08-10-2019 00:43:04 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: heya Piecewise. 08-10-2019 00:43:17 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: hello 08-10-2019 00:43:30 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: what was that? 08-10-2019 00:43:46 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: oh, like 200 bombs. 08-10-2019 00:53:25 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: also, heya syv. 08-10-2019 00:53:30 -!- syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net has joined #einsteinianroulette 08-10-2019 00:53:55 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: wao 08-10-2019 00:54:10 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: bing band wao 08-10-2019 00:54:39 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: heya syv. 08-10-2019 00:54:43 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: How did you greet me *before* i joined? 08-10-2019 00:54:49 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: I am the man. 08-10-2019 00:55:08 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: Jeeze 08-10-2019 00:55:09 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: I've had things to do recently. And I have not done them yet, because I don't want to do things. 08-10-2019 00:55:16 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: Nah, saw you posting on the forums and made a guess. 08-10-2019 00:55:18 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: Well, Egan, can you give me money? 08-10-2019 00:55:29 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: hmm, nope 08-10-2019 00:55:31 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: What, do you watch Mook OOC? 08-10-2019 00:55:40 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: Why not? 08-10-2019 00:55:49 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: I had a mook character not so long ago. 08-10-2019 00:55:49 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: one of the things I need to do is deposit some checks 08-10-2019 00:56:03 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: I can't give you money because my bank account is empty 08-10-2019 00:56:05 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: Money in Kaiju Com 08-10-2019 00:56:11 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: and you're not here for me to hand you cash 08-10-2019 00:56:14 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: I don't need money IRL. 08-10-2019 00:56:20 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: I do 08-10-2019 00:56:22 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: give 08-10-2019 00:56:25 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: way to brag. 08-10-2019 00:56:35 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: Trump needs money. 08-10-2019 00:56:43 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: apparently he isn't rich enough to hire lawyers. ;-p 08-10-2019 00:56:49 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: Let's not bring him up. 08-10-2019 00:56:52 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: ok. 08-10-2019 00:57:01 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: You guys do have a month with no attack. 08-10-2019 00:57:28 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: Do I have rocket propelled prion delivery systems yet? 08-10-2019 00:57:29 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: what are trump's combat stats in kaijucom 08-10-2019 00:57:39 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: prolly 08-10-2019 00:57:45 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: could roll for that for you now, actually. 08-10-2019 00:57:56 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: If you liek 08-10-2019 00:58:22 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: Yeah. 08-10-2019 00:58:32 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: it also started wispering to you. 08-10-2019 00:58:47 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: The prions? 08-10-2019 00:58:54 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: or the rocket launcher 08-10-2019 00:59:00 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: either is fun 08-10-2019 00:59:05 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: you can't tell. 08-10-2019 00:59:16 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: Well this is new and interesting 08-10-2019 00:59:41 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: Well, if its gonna talk to me, I'm gonna charge it rent 08-10-2019 01:00:00 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: At least until I give it to sy 08-10-2019 01:00:05 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: HEY SY 08-10-2019 01:00:10 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: But yeah, Eggo, you haven't posted a turn yet, and I only need 63. I can pay you in infantry, which cost 50, and I'm offering to share my unit discount, which is ~13 off another infantry unit. Plus, more. 08-10-2019 01:00:17 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: INFANTRY LEVEL ANTI-KAIJU WEAPON MADE 08-10-2019 01:00:20 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: PAY ME 08-10-2019 01:00:53 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: So if you want to have two more infantry platoons, I'm basically giving you that at price, plus some. 08-10-2019 01:01:08 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: Send me one so I can have my proving grounds building actually look at it. 08-10-2019 01:01:08 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: you may also want to check the bit I mentioned about reverse-engineering stuff. 08-10-2019 01:01:10 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: sorry syv. 08-10-2019 01:01:14 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: but I want to see some diversity. 08-10-2019 01:01:38 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: Yeah 08-10-2019 01:01:41 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: Would they need large labs to reverse the plans? 08-10-2019 01:01:44 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: wheres the african american tanks? 08-10-2019 01:01:56 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: No. 08-10-2019 01:01:58 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: the asian rifles 08-10-2019 01:02:13 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: Just no 'free copies of one identical thing to everyone' 08-10-2019 01:02:18 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: but they do need a large workshop to build one. 08-10-2019 01:02:18 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: canadian carpet bombs 08-10-2019 01:02:29 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: So the plans actually have immense value, because the major reversing costs--purchase and the lab--aren't necessary. 08-10-2019 01:02:54 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: "Climax Vegetation" is a real term 08-10-2019 01:03:18 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: well, yeah, but not everything is going to be reverse-engineering in one turn. 08-10-2019 01:03:50 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: I know that I won't need infantry this turn, so I may as well buy it next turn to save upkeep 08-10-2019 01:04:14 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: Offer still applies. 08-10-2019 01:04:57 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: You give me the 63 now, plus 37 next turn to buy the infantry, I send them over next turn. 08-10-2019 01:05:06 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: pay you 63 for a unit of infantry worth 50, then pay an extra 10 for them? 08-10-2019 01:05:18 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: oh no, it's worse 08-10-2019 01:06:22 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: No? That adds to 100 total, the same cost as just buying two normally, and also gets you the plans, and priority purchase status, plus discounts on any future infantry you buy through me. Which is a standing offer, not a one-time thing. 08-10-2019 01:06:29 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: Also, it's simply good for us. 08-10-2019 01:07:19 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: And no, you wouldn't pay upkeep on them this round, I'd pay the upkeep, then you start paying at the same time you'd start paying anyway. 08-10-2019 01:15:33 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: Hmmm 08-10-2019 01:15:41 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: I wonder what I should do after this round 08-10-2019 01:15:50 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: I'll have finished my requested weapon 08-10-2019 01:15:54 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: well, you can always push for more prions.. 08-10-2019 01:15:57 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: Chainsaw dick? 08-10-2019 01:16:01 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: Perhaps 08-10-2019 01:16:29 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: Pheromones to make kaiju more friendly/attracted to humans? 08-10-2019 01:16:36 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: Potentially funny 08-10-2019 01:16:40 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: hmm 08-10-2019 01:16:41 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: going to need some larger humans for that. 08-10-2019 01:16:45 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: right, THAT will go well 08-10-2019 01:17:05 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: Science isn't about why, its about why not! 08-10-2019 01:17:11 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: And then about ignoring the answers as to why not 08-10-2019 01:17:27 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: You can go for basically anything you want. 08-10-2019 01:17:30 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: as long as it's interesting. 08-10-2019 01:17:55 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: Hmm 08-10-2019 01:18:18 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: So mad scientists can't tinker up a better version of Tic-Tac-Toe? 08-10-2019 01:18:33 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: I could always try to make Evas using kaiju genetics 08-10-2019 01:18:38 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: hmm that would be fun 08-10-2019 01:18:59 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: you may want to buy some kaiju parts if you want that. 08-10-2019 01:19:47 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: I'd just need samples to draw DNA from. I'm not Frankenstein-ing it, I'm vat growing them! 08-10-2019 01:20:04 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: Or, mind control implantation drones! 08-10-2019 01:20:35 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: sure, vat growing kaiju without kaiju parts is possible. 08-10-2019 01:20:44 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: you may want a bigger lab, though. 08-10-2019 01:20:48 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: cat-sized kaiju aren't really kaiju. 08-10-2019 01:20:58 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: no right, you have medium. 08-10-2019 01:21:10 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: I'll have a large, soon. 08-10-2019 01:21:11 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: so you max out at small size, so about Benedict's size. 08-10-2019 01:21:23 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: Think you can make me a kaiju troop carrier plane? 08-10-2019 01:21:31 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: sorry, forgot mad scientists have mediums to start with. 08-10-2019 01:21:31 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: One that grows cheaply? 08-10-2019 01:21:53 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: Hmm I think so 08-10-2019 01:22:10 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: Dunno about prices but I'm sure living planes is easy enough 08-10-2019 01:22:11 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: life goal: engineer catgirls for military applications. 08-10-2019 01:22:22 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: There's nothing stopping you. 08-10-2019 01:22:30 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: I was slightly disappointed to see you not pursuing that right away. 08-10-2019 01:22:31 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: if they breed it should reduce future costs 08-10-2019 01:22:50 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: Should we let genetically engineered weapons breed? 08-10-2019 01:22:53 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: Yes. 08-10-2019 01:22:56 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: yeah. 08-10-2019 01:22:58 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: Ah I'm sure it will be fine 08-10-2019 01:23:01 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: They wouldn't by default, I have to say. 08-10-2019 01:23:11 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: with the possible exception of some mad science ones. 08-10-2019 01:23:25 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: Flying living vehicle + Sex 08-10-2019 01:23:26 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: Got it 08-10-2019 01:23:26 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: WELL LOOKIE HERE I HAVE A MAD SCIENTIST AVAILABLE. 08-10-2019 01:24:01 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: *waves* 08-10-2019 01:24:12 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: Yeah, okay, I'll be reversing the jet next turn, that could possibly take some time. After that, fleshplane. 08-10-2019 01:24:29 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: Hey Dev, could the jet design be put towards helping the fleshplane? 08-10-2019 01:24:35 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: Depends. 08-10-2019 01:25:19 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: https://preview.redd.it/lg4mm6v8ce931.png?width=960&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=415c90028748424c54ced73f4b90db4dc8c5b78c 08-10-2019 01:25:53 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: So *that's* why it's so fast. 08-10-2019 01:25:58 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: Never would have guessed! 08-10-2019 01:26:13 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: the rules are pretty lax on what you can do with something. 08-10-2019 01:26:54 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: we need to make a fleshificator 08-10-2019 01:27:22 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: which turns things into orginisms while retaining their function. 08-10-2019 01:33:11 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: function of the object or the organisms? 08-10-2019 01:33:20 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: yes 08-10-2019 01:34:00 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: build a fighter jet. Fleshificate it. Now your jets breed. 08-10-2019 01:36:46 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: something like that would be a building. 08-10-2019 01:37:03 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: cly 08-10-2019 01:37:41 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: stoopid internet, stop being slow. 08-10-2019 01:37:42 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: dark zone. 08-10-2019 01:37:46 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: what do you do in the dark zone?> 08-10-2019 01:40:59 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: Dark things 08-10-2019 01:41:05 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: Holding hands, mostly. 08-10-2019 01:41:09 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: Otherwise you get lost. 08-10-2019 01:41:15 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: does noita have passive heat and air pressure simulation like powder toy? 08-10-2019 01:41:17 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: fuck it's dark here. 08-10-2019 01:41:19 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: and no. 08-10-2019 01:41:31 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: who would have though 08-10-2019 01:43:40 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: ok, found a heart somehow. 08-10-2019 01:43:42 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: leaving. 08-10-2019 01:43:50 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: yummy 08-10-2019 01:44:51 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: is there any way to see in there? I had a wand of the all-seeing eye and it was no good. 08-10-2019 01:45:59 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: where we're going, we won't need eyes 08-10-2019 01:47:07 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: Torch wand. 08-10-2019 01:47:22 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: what? 08-10-2019 01:47:23 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: dang. 08-10-2019 01:47:33 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: You'll on rare occasion find a wand that just has one element, which "lights up your surroundings". It's mostly useless. 08-10-2019 01:47:37 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: I had an electric torch once 08-10-2019 01:47:44 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: Want a helpful tip about that area? 08-10-2019 01:48:03 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: sure, though I'm out of it now. 08-10-2019 01:48:18 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: There's a guaranteed health drop in there, and no enemies. 08-10-2019 01:48:37 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: ahh, found a heart. 08-10-2019 01:48:43 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: though I saw an enemy ahead of me in the next area. 08-10-2019 01:49:08 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: There are some in the next area, but you've gotta go so deep that you'll take some drowning damage. 08-10-2019 01:49:28 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: ahh. 08-10-2019 01:49:31 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: was trying to drink my way down. 08-10-2019 01:49:41 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: The health drop can be reached without damage if you have a torch, and even without a torch you can reach it easily by drinking a flask repeatedly. 08-10-2019 01:51:18 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: huh. 08-10-2019 01:51:22 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: well, made it through level 1. 08-10-2019 01:51:25 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: should I stream? 08-10-2019 01:51:53 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: found a wand with five chainsaws in the shop. 08-10-2019 01:52:08 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: No, you'll waste it and make me feel bad. 08-10-2019 01:52:49 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: I had a great run today, had 275 health going into level three. Found a new element in the shop, "soil cube", so I stuck it on the bomb wand to try it out. 08-10-2019 01:53:00 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: Immediately died by drowning in a pile of earth. 08-10-2019 01:53:19 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: Back to be being vaugely annoyed at Noita, now. 08-10-2019 01:53:33 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: heh. 08-10-2019 01:53:33 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: Fleshificator eh? 08-10-2019 01:53:44 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: Mad scientists can -also- research buildings. 08-10-2019 01:53:46 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: Hmm turning things into flesh is probably beyond the science of this time period 08-10-2019 01:53:50 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: but those aren't portable. 08-10-2019 01:54:29 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: Can I research the "All Kaiju fucking leave" button? 08-10-2019 01:54:43 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: and then press it several dozen times 08-10-2019 01:54:46 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: of course. Don't expect it to work, though. 08-10-2019 01:55:02 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: kaiju get out 08-10-2019 01:55:21 -!- syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 08-10-2019 01:56:19 -!- syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net has joined #einsteinianroulette 08-10-2019 01:58:42 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: homing spell perk any good? 08-10-2019 02:02:45 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: Depends on the spell 08-10-2019 02:02:49 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: with some spells its absurd 08-10-2019 02:03:10 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: With things like the "Cloud" spells they'll zoom off after enemies and cling to them 08-10-2019 02:03:10 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: the homing spell modifier is stronger, right? 08-10-2019 02:03:17 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: yeah 08-10-2019 02:03:28 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: I had a wand where every shot had the modifier which was pretty good 08-10-2019 02:05:15 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: Homing spell is great. 08-10-2019 02:05:39 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: It makes the... cross element or whatever it is, it makes that home powerfully, which is insane. 08-10-2019 02:05:45 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: Also, gooball spam. 08-10-2019 02:05:53 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: *perk 08-10-2019 02:06:08 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: Haven't actually tried these with just the element, the perk is good enough alone. 08-10-2019 02:06:28 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: Though, it also makes things act weird sometimes. 08-10-2019 02:06:29 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: wand with 11 toxic cloud spells. 08-10-2019 02:07:03 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: It also makes those circles of X spells home on enemies, which is amazing on a debuff circle, but causes tears if you luck into a healing or buff circle. 08-10-2019 02:07:05 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: I think I'll pair them with 'sparkbolt/trigger' spells. 08-10-2019 02:07:27 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: None of the cloud elements I've tried were any good. 08-10-2019 02:07:45 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: Beyond the water one being good for wetting oneself before gaining a water flask. 08-10-2019 02:08:11 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: Apparently the last update version has you start with a water flask? So yeah. 08-10-2019 02:08:30 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: that game I died with while having a S-flag had a wand that made purple poison piles on everything it shot. 08-10-2019 02:08:37 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: it was fucking glorious, but too good to use. 08-10-2019 02:09:31 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: fuck. 08-10-2019 02:09:40 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: next wand is chainsaw/dual-spell/chainsaw. 08-10-2019 02:09:44 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: do I ditch the clouds? 08-10-2019 02:09:47 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: prolly. 08-10-2019 02:09:56 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: The homing power of spells mostly seems to depend on how fast they fly. Fast flying spells don't have the time to course correct. 08-10-2019 02:11:08 -!- syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 08-10-2019 02:12:04 -!- syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net has joined #einsteinianroulette 08-10-2019 02:12:43 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: YES DITCH THE CLOUD FOR CHAINSAWS 08-10-2019 02:12:53 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: Chainsaw is the BEST element! 08-10-2019 02:13:05 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: Plus it has double spell, which is the second best! 08-10-2019 02:13:17 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: damage plus, electric charge, bubble spark x3. 08-10-2019 02:13:20 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: ffs, what do I ditch? 08-10-2019 02:13:34 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: That'd actually pretty meh. 08-10-2019 02:13:54 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: Damage boost is expensive, and I don't think it's actually very efficient compared to the good elements? 08-10-2019 02:14:06 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: +10 damage on a sparkbolt machine gun? 08-10-2019 02:14:14 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: For how much mana? 08-10-2019 02:14:24 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: +5, so.. 10? 08-10-2019 02:14:43 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: my machine gun is 250 max 53 regen. 08-10-2019 02:14:44 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: Oh, only +5? That is pretty good. 08-10-2019 02:14:46 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: it'd last long enough. 08-10-2019 02:15:12 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: Especially on sparkbolts, yeah. They have the critboost. 08-10-2019 02:15:13 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: but all the wands I'm carrying have chainsaws on them. 08-10-2019 02:15:33 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: If you have sufficient chainsaw, damage boost might be the thing to take. 08-10-2019 02:15:51 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: But if you don't have sufficient chainsaw... well, sufficient chainsaw is the wincon, not damage boost. 08-10-2019 02:16:37 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: I'd say four is reliably sufficient, though more does open up *all* wands. 08-10-2019 02:17:49 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: More might be necessary if you're trying to rapidfire something which adds recharge time... but if you have sparkbolt with trigger, then it's still unnecessary. 08-10-2019 02:17:59 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: the wincon is not me playing. 08-10-2019 02:18:20 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: Pretty sure if you fire a projectile which fires something else, the secondary projectile's modifer stats don't get applied. 08-10-2019 02:18:53 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: So you can machine gun things that normally force a boltaction firerate. 08-10-2019 02:19:07 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: mana cost is added. 08-10-2019 02:19:16 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: Yes, but not recharge/cast time. 08-10-2019 02:19:24 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: And those are the ones that *really& 08-10-2019 02:19:28 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: * hurt. 08-10-2019 02:24:41 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: I once had one of those high mana cap low regen wands, and that run I also lucked into a different wand with 8x large firebolts, so I set up the high mana wand to fire trigger sparkbolts which doublecast large firebolt. It had ridiculous DPS and oneshot most mooks. 08-10-2019 02:25:21 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: then you go hide in a corner and read a book while it recharges 08-10-2019 02:26:54 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: It was my tertiary attack wand, so no. 08-10-2019 02:27:17 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: mana doesn't recharge while not in your hand, right? 08-10-2019 02:27:27 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: yeah it does. 08-10-2019 02:27:30 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: What? No, all wands regen all the time. 08-10-2019 02:27:56 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: You can easily have two burst wands which you swap between. 08-10-2019 02:28:15 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: It's one of the reasons that mana is like the *least* important stat. 08-10-2019 02:28:51 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: ok dev. 08-10-2019 02:28:53 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: stop pushing your luck. 08-10-2019 02:28:55 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: exit. 08-10-2019 02:29:01 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: you have 14 HP and were teleported into the middle of fungus. 08-10-2019 02:29:05 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: jsut get out. 08-10-2019 02:32:00 -!- MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz has joined #einsteinianroulette 08-10-2019 02:32:05 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: lo 08-10-2019 02:32:10 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: hi 08-10-2019 02:32:15 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: hi 08-10-2019 02:34:22 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: how're you guys? 08-10-2019 02:34:28 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: doing ok. 08-10-2019 02:35:04 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: Everyone still hooked on Noita? 08-10-2019 02:35:35 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: I think it's just me. 08-10-2019 02:35:56 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: Ah, I've been playing a bit of it, it's quite fun. 08-10-2019 02:36:10 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: I haven't been 08-10-2019 02:36:25 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: I'm glad you liked Evil Dead II. 08-10-2019 02:36:38 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: That was a great movie, very happy about that. 08-10-2019 02:36:55 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: yeah. 08-10-2019 02:37:58 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: "Movie that makes best use of its lead actor' 08-10-2019 02:39:11 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: Heh, he has a very expressive face. 08-10-2019 02:39:27 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: Ehhh 08-10-2019 02:39:49 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: It makes great use of him, he's it's strongest aspect, and he's very expressive... 08-10-2019 02:40:04 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: ...but I'd be very reluctant to say that it's the *best* at making use of its lead. 08-10-2019 02:40:16 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: spends most of the movie getting beaten up, has a chainsaw attached to his arm, says "groovy", gets back to being beaten up 08-10-2019 02:40:32 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: Also, beats himself up. 08-10-2019 02:40:38 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: getting beat up is what he does best, though. 08-10-2019 02:40:40 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: In multiple ways, simultaneously. 08-10-2019 02:40:51 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: Yeah, it makes great use of that fact. 08-10-2019 02:41:10 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: I'm sure theres some obsecure movie that the only person on earth who has seen it is the director and PW who have done it better :P 08-10-2019 02:42:29 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: Easy way to answer which film it is, then. 08-10-2019 02:42:42 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: Piecewise, what film did you direct? 08-10-2019 02:43:31 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: Do snuff films count? 08-10-2019 02:45:59 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: depends. 08-10-2019 02:47:59 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: Yes. 08-10-2019 02:48:25 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: Then "Drifter decapitation 4" 08-10-2019 02:49:06 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: Hey have we ever watched Akira? 08-10-2019 02:49:15 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: nope 08-10-2019 02:49:15 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: I haven't. 08-10-2019 02:49:16 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: Nope. 08-10-2019 02:49:22 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: It's been on The List. 08-10-2019 02:49:24 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: I'm wearing an akira shirt right now 08-10-2019 02:49:25 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: Nor have I. 08-10-2019 02:49:37 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: WE should some time, I've heard it's cool. 08-10-2019 02:49:40 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: One of my...three akira shirts? 08-10-2019 02:49:53 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: Of course, Dubs is the resident weeaboo. 08-10-2019 02:50:05 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: WEEB 08-10-2019 02:50:07 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: Akira is worth watching even if you're not a weeb, because it is a landmark movie 08-10-2019 02:50:33 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: it was basically the first time anime was anything other than cheap bullshit for kids, like japanese hanna barbara 08-10-2019 02:51:41 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: Yeah. 08-10-2019 02:51:48 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: It also has an awesome arm? 08-10-2019 02:51:53 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: It, along with blade runner, also helped create the cyberpunk genre as we know it 08-10-2019 02:52:14 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: You know, I didn't actually like Blade Runner. 08-10-2019 02:52:31 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: I've never actually seen Blade Runner 08-10-2019 02:52:37 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: It was decent and all, but... very eh. 08-10-2019 02:53:05 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: I'm ok with blade runner but I very much admire its cinematography and minitures 08-10-2019 02:53:25 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: It was probably one of the last great practical effects movies 08-10-2019 02:55:41 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: Give akira a try some time 08-10-2019 02:55:52 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: Yeah, yeah. 08-10-2019 02:55:58 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: Guess I'll go find a torrent. 08-10-2019 02:56:09 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: Who here has the fastest internet? MJ? 08-10-2019 02:58:44 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: MidJag? Can you download a torrent to test if the audio and everything's functional? 08-10-2019 02:58:52 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: sure 08-10-2019 02:58:56 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: Just need the link 08-10-2019 02:59:07 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: You don't want me finding it that's for sure. 08-10-2019 02:59:38 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:0a5f0c603d827f115196fa9f703c9cc48cd57205&dn=%5BReaktor%5D%20Akira%20-%2030th%20Anniversary%20%5B1080p%5D%5BBD%5D%5Bx265%5D%5B10-bit%5D%5BDual-Audio%5D&tr=http%3A%2F%2Fnyaa.tracker.wf%3A7777%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fopen.stealth.si%3A80%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.opentrackr.org%3A1337%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.coppersurfer.tk%3A6969%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fexodus.desync.com%3A6969%2Fanno 08-10-2019 03:00:13 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: The last word is cut off, I don't know if that matters. 08-10-2019 03:00:20 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: hopefully not 08-10-2019 03:00:23 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: It's "announce", not just "anno" 08-10-2019 03:02:39 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: Hmm, not working for me as in I can't get it to start the torrent. 08-10-2019 03:03:40 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: nope, not a thing 08-10-2019 03:03:47 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: can't get it to start 08-10-2019 03:04:02 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: or recognize it as it's supposed to be starting 08-10-2019 03:06:40 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: https://nyaa.si/view/1124878 08-10-2019 03:06:47 < syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net: Try the magnet link button. 08-10-2019 03:07:06 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: aight 08-10-2019 03:08:07 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: there we go 08-10-2019 03:08:10 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: That was weird 08-10-2019 03:08:31 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: I'll let you know when it get's done 08-10-2019 03:08:40 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: Might take a bit. 08-10-2019 03:10:33 -!- sy!GreatWyrmG@72.168.pgk.vq has joined #einsteinianroulette 08-10-2019 03:11:01 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: hey si 08-10-2019 03:11:11 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: extra si 08-10-2019 03:11:19 -!- syv!GreatWyrmG@ekfcgg-068-024-597-23.mycingular.net has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 08-10-2019 03:12:29 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: 30 mintues near abouts. 08-10-2019 03:19:18 -!- sy is now known as syv 08-10-2019 03:24:26 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: So I 08-10-2019 03:24:31 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: ve never fully understood this. 08-10-2019 03:24:47 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: Why is that anime always is a way bigger file size then movies? 08-10-2019 03:24:54 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: Or like live action movies 08-10-2019 03:25:06 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: hmm 08-10-2019 03:25:14 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: I'd think they would compress better 08-10-2019 03:25:30 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.pgk.vq: It's four gigs for a full size 1080p movie, what are you complaining about? 08-10-2019 03:25:41 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: I'm not, I'm just confused. 08-10-2019 03:26:18 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.pgk.vq: In terms of torrents, it's prolly because live action films have a wider audience, so there's more likely to be a high-quality encode available. 08-10-2019 03:27:38 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: Hmm, so the fact that it's animation has no effect on the size itself? 08-10-2019 03:27:59 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: It's purely length and resolution? 08-10-2019 03:28:33 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.pgk.vq: It shouldn't? If anything I'd expect animation to be smaller, lots of flat colors. But I'm no expert. 08-10-2019 03:30:56 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: We should do a cyberpunk movie night sometime. Like bladerunner and akira or something. 08-10-2019 03:31:11 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: sure. 08-10-2019 03:31:29 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.pgk.vq: A) Not bladerunner, because I've seen it and didn't care for it. 08-10-2019 03:31:45 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.pgk.vq: B) We tend to find it hard enough to get time for *one* movie with all four of us. 08-10-2019 03:49:48 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: Scheduling is hard 08-10-2019 03:57:24 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: Only for people with things to do 08-10-2019 03:57:30 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: heh. 08-10-2019 03:57:35 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.pgk.vq: Hey, Dubs. 08-10-2019 03:57:45 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.pgk.vq: In dig, how much would premade smoke grenades cost? 08-10-2019 03:58:03 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: do we not have them in the armory? 08-10-2019 03:58:15 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.pgk.vq: Not that I see. 08-10-2019 03:58:26 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.pgk.vq: At least, not the rules doc? 08-10-2019 03:58:29 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.pgk.vq: Is there another armory? 08-10-2019 03:58:48 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: nah 08-10-2019 03:58:52 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: 2 fathoms each 08-10-2019 03:59:21 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.pgk.vq: Wow, cool. 08-10-2019 03:59:31 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: Cool, things work 08-10-2019 03:59:42 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.pgk.vq: English? 08-10-2019 04:00:06 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: We have both subtitles, the original japenese, and two different English dubs. 08-10-2019 04:00:31 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: two different ones? :P 08-10-2019 04:00:46 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: Seeminglly three different sets of English substitles and I have no idea what the difference is between them 08-10-2019 04:00:59 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: maybe different fan subs 08-10-2019 04:01:03 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: different interpretations 08-10-2019 04:01:23 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: or maybe one is in ebonics 08-10-2019 04:01:33 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: sign language. 08-10-2019 04:02:20 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.pgk.vq: Well, sounds like it works. 08-10-2019 04:02:22 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: No idea, theh're all labeled, one is just subtitles, with no other name, theres Nizick, Thora, and Vod sub are the other three. 08-10-2019 04:02:39 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: Thora is a sub group 08-10-2019 04:02:44 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.pgk.vq: Thora I recognize, though I don't know from where. 08-10-2019 04:02:45 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: so yeah, three sub groups 08-10-2019 04:02:51 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: As for the dubs, there's streamline and Animaze. 08-10-2019 04:03:00 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: I assume different dub groups or something 08-10-2019 04:03:35 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: Animation looks quite nice as well, movie looks like it should be cool looking if nothing else. 08-10-2019 04:03:50 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.pgk.vq: @Piecewise, okay, so I checked the wiki just now 'cause I'll have to borrow from the team fund to buy anything, and the *wiki* armory does actually have smoke bombs. Priced at five fathoms. 08-10-2019 04:06:33 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: son of a bitch 08-10-2019 04:06:34 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.pgk.vq: There's also suppressors listed, which yet again makes me feel sad that I chose to play a melee character. 08-10-2019 04:06:36 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: Streamline apperentlly does more Americanized dubs? Dunno if that would actually be a problem here though 08-10-2019 04:06:37 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: well fug it 08-10-2019 04:06:40 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: 2 fathoms 08-10-2019 04:06:48 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.pgk.vq: :O 08-10-2019 04:06:54 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: http://i.imgur.com/ZxocKCc.jpg 08-10-2019 04:06:55 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.pgk.vq: Wow, thanks. 08-10-2019 04:07:43 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: that meme's larger than I anticipated 08-10-2019 04:09:31 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: Indeed 08-10-2019 04:09:57 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: wiiiide. 08-10-2019 04:10:11 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.pgk.vq: Coalguys is clearly the best. 08-10-2019 04:10:42 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: ^ 08-10-2019 04:11:10 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.pgk.vq: ...I may be biased though, since gg and Coalguys are the only actual names I recognize there. Beyond Crunchyroll. 08-10-2019 04:12:38 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: I just like cursing.~ 08-10-2019 04:13:08 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: ANGRY 08-10-2019 04:13:10 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.pgk.vq: Well of course. 08-10-2019 04:13:43 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.pgk.vq: Dialog feels more realistic the more often fuck appears. 08-10-2019 04:14:23 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck 08-10-2019 04:14:38 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: I mean considering I know several people who can't get through a sentence without it...then yes it does~ 08-10-2019 04:15:07 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: indeeeeed. 08-10-2019 04:15:33 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.pgk.vq: Same. 08-10-2019 04:16:16 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: Thats why people find Old texts difficult to connect with these days 08-10-2019 04:16:19 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: not enough fucks 08-10-2019 04:16:38 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: fucksooth 08-10-2019 04:16:40 < Piecewise!Piecewise@35-436-87-22.lsv8.qwest.net: What light through yonder fucking window breaks? 08-10-2019 04:18:32 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: There's a shitton of dirty jokes in Shakespere honestlly. 08-10-2019 04:18:57 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: shakespere is pretty good tbh 08-10-2019 04:19:02 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.pgk.vq: Yeah, even his name is a masturbation joke. 08-10-2019 04:19:22 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: absolutely. 08-10-2019 04:19:27 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: I don't disagree ER. 08-10-2019 04:19:36 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: sadly not peter. 08-10-2019 04:21:49 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: History would be much funnier if his name. was Shakepeter. 08-10-2019 04:23:38 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: Maybe. 08-10-2019 04:23:47 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: assuming it wasn't the real shakespear. ;-p 08-10-2019 04:24:26 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.pgk.vq: Peter Shakespear. 08-10-2019 04:24:48 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.pgk.vq: Peter D. Shakespear. 08-10-2019 04:40:08 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: Peter "Swinining dick" Shakespear 08-10-2019 04:40:18 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: The lesser known nickname he had. 08-10-2019 04:41:46 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: Billy 'Ole one-eye' Shakespear. 08-10-2019 04:43:18 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: I'm telling my twin that's how he should refer to him the next time he has to write a paper on shakespere~ 08-10-2019 04:47:46 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.pgk.vq: By the name "Billy"? ;P 08-10-2019 04:51:08 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: Nah, too informal, "ole one eye" seems to be a nice comprimise :P 08-10-2019 04:55:14 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: Stiffy Shakespear, I knew him well. 08-10-2019 04:56:47 < MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz: Hmm, Alright, well I'm going to bed gents. 08-10-2019 04:57:04 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: nice 08-10-2019 04:57:07 -!- MidJag!midjag@131.204.hvh.npz has left #einsteinianroulette 08-10-2019 05:10:25 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.pgk.vq: ER: https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/2/2e/Corviknight.png 08-10-2019 05:10:42 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: "Fire emblem, except everyone is a bird." 08-10-2019 05:11:04 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: CROW KNIGHT 08-10-2019 05:11:21 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: hmm. 08-10-2019 05:11:29 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: summon 'Steel Bird' 08-10-2019 05:11:30 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: There we go. 08-10-2019 05:11:31 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: I'd play it 08-10-2019 05:11:58 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.pgk.vq: There's already a pidgeon dating game, just stack some tactical combat on top of that and you've got Fire Emblem, right? 08-10-2019 05:12:13 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.pgk.vq: (Disclaimer: I've never played Fire Emblem) 08-10-2019 05:12:44 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: The amount of that varies, but it's never small anymore. 08-10-2019 05:12:45 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: the one game I played was a lot more fighting 08-10-2019 05:12:54 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: yeah, a good amount of fighting. 08-10-2019 05:13:19 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.pgk.vq: Hey, ER, have you played Pidgeon Fucker? 08-10-2019 05:13:40 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: and mostly not about the main character's relationships with people so much as everyone's relationships with everyone else 08-10-2019 05:13:44 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: nope 08-10-2019 05:15:07 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.pgk.vq: Hmm, I'm sad that the actual game is only the sixth result down for that name. 08-10-2019 05:15:22 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: sad! 08-10-2019 05:26:35 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.pgk.vq: https://www.cracked.com/article_19827_the-6-most-insane-video-games-about-dating.html 08-10-2019 05:27:10 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.pgk.vq: I still love the fact that there's a VN in which you can romance genderswapped Putin. 08-10-2019 05:28:43 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: of course! 08-10-2019 05:29:45 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: The only way to face the doctor and not be murdered is apparently to befriend another bird who happens to be a sorcerer and confronts him in an epic supernatural battle, at which point the dating game seriously turns into a turn-based RPG, with HP, powers, dramatic music and a final monster boss. And pigeons, of course. 08-10-2019 05:30:02 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.pgk.vq: To my knowledge, there is so far no VN about romancing Kim. Yet. 08-10-2019 05:30:03 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: interesting 08-10-2019 05:30:19 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: Yes there is. 08-10-2019 05:30:21 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: it's just secret. 08-10-2019 05:30:27 < syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.pgk.vq: There's one which involves romancing Trump, I thimk, but that might have fallen through. 08-10-2019 05:30:46 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: bird 08-10-2019 05:58:52 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: bird. 08-10-2019 05:59:26 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: buurds 08-10-2019 06:01:44 < Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net: heh. 08-10-2019 07:55:20 -!- syv!GreatWyrmG@72.168.pgk.vq has quit [Quit: You hear a distant scream of "FUCK AT&T!"] 08-10-2019 09:34:03 -!- ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 08-10-2019 14:49:29 -!- Devastator_!chatzilla@qgzi-0q4jd4zi6cuj54sc986sbk6mo.ipv6.telus.net has joined #einsteinianroulette 08-10-2019 14:52:27 -!- Devastator!chatzilla@myen-1a3yh6md2nvl3g44tctyc0lnz.ipv3.telus.net has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 08-10-2019 14:52:42 -!- Devastator_ is now known as Devastator