25-03-2019 01:33:47 -!- syv!syvarris@72.168.lny.ky has joined #einsteinianroulette 25-03-2019 02:00:12 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: butterfly certainly earns being the first boss introduced with a proper cutscene :P 25-03-2019 02:02:38 < syv!syvarris@72.168.lny.ky: I think that's technically Genichiro. 25-03-2019 02:09:54 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: stupid bull 25-03-2019 02:10:12 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: stupid genichiro 25-03-2019 02:10:18 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: stupid arm 25-03-2019 02:10:33 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: stupid heir 25-03-2019 02:10:48 < syv!syvarris@72.168.lny.ky: Can't beat the flame cow? 25-03-2019 02:10:59 < syv!syvarris@72.168.lny.ky: Do feathers work on it? 25-03-2019 02:11:28 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: can't seem to land the secondary hit with it. Guess it's a reliable dodge though 25-03-2019 02:11:41 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: only really tried the bull once tho 25-03-2019 02:11:58 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: I'm just frustrated that I can't immediately kill it :P 25-03-2019 02:18:04 < Piecewise_!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net: Does the bull have a second pip? 25-03-2019 02:18:15 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: don't think so 25-03-2019 02:18:27 < Piecewise_!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net: yeah, its kind of a weird boss 25-03-2019 02:18:38 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: then again butterfly has only one pip yet apparently involves multiple phases so 25-03-2019 02:18:51 < Piecewise_!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net: indeed 25-03-2019 02:19:05 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: game fuckin lies 25-03-2019 02:19:47 < Piecewise_!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net: I was all with Sekiro until the aliens showed up wearing asian man masks and started saying "YES YES GOOD GAME YOU RIKE, BLOODBORNE 2 ONLY ON EPIC STORE" 25-03-2019 02:20:31 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: I thought that happened from the start 25-03-2019 02:20:49 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: you must just have wierd rng, they show up about every fourth death 25-03-2019 02:21:23 < Piecewise_!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net: you beat mr. "I'm drunk on poison" 25-03-2019 02:21:27 < Piecewise_!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net: ? 25-03-2019 02:21:48 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: ye 25-03-2019 02:22:30 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: almost beat him once, then beat him pretty handilly the next time. 25-03-2019 02:22:48 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: I made sure to thin out the adds first, of course. 25-03-2019 02:24:12 < syv!syvarris@72.168.lny.ky: Oh, to land the feather teleport counter, I find it easiest to just use my martial art (which is the spinning vertical slash attack that dodges sweeps) immediately upon coming out of it. 25-03-2019 02:24:35 < syv!syvarris@72.168.lny.ky: Dodge, hold forward+block, just tap attack immediately upon becoming visible. Practically autohit in general. 25-03-2019 02:29:27 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: levi op 25-03-2019 02:37:41 < syv!syvarris@72.168.lny.ky: ...? 25-03-2019 02:37:55 < syv!syvarris@72.168.lny.ky: Levi is a spinning horizontal slash. 25-03-2019 02:40:36 -!- Piecewise__!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net has joined #einsteinianroulette 25-03-2019 02:43:29 < Piecewise__!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net: I'm still missing one fucking prosthetic tool. 25-03-2019 02:44:35 -!- Piecewise_!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 25-03-2019 02:54:55 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: stoooopid boar 25-03-2019 03:00:13 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: *grumble grumble* 25-03-2019 03:01:38 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: this is pretty much animal abuse: the boss fight 25-03-2019 03:02:11 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: firstly, someone tied some burning shit to bigass bull's head to make it panic and run around. 25-03-2019 03:02:57 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: secondly, I'm trying to kill it by startling it with fireworks and then slicing its legs repeatedly until it's worn down enough to handle. 25-03-2019 03:16:52 < syv!syvarris@72.168.lny.ky: "Oh, this enemy detects me when I get within three feet of him, even if I'm crouched, so I can't sneak attack him. Oh, but I have that limited-use stealth buff sugar! That should let me get close enough to stealth attack him, giving the stuff an actual use!" 25-03-2019 03:17:01 < syv!syvarris@72.168.lny.ky: Nope, he detects me at the same distance. 25-03-2019 03:17:21 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: I have like 22 of those things 25-03-2019 03:17:45 < syv!syvarris@72.168.lny.ky: So there's a buff which buffs an ability that's already more than good enough to stealth attack everyone in the game, except for people who are immune to even buffed stealth, 25-03-2019 03:17:50 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: ...only candy reliably gettable yet, annoyingly. 25-03-2019 03:17:54 < syv!syvarris@72.168.lny.ky: Fabulous balancing there. 25-03-2019 03:18:44 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: maybe it's for dummies who didn't buy suppress presence~ 25-03-2019 03:30:20 < syv!syvarris@72.168.lny.ky: But you pretty much have to buy that to progress in the shinobi tree. :\ 25-03-2019 03:30:32 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: yup! 25-03-2019 03:31:00 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: "sneaking is dumb, I'll never use this" 25-03-2019 03:35:11 < Piecewise__!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net: Sneaking OP 25-03-2019 03:36:07 < Piecewise__!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net: Alright 25-03-2019 03:36:15 < Piecewise__!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net: source of divine confetti found 25-03-2019 03:36:25 < syv!syvarris@72.168.lny.ky: Well, beat lone swordsman finally. You *can* deathblow him, with an aerial. 25-03-2019 03:36:36 < Piecewise__!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net: heh 25-03-2019 03:36:45 < Piecewise__!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net: I beat him the old fashion way 25-03-2019 03:37:34 < Piecewise__!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net: after 10 tries I suddenly reached perfection and murdered him without a single heal 25-03-2019 03:37:51 < Piecewise__!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net: anyways 25-03-2019 03:37:58 < Piecewise__!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net: time to try and kill a headless or two 25-03-2019 03:39:48 < Devastator!chatzilla@hjaf-5f9ib9af6wil6wpqlhrfsbtju.ipv1.telus.net: zug zug. 25-03-2019 03:40:10 < Devastator!chatzilla@hjaf-5f9ib9af6wil6wpqlhrfsbtju.ipv1.telus.net: Yeah, that's sad syv. 25-03-2019 03:49:41 < Devastator!chatzilla@hjaf-5f9ib9af6wil6wpqlhrfsbtju.ipv1.telus.net: it should at least let you get closer. 25-03-2019 03:50:00 < Devastator!chatzilla@hjaf-5f9ib9af6wil6wpqlhrfsbtju.ipv1.telus.net: and even if there's some enemies immune to stealth, there should be someone in the level where the buff item matters. 25-03-2019 03:51:20 < syv!syvarris@72.168.lny.ky: I'm guessing it just reduces stealth from "requires some care and patience" to "Ehh try and avoid standing in front of people." 25-03-2019 03:51:41 < syv!syvarris@72.168.lny.ky: So it matters, but only if you're speedrunning or bad. Or didn't get the basic stealth upgrade, as Egan said. 25-03-2019 03:52:48 < Piecewise__!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net: Huh 25-03-2019 03:52:59 < Piecewise__!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net: headless doesn't drop what I thought it would 25-03-2019 03:53:35 < Piecewise__!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net: Also 25-03-2019 03:53:39 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: did it drop a head 25-03-2019 03:53:41 < Piecewise__!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net: that fucking headless grab is insane 25-03-2019 03:53:48 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: just dodge lol 25-03-2019 03:53:48 < Piecewise__!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net: I won't spoil it 25-03-2019 03:54:02 < Devastator!chatzilla@hjaf-5f9ib9af6wil6wpqlhrfsbtju.ipv1.telus.net: hmm? 25-03-2019 03:54:02 < Piecewise__!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net: Not the difficulty of dodging it, what it entails 25-03-2019 03:54:12 < Piecewise__!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net: what the grab DOES 25-03-2019 03:54:22 < Devastator!chatzilla@hjaf-5f9ib9af6wil6wpqlhrfsbtju.ipv1.telus.net: 200% damage? 25-03-2019 03:54:33 < Devastator!chatzilla@hjaf-5f9ib9af6wil6wpqlhrfsbtju.ipv1.telus.net: does your head go onto the headless? 25-03-2019 04:06:20 < syv!syvarris@72.168.lny.ky: Found Mr. NYYYYEEEEEOOOOOOWWW 25-03-2019 04:06:31 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: nyow 25-03-2019 04:06:38 < syv!syvarris@72.168.lny.ky: Hits hard, but not actually all that dangerous. 25-03-2019 04:06:44 < Piecewise__!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net: he's funny though 25-03-2019 04:07:23 < Piecewise__!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net: NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYOOOOOOW 25-03-2019 04:07:28 < Piecewise__!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net: *Explosion* 25-03-2019 04:07:59 < Piecewise__!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net: oh god this pit has a lot of mean things in it 25-03-2019 04:08:30 < Devastator!chatzilla@hjaf-5f9ib9af6wil6wpqlhrfsbtju.ipv1.telus.net: heh 25-03-2019 04:09:05 < syv!syvarris@72.168.lny.ky: Jesus are there a ton of these guys though. 25-03-2019 04:11:56 < Devastator!chatzilla@hjaf-5f9ib9af6wil6wpqlhrfsbtju.ipv1.telus.net: oh? 25-03-2019 04:12:02 < * Devastator!chatzilla@hjaf-5f9ib9af6wil6wpqlhrfsbtju.ipv1.telus.net wishes one of you was streaming. 25-03-2019 04:12:16 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: not playing 25-03-2019 04:12:31 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: need to cool down till I'm good at the game again :P 25-03-2019 04:12:58 < Devastator!chatzilla@hjaf-5f9ib9af6wil6wpqlhrfsbtju.ipv1.telus.net: fair 'nuff. 25-03-2019 04:13:07 < Devastator!chatzilla@hjaf-5f9ib9af6wil6wpqlhrfsbtju.ipv1.telus.net: when I was a kid I could do one battletoads play a day. 25-03-2019 04:13:12 < Devastator!chatzilla@hjaf-5f9ib9af6wil6wpqlhrfsbtju.ipv1.telus.net: More never was any good. 25-03-2019 04:13:52 < Devastator!chatzilla@hjaf-5f9ib9af6wil6wpqlhrfsbtju.ipv1.telus.net: gotta reload. 25-03-2019 04:27:36 < syv!syvarris@72.168.lny.ky: I found Samurai bro from the Jozou fight, the same guy I managed to save the life of by doing it quick. I had a backstab opportunity, but I didn't want to kill him, so I ran in front of him to say hi. 25-03-2019 04:27:55 < syv!syvarris@72.168.lny.ky: He immediately started attacking me and killed me. I got back up and backstabbed him. 25-03-2019 04:28:07 < syv!syvarris@72.168.lny.ky: Ungrateful jackass. 25-03-2019 04:28:37 < syv!syvarris@72.168.lny.ky: ...He didn't respawn either, so I guess he really did appear here just because I saved him. 25-03-2019 04:28:40 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: I love how "i got back up and rekt him" is a core game mechanic 25-03-2019 04:28:55 < Devastator!chatzilla@hjaf-5f9ib9af6wil6wpqlhrfsbtju.ipv1.telus.net: heh. 25-03-2019 04:29:11 < Devastator!chatzilla@hjaf-5f9ib9af6wil6wpqlhrfsbtju.ipv1.telus.net: lemme guess. 25-03-2019 04:29:15 < Devastator!chatzilla@hjaf-5f9ib9af6wil6wpqlhrfsbtju.ipv1.telus.net: the horse is going to betray you next. 25-03-2019 04:29:43 < syv!syvarris@72.168.lny.ky: Nope, there's a bunch of clones of him in the next room. 25-03-2019 04:30:01 < syv!syvarris@72.168.lny.ky: Ashina has an army of clone samurai I guess. 25-03-2019 04:30:30 < Devastator!chatzilla@hjaf-5f9ib9af6wil6wpqlhrfsbtju.ipv1.telus.net: Oh, so maybe that was just a clone and not the guy you saved. 25-03-2019 04:33:00 < syv!syvarris@72.168.lny.ky: "Your thrusts are unguardable" my ass. 25-03-2019 04:33:05 < syv!syvarris@72.168.lny.ky: Oh damn it. 25-03-2019 04:33:35 < syv!syvarris@72.168.lny.ky: He didn't respawn because I didn't rest, so I didn't get MY respawn back, so I just lost almost a thousand gold planning to respawn, 25-03-2019 04:34:16 < Devastator!chatzilla@hjaf-5f9ib9af6wil6wpqlhrfsbtju.ipv1.telus.net: heh. 25-03-2019 04:34:20 < Devastator!chatzilla@hjaf-5f9ib9af6wil6wpqlhrfsbtju.ipv1.telus.net: I thought gold was worthless? 25-03-2019 04:34:21 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: remember to rest :P 25-03-2019 04:35:51 < syv!syvarris@72.168.lny.ky: I'm too used to DaS, where you autorest if you touch the bonfire. :( 25-03-2019 04:36:05 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: gotta press a mate 25-03-2019 04:36:07 < Devastator!chatzilla@hjaf-5f9ib9af6wil6wpqlhrfsbtju.ipv1.telus.net: You mean it lets you not rest when you bonfire? 25-03-2019 04:36:09 < Devastator!chatzilla@hjaf-5f9ib9af6wil6wpqlhrfsbtju.ipv1.telus.net: Sweet. 25-03-2019 04:36:26 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: on the bright side you can get skills and shit without resetting enemies 25-03-2019 04:41:22 < syv!syvarris@72.168.lny.ky: Unseen Aid! 25-03-2019 04:41:32 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: yes 25-03-2019 04:41:36 < syv!syvarris@72.168.lny.ky: Cannon blasted me off a rooftop while low on HP, instakill. 25-03-2019 04:41:44 < syv!syvarris@72.168.lny.ky: For once it procced when very nice. 25-03-2019 04:42:12 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: thank you budda 25-03-2019 04:46:28 < syv!syvarris@72.168.lny.ky: Hmm. Prosthetic katana. 25-03-2019 04:46:54 < syv!syvarris@72.168.lny.ky: I like this moveset, but it costs so many Spirit emblems. :( 25-03-2019 04:47:11 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: sounds redundant! 25-03-2019 04:50:52 < syv!syvarris@72.168.lny.ky: Redundancy can be very good. 25-03-2019 04:54:00 < syv!syvarris@72.168.lny.ky: Finally found the eavesdrop for the merchant who wants to sell to Ashina. 25-03-2019 04:56:18 < Devastator!chatzilla@hjaf-5f9ib9af6wil6wpqlhrfsbtju.ipv1.telus.net: sell what? 25-03-2019 04:56:24 < Devastator!chatzilla@hjaf-5f9ib9af6wil6wpqlhrfsbtju.ipv1.telus.net: Can you sell yourself to someone? 25-03-2019 04:58:55 < syv!syvarris@72.168.lny.ky: He wants to know what they need, so he can buy it up and resell to them at an exorbitant rate. 25-03-2019 04:59:02 < syv!syvarris@72.168.lny.ky: Not to my knowledge. 25-03-2019 04:59:24 < syv!syvarris@72.168.lny.ky: Piecewise__ would know if there's any prostitution options, though. 25-03-2019 05:10:36 < * Devastator!chatzilla@hjaf-5f9ib9af6wil6wpqlhrfsbtju.ipv1.telus.net eyebrow waggles. 25-03-2019 05:15:20 < Piecewise__!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net: I mean 25-03-2019 05:15:29 < Piecewise__!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net: I am putting a lot of liquor into this doctor lady 25-03-2019 05:16:01 < syv!syvarris@72.168.lny.ky: Sekiro can apparently parry a shotgun blast with his katana. 25-03-2019 05:16:22 < syv!syvarris@72.168.lny.ky: I'm sorry, did I say shotgun? Because it's a cannon loaded with grapeshot. 25-03-2019 05:16:25 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: o course 25-03-2019 05:16:42 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: he ninja 25-03-2019 05:17:12 < Devastator!chatzilla@hjaf-5f9ib9af6wil6wpqlhrfsbtju.ipv1.telus.net: damn. 25-03-2019 05:20:19 < Devastator!chatzilla@hjaf-5f9ib9af6wil6wpqlhrfsbtju.ipv1.telus.net: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_0L89UBj38 25-03-2019 05:20:24 < Devastator!chatzilla@hjaf-5f9ib9af6wil6wpqlhrfsbtju.ipv1.telus.net: Okay, that's hilarious. 25-03-2019 05:35:20 < syv!syvarris@72.168.lny.ky: I found a woman who appears to be using a magazine-fed muzzleloader with a higher ammo capacity than modern assault rifles. 25-03-2019 05:35:35 < syv!syvarris@72.168.lny.ky: I've seen her reload precisely once. 25-03-2019 05:35:52 < Devastator!chatzilla@hjaf-5f9ib9af6wil6wpqlhrfsbtju.ipv1.telus.net: She applied the many worlds cosmology to her gun. 25-03-2019 05:35:57 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: using .22s obviously~ 25-03-2019 05:35:59 < Devastator!chatzilla@hjaf-5f9ib9af6wil6wpqlhrfsbtju.ipv1.telus.net: Someone else has to do all the loading. 25-03-2019 05:57:05 < Devastator!chatzilla@hjaf-5f9ib9af6wil6wpqlhrfsbtju.ipv1.telus.net: Hehe. 25-03-2019 06:11:07 < Piecewise__!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net: Fighting last boss 25-03-2019 06:11:39 < Piecewise__!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net: accidently jump off a cliff 25-03-2019 06:11:42 < Piecewise__!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net: dang 25-03-2019 06:24:37 < Devastator!chatzilla@hjaf-5f9ib9af6wil6wpqlhrfsbtju.ipv1.telus.net: Oops. 25-03-2019 06:27:33 < Piecewise__!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net: This last boss is something man 25-03-2019 06:27:46 < Piecewise__!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net: I hope his health bar is a lie 25-03-2019 06:27:56 < Devastator!chatzilla@hjaf-5f9ib9af6wil6wpqlhrfsbtju.ipv1.telus.net: THE TRUTH. 25-03-2019 06:28:06 < Devastator!chatzilla@hjaf-5f9ib9af6wil6wpqlhrfsbtju.ipv1.telus.net: it's a 24 hour battle, maybe. 25-03-2019 06:33:42 < Piecewise__!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net: nah he's just really good 25-03-2019 06:34:15 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: maybe I'll get to fight him some time this year 25-03-2019 06:34:57 < Piecewise__!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net: I also found an optional boss and I have NO fuckign clue how to fight it 25-03-2019 06:35:08 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: sword 25-03-2019 06:35:11 < Piecewise__!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net: >Perfect parry its attack 25-03-2019 06:35:18 < Piecewise__!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net: >Take half health damage 25-03-2019 06:35:22 < Piecewise__!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net: >catch fire 25-03-2019 06:35:25 < Piecewise__!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net: Yikes 25-03-2019 06:35:34 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: see there's your problem 25-03-2019 06:35:54 < Piecewise__!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net: Imagine smelter if smelter was a thermonuclear reactor 25-03-2019 06:36:12 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: fusion demon 25-03-2019 06:36:50 < Piecewise__!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net: indeed 25-03-2019 06:37:25 < Devastator!chatzilla@hjaf-5f9ib9af6wil6wpqlhrfsbtju.ipv1.telus.net: ranged weapons? 25-03-2019 06:37:39 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: any cheese? 25-03-2019 06:38:45 < Piecewise__!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net: I'm sure there's some cheese strat but ranged weapons don't do THAT much damage and it seems pretty resistant 25-03-2019 06:38:47 < Piecewise__!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net: oh well 25-03-2019 06:38:53 < Piecewise__!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net: night for now, stuff to do tomorrow 25-03-2019 06:39:20 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: toss oil at it 25-03-2019 06:40:42 -!- Piecewise__!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net has quit [Read error: Operation timed out] 25-03-2019 06:41:39 -!- ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 25-03-2019 06:41:43 < Devastator!chatzilla@hjaf-5f9ib9af6wil6wpqlhrfsbtju.ipv1.telus.net: ok. 25-03-2019 06:42:43 < syv!syvarris@72.168.lny.ky: "Long arm centipede giraffe" 25-03-2019 06:43:29 < syv!syvarris@72.168.lny.ky: It has long arms, but beyond that I see no resemblance to the name, yet can't think of anything better, because oh god that's something. 25-03-2019 06:45:59 < syv!syvarris@72.168.lny.ky: I found suicide powder. You eat it and immediately die. 25-03-2019 06:47:43 < Devastator!chatzilla@hjaf-5f9ib9af6wil6wpqlhrfsbtju.ipv1.telus.net: Yow. 25-03-2019 06:47:50 < Devastator!chatzilla@hjaf-5f9ib9af6wil6wpqlhrfsbtju.ipv1.telus.net: Sounds like a plan, that. 25-03-2019 06:47:56 < Devastator!chatzilla@hjaf-5f9ib9af6wil6wpqlhrfsbtju.ipv1.telus.net: I wonder if it's related to some kind of ending. 25-03-2019 06:49:12 < Devastator!chatzilla@hjaf-5f9ib9af6wil6wpqlhrfsbtju.ipv1.telus.net: Hmm, roll to wish. 25-03-2019 06:57:45 < syv!syvarris@72.168.lny.ky: You can immediately revive, so it does kinda have a use. 25-03-2019 07:05:26 < Devastator!chatzilla@hjaf-5f9ib9af6wil6wpqlhrfsbtju.ipv1.telus.net: ahh. 25-03-2019 07:58:30 -!- syv!syvarris@72.168.lny.ky has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 25-03-2019 15:22:40 -!- Piecewise__!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net has joined #einsteinianroulette 25-03-2019 22:02:52 -!- NJW!Mibbit@srff-5-29-935-940.as91018.net has joined #einsteinianroulette 25-03-2019 22:03:12 < NJW!Mibbit@srff-5-29-935-940.as91018.net: Heyhey all. Home again. 25-03-2019 23:37:14 -!- NJW!Mibbit@srff-5-29-935-940.as91018.net has quit [Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client]