05-07-2018 00:08:46 < Devastator!chatzilla@bcrs-5f4ib4vv1cue9abacx1y6h74k.ipv1.telus.net: ! 05-07-2018 00:08:54 < Devastator!chatzilla@bcrs-5f4ib4vv1cue9abacx1y6h74k.ipv1.telus.net: New epidsode of Emperor Text to Speech. 05-07-2018 00:08:59 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: ah 05-07-2018 00:09:20 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: just got finished reading the new all guardmen party 05-07-2018 00:12:42 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: "episode 26 part 1" 05-07-2018 00:27:20 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: shit, they played an actual game of warhammer 40k to base the video on? :P 05-07-2018 00:27:47 < Devastator!chatzilla@bcrs-5f4ib4vv1cue9abacx1y6h74k.ipv1.telus.net: That explains why it took so long for the video. 05-07-2018 00:29:33 < Devastator!chatzilla@bcrs-5f4ib4vv1cue9abacx1y6h74k.ipv1.telus.net: It's also possible every faction had a different commander. 05-07-2018 00:30:15 < Devastator!chatzilla@bcrs-5f4ib4vv1cue9abacx1y6h74k.ipv1.telus.net: I know next to nothing about how tabletop WH actually works, and thus have no idea which side should be favored. 05-07-2018 00:31:19 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: basically, fuckton of dice, things die when they are shot at unless they have armor to not die when they're shot at, roll more dice, try to cast magic, roll more dice, explode 05-07-2018 00:31:30 < Devastator!chatzilla@bcrs-5f4ib4vv1cue9abacx1y6h74k.ipv1.telus.net: I already knew that much. 05-07-2018 00:32:17 < Devastator!chatzilla@bcrs-5f4ib4vv1cue9abacx1y6h74k.ipv1.telus.net: Heh, yeah, tank works okay until dude with sufficient quantities of AP runs up to it. 05-07-2018 00:34:19 < Devastator!chatzilla@bcrs-5f4ib4vv1cue9abacx1y6h74k.ipv1.telus.net: Drago's not having a good day. 05-07-2018 00:35:15 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: nope 05-07-2018 00:36:08 < Devastator!chatzilla@bcrs-5f4ib4vv1cue9abacx1y6h74k.ipv1.telus.net: Wow, the inquisitorial forces are getting wrecked. 05-07-2018 00:38:25 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: I hate CAPITALISIM 05-07-2018 00:47:04 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: well that's a pretty literal deus ex machina 05-07-2018 00:48:15 < Devastator!chatzilla@bcrs-5f4ib4vv1cue9abacx1y6h74k.ipv1.telus.net: Yeah. Somewhat predictable, but damn, that was a terribly ran battle. 05-07-2018 00:56:51 < Devastator!chatzilla@bcrs-5f4ib4vv1cue9abacx1y6h74k.ipv1.telus.net: Oh god, the final mission they have to be subtle. 05-07-2018 00:57:59 < Devastator!chatzilla@bcrs-5f4ib4vv1cue9abacx1y6h74k.ipv1.telus.net: I take it the other conspiracy agent was the Asshat. 05-07-2018 00:59:16 < Devastator!chatzilla@bcrs-5f4ib4vv1cue9abacx1y6h74k.ipv1.telus.net: He'd been in their company, was obviously traitorous, and probably, finally, came to the realization that they get shit done. 05-07-2018 00:59:48 -!- Aigreish!Aigre@2404:e800:e615:sg:uhqu:tils:hsnr:lwgi has joined #einsteinianroulette 05-07-2018 01:00:52 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: welp, might need to rewatch that with less pausing and reading >_> 05-07-2018 01:01:11 < Devastator!chatzilla@bcrs-5f4ib4vv1cue9abacx1y6h74k.ipv1.telus.net: Eh. 05-07-2018 01:01:21 < Devastator!chatzilla@bcrs-5f4ib4vv1cue9abacx1y6h74k.ipv1.telus.net: It wasn't bad, but not worth the, what, 18 months? 05-07-2018 01:02:50 -!- Aigresaur!Aigre@2404:e800:e615:sg:uhqu:tils:hsnr:lwgi has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 05-07-2018 01:04:51 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: so the emperor was still just trolling Fyodor, but the star child thought it sounded like an actual good idea? Or maybe it coincidentally had this all set up. Or maybe the emperor knew and just pretended to be trolling in order to complete his ALL ACCORDING TO KAIKAKU 05-07-2018 01:05:58 < Devastator!chatzilla@bcrs-5f4ib4vv1cue9abacx1y6h74k.ipv1.telus.net: The emperor was trolling Fyodor, but he was doing it to send a vessel for the starchild into the warp. 05-07-2018 01:06:10 < Devastator!chatzilla@bcrs-5f4ib4vv1cue9abacx1y6h74k.ipv1.telus.net: AND recover Leman Russ. 05-07-2018 01:09:26 < Devastator!chatzilla@bcrs-5f4ib4vv1cue9abacx1y6h74k.ipv1.telus.net: But yeah, Emps totally planned this. 05-07-2018 01:09:41 < Devastator!chatzilla@bcrs-5f4ib4vv1cue9abacx1y6h74k.ipv1.telus.net: All back to getting Magnus to send the inquisition into the warp. 05-07-2018 01:09:47 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: I hope they recorded that game and upload it later :P 05-07-2018 01:16:19 < Devastator!chatzilla@bcrs-5f4ib4vv1cue9abacx1y6h74k.ipv1.telus.net: Maybe. 05-07-2018 01:16:30 < Devastator!chatzilla@bcrs-5f4ib4vv1cue9abacx1y6h74k.ipv1.telus.net: You'd probably have to check a bunch of twitter channels and such to find it, though. 05-07-2018 01:28:59 < Devastator!chatzilla@bcrs-5f4ib4vv1cue9abacx1y6h74k.ipv1.telus.net: "If you were invisible, except for one part of your body, which would it be?" "My skin." 05-07-2018 01:30:12 < Devastator!chatzilla@bcrs-5f4ib4vv1cue9abacx1y6h74k.ipv1.telus.net: It might be best, but... 05-07-2018 01:41:02 -!- MidJag_!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com has joined #einsteinianroulette 05-07-2018 01:42:17 < Devastator!chatzilla@bcrs-5f4ib4vv1cue9abacx1y6h74k.ipv1.telus.net: Hey MJ. 05-07-2018 01:43:04 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: hey there 05-07-2018 01:45:39 < MidJag_!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: ello 05-07-2018 01:54:42 < MidJag_!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: How's peoples fourth been? 05-07-2018 01:55:11 < MidJag_!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: Though when I think about it, myself and ER are the onyl two who would actually observe it who're online right now 05-07-2018 01:57:56 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: heh 05-07-2018 01:58:09 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: *explosions in background* 05-07-2018 02:00:28 < MidJag_!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: Cool 05-07-2018 02:59:54 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: so much freedom 05-07-2018 03:02:50 < MidJag_!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: There is nothing better than freedom in the form of explosion created by people who are almost definitely drunker than you. :P 05-07-2018 03:24:12 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: *ponders what would happen if I used this as the song for a Duet With Reality* https://youtu.be/FDjEoLlPUvs 05-07-2018 03:33:52 < MidJag_!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: probably something hilarious 05-07-2018 03:34:06 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: hmm 05-07-2018 03:34:10 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: stream? 05-07-2018 03:35:49 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: watch me blast the aliens or whatever! 05-07-2018 03:36:18 < MidJag_!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: I can half watch, I'm trying to get some other stuff done. 05-07-2018 03:36:45 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: welp, live then 05-07-2018 03:37:01 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: https://www.twitch.tv/egan_bw 05-07-2018 03:40:41 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: oh, I guess it's actually a sub-100 damage challenge :P 05-07-2018 03:43:26 < * Aigreish!Aigre@2404:e800:e615:sg:uhqu:tils:hsnr:lwgi hugs Devastator 05-07-2018 04:16:05 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: it's hard playing the game at 2 HP :P 05-07-2018 04:16:55 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: but that's the easiest way I can think of to get the sub 100 damage run: if I get hit, I die and reload! 05-07-2018 04:23:09 < MidJag_!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: heh 05-07-2018 05:23:23 < Devastator!chatzilla@bcrs-5f4ib4vv1cue9abacx1y6h74k.ipv1.telus.net: back. 05-07-2018 05:23:31 < Devastator!chatzilla@bcrs-5f4ib4vv1cue9abacx1y6h74k.ipv1.telus.net: PW didn't happen, I see. 05-07-2018 05:24:37 < MidJag_!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: was he going to? 05-07-2018 05:25:50 < Devastator!chatzilla@bcrs-5f4ib4vv1cue9abacx1y6h74k.ipv1.telus.net: Dunno, had some Cabal related questions. 05-07-2018 05:27:53 < MidJag_!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: Ah. 05-07-2018 05:28:14 < MidJag_!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: well it's the fourht of july. He's probably busy 05-07-2018 05:29:04 < MidJag_!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: also could someone link the logs? 05-07-2018 05:32:54 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: go to your browser's history 05-07-2018 05:32:58 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: type in "paris" 05-07-2018 05:33:06 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: maybe scroll a little? 05-07-2018 05:33:17 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: if you like, are planning a trip to paris? 05-07-2018 05:33:25 < Devastator!chatzilla@bcrs-5f4ib4vv1cue9abacx1y6h74k.ipv1.telus.net: Just a sec. 05-07-2018 05:33:36 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: https://parisbre56.com:9992/ 05-07-2018 05:33:55 < Devastator!chatzilla@bcrs-5f4ib4vv1cue9abacx1y6h74k.ipv1.telus.net: thanks ER. 05-07-2018 05:34:25 < MidJag_!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: ah, forgot, I was trying ER logs. 05-07-2018 05:59:54 -!- Aigresaur!Aigre@2404:e800:e615:sg:uhqu:tils:hsnr:lwgi has joined #einsteinianroulette 05-07-2018 06:03:41 -!- Aigreish!Aigre@2404:e800:e615:sg:uhqu:tils:hsnr:lwgi has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 05-07-2018 06:13:09 < Devastator!chatzilla@bcrs-5f4ib4vv1cue9abacx1y6h74k.ipv1.telus.net: so how are you doing, MJ? 05-07-2018 06:14:57 < MidJag_!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: Not bad. My jobs been keeping me busy is the main thing, through no fault of my own I'm in crunch time for getting results. 05-07-2018 06:16:54 < MidJag_!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: how about yourself? 05-07-2018 06:17:04 < Devastator!chatzilla@bcrs-5f4ib4vv1cue9abacx1y6h74k.ipv1.telus.net: Okay. Got a decent job prospect coming up. 05-07-2018 06:18:17 < MidJag_!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: ah cool. What sorta thing if you don't mind me asking? 05-07-2018 06:21:22 < Devastator!chatzilla@bcrs-5f4ib4vv1cue9abacx1y6h74k.ipv1.telus.net: Fixing computers. 05-07-2018 06:24:34 < Devastator!chatzilla@bcrs-5f4ib4vv1cue9abacx1y6h74k.ipv1.telus.net: That's about it. 05-07-2018 06:24:37 < MidJag_!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: Neat. 05-07-2018 06:26:08 < MidJag_!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: Sounds interesting at least. 05-07-2018 06:30:37 -!- Aigreish!Aigre@2404:e800:e615:sg:uhqu:tils:hsnr:lwgi has joined #einsteinianroulette 05-07-2018 06:32:12 -!- ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 05-07-2018 06:32:16 < MidJag_!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: night 05-07-2018 06:32:20 -!- MidJag_!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com has left #einsteinianroulette 05-07-2018 06:32:57 -!- parisbre56[Away] is now known as parisbre56 05-07-2018 06:33:19 > parisbre56: hm. no ER 05-07-2018 06:33:23 -!- parisbre56 is now known as parisbre56[Away] 05-07-2018 06:34:08 < Devastator!chatzilla@bcrs-5f4ib4vv1cue9abacx1y6h74k.ipv1.telus.net: aww. 05-07-2018 06:34:08 -!- Aigresaur!Aigre@2404:e800:e615:sg:uhqu:tils:hsnr:lwgi has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 05-07-2018 06:34:13 < Devastator!chatzilla@bcrs-5f4ib4vv1cue9abacx1y6h74k.ipv1.telus.net: He just left, Paris. 05-07-2018 06:36:46 < Devastator!chatzilla@bcrs-5f4ib4vv1cue9abacx1y6h74k.ipv1.telus.net: Heh, syv updating P&P. 05-07-2018 06:36:56 < Devastator!chatzilla@bcrs-5f4ib4vv1cue9abacx1y6h74k.ipv1.telus.net: I"m sure you like it, but UPDATE YOUR OWN GAME TOO, DAMMIT! 05-07-2018 06:37:07 < Devastator!chatzilla@bcrs-5f4ib4vv1cue9abacx1y6h74k.ipv1.telus.net: (speaking for the logs, there.) 05-07-2018 07:34:44 < Devastator!chatzilla@bcrs-5f4ib4vv1cue9abacx1y6h74k.ipv1.telus.net: https://imgur.com/Ahz7YLQ 05-07-2018 09:12:40 -!- Aigresaur!Aigre@2404:e800:e615:sg:uhqu:tils:hsnr:lwgi has joined #einsteinianroulette 05-07-2018 09:15:54 -!- Aigreish!Aigre@2404:e800:e615:sg:uhqu:tils:hsnr:lwgi has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 05-07-2018 11:27:49 -!- Oz!Mibbit@65-151-624-240.lightspeed.wyngmi.sbcglobal.net has joined #einsteinianroulette 05-07-2018 11:28:30 < Devastator!chatzilla@bcrs-5f4ib4vv1cue9abacx1y6h74k.ipv1.telus.net: oh, hey oz. 05-07-2018 11:28:44 < Oz!Mibbit@65-151-624-240.lightspeed.wyngmi.sbcglobal.net: Hey Dev 05-07-2018 11:29:12 < Oz!Mibbit@65-151-624-240.lightspeed.wyngmi.sbcglobal.net: you should consider posting our next target, since it looks like everyone is basically settled. 05-07-2018 11:29:50 < Devastator!chatzilla@bcrs-5f4ib4vv1cue9abacx1y6h74k.ipv1.telus.net: I'll do so tomorrow. I already let PW know about it. 05-07-2018 11:31:07 < Devastator!chatzilla@bcrs-5f4ib4vv1cue9abacx1y6h74k.ipv1.telus.net: The bank. 05-07-2018 11:31:27 < Oz!Mibbit@65-151-624-240.lightspeed.wyngmi.sbcglobal.net: ah 05-07-2018 11:31:49 < Devastator!chatzilla@bcrs-5f4ib4vv1cue9abacx1y6h74k.ipv1.telus.net: Takes him a few days to make up the map, anyway. 05-07-2018 11:32:13 < Oz!Mibbit@65-151-624-240.lightspeed.wyngmi.sbcglobal.net: all the more reason to get him started on it now. 05-07-2018 11:32:40 < Devastator!chatzilla@bcrs-5f4ib4vv1cue9abacx1y6h74k.ipv1.telus.net: Yeah, I let him know already. 05-07-2018 12:10:31 < Devastator!chatzilla@bcrs-5f4ib4vv1cue9abacx1y6h74k.ipv1.telus.net: I'm not sure I have sensible orders for Freddie. I think I'll simplify them a bit. 05-07-2018 12:20:02 < Devastator!chatzilla@bcrs-5f4ib4vv1cue9abacx1y6h74k.ipv1.telus.net: There. 05-07-2018 12:20:08 < Devastator!chatzilla@bcrs-5f4ib4vv1cue9abacx1y6h74k.ipv1.telus.net: Those make more sense? 05-07-2018 12:21:53 < Oz!Mibbit@65-151-624-240.lightspeed.wyngmi.sbcglobal.net: I'll check 05-07-2018 12:22:57 < Oz!Mibbit@65-151-624-240.lightspeed.wyngmi.sbcglobal.net: BAsically the difference is you are moving your head and neck instead of tensing up allthe muscles and relaxing htem.Ntot really a big difference, is it? 05-07-2018 12:23:13 < Devastator!chatzilla@bcrs-5f4ib4vv1cue9abacx1y6h74k.ipv1.telus.net: Well, I'm doing them in sequence rather than all at once. 05-07-2018 12:24:30 < Devastator!chatzilla@bcrs-5f4ib4vv1cue9abacx1y6h74k.ipv1.telus.net: It also means I'll be bending the neck around a little rather than cramping it in place. 05-07-2018 13:14:18 -!- Oz!Mibbit@65-151-624-240.lightspeed.wyngmi.sbcglobal.net has quit [Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client] 05-07-2018 21:07:14 -!- Aigresaur!Aigre@2404:e800:e615:sg:uhqu:tils:hsnr:lwgi has quit [Quit: Leaving] 05-07-2018 23:54:00 -!- ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com has joined #einsteinianroulette