30-09-2018 03:52:06 -!- syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr has joined #einsteinianroulette 30-09-2018 03:52:33 < * syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr looks around 30-09-2018 03:52:47 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Logs seem pretty quiet without Dev. 30-09-2018 03:53:47 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: true! 30-09-2018 03:55:09 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: If you leave me by myself I don't really end up doing anything... 30-09-2018 03:56:31 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Or at least nothing public, I guess. 30-09-2018 03:56:47 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: private either! 30-09-2018 03:57:17 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: though part of it is having PW's discord to scream things at if I'm not felling like talking to an empty room 30-09-2018 03:58:19 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: I've been watching more of Cowboy ebop 30-09-2018 03:58:25 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: hmm 30-09-2018 03:58:32 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: How you liking it? 30-09-2018 03:58:42 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: who put enter and shift right next to each other on the keyboard... 30-09-2018 03:59:12 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Ed is somewhere between annoying and amazing and if this is an RTD she is one of my characters 30-09-2018 03:59:25 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Heh. 30-09-2018 03:59:48 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: None of the characters seem like they'd be mine, 'cept maybe for Ein. 30-09-2018 03:59:57 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: doggo 30-09-2018 04:01:10 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: I'm a little annoyed that Faye doesn't seem to have any useful skills that Spike isn't just better at. 30-09-2018 04:01:14 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Spike OP 30-09-2018 04:02:07 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: She has somewhat less bullshit OP reflexes than him and they're both idiots, but in different ways 30-09-2018 04:02:14 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: People with guns often are. Though he sadly underuses them. 30-09-2018 04:03:50 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: He decided to go and fight a circus magician with magical powers and a coat full of very large guns... and he brings one pistol and one knife 30-09-2018 04:04:36 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Idiot. 30-09-2018 04:06:15 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: At least when Faye shows up she shoots at the guy from her fighter... which doesn't actually help because he's a bullshit magical girl, but still smarter than trying to win with a pistol. 30-09-2018 04:08:19 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: I appreciated that the episode where they're hunted by some horrible monster on the ship had the true moral at the end: don't leave things in the fridge 30-09-2018 04:09:13 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: As aesops go, that's unusually practical and wise. 30-09-2018 04:25:03 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: went back to writing death plane, someone died! 30-09-2018 04:25:07 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: yay 30-09-2018 04:26:31 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: feels slightly cruel, but hey the god of the positive plane isn't really someone you want to go and have a friendly chat with. 30-09-2018 04:27:06 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: How many deaths so far? 30-09-2018 04:27:21 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: naturally, he's a kinda intense guy and if she doesn't have a use for you she might just decide to end the conversation by obliterating you. cleaner that way. 30-09-2018 04:27:37 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: this should be the third? 30-09-2018 04:27:49 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: I need to update faster >.>' 30-09-2018 04:28:15 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Is the god of the positive plane Dev? A guy who can be referred to by any pronoun? 30-09-2018 04:28:33 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: probably 30-09-2018 04:28:47 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: though Dev is going to join the game as a PC 30-09-2018 04:29:30 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Pretty sure I haven't used any genered pronouns on God in the actual game. 30-09-2018 04:30:06 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Oh, if it'll suffer you calling it 'it', then it's no goblin. 30-09-2018 04:30:48 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: It won't suffer being called anything but God 30-09-2018 04:30:58 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: or preferably The One True God 30-09-2018 04:34:25 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Ah. So you're just calling it other things because it's not present to smite you. Perhaps it is a goblin, then. 30-09-2018 04:34:54 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: If it were present to smite me, I could smite it first. 30-09-2018 04:51:19 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Huh. I found a quora thread asking "What is 2/3 + 2/3=?" 30-09-2018 04:52:04 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: It's kinda sad that anyone needed to ask that, especially since you can literally copy that into google and the calculator gives the answer, but even worse is that some of the answers are *wrong*. 30-09-2018 04:53:19 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: order of operations? 30-09-2018 04:53:58 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Hah, no, sadly nobody did "2 / 5 / 3". 30-09-2018 04:54:14 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: aw 30-09-2018 04:54:22 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: what were the wrong answers then? 30-09-2018 04:54:31 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: But one of the "solutions" given involves 83/250 as one of the steps, somehow. 30-09-2018 04:54:38 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: wut 30-09-2018 04:54:56 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: this is literally just addition 30-09-2018 04:55:08 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: They gave 333/250 as the "simplest form" of the answer. 30-09-2018 04:55:12 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: they're not even tricky frations 30-09-2018 04:55:51 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: *you just had to add the twos together why* 30-09-2018 05:02:14 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: https://youtu.be/JaWT1piemMs 30-09-2018 05:07:47 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4g7wqFjGf4s 30-09-2018 05:08:01 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Pity FS2 is apparently a hackjob. 30-09-2018 05:08:12 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: ;-; 30-09-2018 05:08:56 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: I was surpised when they announced that it was coming out. Seemed a bit sudden. 30-09-2018 05:09:28 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Still seems wonderful, but I think it may have had some development troubles 30-09-2018 05:10:40 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Yeah. To my understanding, FS1 got a lot of patches after it was released, so I imagine FS2 will get better. 30-09-2018 05:10:58 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: I'll wait for that to either be confirmed, or the price to go down, though. 30-09-2018 05:26:59 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Survivio's working for me, now. 30-09-2018 05:27:13 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: I'm not very good, but would you be interested in playing Duo? 30-09-2018 05:28:37 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: if you like 30-09-2018 05:29:46 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: surviv.io#84mW 30-09-2018 05:29:57 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: surviv.io/#84mW * 30-09-2018 05:30:30 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: doesn't work 30-09-2018 05:31:02 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: http://surviv.io/#87mW ??? 30-09-2018 05:40:48 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Awww 30-09-2018 05:40:55 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: :( 30-09-2018 05:40:59 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: And we had really nice guns, too. 30-09-2018 05:43:36 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: ...I had a grenade. >.< 30-09-2018 05:48:24 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: ha! 30-09-2018 05:48:27 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: that was fun 30-09-2018 05:49:40 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Wow. 30-09-2018 05:49:46 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: ER is badass. 30-09-2018 05:51:58 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Nade! 30-09-2018 05:53:57 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Aww, so close. 30-09-2018 05:54:00 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: fak 30-09-2018 05:54:02 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: That was AWESOME. 30-09-2018 05:54:08 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: ER is badass tho 30-09-2018 05:54:24 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: really should have stuck with the AK rather than letting myself get surrounded 30-09-2018 05:55:51 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: My fault. 30-09-2018 06:00:54 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: I dunno what happened there, but fun! 30-09-2018 06:01:01 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: I'm half a mind to just drop any good weapons I find, for you to use. 30-09-2018 06:05:24 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Aaand I suicided instead of healing. 30-09-2018 06:05:34 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: seems good 30-09-2018 06:11:00 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Why didn't you grab armor? 30-09-2018 06:11:04 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: damn I'm badass ;D 30-09-2018 06:11:13 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: didn't notice I guess 30-09-2018 06:11:25 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: lot of things to look at in a short space of time 30-09-2018 06:11:31 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Ah. Thought you were being Devvy. 30-09-2018 06:12:14 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: I AM INCOMPETENT 30-09-2018 06:13:49 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Wow. 30-09-2018 06:16:09 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: ...Wow. 30-09-2018 06:16:49 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Awww. 30-09-2018 06:16:53 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: heh 30-09-2018 06:16:59 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: You killed like five teams. 30-09-2018 06:17:01 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: In a row, 30-09-2018 06:17:03 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: tends to go that way when you're squad solo 30-09-2018 06:17:06 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Without any real break. 30-09-2018 06:17:24 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: this is a fun game~ 30-09-2018 06:17:32 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: little tiring though 30-09-2018 06:17:39 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: may need a break 30-09-2018 06:17:43 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Okay. 30-09-2018 06:20:59 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: I like the axe 30-09-2018 06:21:07 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: today is the first time I've used it 30-09-2018 06:21:30 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: and already I've brutally murdered people both prepared and unprepared using it! 30-09-2018 06:21:52 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: heh, that last guy in the police station did NOT see that coming 30-09-2018 06:22:38 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: but usually I either get murdered early, or slaughter a bunch of squads only to get beaten by two coordinated guys at the very end 30-09-2018 06:23:14 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: I may be doomguy incarnate, but I'm not always sure how to keep my ally alive >.> 30-09-2018 06:23:54 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Get a more competent ally ;P 30-09-2018 06:59:24 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: where would I get one of those? 30-09-2018 06:59:38 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: well, I can play some more now if you like 30-09-2018 07:09:50 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Okay. 30-09-2018 07:10:26 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: http://surviv.io/#vx3y 30-09-2018 07:11:28 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: ... 30-09-2018 07:21:47 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: wew 30-09-2018 07:21:48 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Hahahahaha! 30-09-2018 07:21:53 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Finally! 30-09-2018 07:22:00 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: hah, you got more kills than me 30-09-2018 07:22:05 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: The last guys were kinda junk though. 30-09-2018 07:22:14 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: l u c k 30-09-2018 07:22:15 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Well, I didn't take a break. 30-09-2018 07:23:33 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: #1 then #24... 30-09-2018 07:23:36 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: almost competant 30-09-2018 07:23:50 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Oops. 30-09-2018 07:23:59 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: :3 30-09-2018 07:24:00 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: http://surviv.io/#02dX 30-09-2018 07:27:07 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Didn't reload before trying to revive... 30-09-2018 07:27:08 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: :thinking: 30-09-2018 07:32:10 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: mother of loot though 30-09-2018 07:32:10 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: The hell...? 30-09-2018 07:32:21 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: consider using smoke before reviving 30-09-2018 07:32:27 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: ... 30-09-2018 07:32:34 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: That is very smart. 30-09-2018 07:38:26 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Nice. 30-09-2018 07:38:33 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: *mad laughter* 30-09-2018 07:40:27 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: rip 30-09-2018 07:40:30 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: How do you ask for ammo? 30-09-2018 07:40:39 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: hold c and right mouse 30-09-2018 07:40:52 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: that gives you the squad-oly command 30-09-2018 07:44:00 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: shaha I was dumb 30-09-2018 07:44:16 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: 2 min break 30-09-2018 07:44:19 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: k 30-09-2018 07:46:04 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Back. Here? 30-09-2018 07:46:15 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: yup 30-09-2018 07:49:24 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: >.> 30-09-2018 07:51:18 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Nice. 30-09-2018 07:52:59 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: What I'm seeing here is that I'm your kryptonite. 30-09-2018 07:53:23 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: When I die, you go rambo and murder half the server solo. 30-09-2018 07:54:11 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: unfortunately only half :( 30-09-2018 07:56:21 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: that worked until it didn't 30-09-2018 07:56:47 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: And when YOU die, I immediately unload my magazine into a nearby tree and get shot in the face by someone with a shotty. 30-09-2018 07:59:31 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: My game froze for a second theee. 30-09-2018 07:59:37 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: lag! 30-09-2018 08:17:38 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: welp 30-09-2018 08:24:05 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: ...How do you swap nade types? >.> 30-09-2018 08:24:12 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: press 4 twice 30-09-2018 08:24:16 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Ahh. 30-09-2018 08:24:22 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: I never use the numbers. 30-09-2018 08:24:24 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: which is stupid, yes 30-09-2018 08:30:31 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: nice 30-09-2018 08:30:38 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: !!! 30-09-2018 08:32:53 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Wow. Two complementary rares. 30-09-2018 08:33:33 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Awwww 30-09-2018 08:33:36 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: heh 30-09-2018 08:33:52 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: sometimes you win em, sometimes you, uh, don't 30-09-2018 08:43:51 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: :D 30-09-2018 08:44:08 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: And another! 30-09-2018 08:44:15 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Break. 30-09-2018 08:44:22 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: and they don't stop coming and they 30-09-2018 08:45:13 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: also, Aigre game. I might join this one for the heck of it 30-09-2018 08:45:27 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=172237.0 30-09-2018 08:46:44 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: TIME TO TRUMP. 30-09-2018 08:47:18 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Bio filled out with "Probably." 30-09-2018 08:49:14 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Mine is equally worthless. 30-09-2018 08:49:33 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: It's up to the viewer why Trump is a soldier fighting to get citizenship. 30-09-2018 08:49:44 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: as always 30-09-2018 08:50:38 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: (We'll consider all new characters to be relatives of the previous one and you get a merit point for each death) 30-09-2018 08:50:43 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Ahahahaha. 30-09-2018 08:50:58 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: I can possess and suicide my way through the whole Trump family! 30-09-2018 08:51:05 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: ohno 30-09-2018 08:52:10 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: New team link: http://surviv.io/#u3vb 30-09-2018 08:52:17 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Ready if you are. :) 30-09-2018 08:55:21 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Oh well. 30-09-2018 08:57:33 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: bottom of the totem pole 30-09-2018 09:03:22 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Well, we came close that time. 30-09-2018 09:03:27 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Vector doesn't seem so good. 30-09-2018 09:04:23 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: :thinking: 30-09-2018 09:04:26 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: I thought he was you at first. >.< 30-09-2018 09:15:35 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: 1 kill victory ;P 30-09-2018 09:15:52 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Heh. 30-09-2018 09:16:00 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: 506 vs 751 damage, you were finishing. 30-09-2018 09:17:24 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: lag QQ 30-09-2018 09:23:55 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: :| 30-09-2018 09:32:13 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: *celebration* 30-09-2018 09:32:17 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: New thing: If someone uses the radiation symbol and drops something, they want the other to take it. 30-09-2018 09:32:29 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: The M4A1 should be taken by the guy with the 8x. 30-09-2018 09:32:35 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: heh 30-09-2018 09:32:47 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: I was actually pretty happy with my ak and spaz 30-09-2018 09:43:28 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: aaaaaaaaaa 30-09-2018 09:44:01 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Hmm. Spaz and ak. 'And' in Spanish is y. "Spaz y ak". 30-09-2018 09:44:13 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: yup 30-09-2018 09:53:05 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: I appear to be dying a lot owo 30-09-2018 09:59:30 -!- parisbre56[Away]!parisbre56@kmq424538833926.access.hol.gr has joined #einsteinianroulette 30-09-2018 09:59:30 -!- Topic for #einsteinianroulette: Intergalactic Day of Mourning for 2016 (2016-2016) 30-09-2018 09:59:30 -!- Topic set by Remalle!Variety@i2246816zi629tu21.vc.shawcable.net [Tuesday 03 January 2017, 06:26:56] 30-09-2018 10:05:11 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: good job, trump! 30-09-2018 10:05:22 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: He was invisible! 30-09-2018 10:05:42 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: ghilly suit 30-09-2018 10:05:45 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Dude coulda run up to me and punched me to death, I'd have had no idea what was going on... 30-09-2018 10:14:48 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Was that two in a row? 30-09-2018 10:14:53 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: maybe 30-09-2018 10:17:38 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Well, not three in a row. :P 30-09-2018 10:27:47 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: got final kill by axe murdering someone in the toilet 30-09-2018 10:27:52 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Hah. 30-09-2018 10:27:59 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: I shouldn't have gone down thee. 30-09-2018 10:28:12 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: We could havestayed on the surface and killed him when he came up. 30-09-2018 10:28:17 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: yeah I just did because I thought you might need backup 30-09-2018 10:28:25 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: My bad. 30-09-2018 10:35:07 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: damn 30-09-2018 10:35:26 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: This one's the last. 30-09-2018 10:37:59 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: And tha';s that. 30-09-2018 10:38:10 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: it is how it is 30-09-2018 10:38:12 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Nine wins tonight. 30-09-2018 10:38:36 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: quite something 30-09-2018 11:19:08 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: https://i.imgur.com/9OMCLPF.png 30-09-2018 11:19:10 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Kara's arm brace project is entirely ridiculous. 30-09-2018 11:19:24 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: ...That's a thing. 30-09-2018 11:19:35 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: y-yes 30-09-2018 11:19:44 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Looks kinda neat. Whatsit? 30-09-2018 11:22:16 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: raaaaaaandom lines! 30-09-2018 11:22:43 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: maybe I wanna put something neat an meaningless on the hunter's handbook cover? eh 30-09-2018 11:24:33 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: That'd be cool. 30-09-2018 11:25:08 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: It does look neat enough, though I think I'd give it a dash of color. A gradient or something. Also, texture. 30-09-2018 11:27:03 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: think it's sorta interesting as purely black and white 30-09-2018 11:27:46 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Fair. Might look a bit too digital without texture, though. 30-09-2018 11:29:19 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: hmm 30-09-2018 11:37:51 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: well, I've roughly copied it with pencil now...? 30-09-2018 11:38:22 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: the left leg is a bit off :P 30-09-2018 11:41:03 -!- syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr has quit [Quit: Definitely a psyv.] 30-09-2018 12:26:57 -!- ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 30-09-2018 19:24:47 -!- NJW!Mibbit@63-20-23-017.dynamic.dsl.as7983.com has joined #einsteinianroulette 30-09-2018 19:24:56 < NJW!Mibbit@63-20-23-017.dynamic.dsl.as7983.com: Hm. 30-09-2018 19:26:14 < NJW!Mibbit@63-20-23-017.dynamic.dsl.as7983.com: No time to do it now, but I've realised you can go straight to the bed of chaos when playing dark souls, without doing any of the other bits. 30-09-2018 19:27:38 < NJW!Mibbit@63-20-23-017.dynamic.dsl.as7983.com: I.e. go through Queelag, past the golden fog, and through Izalith proper, without ringing either bell or going through Sen's Fortress and Anor Londo 30-09-2018 19:31:00 < NJW!Mibbit@63-20-23-017.dynamic.dsl.as7983.com: This would be an excellent route for a fire/chaos/pyromancy build, as most worthwhile pyromancies and many fire-path upgrade materials can be found in Izalith, along with the relevant embers and huge numbers of souls. 30-09-2018 19:33:07 < NJW!Mibbit@63-20-23-017.dynamic.dsl.as7983.com: A "Master Pyromancer" run might involve going straight down to Queelag, killing her, cheesing Ceaseless Discharge and the Demon Firesage with the intended mechanic and elevator plunge respectively. 30-09-2018 19:37:13 < NJW!Mibbit@63-20-23-017.dynamic.dsl.as7983.com: Before upgrading the pyromancy flame, meeting Queelana, obtaining powerful pyromancies, possibly grabbing power within and the RTSR, and perhaps freeing Laurentius. 30-09-2018 19:40:19 < NJW!Mibbit@63-20-23-017.dynamic.dsl.as7983.com: After preparation up above, it would be possible to go down through the demon ruins to Lost Izalith, using Solaire or something on the centipede demon. 30-09-2018 19:42:01 < NJW!Mibbit@63-20-23-017.dynamic.dsl.as7983.com: Going through Lost Izalith, one may obtain valuable souls, Demon Titanite, red titanite chunks and a slab, as well as the chaos fire whip pyromancy. 30-09-2018 19:43:34 < NJW!Mibbit@63-20-23-017.dynamic.dsl.as7983.com: Killing the bed of chaos is only slightly harder at low level, and gives very many souls. Note: resting at the bonfire there WILL hardlock you out of completing the playthrough. 30-09-2018 19:44:46 < NJW!Mibbit@63-20-23-017.dynamic.dsl.as7983.com: Once the Bed of Chaos is down, one can simply stroll back to the sisters of Chaos, possibly obtaining chaos firestorm, definitely obtaining the normal firestorm. Running to Vamos will subsequently be a breeze with an upgraded pyromancy flame and spells 30-09-2018 19:45:18 < NJW!Mibbit@63-20-23-017.dynamic.dsl.as7983.com: A +5 chaos or +10 fire weapon can then be obtained. 30-09-2018 19:46:16 < NJW!Mibbit@63-20-23-017.dynamic.dsl.as7983.com: Congratulations. One Lord of Cinder is down, and you now have a pyromancy build capable of destroying everything but the DLC with ease. 30-09-2018 19:47:42 < NJW!Mibbit@63-20-23-017.dynamic.dsl.as7983.com: As an afterthought, one may want to go through the black knights in the undead asylum for red chunks, and the stray demon for a titanite slab. A lightning weapon can be made for the few fire-resistant enemies left as soon as Anor Londo. 30-09-2018 19:49:58 < NJW!Mibbit@63-20-23-017.dynamic.dsl.as7983.com: The DLC does pose some difficulty for a true pyromancer build, but a transition into a dex/pyro setup has synergy, while a str/pyro or quality/pyro setup is possible for this. 30-09-2018 19:51:52 < NJW!Mibbit@63-20-23-017.dynamic.dsl.as7983.com: I wonder if anyone has done this. 30-09-2018 19:51:54 -!- NJW!Mibbit@63-20-23-017.dynamic.dsl.as7983.com has quit [Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client]