21-06-2018 00:21:58 -!- ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com has joined #einsteinianroulette 21-06-2018 00:22:08 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: o hai ther 21-06-2018 00:24:04 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: o/ 21-06-2018 00:29:12 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Aw, so Semblance doesn't let me turn into a plasma-breathing dragon and spew soul-powered sticky death all over everything like an Aigre? 21-06-2018 00:29:22 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: How reasonable! 21-06-2018 00:33:23 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Hmm, so I guess with Finale Semblance, I'd end up with something more like... an armored giantess? 21-06-2018 00:33:58 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: hey 21-06-2018 00:34:04 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Gahh I don't know, my mind is molasses... 21-06-2018 00:34:38 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: If you're a little cute dragon, maybe. Especially if the plasma breath is actually manabolt. 21-06-2018 00:34:57 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: If eating a witch can give me a point to put into their original power set... How many points would I get for eating a magical girl? :p 21-06-2018 00:35:02 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Make your totem a throat and you could even get the totem boost. >< 21-06-2018 00:35:25 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Witches ARE magical girls though 21-06-2018 00:35:37 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: "My totem is freddie's throat-nozzle!" 21-06-2018 00:36:02 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: ...So, same rewards, then 21-06-2018 00:38:17 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Make your totem a flamethrower and summon it inside your neck. 21-06-2018 00:39:06 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: That sounds like it might hurt 21-06-2018 00:41:40 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: But twisting your body into the shape of a metallic dragon wouldn't...? 21-06-2018 00:44:02 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Nah, cause you're turning into a fuckin dragon and that's too cool to hurt 21-06-2018 00:44:57 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Swallowing a flamethrower is totally awesome too tho 21-06-2018 00:45:52 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Make it a weird techno-organic flamethrower, so it actually looks like internal organs. 21-06-2018 00:49:18 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Fits with creative being a fleshhorror, I guess 21-06-2018 00:51:52 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Hey, does eating an uncurrupted soulgem still reduce your maximum soul or something like that? I remember that being a thing but that was before the game actually started and I don't see rules for that in the OP. 21-06-2018 00:52:00 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Though flamethrower doesn't really fit, flamethrowers are for PURGING. That's more a Purity thing. 21-06-2018 00:52:46 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: I removed the "eat other girls for magical power" thing to promote cooperation. And because the game's hard enough as-is. 21-06-2018 00:53:02 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: awwww :p 21-06-2018 00:54:05 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: https://i.imgur.com/1pySr4w.gif 21-06-2018 00:54:07 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: I'm guessing you're not going to be adding NPC magical girls anytime soon? 21-06-2018 00:54:17 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Nooope. 21-06-2018 00:54:39 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: puuuuuurging wiiiith my kiiiiiiiin... 21-06-2018 00:55:03 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: That'd just be unfair, making a DMPC when I both know the system better AND am a better munchkin regardless. 21-06-2018 00:56:10 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Though, actually... Hmm. 21-06-2018 00:56:54 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: b-but then there's basically no reason for them to fight each other, because the game is pretty much leaning towards co-operative. 21-06-2018 00:57:40 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: I'd prolly actually have people meet Hannah if that were less of a random "FUCK YOU". Maybe Victoria or something. 21-06-2018 00:59:08 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Throwing Hannah at them would be hilarious and you should do it~ 21-06-2018 00:59:53 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: *teleports behind u* 21-06-2018 01:02:16 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: MG PvP doesn't really work well for an actual game, the classes are built way too chaotically. Innocence and Joy have autowins for one. And if an MG doesn't fight the players, what *do* they do? Help with labyrinths? Just RP a little then flip people off and run away before they're actually useful? 21-06-2018 01:03:41 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Really any MG NPC would have to be utterly contrived or downright fucked in the head. 21-06-2018 01:04:27 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Hehe. I was going to have at least one whole temple of magical girls in my game. And the ability to drain one's soul in such a way that they become and obediant husk rather than a witch. 21-06-2018 01:04:57 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: That sounds horribly unbalanced and OP/ 21-06-2018 01:05:20 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Murder: Still the best strategy in the post-apocolypse. 21-06-2018 01:06:40 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: muuuuurderrrrrr 21-06-2018 01:09:22 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: murder? 21-06-2018 01:11:50 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Murder. 21-06-2018 01:12:41 -!- MidJag!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com has joined #einsteinianroulette 21-06-2018 01:12:45 < MidJag!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: Allo 21-06-2018 01:12:50 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: hia 21-06-2018 01:13:34 < MidJag!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: Got my comp fixed, amazingly it's not actually on fire. :P 21-06-2018 01:14:32 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: Aww, no weaponized magnesium plates. 21-06-2018 01:14:41 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: oh, you're rare 21-06-2018 01:14:54 < * syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr throws a pokeball at the shiny jaguar 21-06-2018 01:15:05 < MidJag!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: Hey, Jaguars are endangered. 21-06-2018 01:15:07 < MidJag!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: :P 21-06-2018 01:15:26 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Endangered means Delicious! 21-06-2018 01:17:55 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: *firmly disagree* 21-06-2018 01:18:14 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Chickens will always taste fowl, no matter how many of the blighters we kill. 21-06-2018 01:18:32 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: They're much more fun to follow. 21-06-2018 01:19:15 < MidJag!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: Ah haha, this keyboard actually works. It's so nice. 21-06-2018 01:20:32 < MidJag!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: I wonder if knoledge of how rare something is makes the taste subjectivelly better. 21-06-2018 01:21:58 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Probably does for some people. Even serving food stylishly can make people think it tastes better than if it were served in a tupperware. 21-06-2018 01:23:25 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: "Oh, my gourmet albacore is arranged in the shape of a smiling face, how delightful!" 21-06-2018 01:23:50 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: Yes. 21-06-2018 01:24:45 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: No semblance dragons? 21-06-2018 01:25:00 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: I'd expect a MG could do a semblance dragon, albeit one without firebreath. 21-06-2018 01:25:43 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: (reading the logs.) 21-06-2018 01:25:55 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: Maybe not a huuuge one. 21-06-2018 01:27:12 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: would there be a size limit? 21-06-2018 01:27:49 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: "Smaller than an Abrams" 21-06-2018 01:28:29 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: Ahh, ok. 21-06-2018 01:28:37 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Are semblance forms still fairly constrained by physics? Could a dragon fly without having massive wings? 21-06-2018 01:28:41 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: Should be plenty of dragon that can fit inside an Abrams. 21-06-2018 01:28:50 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: Probably, but Mobility would kick in. 21-06-2018 01:29:42 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Good old Mobility, solving all our problems with pesky physics 21-06-2018 01:30:00 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: fuck you, gravity! 21-06-2018 01:30:24 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: Yeah. A Mob 1 dragon with large but not massive wings might not be a good flyer, but I'd bet a Mobility 2 dragon could. 21-06-2018 01:31:11 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: A Mob 0 dragon probably couldn't get off the ground. 21-06-2018 01:33:47 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Little girls can already double jump with Mob 3, sure a dragon could fly. 21-06-2018 01:34:12 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Hell, I'd let Mina fly if she turned her arms into wings, and that seems even *more* impractical to me. 21-06-2018 01:34:47 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Depends how big they are by the end. And if she buffs up her muscles. 21-06-2018 01:35:10 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: https://youtu.be/W57EjnIJu7Q 21-06-2018 01:35:29 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: This is awesome, if for no other reason than he catches a .50 BMG. 21-06-2018 01:36:14 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Also, I didn't know you could buy Raufoss rounds without being military, that's awesome. 21-06-2018 01:36:30 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: ...if nothing else, murrica gun laws allow for entertaining youtube videos! 21-06-2018 01:37:32 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: wow, that looks like quite a bullet 21-06-2018 01:37:42 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: "Eh, why shouldn't civvies be allowed to buy high-explosive armor piercing incendiary anti materiel rounds?" 21-06-2018 01:39:33 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: That hole in the track though 21-06-2018 01:40:03 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Need to ask PW if we can have some of those to kill the magebreaker with . :D 21-06-2018 01:40:09 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Pff, it's a fifty. Punching through a half inch of steel is the whole point. 21-06-2018 01:40:28 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: just... a very circular hole 21-06-2018 01:40:37 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: like it wasn't even trying! 21-06-2018 01:41:12 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Ahahaha, you need to watch more demolition ranch! 21-06-2018 01:42:01 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: That guy loves to show off his M107, the high lord of bigass bullets. 21-06-2018 01:43:24 < MidJag!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: I'm probably the minority here, but vet rench is also really cool. 21-06-2018 01:46:10 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: It is. He's just a good Youtuber in general. 21-06-2018 01:47:49 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: pew pew 21-06-2018 01:48:15 < MidJag!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: Suture suture 21-06-2018 01:50:47 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: dakka dakka! 21-06-2018 01:50:55 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: You know what we should totally do sometime...? A DF succession fort. Between the four of us. Little or no writing, just fucking around and trying to make a functioning fort between four different playstyles. 21-06-2018 01:51:48 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: I haven't played much, so that's a recipe for incompatance 21-06-2018 01:52:36 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: All the better! 21-06-2018 01:52:41 < MidJag!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: I haven't played if forever, but sure. 21-06-2018 01:52:51 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: DF is no fun when you know what you're doing. 21-06-2018 01:54:24 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: In the latest version we'll be able to conquer nearby sites with our dwarves, so that should be fun. 21-06-2018 01:54:45 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Unless Dev insists on playing 40d ;P 21-06-2018 01:55:08 < MidJag!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: Dev would have us play Slaves to armok. 21-06-2018 01:55:31 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: oh dear 21-06-2018 01:56:10 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: 40d was pretty fun, I spent most of my DF time in 40d. 21-06-2018 01:56:33 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Only played 2d a couple times, way way long ago. 21-06-2018 02:03:18 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: HEY DEV YOU WATCHED MY LITTLE PONY ONCE RIGHT 21-06-2018 02:03:37 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: WHAT DID YOU THINK OF IT? 21-06-2018 02:03:42 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: DEVASTATOR. 21-06-2018 02:16:42 < MidJag!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: Wait, we have logs? 21-06-2018 02:17:00 < MidJag!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: no wait, dev just never logs off. Right. 21-06-2018 02:17:28 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: We do have logs now. Kinda. Long as Paris graces us with them. 21-06-2018 02:17:37 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: https://parisbre56.com:9992/cgi-bin/cgitest.pl?date=1529452800 21-06-2018 02:17:49 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: https://parisbre56.com:9992/cgi-bin/cgitest.pl?date=1529539200 21-06-2018 02:17:52 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: damn 21-06-2018 02:18:15 < MidJag!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: neat 21-06-2018 02:19:54 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: If only we controlled the channel topic, we could put that there everyone can see it. :P 21-06-2018 02:20:34 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: We can't control the channel topic though. 21-06-2018 02:20:54 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: The entire chatroom needs to empty of people first, and we have four perpetually active people. 21-06-2018 02:21:07 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: "active" :P 21-06-2018 02:21:13 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: *joined. Not active. They're basically zombies, 'cept for Dev. 21-06-2018 02:21:33 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Pretty sure we could also get a dicebot if we did that, too... 21-06-2018 02:48:50 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: so much talking in PW discord 21-06-2018 02:49:31 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: and moth pictures 21-06-2018 02:50:59 < MidJag!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: I have a bunch of flies pictures but no moth picutres unfortunetlly 21-06-2018 02:51:05 < MidJag!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: ^fly 21-06-2018 02:51:30 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Hmm. I sometimes take pictures of random bugs that I think look cool. 21-06-2018 02:51:39 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Not sure if any of them are moths 21-06-2018 02:52:51 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Moths are pretty distinctive looking, though? 21-06-2018 02:53:10 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: Ask PW why it's moths and not more interesting bugs. Like spiders. 21-06-2018 02:53:17 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: I mean that I don't remember specificall all the things I have photographed. :P 21-06-2018 03:01:24 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: [11:01 PM] Mr.Bones: Its moths because Sy isn't here to offer ideas while the thing is taking form 21-06-2018 03:01:25 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: [11:01 PM] Mr.Bones: no one to blame but himself~ 21-06-2018 03:01:46 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: SPIDERS 21-06-2018 03:01:51 < syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr: TELL HIM SPIDERS 21-06-2018 03:02:11 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: kay 21-06-2018 03:46:00 -!- syv!syvarris@104.136.rzg.vsr has quit [Quit: Got away safely!] 21-06-2018 04:18:14 -!- syv!syvarris@2001:5b0:2a6c:gugr:sixn:tsgq:mirx:wmlk has joined #einsteinianroulette 21-06-2018 04:19:44 < syv!syvarris@2001:5b0:2a6c:gugr:sixn:tsgq:mirx:wmlk: Y'all're boring 21-06-2018 04:19:45 < MidJag!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fVE8kSM43I 21-06-2018 04:20:09 < syv!syvarris@2001:5b0:2a6c:gugr:sixn:tsgq:mirx:wmlk: Yoller boring? 21-06-2018 04:20:51 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: we're boring? 21-06-2018 04:20:55 < syv!syvarris@2001:5b0:2a6c:gugr:sixn:tsgq:mirx:wmlk: Almost 200 mil views and it's not VEVO, nor have I ever heard of them, huh. 21-06-2018 04:21:23 < MidJag!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: You've never heard of slipknot? Dude, your misssing out. 21-06-2018 04:22:23 < MidJag!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: Though this a better song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5abamRO41fE 21-06-2018 04:22:24 < syv!syvarris@2001:5b0:2a6c:gugr:sixn:tsgq:mirx:wmlk: Kay, kay, lemme go find headphones.. 21-06-2018 04:23:33 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: I guess if I'm being boring, I should ask when Henry makes her inglorious return? 21-06-2018 04:23:46 < MidJag!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: Henry? 21-06-2018 04:24:02 < syv!syvarris@2001:5b0:2a6c:gugr:sixn:tsgq:mirx:wmlk: The Creative. 21-06-2018 04:24:02 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: ...no, Harry 21-06-2018 04:24:08 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: probably 21-06-2018 04:24:10 < syv!syvarris@2001:5b0:2a6c:gugr:sixn:tsgq:mirx:wmlk: Wait, yeah, Harry. 21-06-2018 04:24:20 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: dammit, names! 21-06-2018 04:24:24 < syv!syvarris@2001:5b0:2a6c:gugr:sixn:tsgq:mirx:wmlk: And shit Dev didn't know her class. 21-06-2018 04:24:28 < syv!syvarris@2001:5b0:2a6c:gugr:sixn:tsgq:mirx:wmlk: >.< 21-06-2018 04:24:35 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Heh. 21-06-2018 04:24:41 < MidJag!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: heh 21-06-2018 04:24:46 < syv!syvarris@2001:5b0:2a6c:gugr:sixn:tsgq:mirx:wmlk: I AM TIRED 21-06-2018 04:25:11 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Well I told him that I was wearing a different body now and there's not a lot of powers that'll actually do that. 21-06-2018 04:25:17 -!- syv!syvarris@2001:5b0:2a6c:gugr:sixn:tsgq:mirx:wmlk has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 21-06-2018 04:25:21 -!- syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk has joined #einsteinianroulette 21-06-2018 04:25:37 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: FUCK YOU TWO INTERNET ORBITERS 21-06-2018 04:25:41 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: TOO 21-06-2018 04:25:43 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: GAAAH 21-06-2018 04:25:57 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: [angry syv noises] 21-06-2018 04:26:15 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: [caffeinated sleepless sigh nosies] 21-06-2018 04:26:19 < MidJag!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: I assume that's like standered angry noise just with more small arms fire in the background 21-06-2018 04:26:54 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: Nooo, guns are a happy thing! I've never fired a gun in anger. 21-06-2018 04:27:26 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: I have similar feelings about guns as many people do about affectionate dogs 21-06-2018 04:28:08 < MidJag!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: I bet they are worse at playing fetch though :P 21-06-2018 04:28:39 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: Well, only if you want the thing you're fetching to be in one piece at the end. 21-06-2018 04:28:44 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Well, they're worse at playing "catch and release"... 21-06-2018 04:28:53 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: Dogs are horrible at catching clays, I've seen them try. ;P 21-06-2018 04:29:58 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: But seriously I have weird feelings about guns. Like, when I hear about somebody having never gotten the opportunity to go shooting, I feel as one might feel after hearing that some kid's parents told them they can't have a pet dog. 21-06-2018 04:30:14 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: My brain may be sooomewhat cracked. 21-06-2018 04:30:39 < MidJag!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: heh, I mean it wouldn't be a very good brain if it was smooth. 21-06-2018 05:00:31 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: But yeah. 21-06-2018 05:00:55 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: When does I get to contenue the very interesting journy of Harry the flesh horror 21-06-2018 05:01:25 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: When you, Dev, and myself are all online, and I'm actually conscious. 21-06-2018 05:01:36 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: So Friday at the soonest. 21-06-2018 05:01:47 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Are you currently actually consious? 21-06-2018 05:01:53 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: no 21-06-2018 05:01:54 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: you're so lifelike! 21-06-2018 05:02:07 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: I'm in a weird state that's kinda like it but also different 21-06-2018 05:20:29 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: yo 21-06-2018 05:20:35 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: YOU 21-06-2018 05:20:45 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: MLP. YOU SAW, YES? 21-06-2018 05:20:48 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: OPINION. 21-06-2018 05:20:54 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: No, I haven't. 21-06-2018 05:21:55 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: Huh. 21-06-2018 05:22:26 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: I thought you did. Must've confused you with someone else who has the same weirdly sedate and bored perspective on fandom things. 21-06-2018 05:22:44 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: I have seen bits and pieces of it here and there, but I haven't watched it in any steady way. 21-06-2018 05:22:55 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: I know of a few people who watch it regularly, though. 21-06-2018 05:22:58 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: Opinion anyway? 21-06-2018 05:23:16 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: Seems competent enough if not really interesting. 21-06-2018 05:23:51 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: ...This is the opinion I remember hearing, given in about those words. 21-06-2018 05:26:32 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: Maybe you asked me what I think about it before. 21-06-2018 05:26:39 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: I haven't watched any serious amount of it. 21-06-2018 05:27:12 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: bah prolly. 21-06-2018 05:39:37 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: ponies 21-06-2018 06:11:24 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: so, when you starting a game again MidJag? :p 21-06-2018 06:11:36 < * MidJag!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com cackles 21-06-2018 06:11:39 < MidJag!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: I have no idea 21-06-2018 06:12:39 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: When he has free time, four decades from now, 21-06-2018 06:21:05 < MidJag!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: Just about, This summer is suprisnglly busy. 21-06-2018 06:23:22 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: Humm, Mainpiston I took place in WWII, maybe Mainpiston II will take place in World War III, starting in the late 2020s. 21-06-2018 06:23:55 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: "The War of Hindsight" they'll call it. 21-06-2018 06:24:00 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: nah, Veitnam war mainpiston. :P 21-06-2018 06:24:06 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: :I 21-06-2018 06:24:12 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: That does sound tasty. 21-06-2018 06:24:37 < MidJag!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: I was planning on setting it in the 60's and 70's around 'nam. But a future setting might be fun I will consider it, but no promises. 21-06-2018 06:25:21 < MidJag!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: Though I've got no idea how the hell daemons would affect complicated computers. 21-06-2018 06:25:33 < MidJag!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: So I guess that's a thing to figure out. 21-06-2018 06:25:50 < MidJag!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: Since they had simple ones back in the 60's 21-06-2018 06:25:53 < MidJag!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: and 70's 21-06-2018 06:26:09 < MidJag!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: Though I suppose Dev would know that stuff better than me. 21-06-2018 06:26:42 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Make it so all the islands start falling, so everyone has to live underground to hide from the surface horrors. :P 21-06-2018 06:26:53 < MidJag!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: heh 21-06-2018 06:28:15 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: Nah, no scifi, stick to your base. History's whatcha know, and Mainpiston's more about althistory than alttech. 21-06-2018 06:29:11 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: make a world where people don't understand wheels. you know, for fun. 21-06-2018 06:29:19 < MidJag!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: Mainpiston III might end up being alt history. :P IN SPACEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! 21-06-2018 06:31:12 < MidJag!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: Really Mainpiston is like alt hisotry and a businessman strapping on a flak jacket and grabbing a shotgun for his morning commute against arieal beasts :P 21-06-2018 06:31:13 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: And they still fly between island cities with twin-engine bombers. 21-06-2018 06:31:37 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: Like spelljammer but Nazis. 21-06-2018 06:32:16 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: "Like Spelljammer, but with Nazis instesd of wizards." I like this. 21-06-2018 06:32:21 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: Someone should do this. 21-06-2018 06:33:55 < MidJag!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: Huh, I wonder what woodstock looks like in MP's world....and no I've got to figure out beast mod reactions to drugs. :P 21-06-2018 06:34:00 < MidJag!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: ^and now 21-06-2018 06:36:02 < MidJag!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: Hmm, I suppose there would certainlly be a detoxification mods. Which would make sense. Hmm, 21-06-2018 06:37:39 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: walllcilla sees no reason to be intoxicated, so makes creatures that eliminate toxins autonomously. And implants them in his allies without telling them. 21-06-2018 06:39:02 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: Hmm. Nazijammers. Nazis discovered the secrets of occult magic long ago, and were all driven insane. If you listen to their crazed babbling long enough, you also become a Nazi. They have random dangerous magical effects that appear around them, generally 40K warpy junk. They're also an amazing source of power; strap a Nazi down in the cockpit of a Nazijammer bomber, and their occult power will automatically be drawn in 21-06-2018 06:40:02 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: wow 21-06-2018 06:40:21 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: I can come up with impressively stupid things sometimes. 21-06-2018 06:40:29 < MidJag!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: intresting 21-06-2018 06:40:37 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: who needs magical girls to power the universe when you have nazis 21-06-2018 06:42:22 < MidJag!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: huh, I guess I'll also need to figure out the implications of all the soliders coming home with various beast and daemon mods depening on what they did and if they got injured. 21-06-2018 06:45:33 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: The earth is in the middle of a massive war between the capitalists and communists, who both harness Nazis to create powerful bombs and massive tanks which can only move because the Nazis *thinking* tanks that big can move. Most civilians are being forced to evacuate, with the moon as an important crossing point, but it's a dangerous place because before the Nazis were defeated and scattered, they hollowed the whole thing 21-06-2018 06:47:03 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Does things being powered by nazi orkiness mean that we can have MECHS? 21-06-2018 06:47:35 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: Yes. But they have to look like they came out of Wulfenstein. 21-06-2018 06:47:51 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: If they don't look suitably Nazi-ish then they don't work. 21-06-2018 06:48:03 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Also, having a cold war with nuclear ICBMs literally powered by nazis is funny. :P 21-06-2018 06:48:39 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: The remaining free Nazis have banded together and created a small hidden base on Pluto, which is actually a wad of ice frozen around the severed head of the elder god Heet'la, who they believe their (dead) leader to have been a reincarnation of. They plan to thaw out the entire planet so that their god can eat the solar system and regenerate his body, which they will then live happily upon in a perfect utopian aryan societ 21-06-2018 06:49:14 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: Uhh. 21-06-2018 06:49:20 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: I'm done. 21-06-2018 06:49:28 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: nice, though 21-06-2018 06:50:11 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: a grimdark world where the warmachines look grim and dark because they would literally not work otherwise. 21-06-2018 06:51:56 < MidJag!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: hmmmm, should be interesting. Some resentment to be sure I would expect given some of the instability of the beast upgrades, but then I suppose it's not like everyone would have them. The guys who lost limbs would have them and anyone in a paritcuatlly specialized force would likelly have something. so it would be enough that everyone would know someone but it's not like everyone would have it 21-06-2018 06:53:03 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: Especially if people who lost limbs get them, I'd think beast mods would be a mark of honor. 21-06-2018 06:53:29 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: At least if the citizens are war-positive, which if this is Vietnam... 21-06-2018 06:53:59 < MidJag!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: I'm thinking old veterans from WWII and how that's affecting the national pysche intially 21-06-2018 06:54:07 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: *it aint me starts playing* 21-06-2018 06:54:46 < MidJag!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: but vietnam would definetlly change things 21-06-2018 06:54:54 < MidJag!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: Gonna be a fun setting 21-06-2018 06:55:01 < MidJag!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com: And anyway, good night 21-06-2018 06:55:07 -!- MidJag!midjag@22-080-66-53.dhcp.mntv.al.charter.com has left #einsteinianroulette 21-06-2018 06:55:15 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: That was sudden. 21-06-2018 06:55:40 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Glorious veterans come back from the war with sweet beast mods, everyone wants them. Then a bunch of people get them, and some things explode. Cue beast patriot act. 21-06-2018 06:56:04 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: ...Patriot act? The surveillance one? 21-06-2018 06:56:20 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: back. 21-06-2018 06:56:48 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: You just missed Jaggers. 21-06-2018 06:56:49 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: heya. 21-06-2018 06:57:04 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: Yeah, looks like he had fun. 21-06-2018 06:57:18 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: 'Nam, the sci-fi game. 21-06-2018 06:58:21 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: ...Also, any Nazi-powered vehicles need to have a big, centrally located and often glowing weak spot, which if damaged will explode and consume the entire vehicle. They don't work otherwise. 21-06-2018 06:58:58 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Does the Nazi survive the explosion? 21-06-2018 06:59:10 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: yyyeesss 21-06-2018 06:59:23 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: Only if he's a Nazi Scientist. 21-06-2018 06:59:27 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: Regular Nazis just die. 21-06-2018 06:59:37 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: And he always screams as he falls downward. Or towards Pluto if he's in space. 21-06-2018 07:00:23 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: Pluto has a magnetic effect on Nazis and this is used for navigation, because the magnetic field of Earth has been ravaged by powerful weapons. 21-06-2018 07:00:47 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: The nazis have defined "down" as towards the center of pluto, and thanks to orkiness, that IS where down if now. :p 21-06-2018 07:01:02 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: You can make a semi-reliable handheld compass by rubbing a needle on a Nazi's silk greatcoat five hundred times. 21-06-2018 07:01:35 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: You should tell random that the boat these people are on is like six inches from shore, and Sasha could easily step over. 21-06-2018 07:02:18 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: would it be true? 21-06-2018 07:02:23 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: Naaah, encouraging Random to have Aleksandra take actions would be... not in her interest. 21-06-2018 07:02:54 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: It's also more like several feet from 'shore' by the time she can get to it, though the water's like a foot deep at worst. 21-06-2018 07:03:08 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: Fair enough. 21-06-2018 07:03:18 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: Even if she could get to it, she's a twelve year old, she ain't pulling anyone off. 21-06-2018 07:03:21 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: ..we are probably floating in, in all liklihood. 21-06-2018 07:04:41 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Totally encourage the 12 year old with an ak to go in with you and provide fire support. 21-06-2018 07:04:55 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: nothing immoral about that, nope~ 21-06-2018 07:04:55 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: Yeah.. I don't see that working well. 21-06-2018 07:04:59 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: Small girl, big gun. 21-06-2018 07:05:24 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Hopefully she knows enough to not go full-auto? 21-06-2018 07:05:28 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: Alida has an action to get a human off the boat, would she be hopping back on right after? Otherwise it'll prolly start getting away. 21-06-2018 07:05:48 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: Statistically speaking, she does~ 21-06-2018 07:05:59 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: It wouldn't be the first gun safety check she's failed, though. 21-06-2018 07:06:00 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: Yeah, repeat the process until it'll take magic to get people off. 21-06-2018 07:06:35 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: I mostly want to see if the minion aggros and to see if Sasha can actually hit anything with that gun. 21-06-2018 07:07:50 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: If the first shot kills the enemy, it doesn't matter if the recoil bowls you over! 21-06-2018 07:07:59 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: Of course, if we have to swim in we want that boat. I thought there were steps though. 21-06-2018 07:08:11 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Hopefully mister faceless isn't as strong as mister wires... 21-06-2018 07:08:22 < * Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net grumbles that having to swim while carrying someone is another problem that would be solved by Alida becoming a large werewolf. 21-06-2018 07:08:25 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: Probably stronger. 21-06-2018 07:08:50 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: I never mentioned steps, but the sides of the canal are sloped, smoothly enough that anyone could walk up to the entrance. 21-06-2018 07:09:22 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: ...Also humans float. Just... FYI. 21-06-2018 07:09:38 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: Yeah, but would you count on swimming while carrying a gun without getting the gun soaked? 21-06-2018 07:10:30 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: A mobility 2 magical girl could probably do that without difficulty, and a Mob 3 one could probably run on the water surface. 21-06-2018 07:11:16 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: It's an AK-47, man. 21-06-2018 07:11:16 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: But less than that and it'll get wet. 21-06-2018 07:11:27 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: Gun's aren't made of paper. 21-06-2018 07:11:39 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: Yeah, it isn't going to get wrecked, but I don't think it'll shoot straight for a bit. 21-06-2018 07:12:16 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: Plus canal water might be salt water. 21-06-2018 07:12:26 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: I don't want to fill my gun with salt water. 21-06-2018 07:12:51 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Shake it off, maybe cycle the bolt or whatever. good as new~ 21-06-2018 07:12:55 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: ...Nnnooo, it won't really care. Get the water out of the barrel, action, and mag, you're good. Maybe the first shot will be affected. And it won't be good long term, no. 21-06-2018 07:13:27 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: ok. 21-06-2018 07:13:51 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: Frogmen actually carried normal AKs underwater, before that crazy needlerifle was deisgned. 21-06-2018 07:14:09 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Though, the first shot being affected might be relevent if, you know, said first shot bowls you over. :P 21-06-2018 07:14:43 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Aw yeah, awesome underwater guns 21-06-2018 07:15:18 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: ok. 21-06-2018 07:15:58 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Hmm, time for more Mimicry questions, perhaps? ;P 21-06-2018 07:16:00 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: Eh, true. The recoil really just bowled her over because she'd never fire it before. A twelve year old could totally handle an AK's recoil... though accuracy at anything beyond short range would be nil, she'd flinch *hard*. Hmm. 21-06-2018 07:16:38 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: I'm just going to ignore the fact that I want to make her roll three different stats every time she fires her gun and let every aspect of it be handled by Joy. Because that's fair. 21-06-2018 07:16:49 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: That's what Joy does. 21-06-2018 07:17:00 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: The way I understand it, Mimicry 3 would let me do things like use the plan for a whole human body to add new limbs to myself in different places. Is that true? 21-06-2018 07:17:30 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: Sure. 21-06-2018 07:17:57 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: Make yourself into a human centipede if you want, mimicry allows a ton of freedom. 21-06-2018 07:18:22 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Does that mean that if I have the form of a rifle, I could "add" that rifle to my body somewhere, then detatch it and have a functioning gun seperate from my body? 21-06-2018 07:19:22 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: Strictly speaking no, but that's boring and I would glare at you. 21-06-2018 07:19:43 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: you mean yes? 21-06-2018 07:19:53 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: ...yes. 21-06-2018 07:20:07 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: Boredrom means suffering. 21-06-2018 07:20:26 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: I'm just saying, this could be used as a soul-cheaper version of totem manip. :P 21-06-2018 07:20:42 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Though only really at L3 21-06-2018 07:20:43 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: Except totemmanip gives infinite free totems at L3. 21-06-2018 07:20:48 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: Totem manip is pretty cheap at L3. 21-06-2018 07:20:51 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: Soooo... 21-06-2018 07:21:03 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: What's the cost for a new club at L1 again? 21-06-2018 07:21:19 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Mimicry lets you do chemical stuff without having a misc totem though. 21-06-2018 07:21:40 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: TM at L1 grants new totems at minor cost. I don't think I've ever classed clubs as a particularly small totem, so they'd still be minor. 21-06-2018 07:21:59 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: so more than cheap, then? 21-06-2018 07:22:02 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: It sure does, ER. 21-06-2018 07:22:05 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: Yes. 21-06-2018 07:22:23 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: So, summon actually loaded guns, of all the different kinds that you can stomach the cost in requiring low soul. 21-06-2018 07:22:59 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: And unlike an innocent, you only need to steal ONE gun, and then you're set. :P 21-06-2018 07:23:05 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: Ouch, those clubs are expensive then. I've probably spent much of my soul just on clubs. 21-06-2018 07:23:17 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: Eat C4 w/ detonator. Summon C4 at minor cost, pretend to be a Joy. 21-06-2018 07:24:14 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Convince Dev that I'm totally a Joy and that he shouldn't be looking out for Creative tricks. >.> 21-06-2018 07:24:39 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: You already said you'd have someone else's face next time you show up. 21-06-2018 07:24:46 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: So unelss you skin someone, you're a Cre. 21-06-2018 07:24:54 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: Or had someone change your face for you. 21-06-2018 07:25:15 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Maybe I did some fun Mercy stuff, you dunno. :P 21-06-2018 07:26:26 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: ..can you list the costs for me again? I currently think it goes Cheap -> Minor -> Medium -> Major -> Massive -> Finale, with Finale being about half a full soul gem. 21-06-2018 07:26:54 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: This next part sure would be easier if mind control worked on JW. I got offered two levels in Purity, but that won't work because your will is that of an action hero. 21-06-2018 07:27:02 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: That order is correct, but I don't recall ever specifying how much of a soul gem any of them were? 21-06-2018 07:27:32 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: Also, "moderate" rather than "medium", but they're synonyms so *shrug* 21-06-2018 07:27:40 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: I assumed that Finale was less than half. Maybe closer to a level and a half 21-06-2018 07:27:47 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: Yeah, I'm guessing at Finale. 21-06-2018 07:28:16 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Though nothing proves that all the soul levels are even equal. 21-06-2018 07:28:31 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Or that there's not randomness to cost levels... 21-06-2018 07:28:40 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: O dpm 21-06-2018 07:28:48 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: I don't think there's randomness to cost levels. 21-06-2018 07:28:50 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: Not sure, though. 21-06-2018 07:28:54 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: There's actually a lot of assumptions about how soul works, which I've felt is rather entertaining. 21-06-2018 07:29:16 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: Well, all I'm sure of is that Alida is far too close to empty for comfort. 21-06-2018 07:30:06 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: When I was considering how I might do it, there was the idea of rolling a die every time a cost comes up, and stripping a level off if you roll above a certain number, which is determined by the cost. 21-06-2018 07:30:44 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: so a minor might be like 1/10, while a major is 1/2 and finale is guaranteed. 21-06-2018 07:31:36 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: Hmm, that seems interesting. 21-06-2018 07:31:38 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: Not sure, though. 21-06-2018 07:31:45 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: I will say, Finales ALWAYS cost more than one stage of soul brightness. 21-06-2018 07:31:52 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: Probably too low a cost for big cost items. I think some take more than one stage. 21-06-2018 07:32:27 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Could always make some things take multiple levels with that. 21-06-2018 07:33:10 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: But that system would make it nearly impossible to work out EXACTLY how much things cost, which seems like a syvvy thing. 21-06-2018 07:33:19 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: :) 21-06-2018 07:34:29 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: If I get really angry while casting things, will this have an effect on my soul level? :P 21-06-2018 07:34:35 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: Yes. 21-06-2018 07:35:22 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: I think I updated one of Purity's powers to specifically mention and aork eith that effect... 21-06-2018 07:35:23 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Soul Tendancy, man. 21-06-2018 07:35:35 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: *work sith 21-06-2018 07:35:37 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: EITH 21-06-2018 07:35:41 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: WITH 21-06-2018 07:37:44 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Ah, Incite draws on my own emotion? 21-06-2018 07:37:53 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Not just anger. 21-06-2018 07:38:48 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: Magic works with all emotions, I don't see why you'd be limited to transmitting anger. Unless you just hate everything. 21-06-2018 07:39:11 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: I hate *most* things. Does that count?~ 21-06-2018 07:39:28 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Also: I should have used Prattle on JW, dammit. 21-06-2018 07:40:02 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: If nothing else, L3 drains his soul, which we've seen work on mortals. 21-06-2018 07:40:12 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Or at least, their soul level mattering. 21-06-2018 07:40:49 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: That was waaay back in the testgame though, I've changed a lot of things since then. 21-06-2018 07:40:52 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: ...Is soul level even one-dimensional? 21-06-2018 07:41:30 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Well, magic uses emotion, and we can see emotion, and that include mortal emotions... 21-06-2018 07:42:01 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: Not saying it's wrong. Just saying it's not a 100% guaranteed depiction. 21-06-2018 07:42:30 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Also the white cat says that they offer human contracts because they are already magic, rather than to grant them magic. Which is admittedly not YOUR lore, but I find it relevent. 21-06-2018 07:42:33 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: ;P 21-06-2018 07:43:33 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Oh hey wierd apes that violate thermodynamics. let's get in on that. 21-06-2018 07:43:51 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: Asha used Soothe on a cat, you know. 21-06-2018 07:44:23 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Maybe it's in all earth life and humans are just the most relevent. 21-06-2018 07:44:24 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: I hope she tries to Soothe Aleksandra'sgun or something, that would be a fun scene to write. 21-06-2018 07:44:31 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Magical kittens when. 21-06-2018 07:44:34 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: fuck 21-06-2018 07:44:42 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: that might be what Pumsey is. 21-06-2018 07:45:45 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Isabella claimed to have the same... power to make people magical, I think? 21-06-2018 07:46:14 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: He is a cub, which is what you call a tiger kitten. And considering where he shows up, and the fact that he can talk, implies magic, or at least something indistinguishable from it, is at work. 21-06-2018 07:46:31 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: So, it might not be limited to humans, and the tiger cub might not be different from us. 21-06-2018 07:46:53 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: that should work. 21-06-2018 07:46:56 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: soothing a gun. 21-06-2018 07:47:15 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Leave it to syv to give a gun a soul, eh? ;P 21-06-2018 07:47:29 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Though, it raises the question 21-06-2018 07:47:34 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: Guns have souls, that's why they should have gun rights! End gun slavery, the abuse of innocent firearms has gone on too long! 21-06-2018 07:47:39 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Does anything NOT have a soul? 21-06-2018 07:47:49 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: What would be special about living things? 21-06-2018 07:47:54 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: Pink tiger kittens. 21-06-2018 07:47:59 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: bunnycats. 21-06-2018 07:48:01 < * syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk shrugs 21-06-2018 07:48:33 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: bunnycats are ayy lmaos from outer space. The tiger cub is rather more evidently earthling. 21-06-2018 07:48:43 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: Really? 21-06-2018 07:50:57 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: Power and Pulse when? 21-06-2018 07:51:49 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: when I feeeeeeel like it~ 21-06-2018 07:52:50 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: It should be updated by the time I wake up. -.- 21-06-2018 07:52:55 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: So they are soulless then. 21-06-2018 07:52:58 < syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk: Now, sleep. And night. 21-06-2018 07:53:04 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: damn story-based team PvP is a fuckin weird setup. does the thing that I've made even make sense? 21-06-2018 07:53:18 -!- syv!syvarris@2600:380:9467:pumk:xjsg:psml:uyqk:yyjk has quit [Quit: Got away safely!] 21-06-2018 07:53:21 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: wonder what happens when someone uses soul magic on Pumsy. 21-06-2018 07:53:23 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: Aww. 21-06-2018 08:42:37 -!- ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 21-06-2018 19:15:01 -!- ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com has joined #einsteinianroulette 21-06-2018 19:19:28 -!- Radio_Controlled!Mibbit@096.69-380-95.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be has joined #einsteinianroulette 21-06-2018 19:19:47 < Radio_Controlled!Mibbit@096.69-380-95.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be: Good evening you poor dogs in a world of sand. 21-06-2018 19:26:30 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: gud eggernog 21-06-2018 19:29:19 < Radio_Controlled!Mibbit@096.69-380-95.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be: Eggnog? Never had it. 21-06-2018 19:29:38 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: eggnog? what that 21-06-2018 19:29:46 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: is it liker aggernogs? 21-06-2018 19:31:27 < Radio_Controlled!Mibbit@096.69-380-95.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be: They sound sort of similar, so must be. 21-06-2018 19:37:04 < Radio_Controlled!Mibbit@096.69-380-95.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be: So, you gonna moth huh? 21-06-2018 19:39:14 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: gunsmith/bookworm/diver moth, because that's not too many specializations at all! :D 21-06-2018 19:40:35 < Radio_Controlled!Mibbit@096.69-380-95.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be: No way that can go wrong at all. 21-06-2018 19:40:45 < Radio_Controlled!Mibbit@096.69-380-95.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be: None at all! 21-06-2018 19:44:23 < Radio_Controlled!Mibbit@096.69-380-95.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be: Maybe add swashbuckling to that list while you're at it. 21-06-2018 19:45:17 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: it belongs in a museum 21-06-2018 19:45:31 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: by which I mean it belongs in my personal lore crate 21-06-2018 19:45:35 < Radio_Controlled!Mibbit@096.69-380-95.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be: -My- museum. 21-06-2018 19:52:21 < Radio_Controlled!Mibbit@096.69-380-95.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be: So I take it you'll be buying a black book then? 21-06-2018 19:53:05 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: Depends. I haven't made the character yet, I dunno how much money I'll have. 21-06-2018 19:53:29 < ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com: I'll probably grab at least a reproduction for my book pile if I turn out to be poor. 21-06-2018 19:53:43 < Radio_Controlled!Mibbit@096.69-380-95.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be: Yeah, the random money makes planning a bit more difficult. 21-06-2018 20:08:25 -!- ER!ER@33-305-828-39.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 21-06-2018 20:14:29 < Radio_Controlled!Mibbit@096.69-380-95.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be: I take you'll be playing as an abomination, Devastator? :p 21-06-2018 21:53:52 -!- AoshimaMichio!sirlancelo@ljmekp.muut.paitsi.mina.huijaa.net has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 21-06-2018 22:00:37 -!- AoshimaMichio!sirlancelo@ljmekp.muut.paitsi.mina.huijaa.net has joined #einsteinianroulette 21-06-2018 22:07:37 -!- Radio_Controlled!Mibbit@096.69-380-95.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be has quit [Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client] 21-06-2018 23:31:05 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: hmm? 21-06-2018 23:31:08 < Devastator!chatzilla@lrqq-8g6kf0dq9nvl0g3cqhkmasjy9.ipv2.telus.net: Not ER's aboms.