16-12-2019 00:16:08 -!- ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com has joined #einsteinianroulette 16-12-2019 01:22:47 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: mm 16-12-2019 01:22:56 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: nope, not gonna prepare or anything 16-12-2019 01:23:58 < Devastator!chatzilla@oxhy-5w4vb9vv6xpu6e89j1kl1zid0.ipv6.telus.net: mm? 16-12-2019 01:27:06 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: gonna play a test game tonight. probably. 16-12-2019 01:27:43 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: and by test I mean I wanna do some eldritch cyberpunk BS using some of the same mechanics~ 16-12-2019 01:29:23 < Devastator!chatzilla@oxhy-5w4vb9vv6xpu6e89j1kl1zid0.ipv6.telus.net: ok. 16-12-2019 01:29:27 < Devastator!chatzilla@oxhy-5w4vb9vv6xpu6e89j1kl1zid0.ipv6.telus.net: catch you later. 16-12-2019 02:18:26 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: bleh 16-12-2019 02:59:55 -!- syv!GreatWyrmG@juzqnu-013-579-589-661.mycingular.net has joined #einsteinianroulette 16-12-2019 03:01:51 -!- ChanServ!chanserv@services.darkmyst.org changed topic of #einsteinianroulette to: Full Metal Dress development status: TESTGAME TONIGHT?! 16-12-2019 03:15:50 < syv!GreatWyrmG@juzqnu-013-579-589-661.mycingular.net: Hum, and MJ responds, saying he should be around by midnight. 16-12-2019 03:18:07 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: I feel unready for this 16-12-2019 03:18:44 < syv!GreatWyrmG@juzqnu-013-579-589-661.mycingular.net: It's a *testgame*. Readiness is bad! 16-12-2019 03:21:20 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: what stats did I have so far? 16-12-2019 03:22:36 < syv!GreatWyrmG@juzqnu-013-579-589-661.mycingular.net: Control, aim, CQB. 16-12-2019 03:22:44 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Resiliance, Endurance, Bravery, Perception, Strength 16-12-2019 03:22:50 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: those are skills, silly~ 16-12-2019 03:23:03 < syv!GreatWyrmG@juzqnu-013-579-589-661.mycingular.net: What's strength do? 16-12-2019 03:23:20 < syv!GreatWyrmG@juzqnu-013-579-589-661.mycingular.net: ...Also what do the others do? 16-12-2019 03:23:46 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: probably lets you carry more heavy weapons, and for melee 16-12-2019 03:24:08 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: the other four can both be rolled on their own and are for the health pools 16-12-2019 03:24:40 < syv!GreatWyrmG@juzqnu-013-579-589-661.mycingular.net: Weapons don't have weight, though you could just use move penalty, since that *mostly* matches weight. 16-12-2019 03:24:44 < syv!GreatWyrmG@juzqnu-013-579-589-661.mycingular.net: How's melee work? 16-12-2019 03:25:03 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: sixth stat for MGs is spirit, because hey maybe I do want a healclass in this~ 16-12-2019 03:26:06 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Roll strength after hitting with CQC for damage. But stay fairly leniant with knives and bladed weapons 16-12-2019 03:26:30 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: cly I need to make you go back and add weight categories~ 16-12-2019 03:26:50 < syv!GreatWyrmG@juzqnu-013-579-589-661.mycingular.net: I could do that. 16-12-2019 03:27:51 < syv!GreatWyrmG@juzqnu-013-579-589-661.mycingular.net: The only reason I didn't was because you were very specific about what stats there were. Same reason the burstfire guns lose either semi or auto fire. 16-12-2019 03:29:29 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: If you want to stick a "burstfire damage" stat in there for those ones, that's fine 16-12-2019 03:30:47 < syv!GreatWyrmG@juzqnu-013-579-589-661.mycingular.net: Nah, it's mechanically better as-is. 16-12-2019 03:31:36 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: or maybe Spirit should be a stat for non-MGs, because it could be used as charisma? 16-12-2019 03:32:22 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: ...notably, using powers will have a chance to cost Stamina, so End is your mana stat 16-12-2019 03:33:52 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: probably give each power a base level and an upgraded level, because that's 33% less thinking than PS's three tiers. 16-12-2019 03:38:40 < syv!GreatWyrmG@juzqnu-013-579-589-661.mycingular.net: Um. Should I go add weights to the guns? 16-12-2019 03:38:55 < syv!GreatWyrmG@juzqnu-013-579-589-661.mycingular.net: I was assuming you were joking, but I'm not sure. 16-12-2019 03:40:25 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: hmm, something like sidearm-light-medium-heavy-very heavy 16-12-2019 03:40:45 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: you don't have it because I haven't quite fit this mechanic through my own brain yet 16-12-2019 03:41:09 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: and really I could probably guess close enough from the descriptions 16-12-2019 03:41:42 < syv!GreatWyrmG@juzqnu-013-579-589-661.mycingular.net: Oh, well that's simple enough the weapon classes. All pistols are lighter than SMGs, which are all lighter than ARs/shotguns, which are lighter than snipers, which are lighter than AMRs/MGs. 16-12-2019 03:42:22 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: isn't the stealth sniper an SMG pretending to be a sniper? what's that, take the middle of the two? ;P 16-12-2019 03:43:14 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: sadly your gun list doesn't include grenade launchers, rocket launchers, and recoilless rifles 16-12-2019 03:43:21 < syv!GreatWyrmG@juzqnu-013-579-589-661.mycingular.net: There's some guns where it might be changed. The Toks, Meteor, Big Crash, Stubbs, and V55 are probably a weight class down. 16-12-2019 03:43:26 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: which are extremely necessary 16-12-2019 03:43:51 < syv!GreatWyrmG@juzqnu-013-579-589-661.mycingular.net: I was tempted to include the four faction grenade launchers, but they're not really guns and wouldn't fit into the stat system. Unless I statted them for some other kind of round. 16-12-2019 03:44:23 < syv!GreatWyrmG@juzqnu-013-579-589-661.mycingular.net: Well, the OICW one would half fit. 16-12-2019 03:45:29 < syv!GreatWyrmG@juzqnu-013-579-589-661.mycingular.net: The M3Lartee & Liberator are also a weight class down. 16-12-2019 03:46:24 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: I can just use a lib at a sniper rifle weight? why would I ever use one of the lesser rifles then?~ 16-12-2019 03:47:03 < syv!GreatWyrmG@juzqnu-013-579-589-661.mycingular.net: Maybe the Wanton should be up a class. The V17 would be if it hadn't been balanced for equivalence to the other ARs. Beyond that... yeah, nothing really gains weight. 16-12-2019 03:47:26 < syv!GreatWyrmG@juzqnu-013-579-589-661.mycingular.net: Because it only fires a single shot every other round? 16-12-2019 03:47:28 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: ha, balance 16-12-2019 03:47:56 < syv!GreatWyrmG@juzqnu-013-579-589-661.mycingular.net: And has a 13 DC at close range when moving, or 17 at CQB... 16-12-2019 03:48:09 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: I only need one shot to delete a PC's head and make them way harder to revive :D 16-12-2019 03:48:28 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: sawnoff lib 16-12-2019 03:49:19 < syv!GreatWyrmG@juzqnu-013-579-589-661.mycingular.net: That... would probably raise accuracy DCs as much as it'd lower move pen. Though it'd improve CQB and weight. 16-12-2019 03:53:14 < syv!GreatWyrmG@juzqnu-013-579-589-661.mycingular.net: Oh yeah, the N11 custom is also a weight class down, 'cause it's an AR. 16-12-2019 03:53:41 < syv!GreatWyrmG@juzqnu-013-579-589-661.mycingular.net: V55 could be justified as dropping two, because yeah, SMG. 16-12-2019 03:54:15 < syv!GreatWyrmG@juzqnu-013-579-589-661.mycingular.net: https://specialoperations.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/VSS-in-action.jpg 16-12-2019 03:54:24 < syv!GreatWyrmG@juzqnu-013-579-589-661.mycingular.net: It's *adorable*! 16-12-2019 03:54:28 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: smoll sniper 16-12-2019 04:20:29 < syv!GreatWyrmG@juzqnu-013-579-589-661.mycingular.net: CQB: Widow. SMG size, bad accuracy, single shot. 16-12-2019 04:20:42 < syv!GreatWyrmG@juzqnu-013-579-589-661.mycingular.net: Occupy: NX13-G "Shiny". MG size, works as an N13 with +2 to CQB and Move Pen, -1 controlCQB: Widow. SMG size, bad accuracy, single shot. DCs. As a GL, good accuracy, lower damage (like 30%), but semiauto (DC 13, x3 shots), grenades can airburst, and has 6-round mags. 16-12-2019 04:20:49 < syv!GreatWyrmG@juzqnu-013-579-589-661.mycingular.net: Guerilla: Black Widow. Improvement on CQB design, AR size, best accuracy, single shot. 16-12-2019 04:20:59 < syv!GreatWyrmG@juzqnu-013-579-589-661.mycingular.net: Specialist: V.67. Revolver grenade launcher, sniper weight. Meh accuracy, semiauto (DC 14, x3 shots), six rounds. Loads only two per turn. 16-12-2019 04:21:34 < syv!GreatWyrmG@juzqnu-013-579-589-661.mycingular.net: There you go. The mechanics for grenades are, I have no idea. 16-12-2019 04:21:47 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: doesn't matter, MG just resummons it and spams 3 shots a turn ;D 16-12-2019 04:22:07 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: "roll accuracy" 16-12-2019 04:22:27 < syv!GreatWyrmG@juzqnu-013-579-589-661.mycingular.net: How does one handle a failed control roll to fire three full size grenades? 16-12-2019 04:22:52 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: explosively. 16-12-2019 04:23:09 < syv!GreatWyrmG@juzqnu-013-579-589-661.mycingular.net: I feel like rolls stop mattering at some point, if people can have soul bound MGLs. 16-12-2019 04:24:18 < syv!GreatWyrmG@juzqnu-013-579-589-661.mycingular.net: Though, soul-bound shotguns would actually make them quite practical, assuming you could vary the summoned ammo. 16-12-2019 04:25:18 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: why even bother running a game if soulbound MGLs aren't allowed 16-12-2019 04:25:46 < syv!GreatWyrmG@juzqnu-013-579-589-661.mycingular.net: Yeah, I too question why people like PS. :P 16-12-2019 04:26:12 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Hmm, is that too heavy? 16-12-2019 04:26:30 < syv!GreatWyrmG@juzqnu-013-579-589-661.mycingular.net: Ammo doesn't function. 16-12-2019 04:26:43 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: doesn't stop you from taking it... 16-12-2019 04:26:46 < syv!GreatWyrmG@juzqnu-013-579-589-661.mycingular.net: You can have the launcher itself, but not free grenades. 16-12-2019 04:26:53 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: ammo doesn't function for my totem either 16-12-2019 04:27:34 < syv!GreatWyrmG@juzqnu-013-579-589-661.mycingular.net: Yeah, so it works the same as your sawnoff, or Aleksandra's AK-47. 16-12-2019 04:27:36 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: and I'm sure the MGL would alter the firing action of manabolt, just like the sawn off does 16-12-2019 04:28:07 < syv!GreatWyrmG@juzqnu-013-579-589-661.mycingular.net: Yes, it would. Prolly end up a lot like Tooru's manabolts. A bit weaker, a bit faster, maybe. 16-12-2019 05:02:02 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: is MJ here yet 16-12-2019 05:02:39 < syv!GreatWyrmG@juzqnu-013-579-589-661.mycingular.net: Be back in 30m 16-12-2019 05:02:41 -!- syv!GreatWyrmG@juzqnu-013-579-589-661.mycingular.net has quit [Quit: You hear a distant scream of "FUCK AT&T!"] 16-12-2019 05:02:50 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: hmm 16-12-2019 05:15:23 -!- ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com has quit [Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- It'll be on slashdot one day...] 16-12-2019 05:15:59 -!- er!androirc@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com has joined #einsteinianroulette 16-12-2019 05:16:06 < Devastator!chatzilla@oxhy-5w4vb9vv6xpu6e89j1kl1zid0.ipv6.telus.net: dualcast burning burning burning buzzsaw buzzsaw. 16-12-2019 05:26:02 -!- syv!GreatWyrmG@104.136.rzg.vsr has joined #einsteinianroulette 16-12-2019 05:26:22 < syv!GreatWyrmG@104.136.rzg.vsr: Back. 16-12-2019 05:26:48 < syv!GreatWyrmG@104.136.rzg.vsr: I, uh, didn't realize I was slated to work tonight, so I had to rush into work... 16-12-2019 05:27:14 < er!androirc@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: er sleepy now 16-12-2019 05:27:42 < syv!GreatWyrmG@104.136.rzg.vsr: Start a PM testgame, then. 16-12-2019 05:27:59 < er!androirc@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: No, I'm sleepy. 16-12-2019 05:28:08 < syv!GreatWyrmG@104.136.rzg.vsr: Send us rules for making characters, and we'll do updates over PM. That might work better for shaking out the system anyway. 16-12-2019 05:28:11 < syv!GreatWyrmG@104.136.rzg.vsr: -.- 16-12-2019 05:28:23 < syv!GreatWyrmG@104.136.rzg.vsr: You don't even have the chargen rules written up yet? 16-12-2019 06:07:38 -!- MidJag!midjag@97.85.sw.ivk has joined #einsteinianroulette 16-12-2019 06:08:43 < MidJag!midjag@97.85.sw.ivk: Lo 16-12-2019 06:09:14 < syv!GreatWyrmG@104.136.rzg.vsr: ER bailed on us. 16-12-2019 06:09:25 < Devastator!chatzilla@oxhy-5w4vb9vv6xpu6e89j1kl1zid0.ipv6.telus.net: literally or figuratively? 16-12-2019 06:09:42 < syv!GreatWyrmG@104.136.rzg.vsr: ...And I got called into work all of a sudden, and didn't grab my laptop, so no movie watching. 16-12-2019 06:10:13 < MidJag!midjag@97.85.sw.ivk: Aww 16-12-2019 06:11:43 < MidJag!midjag@97.85.sw.ivk: Well anyway, how're people? 16-12-2019 06:12:14 < Devastator!chatzilla@oxhy-5w4vb9vv6xpu6e89j1kl1zid0.ipv6.telus.net: ok. 16-12-2019 06:12:23 < Devastator!chatzilla@oxhy-5w4vb9vv6xpu6e89j1kl1zid0.ipv6.telus.net: warped is updating some more. 16-12-2019 06:12:27 < Devastator!chatzilla@oxhy-5w4vb9vv6xpu6e89j1kl1zid0.ipv6.telus.net: K-com.. proceeds. 16-12-2019 06:12:31 < Devastator!chatzilla@oxhy-5w4vb9vv6xpu6e89j1kl1zid0.ipv6.telus.net: I'll try to finish it off tomorrow. 16-12-2019 06:12:35 < Devastator!chatzilla@oxhy-5w4vb9vv6xpu6e89j1kl1zid0.ipv6.telus.net: lots of splat so far. 16-12-2019 06:13:02 < syv!GreatWyrmG@104.136.rzg.vsr: Tanks go splat? 16-12-2019 06:13:16 < MidJag!midjag@97.85.sw.ivk: If you hit them hard enough~ 16-12-2019 06:13:39 < Devastator!chatzilla@oxhy-5w4vb9vv6xpu6e89j1kl1zid0.ipv6.telus.net: well.. 16-12-2019 06:13:44 < Devastator!chatzilla@oxhy-5w4vb9vv6xpu6e89j1kl1zid0.ipv6.telus.net: this one has more than one ranged weapon. 16-12-2019 06:14:27 < MidJag!midjag@97.85.sw.ivk: I see 16-12-2019 06:16:09 < syv!GreatWyrmG@104.136.rzg.vsr: Good thing I went with expansion over buying another plane or something. 16-12-2019 06:16:41 < Devastator!chatzilla@oxhy-5w4vb9vv6xpu6e89j1kl1zid0.ipv6.telus.net: yeah. 16-12-2019 06:17:08 < Devastator!chatzilla@oxhy-5w4vb9vv6xpu6e89j1kl1zid0.ipv6.telus.net: It's unfortunate the council put emphasis on THIS battle. 16-12-2019 06:17:16 < Devastator!chatzilla@oxhy-5w4vb9vv6xpu6e89j1kl1zid0.ipv6.telus.net: oh well. 16-12-2019 06:17:20 < Devastator!chatzilla@oxhy-5w4vb9vv6xpu6e89j1kl1zid0.ipv6.telus.net: money comes in. 16-12-2019 06:21:29 < Devastator!chatzilla@oxhy-5w4vb9vv6xpu6e89j1kl1zid0.ipv6.telus.net: http://youtu.be/wWpZI__1Vrc 16-12-2019 06:23:10 < syv!GreatWyrmG@104.136.rzg.vsr: Man, they put emphasis on the single kaiju attack, rather than the *double* attack? 16-12-2019 06:24:11 < Devastator!chatzilla@oxhy-5w4vb9vv6xpu6e89j1kl1zid0.ipv6.telus.net: well.. 16-12-2019 06:24:30 < Devastator!chatzilla@oxhy-5w4vb9vv6xpu6e89j1kl1zid0.ipv6.telus.net: it'll be ok. 16-12-2019 06:26:26 < MidJag!midjag@97.85.sw.ivk: Man, I love thousand year door 16-12-2019 06:27:07 < Devastator!chatzilla@oxhy-5w4vb9vv6xpu6e89j1kl1zid0.ipv6.telus.net: This is.. stuff. 16-12-2019 06:27:39 < MidJag!midjag@97.85.sw.ivk: And having it put through the shredder of a thousand translators is fatntasic 16-12-2019 06:29:10 < MidJag!midjag@97.85.sw.ivk: Also, Dev, this seems like something you'd like. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ylEp-uu3EU&t=931s 16-12-2019 06:29:28 < Devastator!chatzilla@oxhy-5w4vb9vv6xpu6e89j1kl1zid0.ipv6.telus.net: eh. 16-12-2019 06:29:44 < Devastator!chatzilla@oxhy-5w4vb9vv6xpu6e89j1kl1zid0.ipv6.telus.net: only if it fails. ;-p 16-12-2019 06:31:05 < MidJag!midjag@97.85.sw.ivk: Technically it did fail a lot intially :P 16-12-2019 06:32:52 < Devastator!chatzilla@oxhy-5w4vb9vv6xpu6e89j1kl1zid0.ipv6.telus.net: ahh. 16-12-2019 06:32:59 < Devastator!chatzilla@oxhy-5w4vb9vv6xpu6e89j1kl1zid0.ipv6.telus.net: well, it's not that much different than a speedrun. 16-12-2019 06:33:06 < Devastator!chatzilla@oxhy-5w4vb9vv6xpu6e89j1kl1zid0.ipv6.telus.net: just 20 hours before doing one. 16-12-2019 06:33:16 < MidJag!midjag@97.85.sw.ivk: Kinda yeah. 16-12-2019 06:34:24 < Devastator!chatzilla@oxhy-5w4vb9vv6xpu6e89j1kl1zid0.ipv6.telus.net: outspeed everyone and infinite one-hit kos. 16-12-2019 06:36:03 < Devastator!chatzilla@oxhy-5w4vb9vv6xpu6e89j1kl1zid0.ipv6.telus.net: (I also like pikasprey's voice better.) 16-12-2019 06:37:11 < MidJag!midjag@97.85.sw.ivk: I'm actually the oppsoite, I like gamechamps a bit more 16-12-2019 06:39:19 < Devastator!chatzilla@oxhy-5w4vb9vv6xpu6e89j1kl1zid0.ipv6.telus.net: mmm. 16-12-2019 06:39:24 < Devastator!chatzilla@oxhy-5w4vb9vv6xpu6e89j1kl1zid0.ipv6.telus.net: well, I can understand it. 16-12-2019 07:19:14 < MidJag!midjag@97.85.sw.ivk: Night getns 16-12-2019 07:19:32 -!- MidJag!midjag@97.85.sw.ivk has left #einsteinianroulette 16-12-2019 07:20:47 < Devastator!chatzilla@oxhy-5w4vb9vv6xpu6e89j1kl1zid0.ipv6.telus.net: see ya. 16-12-2019 07:21:18 < Devastator!chatzilla@oxhy-5w4vb9vv6xpu6e89j1kl1zid0.ipv6.telus.net: some fun for draggy 16-12-2019 07:25:05 < Devastator!chatzilla@oxhy-5w4vb9vv6xpu6e89j1kl1zid0.ipv6.telus.net: apparently 'inner burning' means 'trying to shove months of development into a few hours.' 16-12-2019 07:40:24 -!- er!androirc@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16-12-2019 07:40:59 -!- er!androirc@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com has joined #einsteinianroulette 16-12-2019 07:49:58 < Devastator!chatzilla@oxhy-5w4vb9vv6xpu6e89j1kl1zid0.ipv6.telus.net: apparently 'inner burning' means 'trying to shove months of development into a few hours.' 16-12-2019 08:06:34 < syv!GreatWyrmG@104.136.rzg.vsr: Pretty sure his IRC app just reset the connection, he's not actually here. 16-12-2019 08:08:06 < Devastator!chatzilla@oxhy-5w4vb9vv6xpu6e89j1kl1zid0.ipv6.telus.net: ahh 16-12-2019 12:12:08 -!- syv!GreatWyrmG@104.136.rzg.vsr has quit [Quit: You hear a distant scream of "FUCK AT&T!"] 16-12-2019 13:14:23 -!- er!androirc@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com has quit [Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com )] 16-12-2019 21:13:00 -!- ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com has joined #einsteinianroulette 16-12-2019 21:59:01 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1129310/Receiver_2/ 16-12-2019 21:59:10 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: guns.