05-03-2019 02:41:50 < Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp: 'lo 05-03-2019 03:52:49 < Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp: syv, by 'break things by accident' I meant stuff like scratching up concrete when running at full speed or damaging a storefront from rubbing up against it. 05-03-2019 04:01:41 < Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp: not bodily self-destruction. 05-03-2019 04:38:35 < Piecewise__!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net: honk 05-03-2019 04:38:42 -!- Piecewise__ is now known as piecewise 05-03-2019 04:46:33 < Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp: heya. 05-03-2019 04:46:35 < Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp: what's up? 05-03-2019 05:11:47 < Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp: that busy? 05-03-2019 05:11:48 < Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp: ;-p 05-03-2019 05:34:07 -!- ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com has joined #einsteinianroulette 05-03-2019 05:42:29 < Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp: 'lo 05-03-2019 05:42:34 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: <3 05-03-2019 05:43:10 < Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp: writing right now. 05-03-2019 05:43:18 < Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp: poke me if I don't have birdgame up tomorrow evening, okay? 05-03-2019 05:43:23 < Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp: And I mean that. 05-03-2019 05:43:29 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: k 05-03-2019 05:52:36 -!- piecewise!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 05-03-2019 06:20:57 -!- MidJag!midjag@645-057-670-552.dhcp.chtrptr.net has joined #einsteinianroulette 05-03-2019 06:22:02 < MidJag!midjag@645-057-670-552.dhcp.chtrptr.net: What the fuck, it's 35F and we're getting freezing rain, like two days ago it was 70 yesterday we have had one of the worst tornados we've had in 8 years and now it's freezing rain. 05-03-2019 06:22:18 -!- syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms has joined #einsteinianroulette 05-03-2019 06:22:21 < MidJag!midjag@645-057-670-552.dhcp.chtrptr.net: Like I know alabama does a lot of bad things but I feel like god sending the apocalypse is a bit much. 05-03-2019 06:22:25 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: <3 05-03-2019 06:22:32 < MidJag!midjag@645-057-670-552.dhcp.chtrptr.net: hi syv 05-03-2019 06:22:37 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: ...Hey. 05-03-2019 06:22:45 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: So, hell on Earth over there? 05-03-2019 06:22:52 < MidJag!midjag@645-057-670-552.dhcp.chtrptr.net: yup 05-03-2019 06:23:00 < MidJag!midjag@645-057-670-552.dhcp.chtrptr.net: Freezing rain and hail 05-03-2019 06:23:10 < MidJag!midjag@645-057-670-552.dhcp.chtrptr.net: And somehow class hasen't been canceld yet 05-03-2019 06:23:14 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Oh god. Ninth layer. 05-03-2019 06:23:18 < MidJag!midjag@645-057-670-552.dhcp.chtrptr.net: yup 05-03-2019 06:23:48 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Is Alabama trying to secede or something? 05-03-2019 06:24:05 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: isn't it always? 05-03-2019 06:24:41 < MidJag!midjag@645-057-670-552.dhcp.chtrptr.net: Not recently ever since Trump got elected. 05-03-2019 06:25:37 < MidJag!midjag@645-057-670-552.dhcp.chtrptr.net: ...Well I'm sure there's still a few. 05-03-2019 06:26:32 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Maybe the sovereign citizens completed some particularly terrible ritual. 05-03-2019 06:27:20 < MidJag!midjag@645-057-670-552.dhcp.chtrptr.net: Heh, could be. Maybe you have to sacrifice a mailman or something. 05-03-2019 06:29:25 < MidJag!midjag@645-057-670-552.dhcp.chtrptr.net: Sacraficing a mainpiston Mailman would be impressive 05-03-2019 06:29:31 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Yeah. Prolly decided that USPS is a symbol of oppression. 05-03-2019 06:29:49 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: In Mainpiston USPS *is* a symbol of oppression. :P 05-03-2019 06:30:08 < MidJag!midjag@645-057-670-552.dhcp.chtrptr.net: hahaha 05-03-2019 06:30:29 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: they can be a symbol of whatever they like if they attach enough HMGs to their vehicles. 05-03-2019 06:31:11 < MidJag!midjag@645-057-670-552.dhcp.chtrptr.net: More of an agency obsessed with punctuality and an unwavering determination that the Mail. Will. Come. Through. 05-03-2019 06:32:03 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: and autocannons 05-03-2019 06:32:06 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: How about a symbol of LMGs, ER? 05-03-2019 06:32:26 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: LMGs are light arms you can't use those 05-03-2019 06:35:34 < Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp: heya. 05-03-2019 06:35:42 < MidJag!midjag@645-057-670-552.dhcp.chtrptr.net: ello Dev 05-03-2019 06:35:46 < Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp: Yesterday morning was -25 degrees here. 05-03-2019 06:36:02 < Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp: They cancel class for hail there? 05-03-2019 06:36:10 < MidJag!midjag@645-057-670-552.dhcp.chtrptr.net: But you live in Hel Dev. I normally live in Hell. 05-03-2019 06:36:42 < MidJag!midjag@645-057-670-552.dhcp.chtrptr.net: And they'll cancel class for freezing rain 05-03-2019 06:36:45 < MidJag!midjag@645-057-670-552.dhcp.chtrptr.net: Dev. 05-03-2019 06:37:03 < * Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp has been driving on frozen roads for about four months now. 05-03-2019 06:37:07 < Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp: well, threeish. 05-03-2019 06:37:32 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: I walked through the cold today. It was cold. 05-03-2019 06:37:46 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: It snowed a tiny bit in the morning. 05-03-2019 06:38:18 < Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp: The part that amuses me about Trump is how nobody is questioning why he didn't get that wall built while he had two years of a Republican Congress. 05-03-2019 06:38:41 < Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp: I suppose because it's more valuable to blame it on the opposition than to actually do things. 05-03-2019 06:39:16 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Because the people who'd spend that much time thinking about it rationally are long tired of the circus and just want silence. 05-03-2019 06:39:31 < Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp: Yeah. 05-03-2019 06:39:39 < Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp: You guys do have my sympathies there. 05-03-2019 06:39:49 < Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp: Admittedly, we've got a bit of a circus going on up here. 05-03-2019 06:40:01 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: I just assume it's because he's terrible at actually accomplishing anything and hates his job and never actually wanted to win the election. 05-03-2019 06:40:10 < Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp: Heh. 05-03-2019 06:40:17 < Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp: Yeah, he might be regretting that some. 05-03-2019 06:40:20 < MidJag!midjag@645-057-670-552.dhcp.chtrptr.net: Didn't one of your mayors get arrested for coke or something Dev? 05-03-2019 06:40:34 < Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp: You thinking about Rob Ford? 05-03-2019 06:40:38 < MidJag!midjag@645-057-670-552.dhcp.chtrptr.net: That was it 05-03-2019 06:40:44 < Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp: That's not my mayor, but he's been through some fun times. 05-03-2019 06:40:45 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Is Coca-Cola illegal in Canada? 05-03-2019 06:40:52 < Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp: No. 05-03-2019 06:40:54 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Man, you guys *are* progressive... 05-03-2019 06:40:57 < Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp: In fact it's made with actual sugar! 05-03-2019 06:41:09 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Waaa? 05-03-2019 06:41:12 < Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp: Yeah. 05-03-2019 06:41:14 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: fuckin real suger? 05-03-2019 06:41:21 < Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp: Soft drinks in Canada have real sugar in them. 05-03-2019 06:41:23 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: can I vist? :I 05-03-2019 06:41:27 < Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp: ..yeah? 05-03-2019 06:42:01 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: I think all of us except ER have a standing welcome to the others, as far as visits. 05-03-2019 06:42:20 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Well, you can get mexican cokes which have glass bottles and real suger so it makes sense I guess. 05-03-2019 06:42:29 < MidJag!midjag@645-057-670-552.dhcp.chtrptr.net: Oh yeah in case I haven't made it you guys are welcome to stop by. 05-03-2019 06:42:42 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Only Americans are dumb enough to accept the cheap corn goop 05-03-2019 06:43:09 < MidJag!midjag@645-057-670-552.dhcp.chtrptr.net: I don't know why you would ever be visiting Alabama, but if you are then more power to you. :P 05-03-2019 06:43:11 < Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp: There's nothing wrong with the corn goop. 05-03-2019 06:44:01 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: but it's so easy to be snarky about how everything is made out of corn. 05-03-2019 06:45:08 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: "Humans fucking love corn..." 05-03-2019 06:45:47 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: corn OP 05-03-2019 06:46:06 < MidJag!midjag@645-057-670-552.dhcp.chtrptr.net: corn is pretty cool. 05-03-2019 06:46:24 < MidJag!midjag@645-057-670-552.dhcp.chtrptr.net: ...I can't rember it's genetics exactlly but I know they're kinda weird. 05-03-2019 06:46:24 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Except when it's normal corn. 05-03-2019 06:46:32 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: I hate normal corn. 05-03-2019 06:46:34 < Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp: Doesn't it have like 46 cromosones? 05-03-2019 06:46:45 < MidJag!midjag@645-057-670-552.dhcp.chtrptr.net: Nah that's like wheat I belive. 05-03-2019 06:46:52 < MidJag!midjag@645-057-670-552.dhcp.chtrptr.net: ...no wait. 05-03-2019 06:46:55 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: what like, corn on the cob? 05-03-2019 06:46:57 < MidJag!midjag@645-057-670-552.dhcp.chtrptr.net: hmm, lemme check that 05-03-2019 06:47:44 < MidJag!midjag@645-057-670-552.dhcp.chtrptr.net: yup, wheat has 42 chromsomes. Corn has 20. 05-03-2019 06:47:56 < Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp: oh ok. 05-03-2019 06:48:14 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Corn on the cob, or corn in a can. 05-03-2019 06:48:23 < MidJag!midjag@645-057-670-552.dhcp.chtrptr.net: Dude corn on the cob is amazing 05-03-2019 06:48:26 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Corn in a can is moderately better but still bad. 05-03-2019 06:48:32 < MidJag!midjag@645-057-670-552.dhcp.chtrptr.net: Especially if your in the midwest. 05-03-2019 06:48:37 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: it's alright. 05-03-2019 06:48:39 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Corn on the cob is terrible. 05-03-2019 06:48:44 < MidJag!midjag@645-057-670-552.dhcp.chtrptr.net: false 05-03-2019 06:49:14 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: I wouldn't consider loose corn to be good food on its own. 05-03-2019 06:49:28 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: corn on the cob with butter can be good. 05-03-2019 06:49:45 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: though somewhat frustrating to eat, obviously. 05-03-2019 06:50:05 < Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp: corn on the cob is great. 05-03-2019 06:50:16 < MidJag!midjag@645-057-670-552.dhcp.chtrptr.net: See, Dev get's it. 05-03-2019 07:21:55 < MidJag!midjag@645-057-670-552.dhcp.chtrptr.net: apperentlly theres a darkest dungeon II coming out 05-03-2019 07:22:04 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Yes. 05-03-2019 07:22:16 < MidJag!midjag@645-057-670-552.dhcp.chtrptr.net: neat 05-03-2019 07:22:26 < MidJag!midjag@645-057-670-552.dhcp.chtrptr.net: I look forward to it 05-03-2019 07:22:49 < MidJag!midjag@645-057-670-552.dhcp.chtrptr.net: Perhaps it will have more crystals from space :P 05-03-2019 07:22:49 < Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp: Darkest Dungeon IV. 05-03-2019 07:23:01 < Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp: underground space crystals. 05-03-2019 07:24:09 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: I still haven't beaten the first game. 05-03-2019 07:24:14 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: I hope the second is shorter. 05-03-2019 07:24:50 < MidJag!midjag@645-057-670-552.dhcp.chtrptr.net: I almost beat it and then I went to college and have yet to actually be around the computer that has my save on it. 05-03-2019 07:24:51 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: "faster" might be better to say. 05-03-2019 07:24:57 < MidJag!midjag@645-057-670-552.dhcp.chtrptr.net: ^for longer to beat ti 05-03-2019 07:24:58 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Wow, really? 05-03-2019 07:25:22 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: I figured you'd have beaten it multiple times. 05-03-2019 07:25:25 < MidJag!midjag@645-057-670-552.dhcp.chtrptr.net: Well it's my little bro's PC at home, and I don't go home much 05-03-2019 07:25:38 < MidJag!midjag@645-057-670-552.dhcp.chtrptr.net: and when I am I'm usually busy. 05-03-2019 07:26:46 < MidJag!midjag@645-057-670-552.dhcp.chtrptr.net: and over winterbreak I was distracted by RDR2. 05-03-2019 07:28:15 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Oh yeah, how was that? 05-03-2019 07:28:40 < MidJag!midjag@645-057-670-552.dhcp.chtrptr.net: It's amazing 05-03-2019 07:29:04 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Also, you should get your little bro to send you your DD save, now that you have a Windows laptop. 05-03-2019 07:29:12 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: ...Or just transfer it during Sprig break. 05-03-2019 07:29:22 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: the story doesn't matter. the combat doesn't matter. the features don't matter. 05-03-2019 07:29:33 < MidJag!midjag@645-057-670-552.dhcp.chtrptr.net: hmmm, Yeah I could do that actually 05-03-2019 07:29:35 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: I just want to be able to greet or insult literally anyone 05-03-2019 07:29:47 < MidJag!midjag@645-057-670-552.dhcp.chtrptr.net: You tottally can ER. 05-03-2019 07:29:53 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: yes 05-03-2019 07:30:16 < MidJag!midjag@645-057-670-552.dhcp.chtrptr.net: The honor system is kinda a bitch though. it's about the only issue I have with the game 05-03-2019 07:30:23 < Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp: honor's a bitch? 05-03-2019 07:30:53 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: yeah it stops you from just accepting that being a monster is great 05-03-2019 07:30:54 < MidJag!midjag@645-057-670-552.dhcp.chtrptr.net: It's just very finicky and you can lose honor easilly. 05-03-2019 07:31:26 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: ! Walked into bar before lady, -50 honor ! 05-03-2019 07:31:38 < Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp: Forgot to remove hat, -50 honor. 05-03-2019 07:33:01 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: I've heard stories of the player getting kicked by someone's horse, falling into the person and knocking them over and getting charged with a crime for that. 05-03-2019 07:33:45 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: then because you committed a crime bounty hunters come to MURDER you and if you kill them you lose honor 05-03-2019 07:33:53 < MidJag!midjag@645-057-670-552.dhcp.chtrptr.net: yeah 05-03-2019 07:34:30 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: What, are you supposed to hogtie the bounty hunters instead? 05-03-2019 07:34:43 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: ...Y'know, maybe you're not supposed to remain honorable? 05-03-2019 07:34:51 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Isn't the protag supposed to be a serious criminal? 05-03-2019 07:35:18 < Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp: Heh. 05-03-2019 07:35:26 < MidJag!midjag@645-057-670-552.dhcp.chtrptr.net: The only issue is that you get really good stuff for being honorable and really crappy rewards for not being honorable 05-03-2019 07:36:09 < Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp: Here's your.. golden turd! 05-03-2019 07:37:40 < Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktPvjr1tiKk 05-03-2019 07:38:16 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Mm, yeah, that's bad game design. "Play fun, and you don't get cool stuff." 05-03-2019 08:18:39 < * Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp watches video of a guy talking about dice. 05-03-2019 08:18:45 < * Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp watches a guy roll a 1 on 1d60 05-03-2019 08:18:52 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: dice 05-03-2019 08:19:12 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: hm 05-03-2019 08:19:32 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: dicemos. 05-03-2019 08:19:35 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: I went from tic-tac-toe to connect four to a two part dice video 05-03-2019 08:19:52 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: did you follow the same path dev? :P 05-03-2019 08:21:06 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Instead of watching stupid youtube videos, you should play a stupid game with me. :v 05-03-2019 08:21:20 < Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp: http://youtu.be/uAnCL3vhVIs 05-03-2019 08:21:23 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: dont tell me what to do 05-03-2019 08:26:23 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: :( 05-03-2019 08:26:46 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Okay then, I'll just keep playing singleplayer, alone... 05-03-2019 08:36:23 -!- MidJag!midjag@645-057-670-552.dhcp.chtrptr.net has left #einsteinianroulette 05-03-2019 08:36:42 < Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp: see ya. 05-03-2019 09:28:21 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: beep boop 05-03-2019 09:28:30 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: done being distracted by youtube now 05-03-2019 09:33:47 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Oh? 05-03-2019 09:34:20 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: well a second ago I was being distracted by a video in a new article, but yes 05-03-2019 09:34:51 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Wanna do anything, then? 05-03-2019 09:35:19 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: entertain me 05-03-2019 09:37:21 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Stats: Strength, Endurance, Dexterity, Will, Luck. Seven points to distribute. 0 is very bad. Skills: CQC, Marksmanship, Tech, Medical, Explosives. Seven points again. 05-03-2019 09:37:33 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Equipment determined by stat investments. 05-03-2019 09:37:38 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Go. 05-03-2019 09:39:20 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: 1 1 1 1 3 1 0 2 4 0 05-03-2019 09:39:46 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: lucky medic 05-03-2019 09:41:55 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: You get an American 180 SMG, with a 275 round pound magazine. One spare mag. Also, a basic combat knife, a tactical laptop, full medical kit, and a light kevlar vest. Full torso protection. No helmet, but you get a beanie cap if you want. 05-03-2019 09:42:24 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: beans 05-03-2019 09:43:27 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Your mission is to... ehh, you're a merc hired by the "Cheap guns" company, and today you're their rent-a-SWAT. Your mission is to clear the gang hideout of a group of criminals who stole a shipment of Cheap Guns (c)(TM). 05-03-2019 09:43:58 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: k 05-03-2019 09:44:13 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: You're driven up in a van, then kicked out in front of a run down building in the boonies. It's big. There's nobody around that you can see. The entrance appears to be locked. 05-03-2019 09:44:33 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Also, because they don't expect you to survive, they airdropped a bunch of mines all around the building. 05-03-2019 09:44:41 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: > 05-03-2019 09:44:51 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: How much am I being paid 05-03-2019 09:45:08 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: That's a good question. 05-03-2019 09:45:39 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Your family gets paid really well if you die, you get full medical and dental if you don't, and your wage is decent. Plus a bunch for missions like this one. 05-03-2019 09:45:58 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: the building is on its own, right? 05-03-2019 09:46:10 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: flat terrain aroun dit? 05-03-2019 09:46:29 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: There's other buildings around, but none very close. 05-03-2019 09:46:33 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: So mostly, yes. 05-03-2019 09:47:31 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Oh well, move up to the building as silently as possible, go around the side and crawl into a dumpster or something and open the laptop. 05-03-2019 09:47:44 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Check for wireless signals. 05-03-2019 09:49:29 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: You do so. There's a fair number of cell phones, a couple wifi access points, and a ton of miscellaneous signals for other small devices. A program on the laptop tells you five are cameras. 05-03-2019 09:49:57 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: > 05-03-2019 09:51:30 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: They have cameras set up, huh? Wouldn't expect that to be honest, but I'll take it. Connect to anything that looks poorly protected. 05-03-2019 09:52:45 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Can't get a connection to any of the phones, but you get into their wifi. Could do a lot with that, and you can get feeds from the cameras. 05-03-2019 09:53:25 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Look at camera feeds and try to work out where they would be in the building. 05-03-2019 09:53:50 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: ...having access to a floor plan or something would be nice. is that publically avilable? 05-03-2019 09:55:07 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: One is of the entrance, there's a single large man boredly reading his phone sitting in a chair next to the door. One is watching a really nice office with a big desk, empty currently. One is watching the kitchen, where two young males are arguing while making sandwiches, one is watching a guy in a suit working on something that you're gonna guess is a hasty drug lab, and one, which is a completely different model than the other four, is in a ba 05-03-2019 09:55:18 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: No floorplan, cause then I'd actually have to draw something. 05-03-2019 09:55:33 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: sad! 05-03-2019 09:56:19 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: oh, that cut off 05-03-2019 09:56:25 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: "and one, which is a completely different model than the other four, is in a b" 05-03-2019 09:57:13 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: is in a bathroom.  There is a fat man sitting on the toilet reading a book. 05-03-2019 09:57:44 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: silly people putting up spy cams in the bathroom. 05-03-2019 09:57:56 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Thankfully, while the other four are fairly high quality, that one is terrible enough to not have a good picture. 05-03-2019 09:58:34 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Is there a computer in the office? 05-03-2019 09:59:17 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Yes, on the desk. 05-03-2019 09:59:31 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: It doesn't seem to be turned on. 05-03-2019 10:00:21 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Oh well. Can I get at emails? Everyone knows that people put inportant information in emails. 05-03-2019 10:01:29 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: You could spend some time and try to hack their wifi so you can scrape data as it goes through, I guess. It'd likely be encrypted, would take awhile, and would only get emails as they're sent/requested. 05-03-2019 10:01:47 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: You know, like passwords and secret entrances and where they're keeping stuff~ 05-03-2019 10:03:01 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: None of the camera feeds show anything like that, and you're gonna need to be a bit cleverer if you want something more. 05-03-2019 10:04:59 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Eh. Slither out of the dumpster or whatever and start moving around the building looking for other entrances. 05-03-2019 10:06:28 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: There's two windows on the north side of the building, same as the dumpster. Locked and curtained. There's a rear door and one window on the east side (west is road-facing). South side has three windows, all curtained, but you're pretty sure the one is unlocked. 05-03-2019 10:06:29 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: > 05-03-2019 10:08:27 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Is there anything I cuild hide behind near the south side? 05-03-2019 10:08:46 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Let's say no? 05-03-2019 10:09:05 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: well fuq 05-03-2019 10:11:30 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Try to open the apparently unlocked window just slightly. 05-03-2019 10:11:44 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: You do so. 05-03-2019 10:11:45 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: > 05-03-2019 10:12:03 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: A tiny bit more? 05-03-2019 10:12:59 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: You continue to do so. Your eyes fail to penetrate the curt... actually, blinds, curtains are too fancy. You can't see through the blinds. 05-03-2019 10:13:15 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: You hear someone snoring, though. 05-03-2019 10:13:32 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: (Syv forgot that there was supposed to be a sensory stat) 05-03-2019 10:13:40 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: :P 05-03-2019 10:14:08 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Tell then open the window the rest of the way and enter the room. 05-03-2019 10:15:05 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: What season is it btw :P 05-03-2019 10:15:26 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Florida Winter, I.E. Summer. 05-03-2019 10:16:02 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: You stumble through gracelessly and find yourself in a living room of sorts. There's a ratty couch, back towards you, and feet hanging over the left side. The TV is set to an old soap opera, but is muted. 05-03-2019 10:16:18 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: The room likely has other interesting things in it, but none of them are relevant and will not bw described. 05-03-2019 10:16:19 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: > 05-03-2019 10:16:46 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Listen for talking or movement. 05-03-2019 10:17:16 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: For how long? You hear nothing within fifteen seconds. 05-03-2019 10:17:59 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Eh. Move to the sleeping guy and see if he left his phone out or something. 05-03-2019 10:18:15 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: He did not. 05-03-2019 10:18:27 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: He seems pretty sound asleep though. 05-03-2019 10:18:39 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Wonderful. Exits? 05-03-2019 10:18:52 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Just one, to the left of the TV. 05-03-2019 10:18:57 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Closed wooden door. 05-03-2019 10:19:38 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Go to it and listen for like 5 seconds. 05-03-2019 10:20:02 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Nothing. 05-03-2019 10:21:22 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: How far away from the entrance am I? 05-03-2019 10:21:41 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Would this door be visible from the front door? 05-03-2019 10:21:45 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: This seems to be the southeasternmost room. 05-03-2019 10:22:09 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: It shouldn't be. 05-03-2019 10:22:17 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Open the door, casually. 05-03-2019 10:23:24 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Success. You walk out and there's a hallway, going forward from where you are. Two doors to your right, one much closer and made of metal, one door at the far end, and one door to the left, middle of the hallway. 05-03-2019 10:24:35 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: This runs west to east, right? 05-03-2019 10:24:46 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: North to south. 05-03-2019 10:24:59 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Same wall as the tv, not the wall to the left of the tv. :P 05-03-2019 10:25:06 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: ah. 05-03-2019 10:25:41 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Does the metal door look locked? 05-03-2019 10:26:07 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: It looks like a lockable door. You tru it and it is locked. 05-03-2019 10:29:01 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Does the not-metal door on the right look like it's the back entrance? 05-03-2019 10:29:31 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: It's the same door type, but is too far inside the building to be the same door. 05-03-2019 10:31:11 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Well open that door. 05-03-2019 10:32:26 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: You've discovered an empty laundry room. There's two machines in poor repair, a bunch of cluttered cabinets, and a pile of random cleaning supplies. No people, one door, one window. 05-03-2019 10:32:31 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: > 05-03-2019 10:34:44 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Go back to the living room and close the door behind me. 05-03-2019 10:35:17 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Done. > 05-03-2019 10:36:23 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Take out my knife. Go unmute the television and prod the sleeping person, telling him to please be quiet. 05-03-2019 10:37:16 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: He wakes up slowly, grumbling and cursing at you, before noticing the knife and going very still and quiet. He sits very still, staring at the knife. 05-03-2019 10:38:04 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Ask him to tell me how to get to the boss's office. 05-03-2019 10:38:38 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: "uhh" 05-03-2019 10:38:42 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: "Why?" 05-03-2019 10:38:46 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: "who are you?" 05-03-2019 10:39:36 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: "Because I'm a nice person who isn't going to punch you in the face." 05-03-2019 10:39:55 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: He blinks and just stares at you. 05-03-2019 10:40:06 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: "Down the hall...?" 05-03-2019 10:40:41 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: "Maybe more specifically than that please?" 05-03-2019 10:41:29 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: "Umm. The door on the left? Yeah, yeah, the door on the left in the hall just rhough there" *he points to the doorway* 05-03-2019 10:43:19 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: "Great. you mind if I zip tie your hands?" 05-03-2019 10:44:13 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: "...Yes?" 05-03-2019 10:44:22 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: "I don't trouble man, I'll be quiet." 05-03-2019 10:44:36 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: "I don't care what you do to Mr. Jones, he's an asshole." 05-03-2019 10:47:11 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Sheath the knife and put my hand on the SMG. "Well cool, that makes my job easier. How about you climb out that open window and go hide somewhere. You can try leaving but they airdropped mines around the building for some reason so you might die." 05-03-2019 10:49:16 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: As soon as you sheath the knife his right hand shoots for his pocket and he pulls out a small revolver. You don't react in time, he gets one shot off... hits, center mass... vest absorbs the bullet, you're hurt but make your morale save. 05-03-2019 10:49:36 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Also, it was loud. 05-03-2019 10:49:45 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: > 05-03-2019 10:51:53 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Oh well. Stab him. 05-03-2019 10:52:59 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: You pull out your knife and jab at him, missing horribly, but he tries to dodge and accidentally throws himself forward onto your knife, stabbing himself in the throat. 05-03-2019 10:53:19 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: He falls forward writhing and screaming, dropping the revolver and bleeding out on the floor. 05-03-2019 10:53:20 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: > 05-03-2019 10:53:24 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: "Wow, you're just super helpful today, aren't you?" 05-03-2019 10:53:37 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: *terrified gurgling* 05-03-2019 10:55:41 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Kick the revolver away and move to the door. 05-03-2019 10:56:32 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: You do so. You hear footsteps hurriedly coming closer. 05-03-2019 10:56:38 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Down the hallway. 05-03-2019 10:57:37 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Open the door and immediately fire a burst down it, not caring to aim for anything in particular. 05-03-2019 10:58:43 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: You slam it open and fire a burst of .22 down the hallway, all five shots hitting a man who's about halfway down the hallway in the chest. 05-03-2019 10:59:19 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: He screams, throws himself to the right, slamming into the wall, then throws himself to the left opening the door as he goes. He leaves your view. 05-03-2019 10:59:24 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: > 05-03-2019 10:59:46 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: My left or his? 05-03-2019 11:00:08 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Your left. 05-03-2019 11:00:21 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: He's in the door that the mook said was his boss's office. 05-03-2019 11:02:37 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Bullets speak louder than words. Shoot another burst past that door. 05-03-2019 11:02:59 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: You do so. You hear some muffled yelling. 05-03-2019 11:05:08 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Move a little farther up the hall and keep surpressing that door. 05-03-2019 11:05:33 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: You do so, you're halfway to the door now. 05-03-2019 11:06:07 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Actually nah, you're adjacent to the door, you can peek through if you like. 05-03-2019 11:06:18 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Cheerfully yell "hello! Feel like surrendering yet?" 05-03-2019 11:06:41 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: "Fuck you!" 05-03-2019 11:06:50 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: > 05-03-2019 11:06:55 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: From inside the room, right? 05-03-2019 11:07:01 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Yes. 05-03-2019 11:07:12 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: They sound distinctly not-wounded. 05-03-2019 11:07:48 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Round the corner and fire a burst at where the voice came from. 05-03-2019 11:09:42 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Okay, there's a hallway past the door. One door on the right side, close by, two on the keft side, one on the far end of the hallway. Bleeding guy on the ground in front of the door on tje right, one punk standing over him with a pistol, one punk standing half inside the doorway. Both have pistols, and both shoot at you. 05-03-2019 11:10:34 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: ...Both miss. You shoot at the guy standing over the wounded man, and mostly miss, but one of your shots catches him in the eye. He screams, clutches his face and turns, stumblig directly away from you down the hall. 05-03-2019 11:10:34 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: > 05-03-2019 11:11:59 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Well... Shoot the other one. 05-03-2019 11:15:03 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: You do so. Most of your bullets hit this time, and he stumbles backwards into the room without you seeing much of what happens. The door at the far end of the hallway opens, and you see the door guard through it. He raises his pistol to shoot at you... hits you once, in the left arm. Not unconsious, but pained. You hear some stomping from behind you, from the direction of the locked metal door. 05-03-2019 11:16:12 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: In what direction does the metal door open? 05-03-2019 11:16:31 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Inward. 05-03-2019 11:16:40 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Away from your side. 05-03-2019 11:18:38 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Fall back to the metal door and take out my knife. 05-03-2019 11:19:38 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: You do so. You hear someone arrive at the door and stop. You also hear people cursing down the hallway that you left. 05-03-2019 11:21:06 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Stand still and stay silent. 05-03-2019 11:22:17 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: More sounds from the hallway, a loud sound of something falling over, some moans of pain, no footsteps. The metal door clicks as it's unlocked, and then it's very slowly eased open. 05-03-2019 11:22:18 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: > 05-03-2019 11:22:41 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: (Which side do you want to be on? The hinges are on the south, opposite side from the hallway.) 05-03-2019 11:23:28 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: South side. Kick the door open and attack whoever's closest with the knife. 05-03-2019 11:25:33 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: ...That'd be the north to do that, but w/e. You kick the door open and find a man with a submachine hun on the other side. You dive into him before he can react and set to stabbing him repeatedly. He struggles a bit, but can't do much to stop you, and is dead in short order. 05-03-2019 11:25:48 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: You're rolling ridiculously well, BTW. 05-03-2019 11:26:13 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: what's this room? 05-03-2019 11:26:45 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Small little room with a staircase leading down. 05-03-2019 11:27:25 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Close the door. Is the key still in ths lock? 05-03-2019 11:27:49 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Yep. You can lock it. 05-03-2019 11:28:18 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Lock it and pocket the keys, then go down the stairs. 05-03-2019 11:28:55 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Bottom is a small bare room, wooden door to your left. 05-03-2019 11:29:08 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: ...Nah, nevermind. 05-03-2019 11:29:14 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Treat my injuries. 05-03-2019 11:30:03 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: ...Was gonna change it, be w/e, small room. You bandage your wounded arm and take a painkiller. You're not at 100%, but the arm works. Mostly. 05-03-2019 11:31:22 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Open the door while standing to the side of it. 05-03-2019 11:32:46 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: The drug lab is on the other side. The thin cook is standing nearby, as is the fat man you saw. Both of them stare at you wide-eyed. Cook was holding a pistol, but drops it and throws his arms in the air. Fat man just freezes. 05-03-2019 11:33:10 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: The room is fairly big and has a lot of cover, there could be someone else but you can't see anyone. 05-03-2019 11:33:48 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: > 05-03-2019 11:36:43 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: damn this gun has a big magazine 05-03-2019 11:36:46 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: ahem 05-03-2019 11:36:52 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: 275 rounds, yes. 05-03-2019 11:37:04 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: There's some advantages to using .22 LR. 05-03-2019 11:37:36 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Don't kill anyone, just cover everything in bullet holes. 05-03-2019 11:38:37 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: "Get down on the ground and put your hands on your head. Please and thank you." Back to holding the gun now fyi. 05-03-2019 11:39:14 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: They both scream and dive for cover. You can no longer see either of them. 05-03-2019 11:39:15 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: > 05-03-2019 11:40:25 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: "Was that too much of a police thing? I'm a mercenary, I don't send people to prison." 05-03-2019 11:41:13 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: *silence* 05-03-2019 11:41:58 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: "What's that? I can't hear you! Speak up!" Fire a spray into the room. 05-03-2019 11:42:32 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: One of them screams and yells that he's not doing anything. 05-03-2019 11:42:35 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: > 05-03-2019 11:43:05 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: "Come out here and prove it! Take your buddy too!" 05-03-2019 11:43:26 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: *panicked whispering* 05-03-2019 11:43:33 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Neither of them comes out. 05-03-2019 11:43:46 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Both of them are talking. You can't tell what;s being said. 05-03-2019 11:44:22 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: > 05-03-2019 11:45:31 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Run into the room and take cover that would protect me from most angles where hidden enemies could be. 05-03-2019 11:46:17 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Are you gonna hunker down, or take position to return fire? 05-03-2019 11:46:23 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Also, quiet or fast? 05-03-2019 11:47:03 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Return fire, and fast. 05-03-2019 11:48:22 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: You rush to the right, and take cover behind a big metal barrel, resting your gun on top of it. A moment later the fat man stands up with a large pistol, yelling, and shoots at the doorway where you were standing ten seconds ago. I presume you shoot him? 05-03-2019 11:48:41 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Yes. 05-03-2019 11:49:09 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: ...You'd actually have shot before he did, but eh. You nick him, catching him in the arm, and he ducks back into cover. 05-03-2019 11:49:25 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: The other guy shouts at him and says he's an idiot. 05-03-2019 11:49:50 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Then his arm reaches out and snatches his pistol. Want to try and shoot that? 05-03-2019 11:50:17 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Oh, he dropped it? 05-03-2019 11:50:36 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Yes, when you first csme in the cook dropped his pistol and raised his arms. 05-03-2019 11:50:51 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: He didn't pick it back up when he dove into cover. The fat guy had his own pistol, apparently. 05-03-2019 11:51:01 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: The cook is trying to rearm himself. 05-03-2019 11:51:23 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Hunker down and quietly move to different cover. 05-03-2019 11:52:44 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: You sneak out and start to quietly move down the wall to your right, while they whisper between each other, the cook asking where you are. Just after he asks, your foot hits something metal, making a loud noise. They go silent, you're not really near cover. 05-03-2019 11:52:52 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: > 05-03-2019 11:54:20 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Just start surpressing them. 05-03-2019 11:54:55 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: You open up on full auto, they stay down. One of them is repeatedly screaming "FUCK" over and over. 05-03-2019 11:55:29 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: They're basically behind a counter right now, if you continue moving down the wall you'll be flanking them within ten or so steps. 05-03-2019 11:56:14 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Alternate between moving and surpressing. 05-03-2019 11:57:24 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: You stop firing, take four steps, then open fire again. Dter firing for a solid second, you start moving again, and the cook pops up, shooting at you. 05-03-2019 11:57:45 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: He misses with all four shots alotted. Return fire? 05-03-2019 11:57:49 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: > 05-03-2019 11:58:39 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Yes. 05-03-2019 11:59:17 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: You fire a burst and he ducks back into cover, you're not sure if you hit him. 05-03-2019 11:59:18 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: > 05-03-2019 11:59:35 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: "Did I hit you!?" 05-03-2019 11:59:52 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: While moving. 05-03-2019 12:00:50 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: No answer. You keep moving until you can see them, and I assume keep firing... 05-03-2019 12:01:37 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: At this point, until they stop moving. 05-03-2019 12:02:11 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: You hold down the trigger while waving the gun around them for about two seconds, before it clicks empty. Cook has several holes in his head, fat man is cowering and is covered in blood and holes, but seems to still be alive. 05-03-2019 12:02:38 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: You have one (1) spare 275-round mag. 05-03-2019 12:03:20 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: ...Cook is also clearly dead, that's what I meant by the head-holes, 05-03-2019 12:03:52 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Draw my knife and approach him. "You started this, I don't see why you should be the one who lives through this." 05-03-2019 12:04:08 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: No response. Kill him y/n? 05-03-2019 12:04:17 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: y 05-03-2019 12:04:24 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: execure order 66 05-03-2019 12:05:28 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: You stomp on his back, just between his shoulder blades, and with your left arm pull his head back by the hair. Then your knife slides in below his chin and begins to saw back and forth. He doesn't even resist, and you release him after cutting about two-thirds through. 05-03-2019 12:05:33 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Silence. > 05-03-2019 12:06:01 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Reload. Listen for noises from above. 05-03-2019 12:06:18 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: You reload. You hear nothing. 05-03-2019 12:07:04 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Is this the only basement room? 05-03-2019 12:07:33 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: There's one door, which you're going to guess is the bathroom that the shitty camera is in. 05-03-2019 12:07:46 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: I'll just give you a freebie and say that it is. Nothing else is down here. 05-03-2019 12:08:09 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Search the corpses for keys or whatever. 05-03-2019 12:08:52 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: ...Well, you are in a drug lab that you riddled with bullets, but let's just pretend they were cooking safe, inert drugs. It's a THC drug lab or something else equally insane. 05-03-2019 12:09:01 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: The keys have Nothing Plot Relevant. 05-03-2019 12:09:13 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: *the corpses 05-03-2019 12:09:20 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: No keys 05-03-2019 12:10:06 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: ...how more stories did this building have? 05-03-2019 12:10:06 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: > 05-03-2019 12:10:12 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: many 05-03-2019 12:10:13 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Single story. 05-03-2019 12:10:48 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Take out laptop and access the camera again? 05-03-2019 12:10:52 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: no ? 05-03-2019 12:11:03 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: period. 05-03-2019 12:11:06 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: > 05-03-2019 12:11:07 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: . 05-03-2019 12:12:49 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Entrance cam shows nothing beyond an absence of the door guard. Kitchen cam shows an empty kitchen, and through an open doorway on the left of the view, a corpse riddled with bullets lying in a hallway. Office cam shows no changes. Drug lab cam shows a Handsome God of War. Bathroom shows an absence of people. 05-03-2019 12:13:41 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: sexy shoeless 05-03-2019 12:14:06 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: You can ascertain that you're currently standing below the kitchen, the hallway you shot people in is about centrally above the drug lab. 05-03-2019 12:14:22 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Proceed up the stairs silently. 05-03-2019 12:14:51 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: You don't know what's above the south side of this room, because you never went through either of the doors on that side of the hallway. 05-03-2019 12:15:00 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: You do so. Room up there is unchanged. 05-03-2019 12:15:25 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Listen at the metal door. It's still locked, right? 05-03-2019 12:16:08 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: It is still locked. After listening for a few seconds, you think you can hear the sound of someone breathing heavily on the opposite side. 05-03-2019 12:17:05 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Oh, the guy who shot has something akin to a UMP45, which is an MP5 chambering in 45 ACP. 05-03-2019 12:17:13 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: *who you stabbed 05-03-2019 12:17:25 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: It is on the ground adjacent to his corpse. 05-03-2019 12:18:47 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: 45 might have slightly better penetration than 22. Still probably not useful, I think. 05-03-2019 12:20:08 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Ready my knife in my right hand and unlock the door with my left as quietly as possible. standing on the north side of it. 05-03-2019 12:21:29 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: You do so. Nothing happens. Open the door y/n? 05-03-2019 12:21:44 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Still breathing? 05-03-2019 12:22:02 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: You pause and listen. You can't hear anything. 05-03-2019 12:23:25 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Pull the door open quickly but don't immediately go through, instead being ready to attack anyone who goes through. 05-03-2019 12:24:33 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: You open the door and pull your hand back immediately, someone fires three rounds through the emoty doorway. 05-03-2019 12:24:38 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: *empty doorway. 05-03-2019 12:24:53 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: > 05-03-2019 12:25:17 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Can I tell where from? 05-03-2019 12:25:45 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Literally just outside the door. You could see part of the muzzle flash from their pistol. 05-03-2019 12:26:04 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Round and attack with the knife. 05-03-2019 12:27:18 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: "Dumbass." 05-03-2019 12:28:15 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: You go round, knife ready as you charge into the man. You start stabbing at his head and upper body, he jams his pistol into your stomach and fires twice before you can push it away with your offhand. You feel the second shot penetrate. 05-03-2019 12:29:55 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: You wrestle the pistol--which he's stubbornly holding with both hands--away from you with your left arm, while you reoeatedly stab down at his head. He releases the gun and starts to fight with you, as you fall into heap on the floor, but ultimately he can't keep you off of him and gets stabbed in the neck. 05-03-2019 12:30:41 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: He quickly starts slowing down, his resistance turning into uncoordinated slaps, and you keep stabbing him. He's dead with thirty seconds. The hallway appears to be empty, but you've been shot in the stomach and are now bleeding. 05-03-2019 12:30:45 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: > 05-03-2019 12:31:07 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Stomach as in abdomen, FYI. Intestines, not the stomach *organ*. 05-03-2019 12:31:46 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Back up through the metal door, close and lock it, and begin to treat my wound. 05-03-2019 12:32:02 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Oh, also, the door at the far end of the hallway is open now. Nobody is visible through it, you can see some crates though. 05-03-2019 12:32:45 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: You do so, and with 4 skill do a damn good job. Buut you've been shot in the intestines. That's gonna go septic without surgery, and it's not exactly surgery you can do on yourself. 05-03-2019 12:32:56 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Those are the guns. If anyone's still alive, they're probably heavilly armed now. 05-03-2019 12:33:24 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: You have medication and can keep yourself on your feet, but you prooobably want to be out of here and in a hosoital within, ohh I don't know... Twenty minutes? Less? 05-03-2019 12:34:42 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: > 05-03-2019 12:35:02 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Well, let's mop up quickly. Ready the SMG, start clearing. Start with the crate room. If I see or hear anything that *might* be someone, start shooting at it. 05-03-2019 12:36:41 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: So, there's one more guy alive in here, who's been wounded when you shot him earlier. 05-03-2019 12:38:00 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: There's lots of crates in the room you expected, and one door out of there, which going into a dining room. The dining room has doors into the entrance room and the kitchen, and in the kitchen, you find the guy you wounded, taking cover behind a metal counter and aiming at the door you shot him in. You can shoot him in the back of the head. y/n? 05-03-2019 12:39:06 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: y 05-03-2019 12:39:52 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: You just unload bullets into him, peppering everything. He's very dead. 05-03-2019 12:40:00 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: U R Winrar 05-03-2019 12:40:20 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: yay, I killed *everyone* 05-03-2019 12:44:39 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Sent you a victory image through Discord. 05-03-2019 12:46:00 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: okay how much do I get paid. 05-03-2019 12:48:02 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Uhh. Eight corpses, so 80k? 05-03-2019 12:48:16 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Is 10,000 a good price for murder> 05-03-2019 12:48:27 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: *shrug* 05-03-2019 12:48:40 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: was the goal murder or reclaimation of goods? 05-03-2019 12:50:24 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: I have no clue. 05-03-2019 12:50:29 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Murder sounds good. 05-03-2019 12:50:43 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: mony 05-03-2019 12:51:03 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: eh, sounds good. How likely was I to survive all this? 05-03-2019 12:51:42 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Unlikely. Almost every time someone shot at you they missed, and you passed all your saves for the hits. 05-03-2019 12:52:15 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: On a whim I basically let luck substitute for gun skill, so you kinda just autokilled everyone as well. And nobody else made saves, really. 05-03-2019 12:53:03 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: it's good being unreasonably lucky 05-03-2019 12:53:36 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: The not-being-hit wasn't connected to high luck, btw. That was just traditional luck. 05-03-2019 12:54:25 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: it works on multiple levels, yes ;P 05-03-2019 12:57:16 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: How dangerous is the shot I took despite being able to get medical treatment for it? 05-03-2019 12:59:40 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: The arm wound, not terribly. Gutshot, probably lethal without treatment, and a month in the hospital with. Potentially still lethal. 05-03-2019 13:00:00 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: I have no system for wound severity, so in game terms it's just "bad" 05-03-2019 13:00:42 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: So yeah that's a "might still die" for 80k ;P 05-03-2019 13:01:16 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Dystopia. 05-03-2019 13:02:03 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: putting most of my stat points in med when I'm alone with no allies might not have been optimal, but hey it kept me alive. 05-03-2019 13:02:10 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: *skill 05-03-2019 13:02:42 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: But maybe if I had 4 CQC skill instead I wouldn't have taken those hits at all. 05-03-2019 13:03:10 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Ah, I think you'd still have taken the arm shot. 05-03-2019 13:03:28 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: yeah, that one probably. 05-03-2019 13:03:30 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: The other two (three?) though, yeah, 4 CQC would've meant they never happened. 05-03-2019 13:04:27 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: sheathing my knife there was one of those things where a tiny part of me was screaming that it's a terrible idea and I did it anyways. :P 05-03-2019 13:05:18 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Silly ER, not just murdering people. 05-03-2019 13:05:54 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: I could have still tied him up. 05-03-2019 13:06:11 < * syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms shrugs 05-03-2019 13:06:31 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: There's a universe where I handle this silently without killing anyone. :P 05-03-2019 13:06:47 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Though that probably should have had more agility 05-03-2019 13:17:44 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: how well did I play? Did I make some good calls or was I totally carried by my luck? :P 05-03-2019 13:18:39 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: A little of both. 05-03-2019 13:19:01 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Very aggressive and would've lost if the enemies were more skilled, but not bad. 05-03-2019 13:19:42 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Certainly guessed that someone would try to ambush me when I went back upstairs, given how quiet things had been. 05-03-2019 13:20:24 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Could have been less aggressive, but that aggression did pay off quite a bit. 05-03-2019 13:21:17 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Yep. 05-03-2019 13:21:31 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Falling back just to the metal door and ambushing the guy coming out of it. He was the most heavilly armed enemy there was and just knifing him was a big advantage. 05-03-2019 13:21:36 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Also, going for the knife at melee range, rather than using the gun. 05-03-2019 13:21:46 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Yeah. 05-03-2019 13:22:19 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: A knife is certainly more lethal than a 22 >.> 05-03-2019 13:23:10 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Also, suppressing the two people in the basement. Though you could've just not fought them. 05-03-2019 13:23:23 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Their horrid aim was because of the constant and heavy suppression. 05-03-2019 13:23:45 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: ...Oh, but you can move and shoot. With suppression, might as well, accuracy isn't what matters. 05-03-2019 13:24:27 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Didn't want to push that too much, my gun skills aren't exactly great. 05-03-2019 13:25:57 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Hm 05-03-2019 13:26:32 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: I was thinking of a three way split between marksmanship, close combat, and hand-to-hand skills 05-03-2019 13:27:15 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: I went with melee being unaimed fire as well, because in a realistic setting there is very little room for melee. 05-03-2019 13:31:30 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Also thought that for willpower if you run out of it you have to try to escape the fight in some way and if you can't you're forced to spend some stamina to regain Willpower. 05-03-2019 13:32:46 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: If you're absolutely terrified and don't want to fight but your back's to the wall, you roll 1d6 and lose that much stamina and regain that much willpower. 05-03-2019 13:33:19 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: In my system at least, will is just the stat you roll to save against stress, mostly from suppression. 05-03-2019 13:33:42 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: If you have low will, when you're in danger you'll quickly start taking large penalties; 05-03-2019 13:33:59 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: If you have high will, you might still take penalties, but only for really bad stuff; 05-03-2019 13:34:33 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Here it's pretty much secondary health. 05-03-2019 13:34:55 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: It's what makes you lose a fight other than just your body being disassembled. 05-03-2019 13:37:44 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: It's less of a risk if the enemy will relentlessly try to kill you, but it can still eat all your stamina and kill you that way. 05-03-2019 13:38:05 -!- ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 05-03-2019 13:43:02 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: <3 05-03-2019 13:52:54 -!- er!androirc@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com has joined #einsteinianroulette 05-03-2019 13:53:07 < er!androirc@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Welp, it's 24 degrees 05-03-2019 13:53:34 < er!androirc@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: That's pretty cold. 05-03-2019 13:58:01 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Owchie. 05-03-2019 14:20:28 -!- er!androirc@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com has quit [Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com )] 05-03-2019 14:52:50 -!- ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com has joined #einsteinianroulette 05-03-2019 14:54:05 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: hmm 05-03-2019 14:54:19 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: ...do smaller slices of bread toast faster? 05-03-2019 15:02:52 -!- piecewise!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net has joined #einsteinianroulette 05-03-2019 15:03:02 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: hey piecewise 05-03-2019 15:04:13 < piecewise!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net: hello 05-03-2019 15:04:46 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: hallo smily 05-03-2019 15:07:06 < Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp: probably not, ER. 05-03-2019 15:14:49 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: You didn't sleep long, Dev. 05-03-2019 15:15:43 < Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp: Yeah, shoulda knocked it off earlier. 05-03-2019 15:15:52 < Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp: but work's coming up. 05-03-2019 15:16:12 < Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp: Prolly take a nap after work. 05-03-2019 15:19:33 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: who needs sleep right 05-03-2019 15:21:26 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: sigh, I have eight "go into the vessels" boldtexts and have absolutely nothing on the vessels themselves yet. 05-03-2019 15:22:38 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Want me to write up eight random humans for you? 05-03-2019 15:23:07 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: no, I feel like I just have to do it. 05-03-2019 15:24:27 < Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp: yes. 05-03-2019 15:24:40 < Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp: give someone a dog. 05-03-2019 15:25:05 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=17PM-UMVud8 05-03-2019 15:26:27 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: doge 05-03-2019 15:27:10 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: https://youtu.be/hcmE-8FC0Jc?list=PL0DCF936733BF2A25 05-03-2019 15:27:31 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Far far did you get in Iji, syv? 05-03-2019 15:27:32 < Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DkLSAR6UYAA4XPP.jpg 05-03-2019 15:27:57 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Amaretsu is good girl 05-03-2019 15:28:26 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: I never got farther than where I stopped streaming, because I never played again. 05-03-2019 15:28:29 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: The robot boss? 05-03-2019 15:28:46 < Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp: just thinking of angel dog. 05-03-2019 15:29:07 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: So farther than the first Asha fight, at least. 05-03-2019 15:29:39 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Good old horizontal wolf. 10/10 best wolf orientation. 05-03-2019 15:29:55 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: The robot is my least favorite fight. Iosa, Asha 2, and Tor are more impressive. 05-03-2019 15:30:03 < Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp: Heh. 05-03-2019 15:31:28 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: And I'll have to show you both pacifist versions of Iosa at some point, because they're both interesting. :P 05-03-2019 15:31:45 < Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp: ok, bye. 05-03-2019 15:31:47 < Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp: see ya. 05-03-2019 15:31:49 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: 1,3 05-03-2019 15:31:52 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: <3 05-03-2019 15:31:52 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: o/ 05-03-2019 15:31:53 < Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp: bug me after my nap about birdgame. 05-03-2019 15:32:00 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: BIRD 05-03-2019 15:33:02 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: went to the library yesterday, saw some nonfiction books about birds. 05-03-2019 15:33:14 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: might have to check one out sometime :I 05-03-2019 15:38:25 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: dice says 3 male vessels and 4 female vessels. k 05-03-2019 15:38:32 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: *5 05-03-2019 15:44:49 < piecewise!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net: Birb 05-03-2019 15:45:11 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: do you think that I should allow progression in Vessel? 05-03-2019 15:48:24 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: No? 05-03-2019 15:48:38 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: It's just a single mission, progression is entirely unnecessary. 05-03-2019 15:48:47 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: yes no maybe I don't know 05-03-2019 15:49:27 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Guess I could do the one mission and then try to push the game off to someone else :P 05-03-2019 15:55:58 < piecewise!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net: Allow them to progress into a grave 05-03-2019 15:56:49 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: Nah, angels don't die easy. 05-03-2019 15:57:22 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: The immortal player characters is one of several ways in which this game's structure mimics ER~ 05-03-2019 15:57:56 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: HAHAHAHA 05-03-2019 15:58:11 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: FINALLY got to the second checkpoint of this damn spiderman racing map 05-03-2019 15:58:20 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Only took me SIX HUNDRED deaths. 05-03-2019 15:58:38 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: And noe it'll crash and put me at the start, probably, but still. FINALLY> 05-03-2019 16:01:45 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: ...Ans then I get the next one in seven deaths. Huh. 05-03-2019 16:05:08 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: the other ways in which this game is similar to ER are: mission-based structure, green benevolent overlord, PCs with way too much firepower, I'm making it up as I go. 05-03-2019 16:05:49 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: that is, it's a good thing Dev isn't playing. 05-03-2019 16:16:48 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: https://youtu.be/wYt-c0ofZ0o?list=PL0DCF936733BF2A25 05-03-2019 16:31:39 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: uhh out of ideas now! 05-03-2019 16:34:52 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: https://tvtropes.org/ 05-03-2019 16:35:07 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Click the random trope button until you have more ideas. 05-03-2019 16:35:10 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: as if I needed MORE tropes here :P 05-03-2019 16:35:32 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: tropes are practically all I've got going here! 05-03-2019 16:36:07 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: ...Yes, because most media is mostly tropes. 05-03-2019 16:50:17 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: delicious tropes 05-03-2019 16:55:20 < piecewise!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net: Poor ti doesn't seem to understand that 1's make you act silly 05-03-2019 16:58:28 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: She asked me if I would make ones act silly. She seemed kind of concerned about it. I kinda have to agree. 05-03-2019 16:58:55 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: It's like, not really funny to do things that way? 05-03-2019 16:59:51 < piecewise!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net: how would you [1] a take cover then? 05-03-2019 17:02:08 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: If you're not being shot at, I wouldn't need a roll. 05-03-2019 17:02:35 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: if you are being shot at, a 1 means that you strand there dumbfounded and get shot. 05-03-2019 17:04:31 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: I just don't think that a 1/6 chance to act completely out of character for the GM's amusement every time you do anything is a good thing in a roleplaying game. 05-03-2019 17:07:23 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: I interpret ones as "The worst a person could do if they were earnestly attempting to succeed." 05-03-2019 17:09:02 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Exactly how bad that is depends on the game's tone. For something fairly silly like 888th, it'd be hilarious incompetence, but still IC; "instead of shooting your enemy, you shot yourself in the foot". For something serious like PS, it's just failure with some consequences; "instead of shooting your enemy, you missed and now they're angry at you in particular". 05-03-2019 17:12:57 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: ...Fuck, it's noon already. 05-03-2019 17:13:02 < syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms: Gooood day. 05-03-2019 17:13:04 -!- syv!syvarris@72.168.ytq.hms has quit [Quit: Definitely a psyv.] 05-03-2019 17:13:05 < ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com: <3 05-03-2019 17:13:17 -!- ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com has quit [Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- \o/] 05-03-2019 17:13:27 -!- ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com has joined #einsteinianroulette 05-03-2019 19:58:16 -!- ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 05-03-2019 20:10:12 -!- Piecewise_!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net has joined #einsteinianroulette 05-03-2019 20:11:26 -!- Devastator_!chatzilla@qgzi-0q4jd4zi6cuj54sc986sbk6mo.ipv6.telus.net has joined #einsteinianroulette 05-03-2019 20:11:26 -!- Devastator!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 05-03-2019 20:11:26 -!- Devastator_ is now known as Devastator 05-03-2019 20:12:36 -!- Devastator_!chatzilla@2001:569:facb:immk:pysj:hwhp:xlst:swvp has joined #einsteinianroulette 05-03-2019 20:12:53 -!- Devastator!chatzilla@qgzi-0q4jd4zi6cuj54sc986sbk6mo.ipv6.telus.net has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 05-03-2019 20:13:08 -!- Devastator_ is now known as Devastator 05-03-2019 20:13:16 -!- piecewise!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 05-03-2019 21:04:51 -!- Piecewise_!Piecewise@73-679-09-73.lsv2.qwest.net has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 05-03-2019 21:30:07 -!- ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com has joined #einsteinianroulette 05-03-2019 22:20:38 -!- ER!ER@63-39-173-041.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]