's mostly the opfor turn. 25-04-2020 05:51:13 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: The Enemy adapts them to fight us better. 25-04-2020 05:51:33 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: I don't know if that'd tell you something useful, but I can go into some of that. 25-04-2020 05:51:36 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Do you think it would make an interesting question to ask how that process goes? 25-04-2020 05:51:51 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: Dunno. I don't think it would give you much meaningful feedback. 25-04-2020 05:51:53 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: but it might be interesting. 25-04-2020 05:52:45 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Fine, Kaiju mechanics then. 25-04-2020 05:54:08 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: ok. 25-04-2020 05:54:11 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: you want it in private? 25-04-2020 05:54:42 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Eh 25-04-2020 05:54:44 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Nah 25-04-2020 05:55:37 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: ok. 25-04-2020 05:55:47 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: Kaiju have.. one stat. 25-04-2020 05:56:12 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: is it thiccness? 25-04-2020 05:56:17 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: I call it 'strength', and it's their hitpoints, the power of their defenses, and some of their attacks including melee capabilities. 25-04-2020 05:56:49 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: Others of their attacks have fixed powers similar to the weapons used by the players. Some run of strength, and change with damage. 25-04-2020 05:58:23 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: Kaiju get a number of custom things depending on their overall strength. These can be weapons, modifiers to their innate stats (extra defenses, melee power, regeneration), and other things. 25-04-2020 05:58:58 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: Sometimes they'll double up or more on one particular thing and get that same thing, but improved. 25-04-2020 05:59:10 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: derived stats, sorry. 25-04-2020 05:59:23 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Ah, fuck. 25-04-2020 05:59:31 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: And now I realize what I should've asked. 25-04-2020 05:59:48 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: yeah, so like extra armour can be bonuses when defending, but only when defending. 25-04-2020 05:59:50 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: What their targeting program is, and how it has changed. 25-04-2020 05:59:59 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: I'll get into that. 25-04-2020 06:00:04 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: but not with exact details. 25-04-2020 06:00:48 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: how they behave is that each one must follow a specific program, chosen when it was made. It can be one of three programs, and the opfor can change one of them each opfor turn, usually improving the last one. 25-04-2020 06:01:26 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: but the rules are all fairly simple things, like 'attack whatever did damage' or 'just attack the city', all fairly straightforward. 25-04-2020 06:01:49 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: I have on occasion made slight mistakes, but it's mostly so that I don't have to determine tactics on the fly and just have a program to follow. 25-04-2020 06:02:12 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Yeah, you've already leaked most of that. 25-04-2020 06:02:22 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Having details on the program would be useful. Stats, not really. 25-04-2020 06:03:12 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: the three programs thing is mostly because I don't know what special abilities and attacks the kaiju will have, and thought a range of options would be useful. 25-04-2020 06:03:39 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: that is, why three. 25-04-2020 06:04:15 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: but basically it all revolves around overall strength. That's the opfor budgetary cost, and the number of special abilities. 25-04-2020 06:04:36 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: they can change the list of special ability options, but the mechanics for doing that are complicated and probably better suited for another question. 25-04-2020 06:05:29 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: hey syv, do you have a syv opinion on xcom chimera squad? 25-04-2020 06:05:32 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: overall though, although they will change, you guys should be able to field innovative equipment much quicker than the kaiju will produce new tricks. They will come up with some, though. 25-04-2020 06:05:58 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: and the large variety of options means there's still some that haven't shown themselves yet. 25-04-2020 06:06:01 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: The only stuff I've heard about it is Dev complaining. So no. 25-04-2020 06:06:18 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: cool 25-04-2020 06:06:42 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: That's the kaiju stat sheet and how it works. 25-04-2020 06:06:58 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: beaglerush likes it a lot, and I'm enjoying watching him play it 25-04-2020 06:07:15 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: not playing it myself of course, because I don't play videogames 25-04-2020 06:07:16 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: anything you want clarification on? 25-04-2020 06:07:39 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Oh, it's something that's out? 25-04-2020 06:07:46 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: I'll have to look into it, then/ 25-04-2020 06:07:53 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: yeah 25-04-2020 06:07:55 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Probably, Dev. 25-04-2020 06:07:59 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: it's cheap too 25-04-2020 06:08:14 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: it's 20 and they made it half off at launch 25-04-2020 06:08:22 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: ok. 25-04-2020 06:08:32 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: let me know what comes up. 25-04-2020 06:08:34 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: So, essentially, Strength is the point cost of the Kaiju, excepting specials, and Kaiju stats are an equal spread across the board. 25-04-2020 06:08:53 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Opfor has a gradually increasing budget, but at a lower rate than K-com. 25-04-2020 06:09:11 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: There's three tactical programs, one being improved per turn. 25-04-2020 06:09:24 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: It'd be nice to have details on the programs and to what degree they can be changed. 25-04-2020 06:09:27 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: sort of. Their combat mechanics on defense are different than yours. It is a point cost. Their stats can be different from an equal spread if the kaiju has bonus abilities that help in one or more aspect. 25-04-2020 06:09:56 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: they're quite common in that pretty much every kaiju has had one. 25-04-2020 06:10:24 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: How do specials interact with strength? More specials the higher the strength? Same number, but more powerful specials? 25-04-2020 06:10:59 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: Strength determines number of specials. 25-04-2020 06:11:10 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: if specials double up, the effect of that one gets quite a bit more powerful. 25-04-2020 06:11:24 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: that missile launcher was an extra strength version. 25-04-2020 06:11:46 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Which explains why that Kaiju did so poorly otherwise. 25-04-2020 06:12:01 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: But I already knew that, really. 25-04-2020 06:12:48 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Does range correlate to strength? 25-04-2020 06:13:04 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: No, range is baked into each weapon option. 25-04-2020 06:13:05 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Excepting range-related specials. 25-04-2020 06:13:14 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: specials can be weapons. 25-04-2020 06:13:17 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: and often are weapons. 25-04-2020 06:13:30 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: all weapons, other than stomps, are specials. 25-04-2020 06:13:35 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Are weapon stats, excepting specials, related to strength? 25-04-2020 06:13:52 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: all weapons are specials. Some of them are based on strength, some are not based on strength. 25-04-2020 06:14:11 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: ie, some use the creature's strength influencing their power. 25-04-2020 06:14:16 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: and some don't. 25-04-2020 06:14:32 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Are specials chosen randomly, or are they chosen based on whether they're optimal choices for what is thought to be faced? 25-04-2020 06:15:00 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: They're mostly randomly, but there are options for the opfor to work with that within certain other limitations. 25-04-2020 06:19:12 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: think of it as it costing them a good bit if you make them pick something. 25-04-2020 06:19:24 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: and it's pretty significant. 25-04-2020 06:19:42 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: can kaiju be catgirls 25-04-2020 06:19:45 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: so expect random unless you field something they have to trump. 25-04-2020 06:20:04 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: yes 25-04-2020 06:20:06 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: nope. Form is mostly for flavor only, and it's rolled on basically a limited version of my species generator. 25-04-2020 06:20:13 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: That's what the question should have been. 25-04-2020 06:20:28 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: "How can I make Kaiju conform to whatever fetishes I want them to conform to?" 25-04-2020 06:20:38 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: although, come to think of it, that can make catgirls. I could change it a little to add that possiblity. ;-p 25-04-2020 06:20:40 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: your species generator can't make catgirls!? 25-04-2020 06:21:00 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: Yes, but that option isn't on the limited list for the kaiju generator. 25-04-2020 06:21:18 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: replaced with stuff like blob monsters or eyeball creatures and such. 25-04-2020 06:21:32 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: (and after EVA, maybe Platonic Solids.) 25-04-2020 06:21:52 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: You should add Catgirls to it. 25-04-2020 06:21:52 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: heh 25-04-2020 06:22:07 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: I could. I'd just add the hybrid creatures back into it easy. 25-04-2020 06:22:15 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: it'd be rare, but could happen. 25-04-2020 06:22:23 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Just so that you have to, at some point, write about a bunch of normal sized catgirls climbing all over a giant catgirl. 25-04-2020 06:22:32 < * Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net shrugs. 25-04-2020 06:22:41 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: yeah, no worries, I'll do that. 25-04-2020 06:22:49 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: I want to see you write what is essentially porn, in K-com battle style. 25-04-2020 06:23:02 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: It'd be blue. ;-p 25-04-2020 06:23:19 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: There's a lot of porn of blue people out there. 25-04-2020 06:23:29 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Though I think green is more traditional, since Star Trek? 25-04-2020 06:23:29 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: Yes.. 25-04-2020 06:23:40 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: *that's* what porn is? unexpected 25-04-2020 06:23:53 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: anyway, I think that's about it. 25-04-2020 06:24:00 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: anything else come to mind? 25-04-2020 06:24:42 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: No. 25-04-2020 06:24:48 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: What, Egan? 25-04-2020 06:24:55 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: What is unexpected about that? 25-04-2020 06:25:26 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: that sounds more like absurdist art 25-04-2020 06:26:06 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: A lot of fringe porn is. 25-04-2020 06:26:12 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Just ask Dubs. 25-04-2020 06:26:28 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: The other part is horror. 25-04-2020 06:27:13 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: I'm sure dubs has catgirl climbing on another catgirl porn. 25-04-2020 06:27:49 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Eh, I doubt it. 25-04-2020 06:27:56 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: I'm sure he could find it fast, though. 25-04-2020 06:28:02 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: mmm, yeah. 25-04-2020 06:28:05 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: That's like, what, four tags on a booru? 25-04-2020 06:28:06 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: that's it. 25-04-2020 06:28:30 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: 25-04-2020 06:29:14 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: blue 25-04-2020 06:29:51 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Nah, probably . 25-04-2020 06:30:17 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Hrm, probably do still need four, one to indicate normal size in addition to the giant one. 25-04-2020 06:30:31 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: I'd prolly throw in a -vore tag, because that's what most of the hits would be. 25-04-2020 06:33:41 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: also, medieval total war is crashing horribly, so I'll have to sort that out. 25-04-2020 06:33:46 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: at least there's a crash log. 25-04-2020 06:36:38 < Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net: ..I suspect a reboot might do it. 25-04-2020 06:43:29 -!- Devastator!chatzilla@ghbm-2y2zj3ql3dbs8ct7qmc4c7rgq.ipv0.telus.net has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.93 [Firefox 42.0/20151029151421]] 25-04-2020 06:44:11 -!- mode/#einsteinianroulette [+b Devastator!*@*] by ChanServ!chanserv@services.darkmyst.org 25-04-2020 06:44:31 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Wonder how much that'll confuse him... 25-04-2020 06:49:59 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: +b huh 25-04-2020 06:50:13 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: that's pretty... bold 25-04-2020 06:50:19 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: :) 25-04-2020 06:50:48 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: It's IRC, so a bandodge is trivial. 25-04-2020 06:50:56 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: I kind've expected his client to autobandodge. 25-04-2020 06:55:29 -!- syv is now known as Devastator 25-04-2020 06:55:54 -!- Devastator!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg has left #einsteinianroulette 25-04-2020 06:58:23 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: if you've just accidentially permabanned dev and yourself, that would be annoying 25-04-2020 07:01:22 -!- mode/#einsteinianroulette [-b Devastator!*@*] by ChanServ!chanserv@services.darkmyst.org 25-04-2020 07:01:30 -!- syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg has joined #einsteinianroulette 25-04-2020 07:01:56 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Well that was interesting. 25-04-2020 07:03:09 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: I apparently couldn't unban Dev before the nickname was used, and was personally banned because I swapped to this nick after stealing his temporarily. 25-04-2020 07:03:28 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: But I couldn't clear this nick's ban. 25-04-2020 07:03:48 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: He seems to be back now, which allowed the unban to work. 25-04-2020 07:05:39 -!- mode/#einsteinianroulette [+b Ozarck!*@*] by ChanServ!chanserv@services.darkmyst.org 25-04-2020 07:08:38 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: That's weird. 25-04-2020 07:08:52 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Why can I permaban an unused nick, but not unban it? 25-04-2020 07:09:09 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: because it's permanant 25-04-2020 07:09:29 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Until I end it. 25-04-2020 07:10:03 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Unban works fine, Dev was unbanned, and if he weren't I wouldn't be able to rejoin because his banstats spread to me. 25-04-2020 07:11:53 -!- mode/#einsteinianroulette [-b Ozarck!*@*] by ChanServ!chanserv@services.darkmyst.org 25-04-2020 07:12:02 -!- Ozarck!Mibbit@72.168.uqk.pyg has joined #einsteinianroulette 25-04-2020 07:12:07 < Ozarck!Mibbit@72.168.uqk.pyg: Yeah, that makes no sense. 25-04-2020 07:12:14 -!- mode/#einsteinianroulette [+b *!*@72.168.uqk.pyg] by ChanServ!chanserv@services.darkmyst.org 25-04-2020 07:12:44 -!- mode/#einsteinianroulette [-b *!*@72.168.uqk.pyg] by ChanServ!chanserv@services.darkmyst.org 25-04-2020 07:12:50 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Hrm. 25-04-2020 07:13:18 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Apparently it goes by IP, since my comp and phone both got silenced. 25-04-2020 07:13:47 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Why it didn't kick my phone though... 25-04-2020 07:15:28 -!- mode/#einsteinianroulette [+v ER] by ChanServ!chanserv@services.darkmyst.org 25-04-2020 07:17:17 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: I can't directly manipulate flags of an unregistered account, so I can't give you +v. But I can have the voice command give you +v. 25-04-2020 07:17:43 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Which then isn't actually listed in admin messages. 25-04-2020 07:17:48 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: I have a voice 25-04-2020 07:17:53 < ChanServ!chanserv@services.darkmyst.org: syv set flags -v on syv. 25-04-2020 07:17:56 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: what will I do with this powe 25-04-2020 07:18:40 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: So unregistered accounts kind've have stealth--if their flags are messed with, it's hidden from me. 25-04-2020 07:18:47 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Which also means I can't *check* for bans. 25-04-2020 07:19:58 -!- mode/#einsteinianroulette [+o ER] by ChanServ!chanserv@services.darkmyst.org 25-04-2020 07:20:40 < ChanServ!chanserv@services.darkmyst.org: syv set flags +e on syv. 25-04-2020 07:21:09 -!- mode/#einsteinianroulette [+b *!*@72.168.uqk.pyg] by ChanServ!chanserv@services.darkmyst.org 25-04-2020 07:21:33 -!- mode/#einsteinianroulette [-b *!*@72.168.uqk.pyg] by ChanServ!chanserv@services.darkmyst.org 25-04-2020 07:22:14 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: "Exempts from +b" 25-04-2020 07:23:08 -!- mode/#einsteinianroulette [+b list!*@*] by ChanServ!chanserv@services.darkmyst.org 25-04-2020 07:23:39 -!- mode/#einsteinianroulette [+b *!*@72.168.uqk.pyg] by ChanServ!chanserv@services.darkmyst.org 25-04-2020 07:23:56 -!- mode/#einsteinianroulette [-b *!*@72.168.uqk.pyg] by ChanServ!chanserv@services.darkmyst.org 25-04-2020 07:24:26 -!- mode/#einsteinianroulette [+b *!*@72.168.uqk.pyg] by ChanServ!chanserv@services.darkmyst.org 25-04-2020 07:24:42 -!- mode/#einsteinianroulette [-b *!*@72.168.uqk.pyg] by ChanServ!chanserv@services.darkmyst.org 25-04-2020 07:28:56 < ChanServ!chanserv@services.darkmyst.org: syv set flags +V on syv. 25-04-2020 07:29:26 -!- mode/#einsteinianroulette [+o syv] by ChanServ!chanserv@services.darkmyst.org 25-04-2020 07:29:45 -!- mode/#einsteinianroulette [-o ER] by ChanServ!chanserv@services.darkmyst.org 25-04-2020 07:30:14 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: This makes no sense. 25-04-2020 07:30:31 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: [03:29] -ChanServ- You have been deopped on #einsteinianroulette by syv 25-04-2020 07:30:36 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: deop 25-04-2020 07:30:39 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: deopp 25-04-2020 07:30:48 -!- mode/#einsteinianroulette [+o ER] by ChanServ!chanserv@services.darkmyst.org 25-04-2020 07:30:55 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: opp 25-04-2020 07:31:07 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: an gangnam style 25-04-2020 07:31:26 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: ancient meme 25-04-2020 07:31:44 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: That's ancient? 25-04-2020 07:32:10 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: must be 25-04-2020 07:32:22 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: I dunno, at least 5 years 25-04-2020 07:32:29 < Ozarck!Mibbit@72.168.uqk.pyg: `ban ozarck 25-04-2020 07:32:38 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: `ban ozarck 25-04-2020 07:32:38 -!- mode/#einsteinianroulette [+b *!*@72.168.uqk.pyg] by ChanServ!chanserv@services.darkmyst.org 25-04-2020 07:32:41 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: and I was 17 5 years ago. a tiny child 25-04-2020 07:32:43 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Test 25-04-2020 07:32:54 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: And now it *doesn't* apply to me. 25-04-2020 07:33:43 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: `unban ozarck 25-04-2020 07:33:43 -!- mode/#einsteinianroulette [-b *!*@72.168.uqk.pyg] by ChanServ!chanserv@services.darkmyst.org 25-04-2020 07:34:26 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Welp. 25-04-2020 07:34:37 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Lesson learned, don't use the ban function. 25-04-2020 07:34:54 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: ...And register nicks. 25-04-2020 07:35:05 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: no 25-04-2020 07:40:30 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: well, where's dev? 25-04-2020 07:41:43 < * syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg shrugs 25-04-2020 07:41:54 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: `deop syv 25-04-2020 07:41:54 -!- mode/#einsteinianroulette [-o syv] by ChanServ!chanserv@services.darkmyst.org 25-04-2020 07:42:05 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: I unbanned him and then made sure. 25-04-2020 07:42:22 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: He should've received a notification, so he can rejoin if he likes. 25-04-2020 09:28:14 -!- Devastator!chatzilla@ujfp-5z9bn4yg6yrd5uje7bs7fj63d.ipv6.telus.net has joined #einsteinianroulette 25-04-2020 09:28:29 < Devastator!chatzilla@ujfp-5z9bn4yg6yrd5uje7bs7fj63d.ipv6.telus.net: 'lo 25-04-2020 09:28:38 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: blug 25-04-2020 09:29:34 < Devastator!chatzilla@ujfp-5z9bn4yg6yrd5uje7bs7fj63d.ipv6.telus.net: yeah, rebooting worked. 25-04-2020 09:31:42 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: 'lo 25-04-2020 09:32:12 < Devastator!chatzilla@ujfp-5z9bn4yg6yrd5uje7bs7fj63d.ipv6.telus.net: played for perhaps a bit too long. 25-04-2020 09:33:57 < Devastator!chatzilla@ujfp-5z9bn4yg6yrd5uje7bs7fj63d.ipv6.telus.net: still fun. 25-04-2020 09:34:12 < Devastator!chatzilla@ujfp-5z9bn4yg6yrd5uje7bs7fj63d.ipv6.telus.net: got my ass kicked at least once. 25-04-2020 09:34:24 < Devastator!chatzilla@ujfp-5z9bn4yg6yrd5uje7bs7fj63d.ipv6.telus.net: was not expecting to run into an army entirely composed by Spanish Jinettes. 25-04-2020 09:34:29 < Devastator!chatzilla@ujfp-5z9bn4yg6yrd5uje7bs7fj63d.ipv6.telus.net: damn light cavalry. 25-04-2020 09:36:24 < Devastator!chatzilla@ujfp-5z9bn4yg6yrd5uje7bs7fj63d.ipv6.telus.net: I had no cavalry with which to run them down.. 25-04-2020 09:37:00 < Devastator!chatzilla@ujfp-5z9bn4yg6yrd5uje7bs7fj63d.ipv6.telus.net: not as part of some kinda plan, it's just difficult to recruit cavalry early on. 25-04-2020 09:37:01 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: [tired noises] 25-04-2020 09:37:04 -!- Ozarck!Mibbit@72.168.uqk.pyg has left #einsteinianroulette 25-04-2020 09:37:18 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: yay 25-04-2020 09:37:26 < Devastator!chatzilla@ujfp-5z9bn4yg6yrd5uje7bs7fj63d.ipv6.telus.net: boo. 25-04-2020 09:37:45 < ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: I should look at Fork again 25-04-2020 09:39:09 < Devastator!chatzilla@ujfp-5z9bn4yg6yrd5uje7bs7fj63d.ipv6.telus.net: mmm. 25-04-2020 09:42:13 -!- ER!ER@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com has quit [Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- *I* use it, so it must be good!] 25-04-2020 09:43:24 < Devastator!chatzilla@ujfp-5z9bn4yg6yrd5uje7bs7fj63d.ipv6.telus.net: thanks for asking a question. 25-04-2020 09:45:27 < Devastator!chatzilla@ujfp-5z9bn4yg6yrd5uje7bs7fj63d.ipv6.telus.net: not immediately relevant, but hopefully good for some insight. 25-04-2020 09:48:31 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: :\ 25-04-2020 09:52:23 < Devastator!chatzilla@ujfp-5z9bn4yg6yrd5uje7bs7fj63d.ipv6.telus.net: ugh, so much effort to be able to recruit cavalry. 25-04-2020 09:53:48 < Devastator!chatzilla@ujfp-5z9bn4yg6yrd5uje7bs7fj63d.ipv6.telus.net: to get Feudal Knights, excellent western cavalry, you need a castle-level fortification, which is 12 + 8 + 4 turns, an armourer's workshop which is 6 turns + 4 turns (for the level 1 version), and a horse breeder, which is 4 + 2 turns. 25-04-2020 09:54:14 < Devastator!chatzilla@ujfp-5z9bn4yg6yrd5uje7bs7fj63d.ipv6.telus.net: so 40 turns to build from scratch. 25-04-2020 09:55:17 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: That seems reasonable. 25-04-2020 09:55:47 < Devastator!chatzilla@ujfp-5z9bn4yg6yrd5uje7bs7fj63d.ipv6.telus.net: well, they're like really, really good units.. 25-04-2020 09:56:06 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: They *should* be. 25-04-2020 09:56:42 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Wasn't armored cavalry monstrously effective? 25-04-2020 09:56:46 < Devastator!chatzilla@ujfp-5z9bn4yg6yrd5uje7bs7fj63d.ipv6.telus.net: yeah. The only earlier source of western cavalry you can get easier is Royal Knights, which cost 80% as much, have basically the same stats, and come in 1/3 size packages. 25-04-2020 09:56:52 < Devastator!chatzilla@ujfp-5z9bn4yg6yrd5uje7bs7fj63d.ipv6.telus.net: they were pretty good, yeah. 25-04-2020 09:57:29 < Devastator!chatzilla@ujfp-5z9bn4yg6yrd5uje7bs7fj63d.ipv6.telus.net: those you only need a keep (8+4 turns), and a royal court (4+4 turns.) 25-04-2020 09:57:37 < Devastator!chatzilla@ujfp-5z9bn4yg6yrd5uje7bs7fj63d.ipv6.telus.net: and a horse breeder again, for six more. 25-04-2020 09:58:49 < Devastator!chatzilla@ujfp-5z9bn4yg6yrd5uje7bs7fj63d.ipv6.telus.net: and yeah, they're really good units. Killable, but if you want to do it on the cheap you basically need to pin them and hit them with a pretty good unit. 25-04-2020 09:59:37 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Or use archers? :P 25-04-2020 09:59:40 < Devastator!chatzilla@ujfp-5z9bn4yg6yrd5uje7bs7fj63d.ipv6.telus.net: so you need some spearmen, probably not the base-level spearmen, and a unit of at least militia sergents with the anti-armour halberds, and those aren't trivial to get, and still require good timing and several units. 25-04-2020 09:59:55 < Devastator!chatzilla@ujfp-5z9bn4yg6yrd5uje7bs7fj63d.ipv6.telus.net: plain archers won't get it done, easy enough for the knights to charge them down. 25-04-2020 10:00:47 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Nah, you'd need support, of course. Always do. 25-04-2020 10:01:06 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: But a hard defense, or pinning the knights, then hitting them with archers, would seem effective. 25-04-2020 10:01:20 < Devastator!chatzilla@ujfp-5z9bn4yg6yrd5uje7bs7fj63d.ipv6.telus.net: They don't die very well to plain archers. 25-04-2020 10:01:22 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Or just defending from a position where cavalry aren't great. 25-04-2020 10:01:30 < Devastator!chatzilla@ujfp-5z9bn4yg6yrd5uje7bs7fj63d.ipv6.telus.net: yeah, trees are your friend. 25-04-2020 10:02:17 < Devastator!chatzilla@ujfp-5z9bn4yg6yrd5uje7bs7fj63d.ipv6.telus.net: but plain archers.. I think they attack at like 0 or so, and feudal knights have like six points of armour and a small shield, so defend against arrows at +10, and have 2HP each because they're cavalry units. 25-04-2020 10:02:33 < Devastator!chatzilla@ujfp-5z9bn4yg6yrd5uje7bs7fj63d.ipv6.telus.net: so it's like .6% to kill one with an arrow, if the arrow hits. 25-04-2020 10:02:40 < Devastator!chatzilla@ujfp-5z9bn4yg6yrd5uje7bs7fj63d.ipv6.telus.net: and you have to get two kills. 25-04-2020 10:02:58 < Devastator!chatzilla@ujfp-5z9bn4yg6yrd5uje7bs7fj63d.ipv6.telus.net: crossbows get it done better, or some of the special infantry like longbows. 25-04-2020 10:06:58 -!- er!androirc@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com has joined #einsteinianroulette 25-04-2020 10:07:39 < er!androirc@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: Highly practical weapon idea: mancatcher guillotine musket. 25-04-2020 10:08:16 < er!androirc@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: Latch around the neck, then pull the trigger which propels a large blade. 25-04-2020 10:08:28 < er!androirc@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: Best idea 25-04-2020 10:09:21 < er!androirc@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com: That's all for tonight's terminally tired ideas, make sure to like comment and subscribe 25-04-2020 10:09:26 -!- er!androirc@444-989-172-914.res.spectrum.com has quit [Client Quit] 25-04-2020 10:11:06 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: I don't like, and that's an eminently insane idea. 25-04-2020 10:11:14 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Also I'm already subscribed. 25-04-2020 10:12:56 < Devastator!chatzilla@ujfp-5z9bn4yg6yrd5uje7bs7fj63d.ipv6.telus.net: a musket that shoots blades sounds like a fun MG weapon. 25-04-2020 10:15:14 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Why the fuck does this obstacle need a ceiling 25-04-2020 10:15:30 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Why does the ONLY turning surface need to be a ring 25-04-2020 10:15:39 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Why can't I see the tunnel I'm suppose to turn into 25-04-2020 10:15:51 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Why is everything at awkward angles 25-04-2020 10:16:12 < Devastator!chatzilla@ujfp-5z9bn4yg6yrd5uje7bs7fj63d.ipv6.telus.net: hmm? 25-04-2020 10:16:28 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Spiderman racing. 25-04-2020 10:16:38 < Devastator!chatzilla@ujfp-5z9bn4yg6yrd5uje7bs7fj63d.ipv6.telus.net: ahh. 25-04-2020 10:16:47 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: I'm playing a map called...GHOR, by Golden Lord. 25-04-2020 10:16:50 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: And I hate it. 25-04-2020 10:17:00 < Devastator!chatzilla@ujfp-5z9bn4yg6yrd5uje7bs7fj63d.ipv6.telus.net: uh oh. 25-04-2020 10:17:37 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: It's one of these maps where the guy just designed a ridiculously difficult map to be as ridiculously difficult as he could beat. 25-04-2020 10:18:10 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: And like many such maps, large segments are made of basically nothing except lots of red transparent kill blocks. 25-04-2020 10:18:27 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Where there's a tiny gap somewhere in the TRANSPARENT blocks that you have to find. 25-04-2020 10:19:00 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Usually through a very precise sequence of moves off of small, hard to see, and distant blocks that can actually be grabbed. 25-04-2020 10:19:55 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: This guy in particular has decided to just make everything really small and tight too, which makes a lot of the controls feel unintuitive. Even small adjustments have very large effects on your flightpath, because everything is so small/ 25-04-2020 10:22:09 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: What's even worse here, the annoying ring that is the only grapplable block for this obstacle, I have to grab it three times in a row to make different movements. The third one, I have to do a multiple animation interrupt trick to get enough altitude off of it. 25-04-2020 10:22:27 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: That's what's blocking me right now, and I don't even know where I'm supposed to *go* after that 25-04-2020 10:24:33 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Okay, no, if I get the first hook just right i can skip the second. And it looks like I need to long jump off of it, up an upward slope that's ridiculously massive, while it's canted offcenter of the slope. 25-04-2020 10:25:23 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Which is terrible, because it's fairly straightforward to go *directly* away from an object, but if you start moving parallel or diagonally from it your path ends up curving. 25-04-2020 10:25:50 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Which wouldn't be an issue if this map weren't so goddamn tight, I have to slow down just to get through the keyholes. 25-04-2020 10:28:34 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: And there's a keyhole at the end of the jump 25-04-2020 10:28:37 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: Because why not 25-04-2020 10:39:10 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: And there's a maze after it. 25-04-2020 10:39:33 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg: At least a forgiving one, it's basically a test to see if you used too much gas. 25-04-2020 11:18:41 -!- syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.uqk.pyg has quit [Quit: You hear a distant scream of "FUCK T-MOBILE!"] 25-04-2020 11:31:52 < Devastator!chatzilla@ujfp-5z9bn4yg6yrd5uje7bs7fj63d.ipv6.telus.net: "One of your generals has ransomed back some enemy prisoners." 25-04-2020 11:32:05 < Devastator!chatzilla@ujfp-5z9bn4yg6yrd5uje7bs7fj63d.ipv6.telus.net: Got a king and two of his princes. 8800 smackaroos.