23-11-2019 01:19:16 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: boop. 23-11-2019 01:19:19 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: Aigre? 23-11-2019 01:19:30 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: heya er, Piecewise. 23-11-2019 01:19:47 < Piecewise!Piecewise@54-055-76-17.lsv0.qwest.net: Hello 23-11-2019 01:21:09 < er!androirc@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Hey 23-11-2019 01:21:12 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: welp, parachute test. 23-11-2019 01:21:32 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: ..I'll change it to 'cast spell on self' so you can describe it, instead of doing the stick first and then falling. 23-11-2019 01:22:47 < er!androirc@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Mm? 23-11-2019 01:23:34 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: yeah, testing out if temp bird wings work as a parachute. 23-11-2019 01:23:47 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: and testing the wording on the ground, so no death. 23-11-2019 01:25:36 < er!androirc@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: I should try getting an appropriate amount of sleep tonight, so I'm going to lig off soon 23-11-2019 01:26:39 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: ok 23-11-2019 01:26:41 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: good luck. 23-11-2019 01:26:56 < er!androirc@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: <3 23-11-2019 01:27:00 -!- er!androirc@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com has quit [Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com )] 23-11-2019 01:28:39 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: woob. 23-11-2019 01:28:44 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: just you and me, then, skelly. 23-11-2019 02:08:45 < Piecewise!Piecewise@54-055-76-17.lsv0.qwest.net: hmm guess so 23-11-2019 02:09:15 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: good smbc today. 23-11-2019 02:09:17 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: http://smbc-comics.com/ 23-11-2019 02:09:51 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: oh, right. 23-11-2019 02:09:53 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: thanksgiving. 23-11-2019 02:12:01 < Piecewise!Piecewise@54-055-76-17.lsv0.qwest.net: I prefer the snake version of that holiday 23-11-2019 02:12:05 < Piecewise!Piecewise@54-055-76-17.lsv0.qwest.net: fangsgiving 23-11-2019 02:14:55 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: snek. 23-11-2019 02:15:10 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: so how are you, PW? 23-11-2019 02:32:58 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: hmm. 23-11-2019 02:33:11 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: grow teeth until they fuse, preventing something from eating or drinking. 23-11-2019 02:44:57 -!- syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.lso.xpu has joined #einsteinianroulette 23-11-2019 02:45:30 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: heyo 23-11-2019 02:45:44 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.lso.xpu: heyo 23-11-2019 02:46:08 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.lso.xpu: The combat jet was described as landing multiple hits. This is just flavor, and it still only made one attack, right? 23-11-2019 02:46:16 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: it made one attack. 23-11-2019 02:46:46 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.lso.xpu: Did the Malaysian Kaiju ever dodge any attacks? 23-11-2019 02:46:59 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: Yeah, actually. 23-11-2019 02:47:09 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: lemme look at the log, but I remember there being one. 23-11-2019 02:47:39 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.lso.xpu: It wasn't described as doing so. If it was just one, that's pretty notable, considering the repeated statements about its motion and speed. 23-11-2019 02:48:12 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: it mostly wasn't trying. 23-11-2019 02:48:48 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.lso.xpu: I'm going to pretend you didn't just imply some Kaiju will try to dodge a bunch. 23-11-2019 02:49:21 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.lso.xpu: Do units have any difference in accuracy? Does range matter at all? 23-11-2019 02:51:27 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: Your units, no, unless you design for such a thing, enemy units, yes, and you've ran into it much more often than is normal, and no, range doesn't matter. 23-11-2019 02:53:18 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.lso.xpu: It really is a pity that I never got to see what that prion launcher did. 23-11-2019 02:53:24 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.lso.xpu: Err, what its stats were. 23-11-2019 02:53:27 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: Heh. 23-11-2019 02:53:47 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: well, from the combat you know it had Range F. 23-11-2019 02:54:17 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.lso.xpu: Oh? 23-11-2019 02:54:25 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: Because that's the range it was fired at. 23-11-2019 02:54:28 < Piecewise!Piecewise@54-055-76-17.lsv0.qwest.net: Press F to range 23-11-2019 02:59:40 < Piecewise!Piecewise@54-055-76-17.lsv0.qwest.net: I'll place this here too 23-11-2019 02:59:40 < Piecewise!Piecewise@54-055-76-17.lsv0.qwest.net: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1y0YR0WZgouwNYdvWq59jicDJy5RXx_jFLUhLtlfGFUQ/edit?usp=sharing 23-11-2019 02:59:46 < Piecewise!Piecewise@54-055-76-17.lsv0.qwest.net: Though its still rough 23-11-2019 03:02:15 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: heh. 23-11-2019 03:02:18 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: programming contest. 23-11-2019 03:10:41 < Piecewise!Piecewise@54-055-76-17.lsv0.qwest.net: With cats 23-11-2019 03:11:52 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: meow. 23-11-2019 03:11:58 < Piecewise!Piecewise@54-055-76-17.lsv0.qwest.net: Keyboard cat: Fury road 23-11-2019 03:12:25 < Piecewise!Piecewise@54-055-76-17.lsv0.qwest.net: Not sure if it will be a literal nightmare to run or terrible in all ways but hey, worth a shot 23-11-2019 03:12:31 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: heh. 23-11-2019 03:20:26 < Piecewise!Piecewise@54-055-76-17.lsv0.qwest.net: We should watch Kung Pow some time 23-11-2019 03:21:35 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.lso.xpu: Nah. 23-11-2019 03:23:39 < Piecewise!Piecewise@54-055-76-17.lsv0.qwest.net: That movie is fun you goddamn apathy elemental 23-11-2019 03:24:07 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.lso.xpu: I like this name. Slightly. 23-11-2019 03:24:13 -!- syv is now known as ApathyElemental 23-11-2019 03:24:32 -!- ApathyElemental is now known as FiftyApathyElemental 23-11-2019 03:32:05 < Piecewise!Piecewise@54-055-76-17.lsv0.qwest.net: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEyrg0WU5Ao 23-11-2019 03:33:14 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: mmm 23-11-2019 04:35:10 < Piecewise!Piecewise@54-055-76-17.lsv0.qwest.net: cabal tomorrow 23-11-2019 04:35:14 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: yay. 23-11-2019 04:35:31 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: is that good, bad, or good bad phrasing for parachute spell? 23-11-2019 04:36:51 < Piecewise!Piecewise@54-055-76-17.lsv0.qwest.net: Looks fine, though I'll have to consider the cost a bit. 23-11-2019 04:36:58 < Piecewise!Piecewise@54-055-76-17.lsv0.qwest.net: or the difficulty I should say 23-11-2019 04:37:10 < FiftyApathyElemental!GreatWyrmG@72.168.lso.xpu: Cost: 20 23-11-2019 04:37:53 < FiftyApathyElemental!GreatWyrmG@72.168.lso.xpu: Dev when are we gonna RP genius teenagers? 23-11-2019 04:39:00 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: which game? Cabal? 23-11-2019 04:39:21 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: can't be more than d8, as that's the limit of the bird word. 23-11-2019 04:39:30 < FiftyApathyElemental!GreatWyrmG@72.168.lso.xpu: Are we playing teenagers in any other game? 23-11-2019 04:39:43 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: ok, you up for that, then? 23-11-2019 04:40:28 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: I think with saeko's characterization, I'd expect she'd say hello and then probably bounce around a bit because you're uncomfortable about being hugged, and then ask about what you found. 23-11-2019 04:42:13 < FiftyApathyElemental!GreatWyrmG@72.168.lso.xpu: You know what nah 23-11-2019 04:42:17 < FiftyApathyElemental!GreatWyrmG@72.168.lso.xpu: I'm tired. 23-11-2019 04:42:17 < Piecewise!Piecewise@54-055-76-17.lsv0.qwest.net: heh 23-11-2019 04:42:17 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: ok, no worries. 23-11-2019 04:42:29 < Piecewise!Piecewise@54-055-76-17.lsv0.qwest.net: That name is correct 23-11-2019 04:42:30 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: the robots sound cool. 23-11-2019 04:42:53 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: probably recommend bringing those, some of the bomblets, and a couple machine guns to sell. That's it. 23-11-2019 04:42:56 < Piecewise!Piecewise@54-055-76-17.lsv0.qwest.net: "Hey you wanna do a thing?" "Sure" "Well, I don't. Bye" 23-11-2019 04:43:12 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: I suspect I shouldn't have started with cuteness. ;-p 23-11-2019 04:43:31 < Piecewise!Piecewise@54-055-76-17.lsv0.qwest.net: Sy is known to hate magical girls 23-11-2019 04:43:36 < Piecewise!Piecewise@54-055-76-17.lsv0.qwest.net: unless they are suffering 23-11-2019 04:44:28 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: fair point. 23-11-2019 04:44:45 < FiftyApathyElemental!GreatWyrmG@72.168.lso.xpu: Not "unless" 23-11-2019 04:44:52 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: Heh. 23-11-2019 04:44:58 < FiftyApathyElemental!GreatWyrmG@72.168.lso.xpu: I hate them while they're suffering, that's why enjoy it 23-11-2019 04:45:00 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: sy is known to hate magical girls, they are suffering. 23-11-2019 04:45:21 < FiftyApathyElemental!GreatWyrmG@72.168.lso.xpu: Also true 23-11-2019 04:45:21 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: oh, and 50-50 split on the thaum, right? 23-11-2019 04:45:28 -!- er!androirc@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com has joined #einsteinianroulette 23-11-2019 04:45:44 < er!androirc@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy~ 23-11-2019 04:45:53 < Piecewise!Piecewise@54-055-76-17.lsv0.qwest.net: Get out of here horse 23-11-2019 04:46:43 < er!androirc@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: I'll toss you into the pit, shit skelly 23-11-2019 04:46:54 < FiftyApathyElemental!GreatWyrmG@72.168.lso.xpu: Back to the pit! 23-11-2019 04:47:15 < Piecewise!Piecewise@54-055-76-17.lsv0.qwest.net: YOU DARE BRING LIGHT INTO MY LAIR? 23-11-2019 04:49:01 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: 358 thaum. 23-11-2019 04:49:06 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: so half is 179. 23-11-2019 04:49:14 < er!androirc@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Hmm. 23-11-2019 04:49:16 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: can I get 149 mana and 30 thaum for alchemy. 23-11-2019 04:49:19 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: ? 23-11-2019 04:50:03 < er!androirc@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Some wild magic made my dnd character a teenager. Is she a magical girl now? 23-11-2019 04:51:09 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: does she sparkle? 23-11-2019 04:51:58 < er!androirc@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: It's wild magic, she has ALL the particle effects. 23-11-2019 04:52:15 < FiftyApathyElemental!GreatWyrmG@72.168.lso.xpu: (Devastator) oh, and 50-50 split on the thaum, right? 23-11-2019 04:52:24 < FiftyApathyElemental!GreatWyrmG@72.168.lso.xpu: Not unless you're aggressive about it, no. 23-11-2019 04:52:28 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: ok. 23-11-2019 04:52:41 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: 70-ish, then? 23-11-2019 04:52:55 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: 50 because +3 will make life a lot easier with the parachutes and everything. 23-11-2019 04:52:59 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: and that should be it. 23-11-2019 04:53:10 < FiftyApathyElemental!GreatWyrmG@72.168.lso.xpu: Yeah, that's reasonable. 23-11-2019 04:53:47 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: ok. 23-11-2019 04:54:00 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: now lets hope I don't keep rolling shit for the next d12 on our ride. 23-11-2019 04:57:16 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: Hmm. 23-11-2019 04:57:21 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: gotta put him back in my char sheet. 23-11-2019 04:58:58 < er!androirc@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Also, I don't mean to be annoying, I legitimately must air my enthusiasm: PS when. 23-11-2019 05:03:16 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: 10 for an enchantment slot. 23-11-2019 05:05:29 < er!androirc@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Hmm? 23-11-2019 05:06:34 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: only so much mana you can shove into creatures before they get tired. 23-11-2019 05:06:37 < FiftyApathyElemental!GreatWyrmG@72.168.lso.xpu: Sigh. I don't know when. 23-11-2019 05:06:39 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: have to buy more capacity. 23-11-2019 05:07:54 < er!androirc@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: 10 mana, no roll? 23-11-2019 05:08:00 < FiftyApathyElemental!GreatWyrmG@72.168.lso.xpu: Need to check with Murdoc if he's still interested. If not probably need to rewrite some stuff. Really ought to change the game's format somehow, too. 23-11-2019 05:08:17 < FiftyApathyElemental!GreatWyrmG@72.168.lso.xpu: ...Chevalaresse. 23-11-2019 05:08:33 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: KM's probably still ok. 23-11-2019 05:10:01 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: still around. 23-11-2019 05:11:13 < FiftyApathyElemental!GreatWyrmG@72.168.lso.xpu: Yeah, but that doesn't mean he wants to bother with a game that slips in and out of a coma. 23-11-2019 05:11:14 < er!androirc@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: I'm still not sure if tis wiser to try to change format or just keep going. 23-11-2019 05:11:46 < FiftyApathyElemental!GreatWyrmG@72.168.lso.xpu: I'd keep going with the same game regardless, just try to make it less difficult to run. 23-11-2019 05:11:53 < er!androirc@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: My style doesn't work great with the rules I made for TH, but I like the setting. 23-11-2019 05:11:54 < FiftyApathyElemental!GreatWyrmG@72.168.lso.xpu: Same story, chars, and mechanics. 23-11-2019 05:11:55 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: well, as long as we get to keep fighting witches and I get to deal with problems related to excessive woof, I'm ok. 23-11-2019 05:12:19 < FiftyApathyElemental!GreatWyrmG@72.168.lso.xpu: Honestly, problems related to excessive woof would probably be top of the chopping block. 23-11-2019 05:12:32 < FiftyApathyElemental!GreatWyrmG@72.168.lso.xpu: Nothing is harder than the world and the mundane parts of it. 23-11-2019 05:13:19 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: ok. 23-11-2019 05:13:22 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: and aww. 23-11-2019 05:13:24 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: but ok. 23-11-2019 05:13:30 < er!androirc@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Let me conquer the cold careless universe with the power of friendship please. 23-11-2019 05:14:22 < FiftyApathyElemental!GreatWyrmG@72.168.lso.xpu: Look at it this way; you can't lose something you don't have. 23-11-2019 05:14:37 < FiftyApathyElemental!GreatWyrmG@72.168.lso.xpu: Game without woof isn't worse than no game with woof. 23-11-2019 05:15:07 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: Yeah, true. 23-11-2019 05:15:26 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: so no werewolf or just no mundane downsides? 23-11-2019 05:16:31 < FiftyApathyElemental!GreatWyrmG@72.168.lso.xpu: No between-labyrinth "and now syv writes the daily lives of teenage girls" bullshit. 23-11-2019 05:16:41 < FiftyApathyElemental!GreatWyrmG@72.168.lso.xpu: Which broadly means yes, no mundane downsides. 23-11-2019 05:16:48 < FiftyApathyElemental!GreatWyrmG@72.168.lso.xpu: Assuming that's what I do. 23-11-2019 05:16:55 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: ok. 23-11-2019 05:17:46 < * Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net notes to one day, run a game about mundane downsides due to magical abilities to excess. 23-11-2019 05:18:31 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: now what would that be called.. 23-11-2019 05:18:59 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: Hmm. 23-11-2019 05:19:05 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: "Secret Identity." 23-11-2019 05:21:03 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: Fights and such would be off-screen and take a number of turns where stuff just happens. 23-11-2019 05:21:17 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: and then you'd return and be fine or wounded or something and deal with things until the next off-screen fight. 23-11-2019 05:21:42 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: every once in a while you'd get a new power or something and that makes things harder. 23-11-2019 05:22:36 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: If you fuck up horribly your character breaks and dies by turning villain and getting an ending. 23-11-2019 05:23:18 < FiftyApathyElemental!GreatWyrmG@72.168.lso.xpu: How quintessentially dev. 23-11-2019 05:23:41 < FiftyApathyElemental!GreatWyrmG@72.168.lso.xpu: "You are a superhero, but all the fun parts are abstrated away so we don't have to see that." 23-11-2019 05:24:41 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: yes. 23-11-2019 05:24:48 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: if it's worth doing, it's worth doing wrong! 23-11-2019 05:25:10 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: So tempted to make a sig. 23-11-2019 05:25:15 < er!androirc@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: I do everything wrong. 23-11-2019 05:25:19 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: ..fuck. 23-11-2019 05:25:27 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: don't I owe you a period of that from a bet? 23-11-2019 05:26:35 < FiftyApathyElemental!GreatWyrmG@72.168.lso.xpu: Yes, but I never cashed it. 23-11-2019 05:26:56 < FiftyApathyElemental!GreatWyrmG@72.168.lso.xpu: I thought of an amusing idea, but it requires actual work from me, so I never pursued it. 23-11-2019 05:27:19 < FiftyApathyElemental!GreatWyrmG@72.168.lso.xpu: And otherwise I don't have any really entertaining ideas. 23-11-2019 05:28:49 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: ok. 23-11-2019 05:33:03 < * er!androirc@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com melts back into the floor. 23-11-2019 05:33:50 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: Yeah, no between-labrynth seems good. 23-11-2019 05:35:10 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: also, internet turned good for a bit, so playing surviv. 23-11-2019 05:35:14 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: I'll do k-com eventually. 23-11-2019 05:37:00 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: huh. 23-11-2019 05:37:02 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: 'VSS' 23-11-2019 05:46:52 < FiftyApathyElemental!GreatWyrmG@72.168.lso.xpu: Vintorez? 23-11-2019 05:46:58 < FiftyApathyElemental!GreatWyrmG@72.168.lso.xpu: Oh! In Surviv?! 23-11-2019 05:47:18 < FiftyApathyElemental!GreatWyrmG@72.168.lso.xpu: Agh I love that gun! 23-11-2019 05:47:38 < FiftyApathyElemental!GreatWyrmG@72.168.lso.xpu: It makes sense that they added it, I guess, since they added the OTs-14. 23-11-2019 05:47:39 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: yeah. 23-11-2019 05:47:57 < FiftyApathyElemental!GreatWyrmG@72.168.lso.xpu: Do you want to duo? 23-11-2019 05:48:27 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: sure. 23-11-2019 05:48:32 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: but got started on k-com after all. 23-11-2019 05:48:33 -!- FiftyApathyElemental!GreatWyrmG@72.168.lso.xpu has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 23-11-2019 05:48:36 -!- sy!GreatWyrmG@pgxmau-187-648-653-75.mycingular.net has joined #einsteinianroulette 23-11-2019 05:48:42 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: feeling some intense sleep deprivation coming on, so hurrying. 23-11-2019 05:48:47 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: naturegirl's done. 23-11-2019 05:50:53 < sy!GreatWyrmG@pgxmau-187-648-653-75.mycingular.net: Ohhh! 23-11-2019 05:51:08 < sy!GreatWyrmG@pgxmau-187-648-653-75.mycingular.net: Surviv added the SVD in the same update as the VSS 23-11-2019 05:51:12 < Piecewise!Piecewise@54-055-76-17.lsv0.qwest.net: SHE'S DONE IN THIS TOWN, YA HEAR? 23-11-2019 05:51:44 < Piecewise!Piecewise@54-055-76-17.lsv0.qwest.net: I WAN HER DEAD. I WAN HER FAMILY DEAD. I WAN HER DOG FIRED. I WAN HER TREES MOLESTED. 23-11-2019 05:52:16 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: Hello Trump. 23-11-2019 05:52:19 < Piecewise!Piecewise@54-055-76-17.lsv0.qwest.net: *snorts a cannoli* 23-11-2019 05:52:21 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: Need a bad sequel tagline. 23-11-2019 05:52:25 < Piecewise!Piecewise@54-055-76-17.lsv0.qwest.net: BADA BING 23-11-2019 05:52:38 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: for Happy's second EVIL PHYSICS lab. 23-11-2019 05:52:49 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: Laboratory of Evil Physics II: the blank. 23-11-2019 05:52:59 < Piecewise!Piecewise@54-055-76-17.lsv0.qwest.net: Evil II: Electric bogaloo 23-11-2019 05:53:21 < sy!GreatWyrmG@pgxmau-187-648-653-75.mycingular.net: "Another One" 23-11-2019 05:53:30 < Piecewise!Piecewise@54-055-76-17.lsv0.qwest.net: "Also Evil" 23-11-2019 05:53:32 < sy!GreatWyrmG@pgxmau-187-648-653-75.mycingular.net: "Evil Metaphysics" 23-11-2019 05:53:59 < Piecewise!Piecewise@54-055-76-17.lsv0.qwest.net: "The return of evil physics" 23-11-2019 05:54:09 < Piecewise!Piecewise@54-055-76-17.lsv0.qwest.net: "the revenge of evil physics" 23-11-2019 05:54:18 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: Evil Strikes Back. 23-11-2019 05:54:34 < Piecewise!Piecewise@54-055-76-17.lsv0.qwest.net: "Really more of a morally gray physics" 23-11-2019 05:54:52 < Piecewise!Piecewise@54-055-76-17.lsv0.qwest.net: "I swear she told me she was of age and alive, physics" 23-11-2019 05:55:23 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: ok. 23-11-2019 05:55:27 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: and you, lab upgrade, ok. 23-11-2019 05:55:34 < Piecewise!Piecewise@54-055-76-17.lsv0.qwest.net: Ok? 23-11-2019 05:55:51 < Piecewise!Piecewise@54-055-76-17.lsv0.qwest.net: Can I summon god yet? 23-11-2019 05:55:55 < sy!GreatWyrmG@pgxmau-187-648-653-75.mycingular.net: Apparently they added an L86A2 to Surviv. As... a DMR. 23-11-2019 05:56:09 < sy!GreatWyrmG@pgxmau-187-648-653-75.mycingular.net: You could summon god before. 23-11-2019 05:56:14 < sy!GreatWyrmG@pgxmau-187-648-653-75.mycingular.net: Now god can just be larger. 23-11-2019 05:56:44 < Piecewise!Piecewise@54-055-76-17.lsv0.qwest.net: Sy, your markov chain is breaking. 23-11-2019 05:57:04 < Piecewise!Piecewise@54-055-76-17.lsv0.qwest.net: just saying numbers and letters 23-11-2019 05:57:16 < Piecewise!Piecewise@54-055-76-17.lsv0.qwest.net: Reboot 23-11-2019 05:57:39 < Piecewise!Piecewise@54-055-76-17.lsv0.qwest.net: run.syinitial 23-11-2019 05:57:58 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: right, now just Yotta. 23-11-2019 05:58:32 < sy!GreatWyrmG@pgxmau-187-648-653-75.mycingular.net: 5.7x28mm>4.6x30mm fite me 23-11-2019 05:58:37 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: how much did I start the mad scientists with again? 23-11-2019 05:58:47 < sy!GreatWyrmG@pgxmau-187-648-653-75.mycingular.net: Belgium rules, Germany drools 23-11-2019 05:59:00 < sy!GreatWyrmG@pgxmau-187-648-653-75.mycingular.net: Vychlop 23-11-2019 06:03:49 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: Finanlly. 23-11-2019 06:03:58 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: now.. to start April and list the black market sale. 23-11-2019 06:04:06 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: or, in reality, to pay some surviv with sy. 23-11-2019 06:04:30 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: because it's april purchases and you need to see what's for sale. 23-11-2019 06:04:46 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: http://surviv.io/#irH 23-11-2019 06:05:59 < er!androirc@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: So, one more update before I get to interact with the game, got it. ;p 23-11-2019 06:06:29 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: well, you can chat. 23-11-2019 06:06:31 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: but yeah. 23-11-2019 06:06:59 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: hello playa 23-11-2019 06:08:32 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: huh, dropped. 23-11-2019 06:09:44 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: dropped for some reason. 23-11-2019 06:09:52 < sy!GreatWyrmG@pgxmau-187-648-653-75.mycingular.net: Back? 23-11-2019 06:10:11 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: ya 23-11-2019 06:10:16 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: just froze mid-battle. 23-11-2019 06:10:53 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: huh, same again. 23-11-2019 06:10:55 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: just a sec. 23-11-2019 06:11:38 < sy!GreatWyrmG@pgxmau-187-648-653-75.mycingular.net: Okay. 23-11-2019 06:12:09 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: reset. 23-11-2019 06:12:11 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: lets see how this goes. 23-11-2019 06:14:41 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: well, didn't drop. 23-11-2019 06:16:13 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: ugh, just got sloppy, should have been ready to gun that guy. 23-11-2019 06:19:26 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: hmm. 23-11-2019 06:19:30 < sy!GreatWyrmG@pgxmau-187-648-653-75.mycingular.net: ...Was that cheating? 23-11-2019 06:19:34 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: thought I got him with the sledge. Guess I missed. 23-11-2019 06:19:39 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: Nah, prolly not, he missed a shotty blast. 23-11-2019 06:19:48 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: just someone hotswitching. 23-11-2019 06:25:02 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: dammit. 23-11-2019 06:25:04 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: I had that guy. 23-11-2019 06:25:08 < sy!GreatWyrmG@pgxmau-187-648-653-75.mycingular.net: Eh, I'm done. 23-11-2019 06:25:11 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: thanks. 23-11-2019 06:25:29 < sy!GreatWyrmG@pgxmau-187-648-653-75.mycingular.net: Heh. 23-11-2019 06:26:06 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: what? was thanks. 23-11-2019 06:28:28 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: plus secret identity is basically OPM. 23-11-2019 06:29:29 < sy!GreatWyrmG@pgxmau-187-648-653-75.mycingular.net: OPM has a lot of Saitama punching people. 23-11-2019 06:29:41 < sy!GreatWyrmG@pgxmau-187-648-653-75.mycingular.net: And it has a lot of other superheros doing superhero things. 23-11-2019 06:30:00 < sy!GreatWyrmG@pgxmau-187-648-653-75.mycingular.net: A lot of OPM appeals to superhero fans in standard superhero ways, it's just that there's a lot more than just that. 23-11-2019 06:31:31 < sy!GreatWyrmG@pgxmau-187-648-653-75.mycingular.net: Huh. 23-11-2019 06:31:51 < sy!GreatWyrmG@pgxmau-187-648-653-75.mycingular.net: Groza uses 7.62 ammo in the game for some reason, while the Vintorez uses 9mm. 23-11-2019 06:31:51 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: yeah, I suppose. 23-11-2019 06:32:11 < sy!GreatWyrmG@pgxmau-187-648-653-75.mycingular.net: But... they're both chambered in 9x39mm. 23-11-2019 06:33:30 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: Heh. 23-11-2019 06:33:41 < sy!GreatWyrmG@pgxmau-187-648-653-75.mycingular.net: Okay, no, it makes sense. 23-11-2019 06:34:01 < sy!GreatWyrmG@pgxmau-187-648-653-75.mycingular.net: It's the variant of the groza chambered in 7.62x39mm, not the main 9x39mm one. 23-11-2019 06:34:10 < sy!GreatWyrmG@pgxmau-187-648-653-75.mycingular.net: The mag's too long for the normal variety. 23-11-2019 06:34:32 < sy!GreatWyrmG@pgxmau-187-648-653-75.mycingular.net: Though, then, they have a separate suppressed Groza which still uses 7.62... 23-11-2019 06:34:36 < er!androirc@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: What are these numbers 23-11-2019 06:35:04 < er!androirc@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: I know only of the yellow ammo, blue ammo, green ammo, and red ammo. 23-11-2019 06:35:17 < sy!GreatWyrmG@pgxmau-187-648-653-75.mycingular.net: Millimeters. 23-11-2019 06:35:48 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: 7.62 is blue. 23-11-2019 06:35:51 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: yellow is 9mm. 23-11-2019 06:36:01 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: green is 5.56. 23-11-2019 06:36:06 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: and red is 12 gauge. 23-11-2019 06:38:47 < sy!GreatWyrmG@pgxmau-187-648-653-75.mycingular.net: The second number is case length, which is important in real life because 7.62x54mm is substantially more powerful than 7.62x39mm, but is apparently irrelevant in Surviv, where 7.62 can morph to be x39, x42, x51, or x54 freely. 23-11-2019 06:39:25 < sy!GreatWyrmG@pgxmau-187-648-653-75.mycingular.net: Or apparently 5.45x39mm, since the AN-94 also uses 7.62 23-11-2019 06:39:46 < sy!GreatWyrmG@pgxmau-187-648-653-75.mycingular.net: Which is just dumb, considering how close that caliber is to 5.56x45mm 23-11-2019 06:39:55 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: heh. 23-11-2019 06:59:30 -!- syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.lso.xpu has joined #einsteinianroulette 23-11-2019 06:59:52 -!- sy!GreatWyrmG@pgxmau-187-648-653-75.mycingular.net has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 23-11-2019 07:19:01 -!- Elastic_Ridicule!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com has joined #einsteinianroulette 23-11-2019 07:19:12 -!- er!androirc@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com has quit [Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com )] 23-11-2019 07:19:20 -!- Elastic_Ridicule is now known as ER 23-11-2019 07:22:05 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: remember IRC test games? 23-11-2019 07:27:04 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: yes? 23-11-2019 07:29:20 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: we should do that more or something yknow 23-11-2019 07:29:32 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: yeah. 23-11-2019 07:29:37 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: don't have anythin else ready. 23-11-2019 07:29:39 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: already running stuff. 23-11-2019 07:31:14 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.lso.xpu: Yeah. 23-11-2019 07:32:11 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.lso.xpu: I don't have anything new, and haven't worked on the gun game for awhile. The limited creative efforts I've had have more gone towards AoTTG. 23-11-2019 07:35:03 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: I do have occasional other ideas, but I'm working full time and k-com is a black hole. 23-11-2019 07:35:09 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: plus in a lot of games. 23-11-2019 07:35:18 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: mmm 23-11-2019 08:09:32 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: https://youtu.be/JuPA8DuJoYc 23-11-2019 08:17:12 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.lso.xpu: Groovy 23-11-2019 09:27:21 -!- ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 23-11-2019 10:48:55 -!- syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.lso.xpu has quit [Quit: You hear a distant scream of "FUCK AT&T!"] 23-11-2019 10:50:15 -!- er!androirc@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com has joined #einsteinianroulette 23-11-2019 10:50:21 < er!androirc@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Morning~ 23-11-2019 11:43:08 -!- Stopped log service 23-11-2019 11:46:25 -!- Started log service 23-11-2019 11:46:33 -!- parisbre56[Away]!parisbre56@176.92.moh.llp has joined #einsteinianroulette 23-11-2019 11:46:33 -!- Topic for #einsteinianroulette: Tactihell update status: Eventually Returning? 23-11-2019 11:46:33 -!- Topic set by syv [Wednesday 23 October 2019, 15:34:14] 23-11-2019 12:06:18 -!- er!androirc@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com has quit [Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com )] 23-11-2019 18:23:31 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: welp 23-11-2019 18:28:42 < Piecewise!Piecewise@54-055-76-17.lsv0.qwest.net: Saeko is going doc brown 23-11-2019 18:41:22 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: when we hit 88 miles per hour, we're going to see some serious shit? 23-11-2019 18:41:44 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: well, I think it was two weeks for the miscast potion, so one more week then. 23-11-2019 18:42:24 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: Also, is ekrov literally going helium balloon forever? 23-11-2019 18:44:17 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: it's fixable, just hilarious. 23-11-2019 19:05:32 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: the next week is probably just 'get catbird fitted for a new harness', so should be clear of the miscast spells. 23-11-2019 19:35:15 -!- er!androirc@vayj-738-322-875-756.sip.ard.bellsouth.net has joined #einsteinianroulette 23-11-2019 19:35:50 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: heya er. 23-11-2019 19:36:02 < er!androirc@vayj-738-322-875-756.sip.ard.bellsouth.net: Well. 23-11-2019 19:36:38 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: nice 1/36 there 23-11-2019 19:36:47 < er!androirc@vayj-738-322-875-756.sip.ard.bellsouth.net: I have equivalent to d12 speed now, so I could always just say "hold my beer" and land catlike. 23-11-2019 19:37:00 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: I think it's just +1 grade. 23-11-2019 19:37:08 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: or is it really d12 equivalent? 23-11-2019 19:37:35 < er!androirc@vayj-738-322-875-756.sip.ard.bellsouth.net: D8+2 has the same average. 23-11-2019 19:37:57 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: ahh, fair point. 23-11-2019 19:38:01 < er!androirc@vayj-738-322-875-756.sip.ard.bellsouth.net: I think it might be a bit better in this system because it has a higher minimum? 23-11-2019 19:38:03 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: If you can land, yeah. 23-11-2019 19:38:19 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: assuming you aren't going up towards infinity with nothing to push against. 23-11-2019 19:38:36 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: If you are, fortunately I have a flying creature to drag you back down until it can be fixed one way or another. 23-11-2019 19:38:56 < er!androirc@vayj-738-322-875-756.sip.ard.bellsouth.net: It's transient, just a matter of how high I get first~ 23-11-2019 19:39:28 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: heh. 23-11-2019 19:39:42 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: Is it transient? 23-11-2019 19:39:47 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: you tried for a permanent spell, right? 23-11-2019 19:42:39 < er!androirc@vayj-738-322-875-756.sip.ard.bellsouth.net: "Probably transitory" 23-11-2019 19:43:19 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: heh 23-11-2019 19:43:49 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: well, I'll still give him orders to catch you. The difficulty for a successful landing from a couple hundred feet up might be like a d20 or something. 23-11-2019 19:43:59 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: if you can grab on to him, it should be safe. 23-11-2019 19:44:24 < er!androirc@vayj-738-322-875-756.sip.ard.bellsouth.net: Maybe I can will the magic to be permanent and have you put wings on me. 23-11-2019 19:44:34 < er!androirc@vayj-738-322-875-756.sip.ard.bellsouth.net: Zavi the spaceship 23-11-2019 19:45:19 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: I'd do it, but I do want my backpack, too. 23-11-2019 19:45:34 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: although lighten self is also more appealing, maybe after this mission. 23-11-2019 19:45:53 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: wouldn't want to do it without wings and some ballast. 23-11-2019 19:47:23 < er!androirc@vayj-738-322-875-756.sip.ard.bellsouth.net: Also I've had a sudden urge to make a illustrated adventure game about a necromancer in a dark place. 23-11-2019 19:47:26 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: also gotta ask PW what the wings look like, because Saeko would totally want to decorate them. 23-11-2019 19:47:32 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: all black, all the time, eh? 23-11-2019 19:47:38 < er!androirc@vayj-738-322-875-756.sip.ard.bellsouth.net: Heh. 23-11-2019 19:48:10 < er!androirc@vayj-738-322-875-756.sip.ard.bellsouth.net: Would represent different senses with different colored lines, black background. 23-11-2019 19:48:38 < er!androirc@vayj-738-322-875-756.sip.ard.bellsouth.net: And white lines when you can actually see anythingm 23-11-2019 19:49:28 < er!androirc@vayj-738-322-875-756.sip.ard.bellsouth.net: Anyway, just my muse giving me ideas and absolutely no help achieving them, as usual~ 23-11-2019 19:49:50 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: mmm. 23-11-2019 19:49:54 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: Piecewise, you on? 23-11-2019 19:50:55 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: but yeah, saeko's game to put wings on you, but she hasn't gotten her side of the current bargain yet, so not doing any more spells. Unless you really need the wings to land properly. 23-11-2019 19:51:25 < er!androirc@vayj-738-322-875-756.sip.ard.bellsouth.net: See, I'm like a cat. 23-11-2019 19:51:49 < er!androirc@vayj-738-322-875-756.sip.ard.bellsouth.net: I got up here myself, and I won't admit to needing help getting back down. 23-11-2019 19:52:01 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: Heh. 23-11-2019 19:52:20 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: well, I don't want to see you go splat, so my flying elephant is available. 23-11-2019 19:53:39 < er!androirc@vayj-738-322-875-756.sip.ard.bellsouth.net: Heh, elephantine 23-11-2019 19:53:57 < er!androirc@vayj-738-322-875-756.sip.ard.bellsouth.net: ...be back in a bit. 23-11-2019 19:54:05 < er!androirc@vayj-738-322-875-756.sip.ard.bellsouth.net: <3 23-11-2019 19:54:09 -!- er!androirc@vayj-738-322-875-756.sip.ard.bellsouth.net has quit [Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com )] 23-11-2019 19:57:50 -!- er!androirc@vayj-738-322-875-756.sip.ard.bellsouth.net has joined #einsteinianroulette 23-11-2019 20:02:44 -!- er!androirc@vayj-738-322-875-756.sip.ard.bellsouth.net has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 23-11-2019 20:16:47 -!- er!androirc@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com has joined #einsteinianroulette 23-11-2019 20:18:38 -!- IronyOwl!Mibbit@jy39-3-832-883.sd.sd.cox.net has joined #einsteinianroulette 23-11-2019 20:19:42 < IronyOwl!Mibbit@jy39-3-832-883.sd.sd.cox.net: If you're around, Dev, I have questions about research! 23-11-2019 20:20:30 < er!androirc@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Also 23-11-2019 20:21:52 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: Heya Irony. 23-11-2019 20:21:52 < er!androirc@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Necromancer who can sense the souls of the recently departed, speak with them, and bind them into their own corpses, preventing the soul from moving on and creating an undead minion. 23-11-2019 20:22:01 < IronyOwl!Mibbit@jy39-3-832-883.sd.sd.cox.net: hey dev 23-11-2019 20:22:02 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: sure. 23-11-2019 20:22:16 < IronyOwl!Mibbit@jy39-3-832-883.sd.sd.cox.net: what's this about necromancers? 23-11-2019 20:22:20 < er!androirc@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Except, in this setting all souls go to Hell so that's a good thing. :D 23-11-2019 20:22:27 < IronyOwl!Mibbit@jy39-3-832-883.sd.sd.cox.net: oh, but my question about research is how researching parts could work 23-11-2019 20:22:50 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: What do you have in mind? 23-11-2019 20:22:52 < IronyOwl!Mibbit@jy39-3-832-883.sd.sd.cox.net: for instance, can I research "better guns" and then apply them to otherwise mundane tanks, or would I need to build the design right in there? 23-11-2019 20:23:23 < IronyOwl!Mibbit@jy39-3-832-883.sd.sd.cox.net: my original plan was to basically upgrade my tanks one component at a time, but then it occurred to me that might not work that way 23-11-2019 20:23:25 < er!androirc@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: 19:47:23 er: Also I've had a sudden urge to make a illustrated adventure game about a necromancer in a dark place. 23-11-2019 20:23:27 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: You say that you're building a weapon intended to be attached to a vehicle. 23-11-2019 20:23:37 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: and let me know how big of a weapon it is. 23-11-2019 20:23:47 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: and how much oomph the weapon has. 23-11-2019 20:23:51 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: and then you design that. 23-11-2019 20:23:56 < IronyOwl!Mibbit@jy39-3-832-883.sd.sd.cox.net: cool 23-11-2019 20:24:22 < IronyOwl!Mibbit@jy39-3-832-883.sd.sd.cox.net: would that be more expensive than trying to redesign an existing blueprint to have that weapon? 23-11-2019 20:25:18 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: A bit, because the new weapon is from scratch, and redesigning a tank blueprint to have a better weapon will be starting from that current weapon's stats. 23-11-2019 20:25:35 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: but if you make a weapon, you can then design a tank that can take multiple weapons. 23-11-2019 20:25:57 < IronyOwl!Mibbit@jy39-3-832-883.sd.sd.cox.net: so I can go full legos with my tank designs? 23-11-2019 20:26:28 < er!androirc@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Does that mean I can bully mad scientists into building a weapon the right size to be mounted on a small vehicle, rather than the whole vehicle with weapon? 23-11-2019 20:27:26 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: I'm not sure what you mean by legos, but yeah, you can make tanks that can take tank weapons. 23-11-2019 20:27:36 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: and er, yeah. 23-11-2019 20:27:53 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: the prion launcher was a weapon that goes for infantry, after all. 23-11-2019 20:28:46 < er!androirc@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Uhhh 23-11-2019 20:28:54 < IronyOwl!Mibbit@jy39-3-832-883.sd.sd.cox.net: I mean can I invent (or have invented) better armor, weapons, engines, treads, etc and just mix and match what I like on a given tank? 23-11-2019 20:29:29 < er!androirc@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Can I yank the cannon off an artillery piece and put it on a technical because they're both the same size?~ 23-11-2019 20:29:42 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: to a degree. Some things might be combined and consolidated for that, so don't expect actual legos, but there are certain things. 23-11-2019 20:29:46 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: Nope. Not built for that. 23-11-2019 20:29:55 < er!androirc@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Faq 23-11-2019 20:30:07 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: you need to design a technical that can take an arty cannon first. ;-p 23-11-2019 20:30:41 < er!androirc@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Nah, I'll put it on a flying drone. 23-11-2019 20:30:52 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: also, please wait for the BM stuff before doing any big plans, ok? 23-11-2019 20:30:54 < er!androirc@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: For maximum kaiju annoyance. 23-11-2019 20:31:09 < er!androirc@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Hmm, really though. 23-11-2019 20:31:49 < er!androirc@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: A flying small unit that's still fairly cheap and poses enough threat to draw attention would be an amazing tank. 23-11-2019 20:32:08 < er!androirc@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Because no warehouse or transport. 23-11-2019 20:32:15 < IronyOwl!Mibbit@jy39-3-832-883.sd.sd.cox.net: will do, but is that just so we don't post it yet or because there may be... complications? 23-11-2019 20:32:25 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: well, mostly because this is a big sale. 23-11-2019 20:32:33 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: there's a pile of shit that some people might want to buy. 23-11-2019 20:32:58 < er!androirc@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Shit please. 23-11-2019 20:33:34 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: yes, a drone is also on the list, fwiw. 23-11-2019 20:33:43 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: although, do remember, it's 1999. 23-11-2019 20:34:06 < er!androirc@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Bitch I made a laser gun in a month~ 23-11-2019 20:34:07 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: so it's not what you'd expect for a 'drone' 23-11-2019 20:35:03 < er!androirc@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Well yeah, a small vehicle is a lot bigger than a quadcopter drone 23-11-2019 20:35:10 < IronyOwl!Mibbit@jy39-3-832-883.sd.sd.cox.net: btw, how much do mad scientists benefit from a base item to work on? I notice happerry somehow built a laser truck with no laser early on, and pw spent a turn building a launcher for his prions 23-11-2019 20:35:24 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: trucks are an exception. 23-11-2019 20:35:26 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: they're 'free' 23-11-2019 20:36:10 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: because the civilian vehicle market is so common and full of varieties that there's no added difficulty for like a truck or car chassis. 23-11-2019 20:36:20 < IronyOwl!Mibbit@jy39-3-832-883.sd.sd.cox.net: could happerry's death ray truck be modified to mount on a tank instead? 23-11-2019 20:36:34 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: you'd want to reverse-engineer it first. 23-11-2019 20:36:42 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: or happerry could get to work on the tank. 23-11-2019 20:37:02 < IronyOwl!Mibbit@jy39-3-832-883.sd.sd.cox.net: ah, okay 23-11-2019 20:37:08 < IronyOwl!Mibbit@jy39-3-832-883.sd.sd.cox.net: actually yeah, that sounds good anyway 23-11-2019 20:41:02 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: yay 23-11-2019 20:52:55 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: Also, happerary's death ray truck isn't a normal truck anymore, either. 23-11-2019 20:53:42 < IronyOwl!Mibbit@jy39-3-832-883.sd.sd.cox.net: oh? 23-11-2019 20:54:19 -!- Elastic_Ridicule!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com has joined #einsteinianroulette 23-11-2019 20:54:23 -!- er!androirc@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com has quit [Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com )] 23-11-2019 20:54:27 < Elastic_Ridicule!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: boom 23-11-2019 20:54:35 < Elastic_Ridicule!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: I'm here for realz now! 23-11-2019 20:54:39 -!- Elastic_Ridicule is now known as ER 23-11-2019 20:54:53 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: realzies 23-11-2019 20:58:27 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: ooh. 23-11-2019 21:04:32 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: ok. 23-11-2019 21:04:39 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: need a name for a mercenary infantry platoon. 23-11-2019 21:04:40 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: ~ 23-11-2019 21:04:51 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Bald ravens 23-11-2019 21:07:19 < IronyOwl!Mibbit@jy39-3-832-883.sd.sd.cox.net: Silver Hogs 23-11-2019 21:07:26 < IronyOwl!Mibbit@jy39-3-832-883.sd.sd.cox.net: Frayed Ravens 23-11-2019 21:07:49 < IronyOwl!Mibbit@jy39-3-832-883.sd.sd.cox.net: Chubby Penguins 23-11-2019 21:07:58 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: chiseled gentlemen 23-11-2019 21:08:07 < IronyOwl!Mibbit@jy39-3-832-883.sd.sd.cox.net: Bullet Moles 23-11-2019 21:08:20 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: murderhobos 23-11-2019 21:09:41 < IronyOwl!Mibbit@jy39-3-832-883.sd.sd.cox.net: Goon Platoon 23-11-2019 21:10:04 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: heh. 23-11-2019 21:10:24 < IronyOwl!Mibbit@jy39-3-832-883.sd.sd.cox.net: War Crabs 23-11-2019 21:10:26 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: ok, now what would someone call a customized and armed 'assault car' based on a 1968 plymouth barracuda? 23-11-2019 21:10:35 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: scuttle bugs 23-11-2019 21:10:43 < IronyOwl!Mibbit@jy39-3-832-883.sd.sd.cox.net: Stylemobile? 23-11-2019 21:10:49 < IronyOwl!Mibbit@jy39-3-832-883.sd.sd.cox.net: Classault Vehicle 23-11-2019 21:10:55 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: mmm 23-11-2019 21:10:59 < IronyOwl!Mibbit@jy39-3-832-883.sd.sd.cox.net: War Wagon 23-11-2019 21:11:16 < IronyOwl!Mibbit@jy39-3-832-883.sd.sd.cox.net: War Gecko if green 23-11-2019 21:11:56 < IronyOwl!Mibbit@jy39-3-832-883.sd.sd.cox.net: Hot Thunder 23-11-2019 21:12:00 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: its name is the song they play on the horn 23-11-2019 21:12:35 < IronyOwl!Mibbit@jy39-3-832-883.sd.sd.cox.net: Grease Machine 23-11-2019 21:12:38 < IronyOwl!Mibbit@jy39-3-832-883.sd.sd.cox.net: Unlawful Entry 23-11-2019 21:16:47 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: yeah, that's the winner. 23-11-2019 21:21:16 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: ok. 23-11-2019 21:21:45 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: now a dismounted aircraft autocannon that's been heavily lightened and modified to fire from a small vehicle. 23-11-2019 21:22:16 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Can three muscle catgirls use a weapon designed for light vehicle? :P 23-11-2019 21:22:28 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: you'd have to design specifically for that. 23-11-2019 21:22:35 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: hmm 23-11-2019 21:22:40 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: HMMMMM 23-11-2019 21:22:48 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: and if so, the limit is one small weapon. 23-11-2019 21:23:27 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: ...per each of the 40 catgirls in a platoon? :D 23-11-2019 21:26:53 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: for the platoon. 23-11-2019 21:26:55 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: posted. 23-11-2019 21:27:43 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: yes but. what if I made them each strong enough individually to Vulcan Raven a light weapon 23-11-2019 21:28:11 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: you telling me they don't make 'em that strong?~ 23-11-2019 21:34:21 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: mostly it'd be a crew-served weapon, even so. 23-11-2019 21:34:55 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: isn't "rocket launchers" pretty much cre served weapons? 23-11-2019 21:35:03 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: yes. 23-11-2019 21:35:05 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: wasn't the prion gun that? 23-11-2019 21:35:11 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: also yes. 23-11-2019 21:35:15 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: and there was one per platoon. 23-11-2019 21:52:32 < IronyOwl!Mibbit@jy39-3-832-883.sd.sd.cox.net: so what's the main draw of obsolete tanks? 23-11-2019 21:52:48 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: not as expensive to buy?.. 23-11-2019 21:54:43 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: they're cheap. 23-11-2019 21:54:43 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: probably better for the MSes. 23-11-2019 21:54:47 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: they can buy BM stuff too. 23-11-2019 21:55:25 < IronyOwl!Mibbit@jy39-3-832-883.sd.sd.cox.net: ah, so they do have potential for MS seed projects 23-11-2019 21:56:57 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: I'd say that explicitly, but I dont' want to order them to do that. 23-11-2019 21:57:03 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: ahh, well, you'll get it soon enough if I don't. 23-11-2019 21:59:55 < IronyOwl!Mibbit@jy39-3-832-883.sd.sd.cox.net: oh yeah ER: What's this about kaiju dicks? 23-11-2019 22:00:12 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: hmm 23-11-2019 22:00:24 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: I assume I'm free to share this 23-11-2019 22:00:37 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/442743762574245888/647643484320432128/Screenshot_20191122-224254_1.jpg 23-11-2019 22:01:10 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: so I looted a "liver", which may or may not be a kaiju dick 23-11-2019 22:01:17 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: yes. 23-11-2019 22:01:22 < IronyOwl!Mibbit@jy39-3-832-883.sd.sd.cox.net: ahahaha, so guts are nebulously dicks 23-11-2019 22:01:33 < IronyOwl!Mibbit@jy39-3-832-883.sd.sd.cox.net: plausibly confirmably dicks, perhaps I should say 23-11-2019 22:02:00 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: they're stuff. 23-11-2019 22:03:15 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: though I could just keep it and figure out what I get for stuffing it into catgirls 23-11-2019 22:05:28 < IronyOwl!Mibbit@jy39-3-832-883.sd.sd.cox.net: definitely a tricky one to figure out 23-11-2019 22:05:47 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: thonk 23-11-2019 22:05:57 < IronyOwl!Mibbit@jy39-3-832-883.sd.sd.cox.net: part of the problem is that they're vague, so I dunno if kaiju kidneys have a particular function I'm thinking of 23-11-2019 22:06:50 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: though I want to get nekobutchers going this turn, so guts will need to go towards nekohunters or nekobutchers MK II 23-11-2019 22:07:16 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: might be good for hunters, depending exactly on what it does. 23-11-2019 22:07:25 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: ...And how rare it ends up being. 23-11-2019 22:07:59 < IronyOwl!Mibbit@jy39-3-832-883.sd.sd.cox.net: I got some guts too, they probably won't be in demand, and it makes sense that "miscellaneous" would be common loot 23-11-2019 22:08:06 < IronyOwl!Mibbit@jy39-3-832-883.sd.sd.cox.net: so I'd assume it'd be pretty common 23-11-2019 22:08:17 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: hmm, they're the same price as muscle and bone, not bad 23-11-2019 22:08:20 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: guts aren't particularly rare. 23-11-2019 22:35:23 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: mmm 23-11-2019 22:47:25 -!- IronyOwl!Mibbit@jy39-3-832-883.sd.sd.cox.net has quit [Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client] 23-11-2019 22:49:06 -!- IronyOwl!Mibbit@jy39-3-832-883.sd.sd.cox.net has joined #einsteinianroulette 23-11-2019 22:54:06 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: Irony, do you play surviv.io? 23-11-2019 22:54:43 < IronyOwl!Mibbit@jy39-3-832-883.sd.sd.cox.net: no, what's that? 23-11-2019 22:55:06 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: knockoff browser pubg~ 23-11-2019 22:55:17 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: but better 23-11-2019 23:00:11 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: http://surviv.io/#5TLD 23-11-2019 23:00:27 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: basically you walk around, pick stuff up with F, click to shoot, and number keys to switch gear. 23-11-2019 23:02:53 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: heya. 23-11-2019 23:02:55 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: ready? 23-11-2019 23:03:02 < IronyOwl!Mibbit@jy39-3-832-883.sd.sd.cox.net: uh sure 23-11-2019 23:04:50 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: hmm, join link didn't work 23-11-2019 23:05:23 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: huh. 23-11-2019 23:05:26 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: well, someone joined. 23-11-2019 23:05:27 < IronyOwl!Mibbit@jy39-3-832-883.sd.sd.cox.net: I have no idea what's going on but I appear to be bad at it 23-11-2019 23:05:34 < IronyOwl!Mibbit@jy39-3-832-883.sd.sd.cox.net: oh I stole his invite I guess 23-11-2019 23:05:43 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: nah, that was fine. 23-11-2019 23:05:48 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: it was intending to be for someone. 23-11-2019 23:05:50 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: oh, it's duos 23-11-2019 23:06:00 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: I just wanted to spectate you two 23-11-2019 23:06:02 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: squads are set on potato guns atm. 23-11-2019 23:06:04 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: I wish that was possible. 23-11-2019 23:06:12 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: just stream it ;P 23-11-2019 23:06:23 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: don't got bandwidth for that. 23-11-2019 23:06:24 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: or I would. 23-11-2019 23:06:29 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: http://surviv.io/#rpVe 23-11-2019 23:06:38 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: you take it, IO 23-11-2019 23:06:40 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: anyway, you want to split up at first until you find a gun that's not a pistol. 23-11-2019 23:06:45 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: then get back together. 23-11-2019 23:08:08 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: sometimes you just die early. 23-11-2019 23:08:16 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: not bad, you did some damage. 23-11-2019 23:08:25 < IronyOwl!Mibbit@jy39-3-832-883.sd.sd.cox.net: yeah, alllllmost got him 23-11-2019 23:08:28 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: oh, just hit play again once the round ends. 23-11-2019 23:08:32 < IronyOwl!Mibbit@jy39-3-832-883.sd.sd.cox.net: ah, okay 23-11-2019 23:08:34 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: it'll go back to the lobby immediately. 23-11-2019 23:08:46 < IronyOwl!Mibbit@jy39-3-832-883.sd.sd.cox.net: too late now, need another link 23-11-2019 23:08:54 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: same as the one above. 23-11-2019 23:13:55 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: that went pretty well. 23-11-2019 23:13:56 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: we almost won. 23-11-2019 23:13:58 < IronyOwl!Mibbit@jy39-3-832-883.sd.sd.cox.net: yeah 23-11-2019 23:14:10 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: oh, the buff items heal you over time, and make you move faster if you get over half. 23-11-2019 23:14:22 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: usually I save them up until I hve enough for the speed boost. 23-11-2019 23:16:03 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: oh, and if you're koed, try to move a bit to find a less exposed location. 23-11-2019 23:16:12 < IronyOwl!Mibbit@jy39-3-832-883.sd.sd.cox.net: yeah, figured that out eventually 23-11-2019 23:16:13 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: almost had that guy, though. 23-11-2019 23:18:43 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: that guy had a lotta ammo. 23-11-2019 23:18:46 < IronyOwl!Mibbit@jy39-3-832-883.sd.sd.cox.net: yeah 23-11-2019 23:18:46 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: armour, sorry. 23-11-2019 23:18:50 < IronyOwl!Mibbit@jy39-3-832-883.sd.sd.cox.net: think I'm done for now 23-11-2019 23:18:50 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: he was almost dead. 23-11-2019 23:18:53 < IronyOwl!Mibbit@jy39-3-832-883.sd.sd.cox.net: I mean, also ammo 23-11-2019 23:18:54 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: thanks! 23-11-2019 23:19:09 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: you're doing great. 23-11-2019 23:19:10 < IronyOwl!Mibbit@jy39-3-832-883.sd.sd.cox.net: heh, that was fun 23-11-2019 23:28:46 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: you know, biggest problem with this necromancer ISG idea 23-11-2019 23:29:13 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: is that I don't have a method in mind to avoid dying from the starting conditions. :V 23-11-2019 23:29:44 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: you're a necromancer who doesn't have an ability to avoid dying? 23-11-2019 23:29:58 < Devastator!chatzilla@naia-6v3tx6nk2ghj2kgsprppngv6s.ipv3.telus.net: Isn't that like step one? 23-11-2019 23:30:00 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: not without an arcane focus! ;P 23-11-2019 23:32:20 < IronyOwl!Mibbit@jy39-3-832-883.sd.sd.cox.net: arcane focus is the jeweld codpiece he was wearing for style reasons 23-11-2019 23:50:00 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: I mean, while that's technically possible, it's not the route I've set for myself over a few hours of musing to my own brain without any way of taking notes